I have not only altered some of the values necessary for various titles (and added a new lower-level title), but I have also changed some of the phrases which they stand for. I believe these are fitting of their respective rep values, but if anyone has any real complaints or suggestions, feel free to share them. I lowered many of the values to make it easier to attain higher statuses.

Sarcastic/spammy posts will be ignored, so if you have any suggestions, please be serious about them. ^_^;;

(edit: everything has just changed to a Square-Enix theme)

For the curious, here is the current Reputation Title listing:

Less than -200: User has become a Heartless  - (lv -5)
-200 to -101:   User is naughtier than Seymour - (lv -4)
-100 to -51:    User is more corrupt than SOLDIER - (lv -3)
-50 to -11:     User betrayed the Returners - (lv -2)
-10 to -1:      User is a spoony bard - (lv -1)
0 to 10:        User is a n00b - (lv 0)
11 to 49:       User has levelled up - (lv 1)
50 to 99:       User takes classes from Quistis - (lv 2)
100 to 174:     User has teamed up with Cloud - (lv 3)
175 to 249:     User sips tea with Black Mage - (lv 4)
250 to 374:     User jumps rope with Freya - (lv 5)
375 to 499:     User travels time with Crono - (lv 6)
500 to 649:     User successfully stole from Locke - (lv 7)
650 to 799:     User has summoned Bahamut - (lv 8)
800 to 999:     User has gathered the Crystals - (lv 9)
1000 or more:   User has mastered Ultima - (lv 10)

edit, 10 May 2006:
I have just made a couple more changes to the user reputation system. Now, instead of having to rep 20 other users before you can rep the same person again, you only have to rep 15. I know it's still a fairly large number, but I think it's more appropriate than 20, and still high enough to prevent rep-whoring.

I have also altered the display settings so that you can see the last TEN comments left for you, rather than the last five. I kept getting questions about that, so I figured I would go ahead and do it. I won't set the number any higher than that, though.


If you don't have 200 posts, it doesn't matter how high your reputation is -- you won't be able to actually affect anyone's points. Conversely, if your reputation is below 10, you also cannot affect anyone's points, regardless of how long you've been here or what your power is. Yes, you do receive one point every X days, every X posts, and a couple other variables. I don't necessarily know that publicizing the full workings of the system is bright, as it may encourage more spam... but they're very high numbers, just know that.