EVERY DAY! no, actually, I haven't
Have you ever been called a nerd by your teachers? like every frickin' day? lol
One time I spent 9 days in the hospital. Ghey...
Have you ever had sex in public.
EVERY DAY! no, actually, I haven't
Have you ever been called a nerd by your teachers? like every frickin' day? lol
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
No but a teacher did throw a chair at me once.
Have you ever been to Dubia?
Unleash the MONSTER inside!
Dubia? Nahhhh. But if it's really pretty there, I would want to.
Have you ever caught your toe in the door?
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
In the door? I don't think so I have stubbed it against a door but like smashing it in a door no. (I would say Dubia is worth a visit they have alot of money and like to show it.)
Have you ever set around and watched people get sprayed in the face with pepper spray just because it makes you glad you don't have to get sprayed in the face with it?
Unleash the MONSTER inside!
I've kinda seen that, but replace pepper spray with tazer/ stun gun lol
Have you ever been in a Spoon Duel? (like fencing but with spoons, not spooning with a lover aggresively)
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
Thats close enough the joy is still the same.
I have been hit with a spoon come to think of it I have been hit alot with alot of different spoons (some parents just find a weapon they enjoy and keep going back to it I guess) However, I don't believe I have ever been in a spoon duel. That would be rather neat to watch though.
Have you ever seen a flying fish? (Not one that has become airborne due to people throwing them or being propeled by outside forces just a fish that can fly well thats what they call it. The fish doesn't really fly all that much more of a glide, kind got a little to into this question huh?) Any ways flying fish seen one?
Unleash the MONSTER inside!
Have you ever had sex in public
Can't say I have lol
Have you ever lied about not being a Virgin?
~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*
-98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
In person nope, but there was this one time when I was 13 in an AOL chat room, I pretended to be 18 with a son. I was actually pretty popular too
Have you ever been in a relationship online through a chat room?
~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*
-98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.
Yes. Yes I have.
I never ends well.
Have you ever chugged hot coffee?
-My Tee Eff Eff Family-
Unknown Entity, My recipe trading, PS3 playing cousin.
And then just like that i'm gone again.
I think I may have tried to by accident once, scalded my throat. Good feeling.
Have you ever made defecation soup?
If you mean diarrhea, yes many times. Bowl coaters, jetstreams, like shooting a super soaker. Once I ate a bad fish and shat 13 times in 5 hours.
Have you ever fallen asleep in a bus and miss your stop?
have u ever thought about setting a car on fire while someones in it
have you ever stalked a random guy in a department store and waited in the next stall while he used the bathroom........then stalked him to the register.
I have
( just so you know im a girl)
The cake is a lie!!!!!
Yes, by my budgie. Fortunately only on my hand and not on my head. That would've been quite... disgusting, somehow. ^^"
Have you ever been proud of something you wrote? (Like a story, journal, post in a forum, whatsoever)
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
Yeah i wrote a story just for entertainment i'm ashamed of it now but once upon a time i felt pretty good about it.
Ever fell into a car when you got drunk? (not into as in the door was open and you were supposed to be in it. As in BAM!!)
CPC8... Makin' it happen
Originally Posted by Ruin
Typo's change everything ^Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
Last edited by Rowan; 03-10-2011 at 06:20 PM.
I haven't been drunk...mainly becuase I am not one of those people.
Have you ever went up to someone, place a hand on their shoulder, and said hi along with your friend's name? (I have....I was in six grade and thought that the person was a friend of mine, becuase she looked exactly like my friend.)
"All I did was watch, I didn't even try to stop her...that was my sin and this...this is my punishment." -Vincent Valentine, FF7: Dirge of Cerberus-
Have you ever?
Walked into a telephone poll while walking because you got distracted by a beautiful girl on the other side of the road. I did....and it didn't impress the girl![]()
"I may save the world, but you'll never know why"
My TFF Family
Judge Magister Brother in Arms: To give peace to the world and look cool doing it
Firefly: Baby cousin To spread joy to all who read the forums
The_Dream_Recluse: Witty brother with a sweet sword
Bailiax: My star stealing sister who lives in the beautiful deep sea.
Chocobo_Lover 17- Sister who is breeding my army of chocobos
Lion Heart: Gunblade hero under our hero clan
sorta it wasnt for a girl (mainley cause im a girl) it was for one of my best guy friends showwing me hiss new backpack as we were walking next the the basketball court and he shoved it into my face and as he pulled away i ran into a basketball goal -_- and once tying to pick a flower i was walking at school and i couldnt stop so i reached over grabed it and spuun around right into the pole
Have you ever sleppt with a stuffed animal or sucked ur thumb after ur 13th birthday
❒ Single
❒ Taken
✓ Mentally dating Ventus from Birth by Sleep
Ventus Scenes That Made Me Cry:
Ventus: I may have to fight Vanitas after all... If I do guys, i want you to-
Terra: The 3 of us can never be torn apart, alright... I'll always find a way..
