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Thread: Third Batman Movie?

  1. #31
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! Third Batman Movie? LaCkyy's Avatar
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    It would be a big suprise if the include 'The Riddler' again after been in Batman Forever i wonder if Jim Carrey would take the role again?
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  2. #32
    Third Batman Movie? Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    You see, the common bandwagon thinks "the Riddler" immediately because the Penguin was ruled out and, well, Catwoman wasn't really a villain persay. But what I think would be cool would be the Mad Hatter and let me tell you why.

    The Mad Hatter is your traditional tragic villain who loses one he loved the most to someone else, and goes criminal after Alice is snatched away from him. Though he has no abnormal powers, he can easily make his way into your psyche and manipulate your subconscious at will. He also has mind control devices, and Christopher Nolan, being the mastermind director he is, could easily find a way to make that work quite well.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the Riddler, but the overemphasis of him being the next villain is slightly annoying in my eyes, so there you have it. I think the Mad Hatter would be much more of an interesting villain than the Riddler in the next movie.

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  3. #33
    I want to play a game. Third Batman Movie? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Third Batman Movie?

    So some news has come out for this film such as the title, "The Dark Knight Rises" and that the Riddler will not be the villain. This makes me a little sad and glad. Glad because I didn't want the Frank Gorshin Riddler, but sad that the original Riddler isn't in the film. Tom Hardy will be playing a bad guy as to whom is still a secret. Mr. Freeze and the Penguin were ruled out due to Nolan wanting to keep this "Batman" universe more realistic. I've already listed a few villains who could show up a few posts above. The film is not going to be in 3-D (thank you) and will be shot instead in high-def & IMAX cameras.


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  4. #34
    Registered User Third Batman Movie?
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    Re: Third Batman Movie?

    Nolan wasn't seduced by the dark side of 3-D, the decision is fantastic because it shows that he's a filmmaker with enough clout to tell Warner Bros. "no" to something that would have been sure to add another $300 million or so to the film's grosses. How many blockbuster directors have the stature or integrity to do that?
    Reading that made me happy. Seeing anyone value their art over how much money it could make is something that really makes me smile.

    Also, I enjoyed both of Nolan's Batman films, so I'm excited about seeing a third is going to be in production soon-ish. As far as the villain/s is/are concerned, I don't really have a strong opinion as to who it could be, or who I would want to see, though I'm kind of surprised no one has mentioned Killer Croc as a possibility in this thread. Heh... Nearly everyone else has been mentioned, so I thought that I would go ahead and throw that out there.
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  5. #35
    Controlling With Fear Third Batman Movie? Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: Third Batman Movie?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    The film is not going to be in 3-D (thank you) and will be shot instead in high-def & IMAX cameras.
    Yes, thank you very very much Nolan

  6. #36
    I want to play a game. Third Batman Movie? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Third Batman Movie?

    The villains for "The Dark Knight Rises" have been revealed along with the actor & actress playing the roles. Anne Hathaway won the role for Selina Kyle/Catwoman and Tom Hardy will be playing as Bane. You can read the article here. As it says in the article they don't necessarily say that Anne will be Catwoman, perhaps just play Selina before turning into her alter-ego or it could be a move to distance themselves from the Halley Berry movie that was not so good. I did not know the comic book backstory of Bane, which the article goes into detail, and after reading what the article shared found it pretty good.
    Last edited by Zargabaath; 01-19-2011 at 04:05 PM.

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  7. #37
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Third Batman Movie? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Third Batman Movie?

    I for one am a big Riddler fan. I think in the setting of the last 2 films, The Riddler would be a good choice for a villain. Of course, also as a big Johnny Depp fan, I'd like to see him fill the role. However, I can't see it happening.

    It's a shame Mr. Freeze has been ruled out. I think maybe if they give the character a make over, like maybe they did to the Green Goblin in Spider-Man, he could fit into the setting. Freeze was a childhood favourite of mine.

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Man-Bat. I think it would be pretty cool to see him in a film. However, with Nolan wanting a 'realistic' setting, I doubt it will happen. Oh, and Harley Quinn would be high on my list for villains.

    There are many great villains in the Batman Universe.

  8. #38
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Third Batman Movie?

    Is Bane gonna break Batman's back like he did in the comic book?

    And Anne Hathaway as Catwoman... that's actually a pretty good choice (of course.) Although I had heard a rumor a while ago that what's her face who played the love interest in the last movie would reprise that role, with that character turning into Catwoman. Probably a good choice not to do that. Maybe I'll read that article later when I have time. Anyhoo...

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  9. #39

    Re: Third Batman Movie?

    I am going to go ahead and guess the Riddler will be the next villan.

    Where as I dont think they are following any sort of comicbook timeline I just think it would make sense. LOVE that poster btw. Real or not.

    Also anyone who does not think that The Riddler will make for a great villan needs to play Arkham Asylum. Fo shizzle.

    As for who I think would be a good choice to play him.... 10 years ago I would say John Malkovich, hands down. And if he weren't so old now too. He just hasnt aged well. Johnny Depp will probably land it though. But I cant see him fitting well in this Dark universe that this new series has set up.

    For future movies though I would like to see them try Mr Freeze again. Again, not sure they can pull him in in this universe. The Penguin.... would be amazing to see. I have no idea why but he was my favorite villain as a kid. If done right his would make for a GREAT movie imo. Though im sure im the only one who sees it this way. Not many people were fans of him, lol....

    Bane will be an awesome villain too.


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