Actually, they had 3PO's memory erased at the end of episode 3, I think, so actually he does have the bad memory excuseAlso, I dunno Uncle Owen's back history, but this wikia page says that C-3PO had gold plating instead of whatever plating he had before, apparently, so he looked different. 3PO's wikia page says he was rebuilt, not built from scratch, by Anakin. I don't remember if those explanations were in movie, though; been a while since I've seen them.
Those other ones... *shrug* Y'got me. I think Yoda might've been dying by the time of Empire though. How much time are Empire and Jedi supposed to cover? But yeah; special effects have come a long way since then, eh? Heh.
I've heard there are a few discontinuities between the new movies and the old ones, particularly between the last two. I don't remember what they were, though. Maybe that Leia had any memory at all of her mother, seeing as Padme died giving birth, right? "Her grief killed her," haha... cheese. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom