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  1. #1

    Favorite Stephen King Adaptation

    There have been many Stephen King book/short stories adapted into a movie.My most favorite of all of them is definatly 1408.I hadnt read the short story of 1408 until after I watched the movie and I did not notice many differences from the story.This movie is horror/thriller at its peak if you ask me.P.S. John Cusack kicks a**.

  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    As for his newer adaptions I wuold have to say that was the best in well over 15 years. I hate how much of his work is butchered through the big sceen (or the little one). But over all I would have to say Misery still takes the cake. I still crenge when I see the ankle VS hammer scene.

    It was alright, just a little to long and drawn out for my tastes, I liked it more as a kid but have seen it way to many times over the years.

    Oh can't forget the Shining, it is tied with Misery and 1408. Then again it might have a slight upper hand on both.

    As for the langoleirs I hated that adaption. It pissed me off to see his writing turned to **** like that.
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  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. Favorite Stephen King Adaptation Clint's Avatar
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    I would say Dolores Claiborne, or Misery. Most of Stephen King's film adaptations aren't really that great, though. I mean, The Shining is a classic, but whoever likes Jack Nicholson is obviously on crack. The movie for The Stand, which is one of my favorite books, was an absolute disappointment.

    1408 was a good movie, but it was originally a short story, so a lot was added onto it. There's an actual novel by Mr. King now, but it was written after the movie came out.

    I'm still waiting for a Dark Tower adaptation. I made the decision a year ago to refuse to watch any more Stephen King adaptations until The Gunslinger is made into a movie.

  4. #4
    Yanqui UXO Favorite Stephen King Adaptation charliepanayi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Egon Spengler View Post
    I mean, The Shining is a classic, but whoever likes Jack Nicholson is obviously on crack.
    Then call me Mr Crack Addict.

    My favourite is probably Misery or Carrie, both terrific films with some powerhouse performances from Kathy Bates and Sissy Spacek respectively. And I'm a sucker for any film where school bullies get their comeuppance.

    Oh bugger wait, Stand By Me and The Shawshank Redemption are both terrific too, I stupidly forget sometimes they're based on short stories of his. It has to be Stand by Me, it's a wonderfully poignant film.
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  5. #5
    Favorite Stephen King Adaptation V_Translanka's Avatar
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    Yeah, Misery was great and 1408 wasn't bad either...Though I haven't read either I don't think lol...My fav would probably be Dreamcatcher though. Sure, it swerves off in it's own direction halfway through, but I didn't mind...I recognize the difficulty it would have been to be completely faithful to the book in this case...and the toilet scene shall forever go down in infamy as one of the creepiest in movie history to me. I couldn't look at any bathroom the same after that. Awesome book too though.

    idk if I'd ever want the Dark Tower to become a movie...maybe some kind of mini/maxi-series on one of the cable channels...otherwise I'm fine it being an awesome set of books...and comics...hey! There's an idea! Maybe make it into an anime series or something...That could be funky...>_> I just don't know who I'd want to play Roland is all...I think Clint is a bit too old for the role now and anyone else would just feel wrong...and whoever would end up playing Jake would be an annoying little ufck as well, I'd bet...V_V

    I want 'em to hurry & make The Talisman movie though! Even though that would have an annoying kid actor too, it's definitely my fav SK and would be absolutely epic. Maybe one movie wouldn't be enough for that too though...

  6. #6
    idk if I'd ever want the Dark Tower to become a movie...maybe some kind of mini/maxi-series on one of the cable channels...otherwise I'm fine it being an awesome set of books...and comics...hey! There's an idea! Maybe make it into an anime series or something...That could be funky...>_> I just don't know who I'd want to play Roland is all...I think Clint is a bit too old for the role now and anyone else would just feel wrong...and whoever would end up playing Jake would be an annoying little ufck as well, I'd bet...V_V

    I want 'em to hurry & make The Talisman movie though! Even though that would have an annoying kid actor too, it's definitely my fav SK and would be absolutely epic. Maybe one movie wouldn't be enough for that too though...[/QUOTE]

    Well you're in luck because "The Talisman" is going to be a tv-mini series sometime in 2009.The series doesn't have a cast list yet,but you can find the info for it on IMDB.

    As for "Dark Tower" I believe that a movie was in production for sometime soon,but that info can also be found on IMDB.

  7. #7
    persona user Favorite Stephen King Adaptation foster kid's Avatar
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    i loved the movie rose red.......even though i cant find it anywhere anymore........although i loved pet semitary and langleers and the stand..........even though i have not read any of his books i am still a fan of his.

    i wish i could get his books, at 21 i think i can actually read the books without losing intrest. then again im still not a big fan of reading unless its in a game......

    but i really do love the movies and i think its cool that every stephen king movie that i have seen has had a cameo of the man himself in them lol......

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  8. #8
    Favorite Stephen King Adaptation V_Translanka's Avatar
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    I trust IMDB about as far as I can throw it (which due to my relatively weak throwing arm and the inability to physically throw a website, isn't very far)...Movies (adaptations especially) can be in production limbo for years on end...I only believe it when they have 1) signed a director, 2) have a concrete, finished script, and maybe also 3) have the main cast tied up already...

    Oh yeah, Stand By Me was fantastic! So many books SK has made and so many made into movies! It's hard to keep track...Again though I haven't read the short story The Body that it was based off of...

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    Last edited by V_Translanka; 04-22-2009 at 07:49 AM.

  9. #9
    Mmmm I'd go for Misery and The Shining! =3
    I haven't read the 1408 one yet but thoroughly enjoyed the movie... And I do recall purchasing the book with it in... <_< Curious.. very curious...
    I don't know if they're adaptions but I thoroughly enjoyed Storm of the Century and Rose Red. My ultimate favourite King production was Storm of the Century. The glowy eyes.. teeth... all very nice .
    Last edited by Kilala; 06-04-2009 at 07:37 AM.

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  10. #10
    I've read a lot of his writing, but have seen about four movies based on them. So, out of them, I choose IT since it's the only one I can really remember, and it was pretty good. The Shining, and 'Salem's Lot were, in my opinion, poor. And I watched Stand by Me/The Body in school; it was okay.

  11. #11
    Asking all the personal questions. Favorite Stephen King Adaptation RamesesII's Avatar
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    I liked 1408 it was quite good i haven't read the book only watched the movies, it was very suspenseful.

    I have also watched Carrie but i thought it was a bit silly the only bit i like is when she killed everyone haha.
    Shining was terrific and so was Salem's lot. I wouldn't mind watching It and Pet cemetery.
    I enjoy his short stories the most my favorite is Nightmares and Dreamscapes a brilliant read.
    I have also watched the Stand it is a miny series not a movie it isn't to bad if your willing to sit through it.
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  12. #12
    come and get some Favorite Stephen King Adaptation Darkwave's Avatar
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    I can't wait till he does the Dark Tower Series as an movie. Hopefully it will be decent.

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  13. #13
    Registered User Favorite Stephen King Adaptation
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    My favorite Stephen King adaptation is Stand by Me.

    The story is based off Stephen King's short story The Body. I highly recommend watching this film, because it has a great story, really good characters, and the campfire scene where Gordie tells his story is hilarious (gross, but hilarious).

    I also like the movie Christine. It also got an homage in a Futurama episode called The Honking.
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