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Thread: Favourite Musical?

  1. #1
    No place like home Favourite Musical?
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    Favourite Musical?

    I'm a major Musical lover, so this thread you can discuss your favourite musicals.

    Mine is Wicked (hence the name) and Sweeney Todd.

  2. #2
    I was never a major fan of musicals to be honest. Not until my best friend introduced me. I'm still new to whole affair, but here are a couple of my favourites :

    Phantom of the Opera,
    and the classic: The Sound of Music. That counts as a musical right? xD

    But my ultimate fave is Phantom of the Opera. I love the story in that one.

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  3. #3
    No place like home Favourite Musical?
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    I was just watching Phantom, scarey. And yes, Sound of Music is counted. I love that music.

    I also love Chicago and Guys and Dolls, I'm seeing both live this weekend *yay*

  4. #4
    Registered User Favourite Musical? HUNK's Avatar
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    I have three favorites, two of which have already been said.

    1: Phantom of the Opera
    2: Sweeny Todd *evil grin*
    3: Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde

    The music from all three of these were great and I had scene a play version of Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde that had David Hasselhoff and it was really good. Daivid is not always the person I would expect to see in such a movie but I was surprised.

    Sweeny Todd was epic. I love the dark feeling that Tim Burton can put into a movie. Nuff said.

    As for the phantom, the music speeks for itself. Infact my Highschool band just recently did a music show that had the Phantom theme song and I had fun playing it. I also used to listen to the music when I was really young in my sleep so I suppose its kinda imbedded in my brain.

  5. #5
    No place like home Favourite Musical?
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    Quote Originally Posted by H.U.N.K View Post
    I was really young in my sleep so I suppose its kinda imbedded in my brain.
    Phantom can do that to you.

  6. #6
    Warrior Ninja Favourite Musical? Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    I've actually seen only one musical that I recall of and it was really good ^^...It was Phantom of the Opera, I was 12 when I saw it in my music class...The ending kind of scared me though >.>...But the music was really great :]

  7. #7
    Favourite Musical? SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Without a doubt, Les Mis is my favourite musical. The story, the characters, and the music are all second-to-none, and it's definitely one of the biggest obsessions in my life, let alone among my favourite musicals.

    Chicago and West Side Story round out my top three, as I'm also quite obsessed with both (I've yet to see the new Broadway revival for the latter which upsets me, but I just may be going to see it for my birthday later in the summer).

  8. #8
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSJ4 Goku View Post
    Without a doubt, Les Mis is my favourite musical. The story, the characters, and the music are all second-to-none, and it's definitely one of the biggest obsessions in my life, let alone among my favourite musicals.
    Damn right! Les Mis is the shit! I made a thread about it a couple years ago in the music forum... no one responded... but yeah. Really great story with interesting characters. Really sad in parts, too. My favorite character is Javert. I think the original author gave him a bad rep. He was doing what he thought was right, and at the end he realized he wasn't right and let the guy go... and killed himself, because he couldn't deal with not being right... "Stars" is an amazing song, though. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  9. #9
    I like musicals.

    High School Music (Major rippage I foresee, guilty pleasure)
    I love disney films
    That Moulin Rough was awesome
    Lion King at the Theatre

    Though I guess I only watch them for the story, never go out and buy the album for something such as HSM, which had nasty songs. Lion King and Aladdin, had some real epic music. Randy Newman did a fantastic job with Toy Story.

  10. #10
    1. Phantom of the Opera - The film of it, which is the only thing I have seen of it (Curse my fellow students for not wanting to go with me on Broadway to watch it), is amazing. I got it as a present for my birthday and all the hype I had for wanting to watch it was satisfied and exceeded. It was simply and utterly brilliant and I intend on going watching it on the West end next year. But still, the amount I craved to watch it before hand was crazy. I'd only heard "Phatom of the Opera" and was addicted to the song. That and the allure of the phantom, I refused to look up stuff on it until I had watched some form of it. It was a wait well worth.

    2. Chicago - Wow. What to say about it? Other than it was fantastic. Honestly, I'd love to go see this on stage just to know how they do it from the film adaptation (no spoilers please). All I can say is though, this is definitely one of my top films, not just one of my favourite muscials. Someone gave it me to borrow since they were shocked I hadn't watched it and from the off, I could see why. Honestly, I can't really see a person watching this and not liking it.

    3. Rent - This is what got me into musical. Sure I had watched Sweeny Todd before hand, but this was what hooked me (even before my boyfriend got me into more). I had heard loads about it from my friends and heard one song from it: La Vie Bohiem(sp?). To say the least, I loved it. There was just something about it that made me a fan of it (although I didn't go as far as to listen to the commentaries as they did).

