Banned because I can't get any credit for these short posts!
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Banned because I can't get any credit for these short posts!
Banned for making me help you reach 1,000 posts unknowingly.
Banned for helping Fate reach 1000 posts unknowingly!
Banned for not telling me!
Banne for not knowing better!
Banned for giving my fingers cramps...OWWWW!!!!!
Banned for... for... for... you're just banned, okay!?
FINE!! I'm banned, happy now?!?!?!?!?!!?
not. Banned for making me hit the caps lock button.
You're banned for allowing me to make you hit the CAPS lock button.
banned for giving me reason to throw my computer out the window.
Banned for using extreme measures.
banned for making me switch to my laptop.
Banned for HAVING a laptop.
ACK!! Banned for making me miss "The Daily Show"!:blowtop:
Haha! You're banned for allowing me to make you miss The Daily Show!
banned for probably making me miss " The Colbert Report" too..*sigh*
Banned for allowing me to make you miss The Colbert Report, too.
Banned for mocking people.
Banned for caring that I mock people!
banned because you're going to make me miss Futurama and I REFUSE to let that happen! I'll talk to you guys in a half-hour...:ohno:
Banned for... no, I'm banning Fate because you're watching Futurama and need your "me time."
Banned for using such a ridiculous reason -___-
banned cause your lvl is 14 !
Banned for the abuse of Weebl's "Badger Badger" Badgers
Banned because I want to ban people!
banned 4 inviting me to your family (tnx!)
Big no no, you are banned for thanking someone while banning. Niceness is not allowed per subarticle 34533.6742.B2 of the Banners Handbook.
banned for knowing EVERY SINGLE RULE with a banning handbook
Banned for not knowing the offical rules and posting in here.
Banned for banning each other xD (arnt I a genous?? Lol.)