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Thread: What's with the Star Wars sagas continuity?

  1. #1
    Mojo Jojo What's with the Star Wars sagas continuity? Trunks's Avatar
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    What's with the Star Wars sagas continuity?

    I was watching Star Wars: A Hew Hope (that's episode IV for you 21st century kids.) and noticed something that made my nerd senses tingle... With annoyance. Why does Owen Lars not know who C3PO is? He lived with him for like 12 years. I think I'd remember a droid that was created by my tyrant of a step-son. A droid that knows pretty much every language in the universe... Even though the kid didn't know any of them. Likewise why didn't 3PO recognise the building or people? He doesn't even have the bad memory excuse.

    Also, why in episodes I,II and III is Yoda as springy as a lamb and then, come ep V, he's some old, hobbling bag of useless green flesh? It's only been 22 years Yoda, you're 900 it wasn't that long ago that you were flipping around the galactic senate room and kicking Sith ass.

    Also, why can R2D2 fly in the earlier ones? Seems everything was more advanced 30 years before the rebels came. I'd've just dug up one of those Jedi Starfighters or the Naboo starship, they ruled!

    I'm gutted that I took film studies, it ruined things for me.

    Anybody else notice anything?
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  2. #2
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: What's with the Star Wars sagas continuity?

    Actually, they had 3PO's memory erased at the end of episode 3, I think, so actually he does have the bad memory excuse Also, I dunno Uncle Owen's back history, but this wikia page says that C-3PO had gold plating instead of whatever plating he had before, apparently, so he looked different. 3PO's wikia page says he was rebuilt, not built from scratch, by Anakin. I don't remember if those explanations were in movie, though; been a while since I've seen them.

    Those other ones... *shrug* Y'got me. I think Yoda might've been dying by the time of Empire though. How much time are Empire and Jedi supposed to cover? But yeah; special effects have come a long way since then, eh? Heh.

    I've heard there are a few discontinuities between the new movies and the old ones, particularly between the last two. I don't remember what they were, though. Maybe that Leia had any memory at all of her mother, seeing as Padme died giving birth, right? "Her grief killed her," haha... cheese. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  3. #3

    Re: What's with the Star Wars sagas continuity?

    meh Yoda is always slow and feeble looking throughout the whole saga, when he fought in episodes 2 and 3 i just assumed he was using the force for his spurt of crazy agility to hurl him around, much like using the force to lift things etc

    And in the later ones he lifted an xwing out of the water with his mind, still had it !

  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: What's with the Star Wars sagas continuity?

    nix is right about the yoda stuff. He is always slow and old, he uses the force to boost himself up.

    My guess for R2 is either A) they stopped working or B) he stopped using them.
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