Not to create yet another 'What's your favorite topic...' topic... but, what's your favorite movie posters? I was looking at the posters in my brother's house, and it got me thinking about my own personal favorites. It just so happens that a lot of my favorite movie posters are from some of my favorite movies.
My favorite movie poster is Jaws, which also happens to be my favorite film. That image of the shark rising up out of the water to chow down on that poor skinny-dipper is one of the most instantly recognizable posters of all-time.
Another personal favorite is the poster for American Beauty. You might not have seen the movie, but the poster is of a woman's bare abdomen with a rose gently placed on it. See the movie and it'll make sense.
Boogie Nights has a very nice, very flashy '70's esque poster, which is supremely fitting for a movie about the porn industry in the 1970s.
Of course, all of the Star Wars posters get nods. I'm talking about the original trilogy's original posters, the original trilogy's re-release montage posters, even the prequel's posters.
Then, there's the movie, Gilda, with Rita Hayworth. The poster is basically just Rita Hayworth in a slinky black dress. It's a very sexy poster. I feel it complements another favorite, Breakfast at Tiffany's, with Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn's in a slinky black dress of her own, but this one's very classy.
Finally, there's this movie from the '30s called The Sin of Nora Maron. Haven't seen it and I've heard it's a relatively dull movie, but the poster, painted by the famous pin-up artist, Vargas, is of a classic Vargas girl.