View Poll Results: Which Comic Film do you Prefer

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  • X-Men 3

    6 42.86%
  • Spiderman 3

    8 57.14%
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Thread: X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3

  1. #1
    Registered User X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3 Locke4God's Avatar
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    X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3

    Now we've got 2 movies that were in general frowned upon, but which one would you keep if you had to pick one to watch?

    I personally go with X3. I don't know how many of you are with me on this, but if you rewatch it, esspecially if you see it right after watching parts 1 & 2, it actually fits in pretty well, and I don't find any gigantic glaring acting or directing problems. Is it the best of the series? Probably not, but I think it's much better than the stereotype surrounding it. But what do you think?

  2. #2
    Registered User X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3
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    I enjoyed both these movies. I have my complaints but I also have my praises:

    I would have liked to have seen more Venom and less weird singing/dance numbers in Spiderman 3. There needed to be more focus on one (or maybe two) storylines at a time, but this movie had some sort of ADD where the plot was sometimes all over the place. I thought that having 3 villains was a tad excessive, especially when there isn't enough development for any of them (Well, maybe Harry had development, but he had two other movies to do it in).

    I loved Topher Grace in Spiderman 3. It's so different seeing him in this role, when I best know him as Eric Foreman in That 70's show. I liked seeing his transformation into Venom. You could really see how painful it was to be bonded with the symbiote, at least that's what I think.

    As for X3, I thought it was good, but imo the second film was better. My main complaint about the X-Men movies as a whole is that there is a lot of focus on Logan (Wolverine). He's an awesome character, but I wanted to see more of my favorites from when I watched X-Men the Animated Series. When my favorites do make an appearance, it's usually not very long.

    One thing I really enjoyed in X3 was Jean Grey's actress. I think she did a great job portraying both personalities of Jean Grey and Phoenix. I wish that more of her power was explored, but given the time alotted for most movies I think that it did a decent job.
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  3. #3
    I will finish the hunt X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3 Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I hate to be so short with this, but it was truely a very easy choice. X-men 3. I LOVED it. I left so much to be imagine without taking anything from the movie. Plus the red head was freakin' smokin', and I love Wolverine.

    Spiderman has never been able to entertain me. Blase' is the word that comes to mind. I am sure there are plenty of people who love the movies, but I am just not one of them.
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  4. #4
    Master of the Shadow Key X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3 KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    I preferred Spider-man 3, but they were both horrible. Allow me to explain:

    X-MEN 3
    • Too much Wolverine
    • You don't kill the leader of the X-men (Cyclops) at the beginning of the fricken movie!!
    • Angel was a complete waste of time
    • Beast was pointless
    • Potentially cool characters (Psylocke) were wasted
    • Juggernaut's backstory was completely ignored in favor of a "mindless-grunt" approach
    • Too much focus on stupid Iceman/Shadowcat
    • Phoenix was handled a little poorly

    Now for Spidey

    • lackluster interaction between Peter and Mary Jane
    • Eddie was a wimp
    • New Goblin wasn't engrossing to me
    • That thing they called Venom was an insult to the real 6 feet tall, muscled, deep-voiced, 12 inch tongue Venom
    • They completely retconned the way Uncle Ben died, making it seem like an "accident" (bleh)
    • Emo dancin'

    At least they tried to keep some sense of coherence to Spidey, even if it butchred one of Spidey's biggest foes while they REALLY messed up X3. All in all, they were both bad, yet I still have hope in the Spider-man films.
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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3 Xanatos's Avatar
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    I like X-man and Spiderman franchise but to be honest both of these movies have disappointed me, I'll go with Spiderman but only because I'm more a Spiderman fan.

    Spiderman 3
    Negative Things: First of all they ruined my favorite comic villain Venom, Topher Grace is an excellent actor and surprisingly he did better than I expected but I must say that he's not Venom material. Not only that but it seems to me that Venom only played a small part in this movie, his look and behavior was far from the comic Venom that we all know. Story was focused way to much on Peter Parker's love life and because of it some parts such as action were done pretty unorganized if you ask me.

