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  1. #121
    I invented Go-Gurt. WWE Wrestling Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaCkyy View Post
    How do we know though that hhh refuses to lose? The storyline creaters choose whether or not he wins it doesnt have anything to do with him does it?
    Well, he is married to his boss's daughter, and has a total of 13 world titles, which is quite ridiculous. Ric Flair's 16 world titles, though, is quite understandable, considering that he held various titles throughout WWF, WCW, and NWA. Triple H, though, has only ever won world titles in WWE. I guarantee that there's a part in his contract which states that he decides who he loses to.

  2. #122
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 WWE Wrestling T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Egon Spengler
    Think about it this way, Matt and Jeff, being brothers and having nearly exact background training in the business of professional wrestling, are pretty much equals when it comes to in-ring ability. The only problem is, Jeff is more over with the crowd, so much so that he's won a world title, whereas, Matt has yet to win one. So, in order to be fair to the brothers, Jeff wins the WWE title, and Matt beats Jeff at Wrestlemania.
    Matt won the ECW World Heavyweight Title. Not that it matters (which tells me you believe the ECW title has no prestige)...

    But here's the deal. The feud was done simply because they couldn't get Christian to feud with Jeff on time. That's almost a voiced secret. So they went with a feud that they had to work a lot to make it sound. So, they worked off the idea of Matt's frustration over Jeff's victories. Granted, that has a hint of truth: Matt Hardy has pretty much devoted to the good fight, and he only barely got to Main Eventer, after years of Mid Carder. Whereas Jeff returned, and he got a World Title after some time wrestling. Matt, however, has a big flaw: he's just not a heel. Had it been a Matt face vs. Jeff heel, that would have been a bit more shocking. But, the storyline was quite convoluted by itself.

    However, they proved they're one of the best pairs in wrestling nowadays, and that they rule both separate and united.

    See, I don't agree. JBL, although he's not the best wrestler, is very charismatic, much more than Rey Mysterio. I mean, sure, Rey has the hearts of nearly every child who watches professional wrestling, but JBL ultimately gets a bigger reaction from the audience.
    Rey does not need charisma. He's a perennial face; he's a tecnico. From the mask, to the kiddie attitude to match with his core fans (the kids), he's made for children to enjoy. Meanwhile, JBL just didn't had the charisma. I couldn't empathize with him after he went JBL; I honestly wanted him to remain an Acolyte with Faarooq. Afterwards, he turned into the worst kind of heel; not only did he produced nauseas as a champion because of his big ego (he was too nauseating to even be a proper heel; Booker T was better heel because his ego was kept under check and because he was a better wrestler, but the Clothesline from Hell as a finishing move...) The only utility he had was to make faces look better, which indeed makes a great heel. But his ego ruined that property that makes a good heel good indeed.

    As for the rest:
    --I feel utterly disappointed that the Unified Tag Team Championship match was placed as a dark match. They could have replaced the Divas competition, since the result utterly sucked. San...tina? Ugh...

    --While at that, I seriously never expected Carlito and Primo to win. Honest. I was with the guys that thought Miz and Morrison would win. I placed my bets on Carlito and Primo out of country pride (they're from my island!!), and I'm very happy they won on the biggest event ever. But it's a shame their match couldn't be presented. People said it was a great match, although not as great as the Hardies.

    --HBK vs. Taker. Easily the best match ever...perhaps even of all Wrestlemanias. Well, perhaps not best match ever, but it's certainly one of the legendary ones. I couldn't see it, but I know it's just as great when you see Taker flying, kicking ass, and reverting an aerial move into a Tombstone with such an ease, it's almost fluid. Kiddies, learn from the pros.

    --Money in the Bank. People seem to be angry that CM Punk won the briefcase. I honestly wanted Christian to gain the briefcase, and I expected it because he was the newcomer. But Shelton gave quite the surprise, as well.

