I am sure that there are some fellow Horror Movie buffs on the TFF. However, I wander how many of them can agree that the remake of A Nightmare On Elm Street "from a non-critic" standpoint was actually pretty good. Yeah, I said it, there is actually a decent horror movie remake out there lol.
All kidding aside, lets write a review. A Nightmare On Elm Street, while a leech on cheap thrills and gore, was not as bad as I was expecting. The film had a few redeeming values that defiantly helped it's case. First of all, Jackie Earle Haley(Watchmen's Rorschach) played Freddy. The next redeeming value was the kills. You can't have a slasher without awesome deaths(a description would not do them justice). Finally, the film didn't completely copy the original. However, there was a little too much talk about the dreams.
All in all I would rate this movie at a 7.5/10. Of course, a remake of the movie wasn't completely necessary but much enjoyed for the price of a ticket(which is freakin overkill by the way).