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Thread: Favorite World War II movie of all-time.

  1. #1
    Godsmack Worshipper Favorite World War II movie of all-time. Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Favorite World War II movie of all-time.

    I have always been a huge fan of World War II movies, I've watched like tens of these movies but my favorite movie of all-time would have to be Saving Private Ryan, I must have watched it already about 10 times and I never get tired of it.

    The movie involves one mans mission to retrieve a soldier from combat. The soldier's name is Private John F. Ryan. Private Ryan has three other brothers who are also in combat, they were killed in action. Since Private Ryan is the only one left of the four brothers, the General orders that he is retrieved off the front line and brought home to his family. One soldier [Tom Hanks] is chosen to lead six men into battle to retrieve Private Ryan.

    More info about Saving Private Ryan:

    Source: Saving Private Ryan -Wikipedia

    The film begins with an elderly World War II veteran (Harrison Young) and his family visiting the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Normandy, France. The veteran collapses to his knees in front of a gravestone, overwhelmed by emotion. The scene then changes to the beginning of the Normandy invasion, with American soldiers landing on Omaha Beach and struggling against dug-in German Army infantry, machine gun nests and artillery fire. One of the men who survives the initial landing, Captain John H. Miller (Tom Hanks), commanding officer of the C Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion, assembles a group of soldiers and slowly penetrates the German defenses, leading to a breakout from the beach.

    Meanwhile, in the United States, General George C. Marshall discovers that three of the four brothers of the Ryan family have all died within days of each other and that their mother will receive all three notices on the same day. He learns that the fourth son, Private First Class James Francis Ryan (Matt Damon) of Baker Company, 1st Battalion 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment is missing in action somewhere in Normandy. The drop target for Ryan's unit was Neuville-au-Plain, Manche. Marshall orders that he be found and sent home immediately.

    Back in France, Miller receives orders from Lieutenant Colonel Walter Anderson (Dennis Farina) to find Private Ryan and assembles six Rangers (Tom Sizemore, Edward Burns, Barry Pepper, Vin Diesel, Giovanni Ribisi, and Adam Goldberg), plus one man detailed from the 29th Infantry Division (Jeremy Davies) to accomplish this task. With no information about Ryan's whereabouts, Miller and his men move out to Neuville. On the outskirts of Neuville they meet a platoon from the 101st. After entering the town Private Adrian Caparzo (Diesel) is fatally wounded by a sniper who is then killed by Private Daniel Jackson (Pepper) with a round through the eye. After finding James Fredrick Ryan from Minnesota (Nathan Fillion) by mistake, they find a member of Charlie Company 506th, who informs them that his drop zone was at Vierville. He also tells them that both Baker and Charlie companies have the same rally point. Once they reach the rally point, Miller locates a friend of Ryan's, who reveals that Ryan is defending a strategically-important bridge over the Merderet River in the fictional town of Ramelle. They also find Brigadier General Amend dead in a glider (based on the death of Brigadier General Don Pratt).

    On the way to Ramelle, Miller decides to take the opportunity to neutralize a small German machine gun position close to an abandoned radar station. Technician Fourth Grade Irwin Wade (Ribisi), their medic, is fatally wounded in the ensuing skirmish. The last surviving German (Joerg Stadler) incurs the wrath of all the squad members except Upham (Davies), whom he befriends. Miller decides to let the German walk away and surrender himself to the next Allied patrol, a decision viewed by Reiben (Burns) as letting the enemy go free. No longer confident in Miller's leadership, Reiben declares his intention to desert, prompting a tense confrontation with Horvath (Sizemore) that threatens to tear the squad apart until Miller resolves the situation by revealing his origins, on which the squad had formed a betting pool. Reiben decides to stay.

    The squad finally arrives on the outskirts of Ramelle where they destroy a German reconnaissance unit with the help of some American paratroopers, one of them being Ryan. The unit regroups in Ramelle, joining with the American paratroopers defending the town, where Captain Miller informs Ryan of his brothers' deaths and of their mission to bring him home. Ryan adamantly refuses to leave his makeshift unit, demanding that he remain to help defend the bridge against an impending German counterattack. Miller reluctantly agrees and orders his unit to help defend the bridge in the upcoming battle, taking command and setting up the defense with what little manpower and resources they have.

    The Germans arrive in force supported by tanks, a towed FlaK 38 cannon, and half-tracks. Miller leads the defense, but in spite of inflicting heavy German casualties, most of his remaining squad members are killed (Jackson and Parker are hit by a high explosive tank round in their perch, Mellish is stabbed to death in a close quarters fight, Henderson is shot in the throat, Horvath is fatally wounded after taking several shots from assorted small arms) and the American unit is slowly pushed back by superior numbers and firepower. The defenders retreat across the bridge, suffering further casualties, pursued by gunfire and an advancing German Tiger. In the middle of an American attempt to blow the bridge, Miller is shot and fatally wounded by the German man that Upham convinced him to release earlier. Just before the Tiger reaches the bridge, an American P-51 Mustang destroys the tank, followed by more Mustangs and advancing American infantry who assault the town and rout the remaining German forces. Ryan, Reiben and Upham are the only main characters to survive the battle. Ryan is with Miller as he dies and hears his last words, "James... earn this. Earn it."