Ventus: I'm asking you... as a friend... just... put an end to me
Vanitas: Join me, and together we can make the x-blade
Ventus: I Have a better idea, how about i destroy you both?!
Vanitas: Hahahah The X-blade is made of your heart to idiot, if you destroy it, your heart will vanish forever
Ventus: Whatever it takes, anything to save Terra and Aqua
Yes about the stuffed animal, and no about thumb-sucking. In fact, I still sleep with a plush cow. The stuffed animal thing has beneficial effects.
You see, a stuffed animal absorbs and keeps body heat longer than sheet and blankets do. If you want to stay warm in bed, a stuffed animal next to you helps more than sleeping by yourself. Of course there are alternatives to the stuffed animal, namely another person.
Now the question. Have you ever walked into the opposite gender's restroom at a public place (restaurant, movie theatre, etc.)?
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):
yes and she got fired from it... she was abbusive so i brought in a camera she pulled a studentout of the classroom and through a marker at my friend soo i gave the tape 2 my pricepal and she got fired
have u ever ... done something so embarresing uve wanted 2 stay home for months... iff so what
❒ Single
❒ Taken
✓ Mentally dating Ventus from Birth by Sleep
Ventus Scenes That Made Me Cry:
Ventus: I may have to fight Vanitas after all... If I do guys, i want you to-
Terra: The 3 of us can never be torn apart, alright... I'll always find a way..
Ventus: I'm asking you... as a friend... just... put an end to me
Vanitas: Join me, and together we can make the x-blade
Ventus: I Have a better idea, how about i destroy you both?!
Vanitas: Hahahah The X-blade is made of your heart to idiot, if you destroy it, your heart will vanish forever
Ventus: Whatever it takes, anything to save Terra and Aqua
In Grade 9, i was at school and my pants ripped while in drama class. Aside from being highly embarrassing, i didn't actually realise at the time and we were all lying on the ground (bellydown). So basically, i ended up getting told by a classmate that there was a hole in my pants and yeah - it wasn't just a hole, it was a F**KING crater. My friend could fit his whole head and his wide brim hat into the hole. That's how big it was. What made it more awkward was that when i first turned around, my drama teacher had been staring at me and then she turned away and blushed.
And here's the punchline - she ended up getting caught for having sex with a 17 year old student and was forced to leave. No joke. I miss my high school adventures
Now for my question - Have you ever had feelings for your friend's partner/ex and acted on them?
Spoiler: My TFF Family:
My TFF girlfriend who hearts root beer - Chocobo_Lover 17
My brother of honourable justice - Judge Magistrate
My Canadian sister who travels the skies- R.Kyra
My nameless brother of legend - Hero without a Name
My brother, the Gunblade master - Lion Heart
My supernatural sister of mysterious intrigue - belleZ
Now for my question - Have you ever had feelings for your friend's partner/ex and acted on them?
Yes and no....there was this one girl that was dating my friend and they were really into each other and she would always ask me questions about him and stuff...I'll be honest I had feelings for her and part of me wanted me to just grab her and go.
Long story short, they broke up. Why? Because she actually cheated with another friend, now ex-friend so I stayed clear of the trainwreck. So not matter how hot you are, you don't cheat on someone.
Have you ever......played final fantasy and gotten so angry you wanted to throw the controller through the screen (need to know which ff and why)
"I may save the world, but you'll never know why"
My TFF Family
Judge Magister Brother in Arms: To give peace to the world and look cool doing it
Firefly: Baby cousin To spread joy to all who read the forums
The_Dream_Recluse: Witty brother with a sweet sword
Bailiax: My star stealing sister who lives in the beautiful deep sea.
Chocobo_Lover 17- Sister who is breeding my army of chocobos
Lion Heart: Gunblade hero under our hero clan
That sucks man, cheating isn't cool. I suppose that's a reflection of the world we live inAt least you didn't get hurt.
In regards to your question, i got mad whenand i remember wanting to absolutely destroy him with every fiber of my being. In the end tho, i just took it out on Jenova.
Spoiler: Aeris got murdered by Sephiroth (FFVII)
Have you ever - walked around in public and noticed that you have an unsightly stain on your pants?
Spoiler: My TFF Family:
My TFF girlfriend who hearts root beer - Chocobo_Lover 17
My brother of honourable justice - Judge Magistrate
My Canadian sister who travels the skies- R.Kyra
My nameless brother of legend - Hero without a Name
My brother, the Gunblade master - Lion Heart
My supernatural sister of mysterious intrigue - belleZ