    This will probably change after I go to London though. Apart from Phantom, I really want to see Wicked. Like Rent and Phantom, I've only heard one song from it (although I've watched the two mentioned), and I really want to go watch it. And I'm sure its easy to guess which song I've heard from it: Defying Gravity.
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  11. #11
    Imperius Rex Favourite Musical? Storm's Avatar
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    I don't usually like musicals, although like many people here I do love Phantom of the Opera. The songs are fantastic, the story has the weird and dark elements with the romantic. I also love the Rocky Horror Show if that counts. I want to see Sweeny Tod, so I will probably see it in the near future. One of my friends has just been given a part for it so I will probably go and watch him, and watch the film sometime.

    Things like Grease are too cheesy for me, although I did see it at a theatre when I was a kid and enjoyed it. I absolutely deteste Sound of Music. Don't get me started on High School Musical... my cousins were watching it in the lounge and I was already getting homocidal when I was in another room!
    Last edited by Storm; 05-31-2009 at 09:01 AM.
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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.McCoy View Post

    Lion King at the Theatre
    Ooo I forgot about about those... I think maybe my first musical I saw was the Lion King one. I adore that one - being as it is my favourite of the Disney movies. I remember watching it live and being awe inspired.

    Hehe Grease. I love that one just for the pure cheese that it is xD. It's a classic... and has it's rep for a reason. Grease 2 wasn't quite up there.. and the Reproduction song always had me in stitches. (Yes I can be mature...) XD

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  13. #13
    No place like home Favourite Musical?
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    I just came back from seeing Chicago live, it was so good. I like in Australia by the way, I don't know about the American one, but this one was amazing. I also saw Guys and Dolls.

    I love both those musicals.

  14. #14
    Favourite Musical? SSJ4 Goku's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellfire View Post
    Damn right! Les Mis is the shit! I made a thread about it a couple years ago in the music forum... no one responded... but yeah. Really great story with interesting characters. Really sad in parts, too. My favorite character is Javert. I think the original author gave him a bad rep. He was doing what he thought was right, and at the end he realized he wasn't right and let the guy go... and killed himself, because he couldn't deal with not being right... "Stars" is an amazing song, though. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    If I would have seen that thread, the two of us could have just ranted back and forth to each other. It would have been good times. Also, "Stars" is indeed an amazing song. That, along with "Do You Hear the People Sing" are probably the two songs I'll just spontaneously start singing at any given moment ("Stars" more so at night, when I look up at the sky, thus cuing the song in my head). "Who Am I" is probably my favourite song in the musical, though, if only for the emotional impact it has within the context of the story.

    Anyway, I'll hold back further, lest I just start ranting about it, but, on a different note, I'm glad to see you're still here, if only as much as I'm still "here"...or something like that. ^_^

  15. #15
    Sweeney Todd remains my long term favourite, being the first musical i properly registered (and the first song being A Little Priest), and having seen various stage versions I was pretty dissapointed with the film, especially after again comparing it to the original. Sacha Baron Cohen was great though, i wasn't expecting that.

    And yes, Les Miserable is awesome.
    It had such an epic feeling to it, and so many solid songs (Master Of The House, anyone?).

    Avenue Q is also very good, and a complete contrast, still, hilarious.

  16. #16
    Favourite Musical? Red XIV's Avatar
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    I'm relatively new to the musical scene. I haven't seen a live production of one (though, I'll be going to NYC in July, and I hope to get a chance to see something on Broadway when I'm there), but I've seen several film adaptations.

    I thought Moulin Rouge! was pretty great. I love original music, but it's fun to see classic songs, like The Police's Roxanne, worked into a musical, especially one that's supposed to be set in turn-of-the-century France.

    Chicago was good, as well, although, with a cast like that, how could it go wrong? Catherine Zeta-Jones is enough to get me into the theatre.

    My favorite musicals, though? I love the episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once More, With Feeling. Who would've thought that Joss Whedon could write a musical? Well, he proved his stuff yet again with last year's Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, which is both hilarious and sad, and one hundred percent awesome.
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  17. #17
    Not a huge musical fan unless they are a of a creepy style or Tim Burton.My most favorite is The Nightmare Before Christmas hands down.If I had to choose another fav I guess it would be The Labyrinth.

  18. #18
    I do what you can't. Favourite Musical? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Ah, yeah, I guess Labrynth would be a musical too. While I haven't seen them live, only on film, I've got to go with the classics -- Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, etc. Grease wasn't bad, I suppose, but I'm probably only alright with it because I was forced to watch it every day for a month and a half a year. Sweeney Todd was pretty different, but damn good.

    And, though they didn't show much of it, I'd probably like "AIDS", from Team America.

    And, most importantly, my favorites, both of which I've seen live: Avenue Q and The Producers. A friend of mine had to do a theater class for school (required -- either that or Film Study, which is supposed to be really lame), and his class did The Producers. He wasn't in it, just worked on set, but he loved it.