    Back in the present, the elderly veteran is revealed to be Ryan at Miller's grave. Ryan asks his wife to confirm that he has been a "good man" and thus worthy of Miller's and the others' sacrifice. He then salutes the Captain's grave as the camera pans down the gravestones to the American flag and fades out.

    Main cast

    • Tom Hanks as Captain John H. Miller
    • Tom Sizemore as Platoon Sergeant Michael Horvath
    • Edward Burns as Private First Class Richard Reiben, a BAR gunner
    • Jeremy Davies as Technician Fifth Grade Timothy E. Upham
    • Barry Pepper as Private Daniel Jackson, a sniper
    • Adam Goldberg as Private Stanley Mellish, a rifleman
    • Vin Diesel as Private Adrian Caparzo, a rifleman
    • Giovanni Ribisi as Technician Fourth Grade Irwin Wade, a medic
    • Matt Damon as Private First Class James Francis Ryan, a paratrooper

    The story is great, the acting is brilliant, Tom Hanks is such a fine actor with such an enormous range that it's rather difficult to say which one of his many performances is the finest. His Captain John Miller is decidedly near the top of the list. The special effects for this movie are sadly incredible. I say sadly because of how realistically these soldiers die. Also, one of the finest elements of this movie is how it reminds us that real heroes are never super human. They are ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.

    I really think this is simply not a movie to be missed. It certainly is the best movie I've ever seen as well as one of the finest movies ever made, it is a movie that brings history to life.

    So yeah, What is your favorite World War II movie of all-time?
    Last edited by Omega Weapon; 10-06-2008 at 04:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Registered User Favorite World War II movie of all-time. Halie's Avatar
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    'Goodnight, Mr. Tom' has gotta be my favourite. I haven't watched many WWII movies, I'm not really into that sort of thing. But that film's brill. I cried my eyes out the first time I watched it, very sad.

    Goodnight Mr. Tom (1998 film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

    There's a Wiki link to the film, if ya'll want to know more. ^^

  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. Favorite World War II movie of all-time. Clint's Avatar
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    The best one would have to be Saving Private Ryan. It gets you hooked from the beginning, with a realistic, terrible scene of Omaha Beach on D-Day. Although, my uncle fought on Omaha Beach on D-Day and lived, and there were no characters based on him. That's just gay.

  4. #4
    I know i have seen a few, but honestly i can't think of any. Saving Private Ryan sticks out. I was thrilled to watch it when i was a kid because i heard it was kinda gory, but it turned out to be a really good movie despite the reality. I don't watch a lot of war movies.

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  5. #5
    Registered User Favorite World War II movie of all-time. HUNK's Avatar
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    Saving Private Ryan was in my opinion the best WW2 Movie. Its just a good movie.

  6. #6
    Registered User Favorite World War II movie of all-time. winterborn86's Avatar
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    My favourite is also Goodnight Mister Tom, i cried my eyes out over it. It was so touching.

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  7. #7
    Bananarama Favorite World War II movie of all-time. Pete's Avatar
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    Well, my favorite WWII movie would most definitely be Saving Private Ryan. The way the opening invasion of Normandy is filmed really makes you appreciate the sacrifices of the men who served there, as well as just blowing you away with the sheer magnitude of the battle itself. I've heard stories about vets breaking down in tears because it was THAT realistic and evoked such strong memories. Not to mention the rest of the story, which is simply masterful.

    However, my most favorite WWII related program is without a doubt Band Of Brothers. It was filmed for HBO and was a 10-part mini-series about the 101st Airborne, who fought in Europe. Because it was about 12 hours of footage, and includes a documentary with the soldiers themselves, it becomes a much more personal event, where you see the soldiers in their 70s-80s telling their own stories, and then you see them as portrayed by the actors. It's a different, more personal perspective than Saving Private Ryan, but it does an incredible job of story telling nonetheless.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  8. #8
    Good I'm glad to see almost everyone else loves Saving Private Ryan as well. The movie in the first 2 minutes puts you in the perfect mind set with the boats opening at D Day. Pretty terrifying and amazing all at once. It's not often they get a bunch of big names together where they all work and click, this is a rare and delightful exception though.

  9. #9
    The Quiet One Favorite World War II movie of all-time. Andromeda's Avatar
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    I've never seen Saving Private Ryan, so I can't really say. And I doubt that I would since when it comes to World War II movies I just can't resist the classics. My definite all time favorite movie would be The Longest Day which is a classic war movie from the 50s I think or really early 60s. Either way it covers the D-Day invasion from multiple points of view giving you a real good view and taste of all of the fighting that was taking place all across the French countryside and coast line.

    The runner up would have to be the Battle of Bulge which is a favorite battle for me in the war anyway. So it makes it really enjoyable to watch. I wish I could remember the other one that I really like, but I've seen it so little. It was basically about the German armor divisions going up against the American armor divisions and I think one of the last pushes against the main German army before things really started to fall apart quickly for them. Wish I could remember it.

