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Thread: TFF REVO 2K9: Factions Resurrection!

  1. #1
    Synthesized Ascension TFF REVO 2K9: Factions Resurrection! Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    TFF REVO 2K9: Factions Resurrection!

    Though it is not open yet, I would like to announce that there shall be a resurrection of Factions! For those who are unfamiliar with Factions, let me explain.

    Factions are a group of online role-playing clans created here in TFF that will interact with each other within a open and free TFF World. Basically, take the concept of MMORPGs with people forming clans and you'll have an understanding of what it's like, except everything is based on role-playing and there's no 3D graphics. In this case, Factions is a great source for character development, friendship through bonds, teamwork, and blowing s*** up! Above all, it's a great place to write and improve yourself.

    One other thing I'd like to talk about is my realization of how important Factions/Clans are to role-playing sites. Truly, no RP site can survive without them, period. Factions are the lungs that breed activity, motivation, and a greater ability to interact with people you normally wouldn't talk to. Furthermore, Factions are the ONE thing that holds ALL of it together because of such activity.

    Lastly, I would like to mention, yes, parts of Factions aren't for the faint of heart. A lot of things that happen between Factions can cause great conflict and drama that can affect people emotionally. I want to stress, however, that by no means will THESE Factions be exclusive to the little people. I'm talking about newbs and young writers who have only just begun to role-play and may feel intimidated by the big dogs and the epic attitude that comes from such emotional descriptive writing.

    So for all the young writers and young role-players out there who are reading this, do not be afraid to step up nor think this is a place where everything must be epic and everyone must write tons of long paragraphs to be accepted. Factions is not just a place for great stories. It's a place for everyone to grow and nourish our imaginations. Whether it's something funny or serious, know that all is accepted here.

    Anyway, for anyone who wants to check it out, go to the Factions IC (link) forum and read around. Things are only just beginning, so get a good look at the core of what will be a legacy for TFF.

    It's time to start a bleeping revolution.

  2. #2
    Boredness rules us all TFF REVO 2K9: Factions Resurrection! Midnight Panda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    In a house
    yeah! this is going to be totally awesome! kudos to who's ever idea it was! yeah!!! woo!!! Let's start a bleeping revolution (sorry for taking that but its just soo cool) omg i cant wait!!!
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


  3. #3
    Synthesized Ascension TFF REVO 2K9: Factions Resurrection! Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Update: Everything is practically in place now. There are only a few things I have let to do and also I am waiting because there are various people preparing and putting together their own factions. Once I have confirmation that they are finished preparing, that's when Factions will finally be open! I suspect no more than one or two weeks to pass before the grand opening.

    The light of the revolution is peeking through the cracks.

  4. #4
    Boredness rules us all TFF REVO 2K9: Factions Resurrection! Midnight Panda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    In a house
    awesome! oh hey, will the factions have their own link at the top of the toolbar for easy maneuvering? and pm me the requirements to start a faction.
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


  5. #5
    Synthesized Ascension TFF REVO 2K9: Factions Resurrection! Zardoch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Alright, I'm not gonna let things slow down. Everyone who is putting together a faction or building a character (Don't forget to be IN a faction before posting your character), go ahead and post the required information in the Factions OOC/Mainframe forums. They will also act as the official starting points of your factions.

    EDIT: I'd also like to mention a new addition that is important for everyone to read about. Here's an exert from the 'Faction Registration' thread.

    [NOTE]: 'Faction Type' is basically whether or not your faction is combat oriented or peacekeepers and the like. Here's a list of types:
    -Organized Crime
    -Combat (oriented)
    -Non-Combatant (Not based on combat)
    -Hobbyist (Hobby oriented)
    -Heroic (Protect innocents and tote the heroes' philosophy)

    One final note. Everyone who registers a faction is eligible for their own subforum where they can secretly speak with each other and talk about strategies. You must ask Andromeda to get one after you have registered and been approved. If you don't want a subforum of your own or are not really a faction based on secrets or combat, you can make a social group or a thread in the Club forum.
    Roll out, autobots.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 08-21-2009 at 10:04 PM.

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