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Thread: The Golden Compass~Who's going? SPOILERS

  1. #1
    Lady of the Flowers The Golden Compass~Who's going? SPOILERS Anthiena's Avatar
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    The Golden Compass~Who's going? SPOILERS

    Personally, I can't wait for this movie! I first heard about it coming out a couple of years ago and the preveiws and such look gorgeous. I wonder if they will get away with what happens in The Amber Spyglass....

    ...but really. This seems like they may have streamlined the story a bit, but I do suppose it will only go to the point when Lyra walks into the world of the living shadows.

    Do you suppose they will show the little boy separated from his daemon and the way he died?


    "On October 9, 2007, Weitz revealed that the final three chapters from The Golden Compass will be moved to The Subtle Knife to provide "the most promising conclusion to the first film and the best possible beginning to the second." -Wikipedia
    Last edited by Anthiena; 11-14-2007 at 05:16 PM.
    I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself.
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  2. #2
    Sir Prize The Golden Compass~Who's going? SPOILERS Sinister's Avatar
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    Although this does look interesting and somewhat original I wouldn't expect it to remain intact, just as the future Narnia books will most likely be tuned down as well.

    I must be honest when I say that these hack propoganda fantasies don't interest me much. I have Poe's view on allegory. It detracts from the singularity of the art. I barely managed LOTR, and Tolkien swore it wasn't allegory.

    I might rent it, but I'll save my cinema fare for I Am Legend.

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  3. #3
    IT IS ****ING CALLED NORTHERN LIGHTS. Golden Compass? What? Why do they keep calling it that, where did my titles go? It's not even a compass. Sorry. It's a treasured childhood memory, I'd like it to stay as I knew it.

    That trilogy was a pillar in my life, my transition from one literary stage to another. I probably couldn't watch the movie now. I'd like to see how they do some of the scenes, like the way they seperate the kids from their daemons in the horrible box.

    Enjoy the film, the books will remain classics in my eyes. I couldn't watch the movies for fear that they would tarnish my memories of the books.

  4. #4
    The Lost Writer The Golden Compass~Who's going? SPOILERS Psiko's Avatar
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    I'm going to see the movie. I enjoyed the books greatly a year ago, and was excited to hear that they were making a movie. And then I stopped and remembered that Hollywood butchers every ****ing book that they make into a movie. Poor Eragon...

    But I'll still watch it because I'm a nerd like that. Although to this day I still avoid watching Bridge to Terabithia because I don't want that book's moving story to be ruined in my mind.
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

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  5. #5
    Lady of the Flowers The Golden Compass~Who's going? SPOILERS Anthiena's Avatar
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    Hey, I liked Eragon the movie... it inspired me to read the much better (and more long-winded) book... as for it being allegory, that doesn't start really sinking in until the third book... now that was a tough read... but the movie does look true to the books. I hear that the author calls the Trilogy itself 'The Golden Compasses' and that the US publishers thought it refered to the Truth-o-meter as I so uneloquently call it and liked that title more than Northern Lights. The Studio didn't call it Northern Lights probably because they have moved the scene where Lyra walks into Citagazzette to the second movie... all of which have Philip Pullman's approval. Though some things were removed, the story will remain intact and to the author's approval (unofficially, they don't need it, but the producer has worked very closely with the author.)
    I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself.
    I want to become someone who can exercise power. I want to become a prince. - Kunihiko Ikuhara "Ikuni"

  6. #6
    The Golden Compass~Who's going? SPOILERS Calcifer's Avatar
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    Weee! I'm really excited about the movie coming out.. I got the books on a birthday awhile ago and fell in love with them. They are my favourite series.
    I hope it lives up to expectations, but I'm not that worried because the trailers look really good and New Line Cinema put together some really nice movies. The Actors are great too.. Nicole Kidman couldn't have been a better person for Mrs Coulter.

    They should show the boy without Ratter (His daemon) because it is the main part that tells everyone what is going on in Bolvangar, I'd be disappointed if they didn't put it in.. if you think about it, it is a main movie point.

    I didn't know about them cutting back the ending, hopefully it turns out ok. I half agree with them doing it though, because Lyra walking into the new world would be an abrupt ending for a movie, because in a book your expected to just grab the next one and read on, but in a movie you have to wait a year or so for the 2nd movie. We'll see how it turns out though, you guys are lucky because it gets released on the 7th everywhere, but us Aussies have to wait for the 26th I think.. I was disappointed when I found out that lol.


    Yeah I was angry at that too, I've always known it as the Northern Lights.. But isn't the american version of the book called the Golden Compass? Really, if you think about it though.. The Golden Compass sounds better than Northern Lights as a movie title.

