i did watch alot on tv with my dad but now i just lose track of time with my hom3work and because my dad is in person.
Didn't see a thread on the First page, so thought i would make a thread, where we can talk about WWE Wrestling.
For everyone that watches Wrestling
Triple H is my Favourite Wrestler by the way!, anyone Going to WrestleMania this year? or Just Ordering it via Pay-Per-View?
HHH is just kick-ass!
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i did watch alot on tv with my dad but now i just lose track of time with my hom3work and because my dad is in person.
yhyh, i try to watch it as often as i can, and if i miss anything i just go onto the WWE website, and watch the video clips.
Wrestlemania is going to be mint this year!
I Can't wait for the Triple H vs Randy orton Fight!
Come on Triple H!!!
Favourite FF Characters - Tidus, Wakka, Red.Favourite FF Game : FFX
TIDUS EX ZANARKAND ABES!Tidus 'Captain of the Besaid Aurochs'!
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Tidus - "Don't break any bones, old man!"
Triple H and Randy Orton both cure my insomnia. I don't know what it is about their fifteen minute entrances and very predictable matches, but I always fall asleep when they appear on my TV. I'm not that excited about Wrestlemania this year. The only match worthy of being in the spot light is Shawn Michaels v. The Undertaker. I mean, JBL defending the Intercontinental Championship at Wrestlemania is pretty big news, considering that the Intercontinental Championship hasn't been defended since Wrestlemania 18, but it's another predictable match. The Money in the Bank would be a good match, but Mark Henry's in it, so it's not going to be. At least Randy Orton or Triple H aren't in it. As for the World Heavyweight Championship match, Edge is awesome and nobody cares about John Cena or the Big Show, so who really cares?
I think wrestling has gone downhill since ten years ago, especially because Chris Jericho, the best wrestler in the company, is stuck in a lame storyline involving Ric Flair, Jimmy Snuka, Ricky Steamboat, Roddy Piper, and Mickey Rourke. Jericho deserves to be in the main event, not Randy Orton or Triple H. The best wrestlers should be on top, and the worst should be stuck in the lame storylines, not the other way around.
Speaking of bad wrestlers, I heard Batista is retiring soon. That makes me so happy.![]()
Last edited by Clint; 03-22-2009 at 12:29 PM.
And this, ladies and gents, is why I don't watch WWE anymore. I stick with TNA.
At least TNA has more original stuff going on than predictable WWE stuff.
TNA is a little bit predictable, but not as much as WWE. TNA is... overall, better.
I know from experience.. I've watched both. TNA is just better.
Ultimate X match, Feast or Fired (like.. -really- fired. not pretend fired.), Beer Money Inc's "Off the Wagon" challenge where the pinned loser gets fired for good. (again, no pretend firing.)
I don't know why Christian went back to WWE... or Ron Killings.. or even Jeff Hardy.
I don't even know why Monty Brown left. o.O;
But anyway. Yeah.. I won't be watching Wrestlemania.
Wow...didn't know people felt like this about WWE, WWE is the best Wrestling Company since Sliced bread.
I do agree the main superstars have gone including The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin.
What i would really like Would be for Evolution to re-group. The most Dominant Fraction in WWE History.
Favourite FF Characters - Tidus, Wakka, Red.Favourite FF Game : FFX
TIDUS EX ZANARKAND ABES!Tidus 'Captain of the Besaid Aurochs'!
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No, WWE isn't really the best. It's just the biggest. Just like Microsoft and Windows.
Biggest =/= Best.
To me, TNA has gone really far from where it used to be. An ex-WWE wrestler Jeff Jarrett started his own company, TNA. And look how it's grown. Even Mick Foley invested in it.
All I'm saying is to give TNA a chance. You'll like what you see, I guarantee it.
I've seen a few, I Noticed the Roster, has Kurt Angle- Booker T- Scott Stiener & Kevin Nash.
Nice little Fraction they got.
I Like Sting, obviously i know him from his WCW Days.
Favourite FF Characters - Tidus, Wakka, Red.Favourite FF Game : FFX
TIDUS EX ZANARKAND ABES!Tidus 'Captain of the Besaid Aurochs'!
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I haven't been watchiing wrestling regularly for a long time; especially now that I don't have cable where I live. Personally, it feels like maybe it was phase that I outgrew; like it's something I look back fondly on now, but is kinda old hat. Or maybe the WWE isn't what it used to be (No, it definitely isn't.) TNA, I've watched a few times. They have some people over there that I miss, like Kevin Nash (I miss him and Scott Hall. Too bad Scott Hall has so much crap going on in his life all the time.)Again, eh? Sounds good. I like Shawn Michaels, and Chris Jericho. Yeah: at this point in time, Nash, Hall, Michaels, and Jericho are probably my favorites. And the Undertaker. And Mick Foley. Stone Cold was my favorite when I first started watching, but then I heard he beat his then-wife Debrah, among other things, which was pretty suck. I wish he didn't apparently have anger issues. Anyhoo...Originally Posted by Dr. Egon Spengler
Wuv, Yer Mom
i think tna is a wrestling company for washed up old guys and young upstarts that want to learn from the vets. but i love the wwe ...they are comin to the sprint center in kansas city next week and d-x is comin back just for the sprint center and because of that stupid ass boss of mine i dont have the money to go see it..... i wonder if john cena will do the rock thing and go to hollywood and leave wwe alone...... i hope not.