    --Cena and HHH as champions is, as Egon says, nausea-inducing. Cena SIMPLY CAN'T LIFT BIGSHOW!! And he did it!! And then he lifted Edge like nothing!! And then...*gasp*, he won!! *Urrrgk* Then comes Orton vs. HHH. Sadly, this is the moment when I request a minute of silence for Orton's career. Since HHH manhandled it, even though HHH isn't very convincing, now Orton loses credibility as a heel. I still say he's a great heel just because he inspires fans to hate him, but he needs to be consistent in victories. I really wanted Orton to win, if only to prove to the fans he's a great wrestler. And maybe to make HHH recapacitate that he's not Superman. Actually, he and Cena need that.

    --Jericho vs. Legends. Oh, gosh...that made Jericho look like a loser. Steamboat proved he's a great wrestler. And falling to Rourke's fisticuffs? That made Jericho look ridiculous. Jericho needs some quality matches. Send him one or two matches against Orton and HHH, and you'll see how he turns main eventer and champion just as easily.
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  3. #123
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Y2J v legends was one off the better Matches At wrestlemania
    Obviously HBK v Undertaker was the best
    Matt And Jeff's match was pretty Good Lot Of Dangerous Spots though including the twist of fate with Jeff's head in the chair
    The Diva's Match was a mess no entrances Nothing it was horrible.
    The IC championship match was 21 seconds long and very pointless they could have at least Made JBL retire with some dignity.
    The triple threat match was okay nothing special at all. It was very predictable
    MITB was a good match but i cant see the Logic off Cm punk Winning unless they turn him Heel ive heard he's a good Heel.
    Randy orton v Triple h was Very Dull Very undramatic and just very boring throughout
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  4. #124
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    i kind of called it ! not really but batista is back lol.....and the draft is this soon after wrestlemainia huh .........i herd daves music and i about pooed

    jeff look like he really was hurt tonight.....

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  5. #125
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! WWE Wrestling LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Triple H, Shane Mcmahon & Batista, Vs Legacy at Backlash?
    I'm loving it- sounds good, look's good. hope it's good
    Can't wait for the draft, obviously Triple H is going to raw, he spends more days on Raw than he does on SmackDown - i love him i'm not gay!
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  6. #126
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    i know lol this is going to be amazing.....but since i missed how dave got put on the shelf i actually thought that he was comin to help orton ....stupid me i know.
    how strange did it look when batista put his arm around triple h? i mean after evelution and the hell in the cell, i figured that there would still be some bad blood there, but i guess im wrong like always how long you guys think before taker and shawn retire?

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  7. #127
    I invented Go-Gurt. WWE Wrestling Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I hope future endeavours are in Santino's future.
    You're so morbid. Santino is the best thing in professional wrestling. The guy is hilarious.

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Undertaker and HBK was Match of the Night obviously, and so it should've been. If they didn't put on a performance like they did I would've been disappointed. This match should've been main event because the championship main events were just terrible.
    I was thinking that, too. I mean, they made the Edge v. Undertaker hell in a cell at Summerslam the main event, even though neither wrestler had a world title at the time, so why couldn't they make the most anticipated match at Wrestlemania be the main event?

    Okay, I just thought of the answer to my own question; because Triple H was in the main event.

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I'm bitterly disappointed with how HHH and Orton turned out because of the sweet buildup towards it.
    I was disappointed, too. They actually let Randy Orton wrestle. Actually, the majority of that match was probably Randy Orton's entrance, where he just boringly walks down to the ring slower than my dead grandmother.
    Last edited by Clint; 04-07-2009 at 11:08 AM.

  8. #128
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    I cant believe Batista is back Grrrrrrrrrr

    I still think he might turn on triple H at backlash Leading him into a feud for unforgiven against triple h which would be perfect theme for unforgiven because Triple H would not be able to forgive batista for what he did at backlash.
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  9. #129
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    now that makes scence cause of what happend with evelution and the hell in the cell and all that crap h and flair put dave through....but we just have to wait and see

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  10. #130
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! WWE Wrestling LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Lol that would be good and then batista wanting hhh title it would be like wrestlemania 21 all over again hhh vs batista hell in a cell.
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  11. #131
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み WWE Wrestling ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Personally, I hope there isn't another HHH v Batista fued. That was the most boring part of 2005. It should have been over at Wrestlemania, or possibly Backlash. I hope they make Orton win the title at Backlash, and have Batista fued with Orton. Even a three-way fued would be ok, but no HHH v Batista again.