    I can relate you aswell with the books but with me I love the books so much that I want to see the movie, not the other way round, after reading it I always had a small wish to see the book in real life as a movie. I know movies get dumbed down and cut but I still want to see how it turns out. I don't think it will disapoint but I'm still ready for it if it does.


    I watched Eragon, and even though I haven't read the books, It still felt like alot was missing from the movie. I have the feeling The Golden Compass won't be the same.

    I don't want to read the Bridge to Terabithia, I watched the movie and it was the only movie that has ever made me cry. So no way I'm going near the books.

    But anway, we can't really predict how it is going to turn out.. you know they only put the good parts in the trailers so the only way to know is wait till it comes out and see it. I have a feeling it's not going to be so bad though.

  7. #7
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I want to go see this but unfortunately, I just don't have the time this year. Damn holiday hours...

    Anyways, I first saw the preview for it when I went to see Pirates in the theater. The trailer looked so interesting that I actually bought the boxset immediately. I wanted to read them in preparation for seeing the movie. Very good books with some extremely dark themes and an almost overwhelming complexity the first time through. I enjoyed them quite a bit. I really do hope that the movie adaptation will be good.

    I'll probably buy the DVD when it comes out if the reviews are at least decent.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  8. #8
    Registered User The Golden Compass~Who's going? SPOILERS Dimi's Avatar
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    I haven't read the book but this is another good movie I've been wanting to watch for a while. It looks really good though. Looks adventurous and has a lot of fantasy is it. The other day, I heard religious groups or somebody tried to boycott the movie because it was like anti-Catholic or something like that. Anyone else heard of that ? I was surprised actually. I've been hearing good things about the movie but that was a little weird.

  9. #9
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    It's actually not all that weird. I believe that something similar happened when the books were first released because of the content and concepts presented. I can easily see where there'd be some definite religious backlash to this sort of story. Unfortunately, I can't tell you exactly why without spoiling the books, so I won't. I do strongly encourage you to read them before seeing the movie, though.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  10. #10
    Lady of the Flowers The Golden Compass~Who's going? SPOILERS Anthiena's Avatar
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    A few things on the "Anti-Catholic" spew: Phillip Pullman is an honorary member of the Agnostics League. He isn't against religion or Christianity, he is against organised religion.

    As for why the Catholics banned this movie (though ironically, the actress who played Ms. Coulter is a Catholic), the book presents an extremely negative, repressive Catholic church and veiw of God, which Lyra's world calls the "Authority"-with good reason. It can be assumed that the Church of this world never lost it's authority and that as it's power grew, so did the abuses. Church assassins are seen among other things.

    ...but what may bother them most is what Lyra's "uncle" sets out to do: wage a second war against God and in the end, succeeds, due to innocently done actions.

    As for the separated children, I have heard that the Intercision scenes are freaky at the very least and you get no doubt that what is happening is extremely wrong. It also mentions Castrati along with Intercision, interestingly enough. I hope it does well enough so that The Subtle Knife is released. I wanna see Citagazzete and Will!

    On that note, I wonder who will play Kirjava.......
    I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself.
    I want to become someone who can exercise power. I want to become a prince. - Kunihiko Ikuhara "Ikuni"

  11. #11
    I tell you, I went to the theatre today with the intention of seeing a movie with my friend. After some illegal drugs we entered, and found nothing "good" was playing.

    Golden Compass was, and I say, I -didn't- go.

    Shite movie.
    [Today 2:38 AM] Lord Kaos: Police report on their IPs?
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    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: brb im off to kill them both.
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  12. #12
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I saw this yesterday with a free pass from some DVD or another, having never read any of the books.

    It was pretty good. It had a lot of nice visual effects and some great acting. However, the story felt really rushed, and the characters lacked development. Seemed like a lot of story/exposition was simply told to the audience instead of allowing it to play out on its own, and that they tried to squeeze the book into too small of a time frame. That's usually what happens with most books-turned-to-movies, though.

    I will say that Sam Elliott's character is awesome. Lee Scoresby doesn't seem too different from other rolls I've seen him play, however.

    I'm not sure how I feel about all this, being a Catholic and all. The story itself is fine, but I've read some of the things Pullman has said, and well... I don't think I can say that I like him. Let's put it that way. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  13. #13
    I've seen the trailer for it and such. I'm not too sure if it appeals to me. I do know it has the same 2 actors from Casino Royale in it. So if there's a torture scene in this movie involving rope used by Lichifre on Daniel Craig, then I'll by it the second it goes to dvd.

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