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I'll tell you why. Because TNA sucks more than WWE has ever sucked. The original X Division was the only thing that it had going for it, but ever since Jeff Jarrett gave creative control over to Dixie Carter and Vince Russo, they've been heightening old, washed up guys like Kevin Nash, Sting, Booker T, Kurt Angle, and worst of all, Scott Steiner. They have some great wrestlers on their roster, like AJ Styles, Alex Shelly, and Petey Williams, but all of those great wrestlers aren't used properly. They'd rather hire old WWE wrestlers and use them so they don't have to build up new stars.
And don't even get me started on TNA's ridiculous gimmick matches.
I agree. WWE is the best wrestling company, but just like every industry, WWE has it's problems. But at least they got rid of Vince Russo. TNA doesn't even compete with WWE.
Last edited by Clint; 03-22-2009 at 07:23 PM.
OK for starters TNA has gone Downhill, i mean it's almost like WWE with ridiculous story lines and what not.
The OLD stuff i used to watch of TNA WAS preety good Fresh, original and Awsome. the only thing that TNA has going for them is the Fast paced X-div matches
As for People jumping Ship back To WWE is probably becasue When they Jumped to TNA it WAS growing and it WAS fresh and different but now it's getting a little to much like WWE so why Stay in a company that is the same as another and probably get paid less!! i mean hell it's just common sence you go where the money is!!
Why Jump Ship in the first place??... Becasue TNA WAS growing and it was for the wrestling not so much the storylines and gimicks!!
So in All i would Watch TNA again if they went back to the old ways where it was for the Wrestling.
ALSO Petey Williams has the best ever finisher ive ever seen
Petey Williams has the best ever finisher ive ever seen
He Doesn't Wrestle No-more does he? Last i heard he got released?
Favourite FF Characters - Tidus, Wakka, Red.Favourite FF Game : FFX
TIDUS EX ZANARKAND ABES!Tidus 'Captain of the Besaid Aurochs'!
10 Years of Blitzball
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XboxLive: Tidus Spira - Add me if you want
Tidus - "Don't break any bones, old man!"
Petey Williams is now in the indies, and I heard WWE tried to get a hold of him, but he turned them down.
First of all, TNA sucks now. I mean, all their top guys (apart from Sting) are WWE rejects. Most of all Kurt Angle, who would be in pro wrestling if it wasn't for WWE. I heard they were after Elijah Burke, but didn't want him because, and here's the kicker, they didn't want to look like a company for wrestlers who have been released from WWE.
WWE went downhill at the end of '07, but have picked up nicely. Wrestlemania is looking good (apart from, as someone already said, Mark Henry in the MITB). The one I'm actually looking foward to the least is Orton vs HHH. Undertaker vs HBK is going to be epic, and so is Edge vs Cena vs Big Show.
Melina can do that finisher its not hard
President Rufus ShinraCelebrity Big brother: Coolio 3rd!!! ResultMy Top 5 Final Fantasy Characters: Cloud Tifa Locke Irvine Rikkucurrently playing: Lost odysseyXbox 360 gamertag: Andyarteta
i stil think taker will be 17-0 after wrestlemainia i hope cena wins and big show and edge both leave vicky. we already know triple h is gonna beat the tar out of orton .....i kinda wanna see the tag team unification title match and you gotta see hardy vs hardy that will be a good one......
The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong
Proud Member of METAL MILITA....join me and we will rule the world....or at least tff
So it seems to have catched up in here...and to imagine I'd be seeing this conflict in English (I usually follow a Spanish wrestling site, so...) Ironically, opinions are quite similar no matter the language or country, it seems.