    Positive Things: I'm always impressed with the cast in Spiderman, most of them are excellent, I mean Topher Grace really surprised me in a positive way. Sam Raimi brings almost always some new ideas , good ideas but he's still fateful to the original comics which is a good thing. I still think that the story could have been better but when I think about it, Raimi did a decent job, I mean with all those villains especially such as Venom and Sandman he made a decent story within a limit of 3 hours.

    X-Man 3
    Negative Things: First of all I was disappointed to see that X-Man ends with this movie and maybe because of it I had the felling that the story was rushed way too quick. And the story itself wasn't the best, it had it's moments but unfortunately I didn't like it too much. I thought that the end battle will be more epic but it was far from it, they took out Magneto way too easy.

    Positive Things: Except excellent actors I was impressed to see such variety of villains and heroes, some parts of the story have pleasantly surprised me and the music was good.

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  6. #6
    Registered User X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3 Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Keyblader - I think you're being a little hard on X3. I didn't find Gene's or Juggernaught's characters to be bad, although I give you that I could have used a little more on both counts. And quite honestly after rewatching it, I thought the death of Cyclops fit in quite nicely. It was a little shocking the first time, but it made sense, and really, you never saw him afterwards so he could have been spared. And I didn't think Beast was pointless at all. I thought his role was fantastic. Angel agreed was a little thin, but I wouldn't be too hard on that, because you have to look at in the way that his roll could be greatly expanded in any potential future film or spinoff and this was more of an introduction. Could it have been better? Sure, but it wasn't aweful. Yes there was a lot of Logan. Ehhhhhhh, I mean if you don't like him then I agree, but I think he's cool.

  7. #7
    Master of the Shadow Key X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3 KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    @Locke- Well, I'll concede that Jean and Beast did fill their role appropriately now that I have had time to think on it, but I cannot accept what they did Juggernaut. I'm not sure if you've read the comics as much as I did, but Juggernaut was vastly a much more complex character. Not only is he Xavier's brother, but he is a hugely conflicted character, which the movie did nothing to show. It would have been a better idea to include another C-list mutant like Multiple Man to fill Juggernaut's role and save him for another movie.

    Now onto Angel and Cyclops. Angel had so much potential to be built into an important character for use in a sequel (*cough* Archangel *cough*) but the movie squandered him. As for Cyclop's, well, if there was an ABSOLUTE need for him to be killed off it should have been at the end battle, where he could've walked up to Jean instead of Wolverine and shoot her.

    Finally, what really made me angry the most was the waste of so many characters. Angel and Juggernaut were not given there proper chance to shine and other characters like Colossus and Pyro were reduced to background characters. I reiterate what I said in my first post. There was too much time spent on the weak Iceman/Rouge/Shadowcat love triangle, when they could've spent a little bit more time on making sure other characters can have the limelight.
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  8. #8
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    KeybladerIII-When you say "emo dancing," I assume you refer to the scene where Peter Parker is walking down the street, checking out women. I know a lot of people hated this scene, but I thought it was hilarious.

    I've only seen Spider-Man 3 once, and at the time, I really enjoyed it. It had the same now nostalgic feeling that the first two movies had when I watched those. I agree that it had too much going on to focus on most of it properly-particularly Venom. However, it might be worth noting that Sam Raimi doesn't like the character, and even went so far as to say that Venom would never appear in the movies while he was directing (I've heard) so maybe the studio forced him to put that in there. While the villains in this movie definitely weren't given the same time and detail as the ones in the first two movies-and I can't blame Venom fans for being upset-Peter Parker was definitely given enough focus. Particularly in dealing with his symbiote suit. Unlike X-Men 3, Spider-Man 3 is primarily about one character.