    Does anyone else think Dreamer's going to get another ECW Title before he retires? He may just win this Elimination Chase, and beat Crap Swagger at Backlash.

  12. #132
    I invented Go-Gurt. WWE Wrestling Clint's Avatar
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    So, a Batista v. Orton feud instead? That's worse than a Batista v. Triple H feud. Why are all the shitty wrestlers on top?

  13. #133
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    i dunno why they are........ i thought dreamer was supose to retire alreday......i didn't see ecw last night what is the best storyline you have seen?

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  14. #134
    I invented Go-Gurt. WWE Wrestling Clint's Avatar
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    The ECW title is a complete joke, just like the show. By sticking around, all Tommy Dreamer is doing is disgracing his former reputation (as if he didn't do so already the first time he was employed by WWE, when they made him into a complete joke.)

  15. #135
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    i remember that ....when he had to stupid crap and eat stupid crap......i wouldn't have done it if it were me...and i totally agree that the ecw titile is a joke.....and the new ecw is a joke as well........i also think the new divas title is a joke and it even looks stupid.....speaking of titles i wonder if they are goin to make a unified tag belt or just make them carry around 4 belts all the time

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  16. #136
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み WWE Wrestling ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Egon Spengler View Post
    So, a Batista v. Orton feud instead? That's worse than a Batista v. Triple H feud. Why are all the shitty wrestlers on top?
    Well, I was just thinking if anything came out of the Backlash main event, this would be the best IMO. However, I would love to see some good wrestlers at the top. Maybe Jericho, CM Punk, John Morrison, Matt Hardy, MVP and Kofi Kingston.

    Speaking of ECW, with Tazz gone, there are three, yes, THREE, wrestlers in the company who were in the original ECW (Jericho, Mysterio and Dreamer), just one of those are actually on the ECW brand. The ECW Title shouldn't be classed as a World Title, when it has as much prestige now as the Cruiserweight Title had towards the end.

    Just give up on ECW. The brand was OK when they had all the originals, Kurt Angle, The New Breed etc. It became a novelty when Vince McMahon won the ECW Title. There are wrestlers on ECW I would like to see on SD! and RAW. I would love to see Christian, Finlay, John Morrison go to RAW in the draft, and Evan Bourne and The Miz go to SD!.

  17. #137
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Yes I agree Give up on Ecw The whole concept of Ecw Has Gone Now it stood for Extreme championship wrestling Errr.. where is the extreme There is None!!! I think Ecw is now more of a Nesting ground to bring up promising youngers Like Tyson Kidd and DJ gabriel.

    The matches at backlash seem to look alright so fair though

    Legacy v Triple H batista and Shane for the title

    Edge v John cena Last man standing match

    Am pretty sure Santino marella v beth pheonix

    Finlay v swagger
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  18. #138
    I invented Go-Gurt. WWE Wrestling Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by foster kid View Post
    i remember that ....when he had to stupid crap and eat stupid crap......i wouldn't have done it if it were me...and i totally agree that the ecw titile is a joke.....and the new ecw is a joke as well........i also think the new divas title is a joke and it even looks stupid.....speaking of titles i wonder if they are goin to make a unified tag belt or just make them carry around 4 belts all the time
    My thoughts exactly. And on Monday during the tag team match, I was wondering that same thing. They made a new belt after Triple H beat Chris Jericho for the undisputed championship at Wrestlemania XVIII, as well as when the WWF and WCW tag team titles and the WCW Cruiserweight and WWF Light Heavyweight titles were unified back in 2001.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus shinra View Post
    I think Ecw is now more of a Nesting ground to bring up promising youngers Like Tyson Kidd and DJ gabriel.
    Which makes absolutely no sense, considering that WWE has training facilities for that, including Florida Championship Wrestling and OVW, the places where newly signed wrestlers are supposed to go to get experience and exposure.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    The ECW Title shouldn't be classed as a World Title, when it has as much prestige now as the Cruiserweight Title had towards the end.
    Hopefully they'll have Hornswoggle win it. If it's anything like the Cruiserweight Championship, he should be able to kill that title as well.
    Last edited by Clint; 04-08-2009 at 08:06 PM.

