Banned, simple enough. No reason required besides you are Thief which is reason enough.
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Banned, simple enough. No reason required besides you are Thief which is reason enough.
^ Banned for stuffing kitties into boxes =u.u=
banned for being against kitty stuffing!
Banned for being the 13th KeyBlader
^ Banned for having Squalls surname x3
Banned for making people bite you OAO
banned for wanting eyes on you.
^ Banned for having 69 posts! x3
Banned for being under Level 15.
Banned for having less than 675 posts!
You're banned because on January 11, 1863, General John McClernand and Admiral David Dixon Porter captured the Arkansas River for the Union.
You're banned because on March of 1995, tri-Ace was first formed.
You're banned because on October 3, 2008, merely 14 days after January 11, 1863, George W. Bush signed the revised Emergency Economic Stabilization Act into law, creating a 700 billion dollar Treasury fund to purchase failing bank assets.
Banned because on November 23, 2007, " boating accident claims the lives of several contestants in the 2007 Cambodia Tonle Sap competition, including Reuben Kee."
You're banned for liking Rush Limbaugh.
You're banned for hating Mars ans Murrie!
You're banned because your galaxy is named after Baby Ruth.
You're banned because your planet sucks like hell!
Your banned because you are such an avid poster!
You're banned for being such a novice poster!
You're banned for pointed out my novice nature in terms of posting!
You're banned for being worse than posting than me when you registered about a whole year before me. Actually, I think we're both on par with each other, which means: we both suck!:P
You're banned for... for... actually, I don't have a legitiment reason to ban you, but I'll do it anyway! Haha!
You're banned because your reason for banning me is illegitimate!
Well, you're banned for posting so damn quickly! Slow down, man!
You're banned for posting even quicker than me!
You're banned for making me post so quickly to keep up with both you AND Keyblader!
You're banned because I've gotten about 30 posts in that forum in thirty minutes!
Banned for ignoring this thread while being beaten by my posts!!!
Banned for making me have over 1000 posts in one forum! Seriously, though, I went up so fast today!