    X-Men 3, at an hour and forty minutes, felt very rushed. Particularly given that the first movie was around two hours, and the second was like two and a half, I felt a little let down by a much shorter movie. And even though it was given a shorter amount of time to tell its story than the other two movies... the studio didn't seem to realize this, as they tried to fit something much bigger into a smaller amount of time. Many characters weren't done proper justice with their appearances in this movie, including characters that had been in the past movies. There probably was too much focus on Wolverine, again, as there was in the first two movies, and it was a bit shitty to make Scott disappear at the beginning of the movie. And the treatment of Psylocke in particular is pretty notable, as I think she was a fan favorite, and not only is she given a minor villainess roll, she's also killed off to no fanfair towards the end. However, I thought Beast was perfectly casted; Kelsey Grammer is awesome in this role. Hope we get to see him again in future movies.

    On the whole, I think I prefer Spider-Man 3 over X-Men 3. If for any reason, probably because Spider-Man 3 felt less rushed. It still had too much going on, but it was less rushed. And it probably helps that I don't know as much about the Spider-Man comic book universe, too. (I have to admit, really, the biggest thing at the time that pissed me off about X-3 was no Gambit...) Anyhoo...

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  9. #9
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I thought both movies where horribly cast for the most part. There are a few exceptions to this though.

    X-men: good protrayals:

    Hugh Jackmen makes a hell of a Wolverine.
    Famke Janssen did a good job as Gene Grey
    Pat did a good job at Profes. X.
    Ian made one hell of a Magneto
    and for what it is worth blue never looked so hot as Rebeccas portreyal of Mystique

    Now for the down side of the X-men cast.
    James Marsden should be shot for even attempting the role of Cyclops, he made him into a major ***** and even when he wasn't crying and attempted to be a bad *** he still came across as a *****. Thank god he died at the begining of X3 I don't think I could take any more from him.
    Bobby Drake, Rouge, Pyro, Jubilee, God this list could go on forever, all sucked in their protrayals. There is no better word for their roles they where writen, sucks, there I said it again.

    Now on to Spiderman and I am going to limit this list to the good and the bad because I am getting lazy.

    Harry Osborn

    Everyone else. Grace was a ddiscrace of a Venom. Flint was good for the most part but I found him very one sided.

    Ok I will stop derailing now and actually head into the discussion at hand.

    I would say I perfer to watch X-men 3 more. Mainly for the fact that the whole story is more along the dark and twisted side even though it was poorly exicuted and they tried to throw way to many characters into the mix which killed the over all story that was trying to be told. I do agree that they screwed up most of the comic but then again I don't watch addaptions and think of them going to be anywhere close to what they were intended to be.

    Spiderman 3 just didn't do it for me, I thought they put this one out there for the sole fact that they wanted to milk the utter a little more. The producers knew they had a cash cow and decided to make another one. They tried to hide the lack of a story by throwing in some flashy effects and cheezy dialog. I did find Peters "emo walk" to be halarious also. But over all it fell beyond flat and wasn't as good as part 1 and 2. Then again if they wanted the whole spider man series to be taken seriously they would of thought to cast better people to fill the roles of many of the characters. None of them come close to living up to comic characters.

    Now with all of that said I don't think that either are bad or even close to horrible movies. I did find certain parts of each to be rather enjoyable and had alot of fun playing "spot Stan Lee".
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  10. #10
    Registered User X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3 Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Keyblader - Yeah I agree with the roles of Juggernaught and Angle, and I do agree that the love triangle bit was a little overdone, but I can see why they did it, which was to force Rouge to take the cure. Of course I imagine that could have been done regardless, but they wanted to get Kitty more exposure also and it gives Iceman more of the ladies man image that he has in the comics. In regards to Juggernaught and Angle, I still look at X3 as an introduction piece for them. I think there is plenty of room for them to have much deeper looks in a potential sequel, so I don't fault a single movie for not being able to develop them. Obviously with such a large cast, everybody can't be looked into.

    But looking at an X4 possibly, you would have a Magneto, Juggernaught, Pyro, Multipleman brotherhood, along with a few others like Mystique if she comes back, and that would give us some time to explore Juggy. Then you would have a Storm, Beast, Angel, Wolverine, Iceman, Kitty, Collosus and possibly Rogue X-Men lineup, which would be solid even without Scott & Jean. Obviously Prof X is still around and they could bring in a Banchee or Havok, or even Gambit. And with that explore Angle further along with the others. I don't know, I just think you have to look at this as a series and no one movie is going to give you everything you want in a character.