  19. #139
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み WWE Wrestling ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    If Hornswoggle were to win the ECW title, I will lose all faith in everything. I mean, he killed the Cruiserweight title which used to have really decent matches. But if he were to win the ECW title, not only would he kill the title, but officially kill the whole brand.

    Draft on Monday . Who does everyone think is going where? I think they're going to put Edge on RAW, no doubt about that. I'd also like to see CM Punk go to SD!.

  20. #140
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 WWE Wrestling T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Dang, if what I saw is real, then WWE is trying its very best to screw wrestling so badly, it turns all over and becomes awesome. Which, as it seems, isn't the case.

    Apparently, the next draft will make RAW once again the main brand (instead of equalizing RAW and Smackdown) by making the main eventers go straight to RAW and leaving Smackdown with only a bunch of stars enough to make smaller shows. This means that, if having BULKtista, John Dinner and "HHH son of Vince" in the same brand is boring enough, we'll probably see Edge, the Hardys, the rising stars of ECW losing their well-deserved boosts in standing by having a Main Eventer overload.

    This also means they're probably trying to kill ECW. Oh, and probably no changes in General Managers, as Teddy Long returns to Smackdown and Piggie Guerrero (not my words, just in case) remains at RAW.

    Please, tell me you're joking when you say that Hornswoggle should win the ECW championship. Perhaps it will. Ugh. I mean, midget wrestling only kicks ass in Mexico, but that's because Mexico kicks ass by itself.

    Also, it's a shame that the Colons' victory will be so short-lived; it seems that Orton's goons are going to be the next champs. At least I hope they can split the Morrison/Miz duo and make Morrison shine by its own light. And maybe Miz can go for ECW and see if he gets better.
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    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
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  21. #141
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! WWE Wrestling LaCkyy's Avatar
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    WWE DRAFT 2009 TONIGHT! - cant wait i think Triple H will be drafted to RAW and Cena to SD.
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  22. #142
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    that would be cool if cena goes back to his "roots" lol........its been four years since he was on the smackdown roster.........

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  23. #143
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom WWE Wrestling Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    All i have to say is "Bring back the Attitue Era"

    seriously i sat down the other day and watched ...i think it was smackdown

    and saw santina talking some garbage then there was some gay love altercation between him and Kalli and then kalli 1 move wonders him and thats it..i was like WTF was that. so then i went and watched some old tapes of the attitude Era and was liek....dude this i sooo much better.


  24. #144
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    i totally agree with that.....i wish it wouldn't have died......the ruthless aggression thing was good to ..... and i think they changed to be more "family friendly"
    six hours untill the draft......well here in misery its six hours lol i can't wait i gettin nervous for some reason

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  25. #145
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 WWE Wrestling T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    I have to digress a bit on regressing to "Attitude" era. Most specifically, it implies that you care little about the actually good talent that's on WWE, and that you'd prefer having the return of two tag teams whom are now proving they're good enough either tagged or independently.

    First, the new breed. I'll start with the pretty obvious: John Morrison has proven that he's got what it takes to make it to main event, there's CM Punk who's gimmick has undermined his true wrestling talent (I recall seeing on other wrestling forums that CM Punk actually does far better stuff outside of WWE). Then, there's Kofi Kingston who's been relegated to jobber without necessity, or Evan Bourne. Those alone are four that should have a desperately good push, aside from the rising superstars at Florida Championship.

    Second, the vets. Kane has to get out of jobbing, pronto. Shelton should have a very decent run. Christian returned for something; he has proven that he has the mic skills and the wrestling skills to boot. I believe Dr. Spengler will agree that Jericho should do more now than just do a bad run at "legend killer" and "moronic heel"; he's a great wrestler, and quite charismatic as well. I'd also place a bet on a face Finlay, sans Hornswoggle; his fighting style more than deserves a good show (too bad his mic skills aren't that hot) Can't say much about the Legacy; Cody Rhodes and DiBiase Jr. need a bit of polishing.

