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Thread: Terminator IV

  1. #1

    Terminator IV

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    UK, December 3, 2007 - So the rumours are true: Christian Bale will star in the new Terminator film, and is set to play... John Connor!

    According to a report in Variety today, the Batman Begins star will play the human resistance fighter leading the battle against Skynet in the 4th instalment of the franchise, entitled Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins.

    The production is set to be helmed by McG, who previously directed the Charlie's Angels films. Little is known about the plot at present, although the pic has been described as a "reboot" of the franchise -- the first in a new series of films set to chronicle the war between humanity and Skynet.
    And there is only one thing I have to really say...


  2. #2
    I've read the wiki article about it ages ago, and I'm very disappointed that it will not star Arnie as the terminator, it will only have a cameo of him =[, But I 'spose that comes with being a governator.

    Anyway, I cannot wait for to see this film, the others were really gooooooood
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  3. #3
    I don't like this trilogy of films idea. It should just be set with the war and at the end Arnie appears, being sent back in time with Kyle Reese jumping in after him.

    Unless that idea has been scrapped but I doubt it.

    But Christian Bale is a great choice, altho I had no problem with Nick Stahl. Hopefully his wife won't be in it as I wasn't too keen on her in T3.

  4. #4
    Terminator IV V_Translanka's Avatar
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    They're retconning the T3 from continuity so it's already got that going for it in my books.

  5. #5
    Another movie that doesn't need to be made.

    Will any film series ever end? I can't think of one that has bowed out. I fear of a world in twenty years where Rocky and the Terminator are still film franchises.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Raymond Stantz View Post
    Saying that it doesn't need to be made is like saying that the new Star Wars trilogy never needed to be made.

    I don't know what happened to imagination in this country. We have to see every movement of every character that fans have fallen in love with.

    Hey, we don't know what happened to the survivors after Jaws 4. They were out in the water! Maybe another shark came! Here come the millions.

    This movie is going to be a disaster. The director, who takes his cue for a name from McDonalds, has directed such critical darlings as Charlie's Angels, and he only does that when he gets time off from directing music videos for Korn.

    Christian Bale, despite his performance in the Dark Knight, is a great actor. This film is wasting a potential great casting in a worthwhile film.

  7. #7
    Terminator IV V_Translanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Raymond Stantz View Post
    I don't see what the big deal is. The Terminator is a franchise film trilogy, and a franchise television series. It's pretty much common sense that there would eventually be another movie.
    Not to mention a legion of comics & video games.

    I don't know if a new movie NEEDS to be made, but a new movie that erases what happened in T3 is more than acceptable to me. They can't POSSIBLY make a worse Terminator than that and even if they COULD, it'd be an achievement in filmmaking all its own. A new Terminator is welcome because Terminators continue to be cool. Killer robots from the future=awesome. In a lot of ways it's very much like the Mega Man series...they may not continue to be as good as the firsts, but sometimes more of the same is perfectly acceptable.

    Maybe after this we'll get a Aliens vs Predator vs Terminator movie. lol
    Last edited by V_Translanka; 09-07-2008 at 12:01 AM.

  8. #8
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Terminator IV ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Translanka View Post
    Maybe after this we'll get a Aliens vs Predator vs Terminator movie. lol
    I've got be honest, I think that would be awesome.

    Although I really can't see why this needs to be made. It should have stopped at 3 films, and a TV series (even though T3 sucked). Same with Rocky Balboa, Rambo, Indiana Jones (although it turned out OK) and Star Wars (releasing a Clone Wars film, I mean, not Ep 1-3).

  9. #9
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    It annoys me how they are making sequels and prequels for everything lately. I don't think they should be making this movie, I don't think I will see it, I didn't even see the third movie. To me, it ends with T2, that was the best movie in my opinion. I have only heard bad things about T3 over the past few years. If Arnie isn't going to be in the movie much then it's not worth seeing at all in my opinion!

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  10. #10
    I'm kinda happy they're making it. The first 2 I grew up on and loved, though they are insane action movies but that's the point. The 3rd was meh and I wasn't too hot on. This one though interests me cause they're not throwing in another assassination attempt. It shows the war and has Bale who's one of my favorite actors so I'm quite happy...haha I think it's funny how they pick someone a little different looking than John from either the second or third, though if you look at either of those 2 now it's probably for the best.

  11. #11
    TFF'S RESIDENT DOOM GOD Terminator IV IRANianCha0s's Avatar
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    They should cast Dane Cook as John Connor and Adam Sandler as the Terminator. BEST. MOVIE. EVER.
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  12. #12
    Terminator IV V_Translanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corazón de León View Post
    And just for the record, Terminator 3 was a good film. It was much better than Terminator 2. The only reason why die hard fans don't like it is because it had a different director, and therefore, a different vision and feel.
    Yeah, a vision & feel where John Conner is a whiny crybaby dbag...I think bringing Arnold back for a third time was another mistake. And the T-X or w/e it was, besides being a fairly hot chick, was lame (Shirley Manson in the tv series is much better).


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