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Thread: New Forum added and New Feature

  1. #1
    Magically Delicous New Forum added and New Feature Merlin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    New Forum added and New Feature

    I have added a Forum Suggestions, Feedback, and Bug Report forum which is located HERE. The forum comes with a Answer System to allow the staff to handle issues easier and to allow users to know when the staff has addressed their suggestions, feedback, etc. For a full description go HERE.

    NOTE: All of your 'How Do I' questions still go in the 'How Do I' forum. Don't post them in the Suggestions and Feedback forum, since obviously it isn't. Thanks
    Last edited by Merlin; 11-11-2008 at 03:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Sailing the Grand Line
    Hey nice addon Merlin. I would presume this Answer system will only work on that particular forum, right? I was just going to say this might be useful not only for How Do I topics but Gaming topics where someone needs help on a certain part of the game.

  3. #3
    Magically Delicous New Forum added and New Feature Merlin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    You can add it to any forum through the forum control. It isn't thread specific though. It will affect every thread in that forum, including stickies. I might modify it so stickies are exempt, since the first post "is" the answer. If you want to add it to some other forum, be my guest. I am only keeping tabs on these two. The rest will be under the staff's discretion. ^_^

    The stats on the two forums are "healthy" stats... since they indicate people who are actually helping out their fellow members. Don't waste your time spamming bullshit answers... since it obviously wouldn't get chosen as the best and you could be violating the rules. Oh and BTW: If I see people selecting stupid answers as the best, I'll take away the topic-creator's ability to select one. Use it correctly...

    For bug reports, the "answer" is basically one of the Admins fixing the problem and posting that we did. The topic would then be closed. It's a pretty straightforward addition.

    I like it since it makes it easier for me to see what topics I should look at and ones that someone already took care of. Less downtime is obviously a plus.
    Last edited by Merlin; 11-11-2008 at 07:37 PM.


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