I'd say that TNA would be far better than WWE if they had exposition and stopped being the WWE recycling center. Seriously, any WWE wrestler fired eventually ends up there, and gets some fame and recognition. Believe it or not, this is a point for TNA; they actually show the real talent of most wrestlers, who can't simply handle the exhibition done to certain WWE wrestlers (such as "5-moves Cena, AKA John Dinner", or HHH, who has gotten complacent and often wins matches against young and fresh new people who really deserve the titles) Christian and Ron Killings returned because at least in WWE they get a pretty hefty check...and most WWE fans actually awaited Christian's return because that would mean a second believable heel (like Edge, whose character I despise but I must recognize it's a great heel)
WWE's mistake, however, is it's overdependence on bulky wrestlers. It's not enough having a Batista, they just have to have Khali (who's too slow and sluggish to be believable), or Vladimir Kozlov (who's fighting style is that of a brutish thug). Also, they don't seem to follow logical storylines, and they're misusing most characters (Kane is the big offender here; once the successor of Undertaker, now he's no more than a glorified jobber, and that has happened roughly since he took off the mask). Both WWE and TNA has troubles, but sadly, TNA is trying to get people through entertainment instead of quality wrestling, by gathering old and really pointless ex-WWE instead of reinforcing the X-Division and showing off their wrestlers (like AJ Styles) Meanwhile, WWE should be reinforcing their other divisions, since despite they have about 9 titles, only three are worthwhile (World Heavyweight is roughly better than WWE Heavyweight and both >>>>>> ECW Heavyweight, IC Championship >>>>> US Championship, and in tag teams, World Tag >>>>> WWE Tag. Neither Women's Championships are worthwhile)
So really, if you think about it, neither company really has an advantage, or is better than the other. However, WWE has tons of exposition, and it's roughly the equivalent of the Major League Baseball, or the National Basketball Association, when it really looks closer to the Major League Soccer (MLS claims to be the top soccer league in the US, yet the United Soccer League has the best teams, hands down) So, it's "better" because it's better known, considering that they have roughly the same problems and the same virtues between each other (though TNA works better with talent, their storylines have taken a serious dump)
Think of it; had you a company with WWE's exhibition, TNA's old management talent (ditching Russo of course), and good matches, and you'd have the best wrestling company even if you didn't have any known superstar. But with kiddie WWE and wannabe TNA, there's little luck. I wish New Japan could be translated...
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.
The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
then again i was hopin that tna was going to put out a decent game that could hold its own against the smackdown vs raw games....... i can not beleive i spent 60 bucks on that game when it came out! the roster sucked and the match options was next to none and the roster was seemingly not there but then i played the story mode and ........ good god i wanted to puke...... but then i got wwe smackdown vs raw 09 and and and no storyline with voice overs they just have the road to wrestlemainia ....... i sure hope 2010 wont' be a let down like 09 was and tna didn't push the wwe to make a better game either........ i still pick wwe over tna though they still have the best personallities and storylines......
The fighting rages on and on, to challange me you must be strong
Proud Member of METAL MILITA....join me and we will rule the world....or at least tff
Raw is on tonight
And hopefully Y2J gets a good edit hioefully he beat up another legend
Hopefully Edge will be on Raw as well i want to see what will happen With the storyline with big show and vickie Guerrero
President Rufus ShinraCelebrity Big brother: Coolio 3rd!!! ResultMy Top 5 Final Fantasy Characters: Cloud Tifa Locke Irvine Rikkucurrently playing: Lost odysseyXbox 360 gamertag: Andyarteta
I remember back when Gregory Helms was the Hurricane I almost worshiped him....only proving the stereotype that all his fans were little kids.(I liked him like back in 2004)
Now my favorite Wrestler is Shawn Michales. They say alot of wrestling is fake and I accually belive it but you cant fake shawn's finsiher, A KICK TO THE FACE!
President Rufus ShinraCelebrity Big brother: Coolio 3rd!!! ResultMy Top 5 Final Fantasy Characters: Cloud Tifa Locke Irvine Rikkucurrently playing: Lost odysseyXbox 360 gamertag: Andyarteta
You can't fake this either. Wrestling accident
Poor sid vicious.
I have an even worse one from MMA.
Last edited by Calvan; 03-23-2009 at 03:35 PM.
-My Tee Eff Eff Family-
Unknown Entity, My recipe trading, PS3 playing cousin.
And then just like that i'm gone again.
Actually, the Shawn's finisher is fake. He touches his foot to the opponents face, but not hard enough for it to hurt. That sound you hear is Shawn slapping his own leg with his hand. Most of what wrestlers do is an effect, which they make look real by using very simple tricks.
most of wat u watch on WWE is fake but not all of it.
i just watched tonights main event on Smackdown and Randy Orton, Ted Debiase, and Cody Rhodes all ganged up on Triple H and hancuffed him to the ropes making him helplessm and DDT'd his wife and bashed Triple H's skull with the sledge hammer. Wata bunch of freakin douchebags. i'd kill them if i were Triple H.
Girl: Do i ever cross ur mind
Boy: No
Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: Not really
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you cry if I left?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No
Girl: Choose--me or ur life
Boy: my life
The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...
The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.
The reason I don't want you is because I need you.
The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.
The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life
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Last edited by final fantacy_tifa; 03-23-2009 at 08:17 PM.
**1 tequila,2 tequila,3 tequila,floor**
time your wasting just your do to better anything have you don't this reading you r why <-- read backwards,
DO NOT HURT MY PET LEMON lemons have feelings to you know !!
Chris jericho Beat up Ric flair i got my wish
And randy Orton Beat up triple h and stephanie
2 birds 1 stone there
President Rufus ShinraCelebrity Big brother: Coolio 3rd!!! ResultMy Top 5 Final Fantasy Characters: Cloud Tifa Locke Irvine Rikkucurrently playing: Lost odysseyXbox 360 gamertag: Andyarteta
Uh.. how could Smackdown have aired? It comes on on Fridays, not Mondays. >_>;
Shame there's no stopping the fact that HHH IS going to beat Flair's record for the most world titles. He's already on 13, and even if Orton beats him at WM, he's going to win it back anyway.
I really think Chris Jericho deserves better at WM. If he loses, he may as well pack it in.