    If you have never seen The Producers, go rent it. I mean, hell, it's a Mel Brooks musical. How can you go wrong?

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  19. #19
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, I've heard a bit from Avenue Q, liked it a lot. Felt like something I could relate to. And Sweeney Todd was great, too, as was the Nightmare Before Christmas and The Corpse Bride (Danny Elfman ftw).

    SSJ4 Goku: Yeah, I'm still kickin' it. Actually pretty involved in some things; more involved than I probably should be, given my current access to the internet and other things I should be taking care of... TFF sucks you in, man! But yeah; I love "Do You Hear The People Sing" and "Who Am I." I also love "One Day More;" that one's epic. Anyhoo, lunch break's pretty much over, oh crap!!

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  20. #20
    Gingersnap Favourite Musical? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    The Sound of Music - an old favorite. I got to play Maria once, and it was just excellent. I have always loved and identified with Maria, and playing her only reinforced that. And the music is great.
    Avenue Q - Hilarious. I've seen this on Broadway and know most of the songs embarrassingly well.
    The Producers - Also funny. Gay Hitler? Excellent.
    Children of Eden - I was a chorus member in this in 7th grade. It was a particularly emotional show for several reasons (long story), but I have loved it ever since. It has beautiful music.

    Can I add a least favorite musical?
    Carousel. Shit sucks. "This was a real nice clam bake?" DID YOU JUST SING FOR FIVE MINUTES ABOUT HOW YOU ATE CLAMS?! "Is that possible, mama? Someone can hit you as hard as they can, and it doesn't hurt at all?" "Yes, it's possible." Shut up, Julie Jordan, you're an idiot. Billy Bigalow hits his wife and treats her like shit, comes back as a ghost to fix things, ends up getting so frustrated he smacks his daughter (who reports that it only felt like he kissed her?), and then it all works out (how, I'm still not sure) and he goes to heaven.


    Also, Violet. That is a terrible musical.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 06-19-2009 at 01:29 PM.

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  21. #21
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Spousal and child abuse for the win, apparently! Yay!

    There was a local musical my friend was in lately. Alana, I think it was called, by a local playwrite. It was meh. (Just to keep this from being a one liner...)

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  22. #22
    hmmm.... i think high school musical is good for me... there are talented!!

    i remember watching the musical movie called GREASE starring John Travolta... it's really classical, but it has a lot of mature scenes in this movie...

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  23. #23
    Favourite Musical? Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    The Sound of Music - an old favorite. I got to play Maria once, and it was just excellent. I have always loved and identified with Maria, and playing her only reinforced that. And the music is great.
    I think I was still around TFF when you were Maria!

    For me, it's tough to drop it to a low number, since I find the answer varies a lot depending on my mood, but if I had to...

    I'll start with Les Mis. I'm pretty sure people already covered the reasons why but fantastic story and brilliant music. Plus, Javert is an amazing character.

    Into the Woods. It's a bit silly, but the music is all really well done, plus I have some really good memories of it because of high school.

    Ragtime'll be the last one I actually go into, though I'm kind of a huge musical dork. It's a fantastic adaptation of a really good book, and Brian Stokes Mitchell's voice is beautiful. He really carries the show as Coalhouse.

    Though I'd be happy to give plenty of other recommendations, I did my very very best to distill it to 3.
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  24. #24
    Registered User Favourite Musical?
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    Ooh nice thread, I have only seen two live but they were both epic and are my all time favorite musicals. The first is the Phantom of the Opera have seen this twice and it was fantastic both times. The movie is okay, Emmy Russum played Christine perfect but Gerald Butler butchered the role of the Phantom with his horrible singing and that kind of ruined the movie for me. And my second favorite is Spamalot. A take from Monty Pythons Quest for the Holy Grail. Also fantastic.

  25. #25
    The Original Moogle Knight Favourite Musical? coombsy1989's Avatar
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    Favourite Musical is easily Nightmare Before Christmas film wise. Show wise I love POTO and Wicked although I read the book before I saw the show and I wasn't too happy how they made the plot much more kid friendly but then again I suppose that's the problem with doing a show that is related to the Wizard of Oz.

    Speaking of the Wizard of Oz that's also one of my favourites. It was one of the first films I saw (at home on VHS obviously) and it's just stuck with me ever since. Sweeney Todd's really good but I prefer the Broadway original to the movie version. I do have a soft spot for Evita but again not the film version (god Madonna is an awful actress).

  26. #26
    I've only seen but a handful of musicals and none of them were live, but Sweeney Todd and Grease would have to be my favorites. Chicago was also unexpectedly good.
    Last edited by mayyam; 07-03-2009 at 06:10 PM.
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