  11. #11
    Bananarama X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3 Pete's Avatar
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    Can I pretend neither happened? Spoilers ahead, so screw the tags, I don't feel like clicking or coding.

    Spidey 3 was an alright movie, but I wasn't a fan of how they cast Topher Grace as Eddie Brock. I grew up on the comics and the cartoon. Brock is supposed to be this jacked guy, and not as weaselly as Topher Grace seemed to be. Plus it was pretty pathetic with how they handled the entire death scene. Bells? Really? Venom died from bells? Venom is supposed to be a key rival for Spidey, and should not have just died within the span of one movie. And how is Carnage supposed to come about? Carnage is THE SHIT.

    I also really disliked that whole emo/ dance scene. I sat in the theater and I honest to God facepalmed. It was cringe worthy, though if I recall, there was one fairly hot chick in that scene, so kudos to Mr. Casting Director.

    I was also a big fan of Thomas Haden Church, aka Sandman. I've always been a fan of his, going all the way back to watching Wings reruns on the USA network. To be honest though, I didn't really know much about Sandman though, and would really have liked to see another side villain, preferably Lizard. If you watch the first movie again, you'll notice when they're on the trip to Columbia, the professor is Dr. Connor and he only has one arm. Put his ass in the movie!

    And I understand it's supposed to be an entire series about the lives of Peter Parker and MJ, but cmon, it doesn't have to be that heavy on it. Make it more lighthearted and throw in more cheesy dialogue.

    As for Xmen 3, lets see.

    So many mutants were thrown in just to get face time. I felt almost like they had no idea if they were going to make another movie, so they said **** it and just jammed everyone they thought would be cool into that one huge battle scene.

    I was a fan of Wolverine, and I'm glad he got his face time. I was also kind of upset that they killed Cyclops. I always hated him because he was the douche of the team, but you can't kill him off like that. As for Jean Grey, she's supposed to disappear and then become Phoenix, not just die in a fiery wreck. If there is another movie, then that'd be all fine and dandy, but c'mon, she never officially dies in the comic or tv show, she just does MIA and is assumed dead, not actually dead. Kelsey Grammer was great as the Beast, to be fair, but the whole Pyro vs Iceman was so played out. And Psylocke could've been much bustier and well, not Asian, like she was in the comic. That's like casting Topher Grace as Venom... oh wait they did that.
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  12. #12
    i liked both, but i liked spiderman 3 better.

  13. #13
    Spider Man 3,there is no contest for me.X-Men 3 was good,but in my opinion could never stand up to the first two or Spider Man 3.However,I am biest because I love Venom and Topher Grace.

  14. #14
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I liked both, if I'm completely honest. They both had major flaws, but they were both exciting.

    In X-Men 3, I loved the battle scenes and special effects. The way Magneto lifted the Golden Gate Bridge into a different position was awing at the cinema on the big screen. But as a few of you have pointed out, Wolverine was focused on waayyy too much. It was an X-Men film - not a Wolverine film (which came out anyway... ¬¬; ). I'm not a Wolverine fan, and it would have been nice to see more of the other characters and their stories.

    As for Spiderman 3... I loved the humour and action. I didn't like how it seemed to be too much about Peter and MJ - I wanted to see more of the villains, and more of them. Venom died too easily. I wish you could have killed him like that in the PSOne Spiderman games.

    Soo... I'll say I preferred X-Men.

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  15. #15
    Registered User X-Men 3 or Spiderman 3 Locke4God's Avatar
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    Maybe I watched Spidey 3 too late at night and was just falling asleep, but I really couldn't wait for that movie to end. X3, I actually thought was pretty solid, especially if you rewatch it right after you watch X2. If you do that it feels more like an extension of the series and things like Cyclops' death don't really bother you so much. Either way X3 did seem to have some pacing or scripting issues that messed with the flow, but I still thought it worked as a film way more than Spidey 3. That one just felt goofy to me.


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