My Seymour obsessive mother: Al-Bhed Psycho
My Dad: ???
My Kick butt bro who makes sigs, existingdark
My Hyperactive Bro with a huge Bleach adiction: Kurusaki Ichigo
My calm brother who never stops watching BLEACH, prodigy
My Bro who is awesome at RPing: zell dincht0808
My Wicked-ass ninja half-brother: Kinjozu Hyuza
My Hardcore, Machine-Gunning Brother: Stevie_Boy
My kickass bro: Flash041891
My Sports addicted Bro: Fishie
My Evil Uncle from Hell: Zeke Asakura
My Mad Sorceress Sister: Kawaii Shoujo
My God-General Asch obsessed sister who's almost always watching BLEACH, Xiem
My God-General Asch obsessed brother who's almost always watching BLEACH, shadowtheif
My Easily Slain cousin- Wyatt Arkham
My brother who likes FFVIII and is really cool, Shadowknight241
My Crazy Cousin: FFX-FFX2Aholic
My Senile, porn obsessed Hobo Grandpa: Sourbreak
My adopted under the table hippie candy dealer: Maxpower
My Shapeshifting pet: TheNinjaCucco