    Third, the established legends. That means Mr. Wrestlemania and the Undertaker. They are about to retire, so they should be preparing the roster for their successors. It's going to be hard to find someone as good as Taker, but most people hint at Morrison being the new version of Michaels.

    Fourth, the wrestling killers. That means Cena, HHH (sadly), the bunch of needless bulks (Khali, Kozlov, Swagger, most even say Batista) and those who simply make others look bad (MIZ!!!). That also goes for Vince; he should already retire and give the company to his son, just to see if his son can make it better.

    Finally, the wrestlers that make both great tags and great solos. That means the Hardys, Edge, and Christian. Their time as tags are gone, they should shine on their own. That also goes for Morrison, who should already do a face turn and go solo.

    I point this because asking for the return of Attitude era is exactly what most old-school fans asked the WWE when the Attitude era was on. They wanted to see Hogan again, those spectacular old shows where the mix of spectacle and wrestling were the order of the day. Where ridiculous stuff such as Robocop fighting along Sting (even though that's not WWE per se), or the Gobbledygooker, or the Ultimate Warrior, were the act of the day. Notice very closely that such a thing is happening all over again:

    --Wrestling aimed for kids
    --Very few interesting wrestling styles (few luchadores aside Mysterio and the ones that practice aerial combat such as Primo Colon, full-time grapplers much like Jericho, or simply strikers such as Finlay and Regal) Now, it's all about slams and powerbombs, not even DDTs or piledrivers
    --Loads of bulks
    --Cena = Hogan. No, seriously. He's more of a (marketing) icon than a real wrestler.
    --Batista + HHH = Ultimate Warrior. Batista works on the simple wrestling style, HHH on the invincibility aura.

    What I'm saying is, you're undermining the progress we have now, for a simple return to old times. Old times not always are good times; just look at the bunch of injuries most wrestlers have WITHOUT OVERLOADS OF HARDCORE ACTION, imagine what would happen when such kinds of matches happen. You'd have over three-quarters of the entire WWE roster injured in one or another way.

    I wouldn't say WWE as of now is horribly bad. I also say that the Attitude era was an epic moment in wrestling. I also say that such era is best kept as a good memory, and that wrestling should focus now on verisimilitude, on believable matches and believable stories (which doesn't imply cranking up the action)
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

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    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
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  26. #146
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Y2J Went to smackdown That its awful And So did melina

    WWE have both main belts on Raw!!!
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  27. #147
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み WWE Wrestling ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    I just knew Punk would go to Smackdown! My prediction is that he'll wait until Orton wins the WWE Title, use MITB as revenge for Orton beating CM Punk up before the Championship scramble at Unforgiven.

    I hate it when WWE puts both World Titles on one brand though. Smackdown had both last year, and Raw had the ECW Title.

    Even it sucks to even think about it, you just know it's going to be New ECW Champion = Vladimir Koslov

  28. #148
    persona user WWE Wrestling foster kid's Avatar
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    but the draft isn't over yet ........we still have the supplementle draft........and in a few months everything will settle down and the titles will be seperated again......i knew a hardy was gonna get traded and after i seen mvp traded i knew rey rey would get traded.....we all knew triple h was goin to raw i just figured cena would go back"home"
    and i think if y2j stays a heel then maybe edge and y2j will tag glad teddie long is back on smackdown though

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  29. #149
    Rufus Shinra WWE Wrestling Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Chris Jericho v steamboat at backlash boooo!!!! At Least give Y2J a decent match
    I hope Edge Beats John cena in the last man standing match And Hopefully Jeff beats matt hardy in the I quit Match CM punk v Kane at backlash as well Thats a bit off a random Match
    President Rufus Shinra
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus shinra View Post
    [B]Chris Jericho v steamboat at backlash boooo!!!! At Least give Y2J a decent match
    You have no idea what you're talking about. Jericho v. Steamboat is going to be the best match on the card. For a guy that hasn't been an active wrestler in nearly 20 years, Steamboat sure as hell hasn't lost a single step. He's a bit slower than he was before, but he's just as awesome. If that match isn't the main event, I'm going to be pissed.

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