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  1. #1

    The Matrix: Merovingian

    Is Merovingian a previous Neo? If you watch the entire trilogy you find out, from The Architect, that The Matrix goes in a cycle. They tried to perfect it, and couldn't, ending up with a "Neo" every time. After watching the entire trilogy does it seem like the speech about cause and effect from Merovingian makes more sense if he is indeed a previous "The One"?

    Otherwise, he's just reciting some philosophical bullshit for no god damned reason other than to be a dick.

    A penny for your thoughts?

    Neo chose to go back and save Trinity, maybe this guy chose the other door.
    Last edited by Che; 04-08-2010 at 12:11 AM.

  2. #2
    I want to play a game. The Matrix: Merovingian Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: The Matrix: Merovingian

    I would say that he is not. The Merovingian has dealt with the previous incarnations of "The One" but I think that is all. I think with each cycle, The Merovingian has the Keymaster and "The One" needs the Keymaster to get into the room with the "Programmer" (?) thus the Merovingian comes in contact with each "One". I also think that his philosophical nature is part of the program that he is; he cannot think in any other way because that is his nature.

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  3. #3
    Sir Prize The Matrix: Merovingian Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: The Matrix: Merovingian

    That would explain his name, somewhat. That the line of Merovingian kings were deposed and replaced by the Carolignian line by the Papacy(religion). Leading to the reign of Charles the great.

    IDK, the whole thing seems to be reaching. Short of an explanation from an unnecessary sequel, it may be like the tootsie pop. We may never know.


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  4. #4
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The Matrix: Merovingian RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: The Matrix: Merovingian

    I never thought about it that way. It doesn't seem likely though. I don't think any of the previous 'Ones' were still in the newest version of the Matrix. I don't see why they would be.

    I don't care that much though because from the end of the second movie, the story becomes some supernatural, religious bullshit anyway.
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  5. #5
    Registered User The Matrix: Merovingian Angel Black's Avatar
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    Re: The Matrix: Merovingian

    The Merovingian is just one of the many tests "The One" has to endure, he is in RPG jargon a "plot event".The most you look at it, he is the typical kingpin of old crime books, a mix of devil and jailer, kind of urban Hades.
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  6. #6

    Re: The Matrix: Merovingian

    Quote Originally Posted by Angel Black View Post
    The Merovingian is just one of the many tests "The One" has to endure, he is in RPG jargon a "plot event".The most you look at it, he is the typical kingpin of old crime books, a mix of devil and jailer, kind of urban Hades.
    thats a good way of seeing it, he's part of the system and uses it to and also wants to have more power in it.

    cause were talking about the Matrix what happened to the twins int eh second film, they got away when they went ghost like and got away

  7. #7
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) The Matrix: Merovingian che's Avatar
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    Re: The Matrix: Merovingian

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonhart View Post
    thats a good way of seeing it, he's part of the system and uses it to and also wants to have more power in it.

    cause were talking about the Matrix what happened to the twins int eh second film, they got away when they went ghost like and got away
    They actually blew up in the explosion from Morpheus shooting the gas tank of their cadillac pickup after samurai swording it to flip it on it's side.

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  8. #8
    My couch pulls out but I don't. The Matrix: Merovingian midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: The Matrix: Merovingian

    idk... the one is an exception to the rule... like the guardian or the oracle is... they're in every matrix. they're a program that survives every time. this could possibly be a "the one" who decided to accept the "programmers" decision and live in the matrix doing what he wants. since he is a version of "the one" when the matrix is "reincarnated" he is able to do what he wants, he's already superseded the code.

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