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Thread: Clone High

  1. #1

    Clone High

    Such a good show, I can't believe that this show was only around for one season. JFK, Gaundi and the announcer/Narrator are too funny. Anybody else watch this show? What was your favorite characters?
    Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in

    - "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"

    -"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)

  2. #2
    Born Again Atheist Clone High Sarah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Fall River, MA
    Ah, Clone High. AMAZING show! My favorite characters would have to be Joan, Abe, and Scudworth. My favorite episodes are Raisin the Stakes, Makeover Makeover, and ADD.

    Unfortunately, Clone High was canceled due to complaints from India about the way Gandhi was portrayed. I guess we'll have to be happy that we still have the creators' other show, Scrubs. (Most of the main cast of Scrubs has done voice work on Clone High.)

    There is a DVD available of the complete series. It's only available in Canada. I managed to get a copy through someone who visited there recently.
    Why the hell is everyone's sig so long? Be polite and use a freakin' spoiler tag!:
    Bring back Pete for S-Mod!
    Down with Word Games! Eradicate post counts! One liners are valid responses, too!

  3. #3
    Lucky for me I live in Canada and my roommate owns the season/series.

    Anyways technically it is still on "Hiatus" but yea I'm guessing it's still pretty much cancelled. Scudworth is a one of the more prominent Hilarious characters too.

    It is unfortunate that many people did take the gaundi issue so serious, to me it dosn't seem in any way insulting seeing that it isn't the "actual" gaundi. My favorite episodes are:
    Sleep of Faith: La Rue D'Awakening - "Hey lets all go swimming in my pool! and by pool I mean bathtub and by swimming I mean SEX!"
    Litter Kills: Litterally - "Can you give me some high fives under the table? Everyone else is getting some"
    Makeover, Makeover, Makeover: The Makeover Episode - "and it draws the eyes from how incredibly low waisted I am"

    Announcer: "And what will become of gaundi? I`d tell you but I havn`t seen the episode yet, they were supposed to send it to me but there`s this guy at work who totally hates me, if he gets me fired I`m gonna kill his dog..."
    Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in

    - "Phoenix Downs are your friends. But remember Cloud they don't always work. I'm looking at yooou Aeris"

    -"Immortal maybe... but not invincible!" -Prince (of Persia)

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