    Sorry, but I really have to go old school when it comes to war movies. They just don't make them like that anymore. Though they do not really make very many World War II movies anymore. Kirk Douglas and John Wayne did a few along with Cary Grant, though he usually did lighter ones. Still so many war movies were made back in the 50s and 60s. Guess hollywood burned themselves out.
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  10. #10
    **** me sideways people, is saving private ryan the only ****ing war movie you have seen? I certainly hope so, as id hate to think you have seen alot and still picked the most patriotic bullshit movie you possibly could as your favourite. Sending a ****ing army to find some guy because his brothers are dead and the US army doesnt want an old lady to be anymore heart broken ? What ****ing bullshit, as if people, as ****ing IF !

    My favourite WWII related movie would have to be Kelly's heroes, and guess what?? ITS AMAZING. The film starts with some of the main charatcers in a farm house interogating some Nazi's, and one of them is carrying a big bar of gold, Clint Eastwoods character gets the Nazi drunk and finds out more about the gold bar. Anyway he gets the info and location of the bank and decides to go AWOL and take a small platoon of his fellow soldiers deep behind enemy lines to try and find the gold. Its great, if you haven't seen it i suggest you download that shit!

    Where eagles dare is also pretty Epic and comes a close second

    EDIT: Missed Andro's post as pretty much every post between the poster and Andro was "AMAGAD I LOVE SPR" So fair play to ya Andromeda, someone with actual taste. Three cheers for the classics !
    Last edited by nix; 11-09-2008 at 01:15 PM.

  11. #11
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Favorite World War II movie of all-time. Polk's Avatar
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    My favorite World War II movie has to be "The Bridge on the River Kwai". The Bridge on the River Kwai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Such a brilliant film. The film is based on a fictional book, but is about a group of American and British POW's building a bridge for the Burma Railway, which was actually built with forced labor by Allied Prisoners during the war. Go watch it. Nowish.

    Other Films (as in a top 5):
    Letters from Iwo Jima
    The Longest Day
    The Guns of Navarone
    Saving Private Ryan
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  12. #12
    The Quiet One Favorite World War II movie of all-time. Andromeda's Avatar
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    Guns of Navarone, thanks Polk for reminding about that one. I loved watching that movie I can't believe I forgot about it. It definitely places up for me. And thanks Nix, I remember seeing Kelly's Heroes twice I really enjoyed it. It was not the sort of war movie you expect which makes it really fun to watch. And Clint Eastwood in it certainly does make it more enjoyable.

    It is quite a shame that others can't enjoy the classics. Someone has to remember them.

    Anyone remember The Final Countdown, I think it was called that. About the USS Enterprise, I think it was, Aircraft Carrier from the 80s getting sucked through a time warp back to 1941 just days prior to the bombing of pearl harbor. Not the best movie, but it was fun to watch when you were younger. And they almost wiped out the Japanese fleet too with modern technology. It would have quite funny to see them actually do that.
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  13. #13
    ShoShinjo666 Favorite World War II movie of all-time. shodemon666's Avatar
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    Couldn't agree more: Saving Private Ryan.
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  14. #14
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    The only War movie I have really seen is Saving Private Ryan but I didn't end up watching it all anyway! It was on too late and that movie seems to go on forever. It's a bit gruesome for my liking but I don't mind it, I'm glad I didn't see the end anyway because I've heard all about it. No thanks, I just ate dinner, I don't need to see that! It's very realistic though and is really well made.

    [**** me sideways people, is saving private ryan the only ****ing war movie you have seen? I certainly hope so, as id hate to think you have seen alot and still picked the most patriotic bullshit movie you possibly could as your favourite. Sending a ****ing army to find some guy because his brothers are dead and the US army doesnt want an old lady to be anymore heart broken ? What ****ing bullshit, as if people, as ****ing IF ![/B]
    O.o Calm down? People can have their own opinions.

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  15. #15
    Saving Private Ryan is my favourite, but what made it for me was Tom Hanks, he`s a brilliant actor. I also liked The Thin Red Line, and Band of Brothers if you were to make the tv mini-series one!

  16. #16
    No one else has said Patton? Kids these days.

    The Dirty Dozen also works in a pinch, but Patton is one of the greatest films ever made. Go ahead and watch it.

  17. #17
    Bananarama Favorite World War II movie of all-time. Pete's Avatar
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    I completely forgot about Patton. It's one of my favorites, as is The Sands of Iwo Jima. I remember when I was little, I'd watch it with my grandpa when he'd babysit me. I haven't seen it in years, but I remember always watching it and loving it.

    And the reason so many people are saying Saving Private Ryan is a favorite, is because it's a legit good movie, and one of the more recent and mainstream ones to have been produced. Throw in the phenomenal cast and the sheer magnitude of the opening scene, and you have an amazing movie.

    And God help anyone who says Pearl Harbor. That movie was 15 minutes of action and 2.5 hours of suck... and complete fabrication.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    And God help anyone who says Pearl Harbor. That movie was 15 minutes of action and 2.5 hours of suck... and complete fabrication.
    If anyone cited Pearl Harbor as a great movie, their American citizenship should be revoked. I couldn't finish it, and I do not stop movies without finishing them very often.

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