View Poll Results: Lod of the Rings vs. Star Wars.

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  • Peter Jackson's: LotR

    45 65.22%
  • Geroge Lucas's: Star Wars.

    24 34.78%
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Thread: Choose a Trilogy?

  1. #1

    Choose a Trilogy?

    Now that one of the greatest Trilogies in Cinema history has been completed, I'd like to see how it compare with the other most revered trilogy, George Lucas's Star Wars(the old ones of course).

    I've loved Star Wars since I was 6 years old.... And for the last three years I've considered the LotR movie the greatest in each year. Its deffinetly a hard choice, But I think the story behind LotR, pushing it along, the monolith that Tolkien created... is just superior to the story pushing Star Wars... though don;t get me wrong, as I've said, I love Star Wars too, its just LotR comes out on top.

    What do you think. If you like soem other trilogy more, feel free to say so... hm.
    <img src="">

  2. #2
    Well I would have to say the Star Wars Trilogy, even though this is a biased and half-factual opinion. As I have not seen any of the Lotr movies. I give credit to my answer though, mainly to all the hype, profits, and just great movies that the Star Wars series has made.

    Also why have I not seen any of the Lotr movies. I mean I have HBO and Cinemax, and if the first 2 movies have been out, then why aren't they on ever. They are out on DVD so when are they coming to HBO?

    I think Star Wars also had some of the best characters of all time Jabba the Hut, Darth Vader, and Han Solo. I mean they are just classic movies, that are going to be hard to be topped.

  3. #3
    I have to stay Star Wars for pretty much the exact same reasons Cobain did. I have not seen Lord Of The Rings, and I really do not want to. It looks like one of those movie that has dramatic music and cheesy scenes. Star Wars, however, is a great movie every time.

  4. #4
    I give it to LotR hands down.

    The Star Wars Trilogy well... the first oen was great. The 2nd one? Some of the worst shit ever to be made.

    Pancakes, your idea of what LotR is is unfounded. If you acutlaly saw any of the mvoies, you'd probably be blown away at how much better they are than the star wars films (The new ones).

    The music is pretty good, not great. Sets the scene very well.

    There are few cheesy scenes too. Far fewer than in the Star Wars movies. When Anakin and Amidala were being pulled out to that coluseum to be executed? CHEESY. In fact... every scene between Anakin and Padme are scoring near 10 on the cheese scale.
    <center><font face="arial" size=1>"Hajimari no aizu wa, shinigami ga doa wo tataiten da yo"<BR>~ I-No - Guilty Gear XX: The Midnight Carnival</font><BR><BR><img src=""></center>

  5. #5
    Now wait a minute here. Were not talking Star Wars 1 and 2, as the third movie isn't out yet, therefore it isn't even a trilogy yet. Were talking, Luke "mo'fo" Skywalker, and Darth Vader. Were talking Wookie's and Ewok's dude!

    The first Trilogy of George Lucas's Star Wars Episodes 4-6, were outstanding and have outlived there time. They are still great movies now while going against movies that can totally outdue them in special effects. Such as the highly acclaimed Lotr.

    Now I won't dispute the fact with you OmegaGear that Lotr is probably a great series. But I don't know if any trilogy out there can compare with Star Wars.

  6. #6
    And how exactly can you give that statement without seeing ONE of the LotR movies? It seems that Gil Galad and I are the only people here who've seen both trilogies, and are the only ones that really know what we're talking about.
    <center><font face="arial" size=1>"Hajimari no aizu wa, shinigami ga doa wo tataiten da yo"<BR>~ I-No - Guilty Gear XX: The Midnight Carnival</font><BR><BR><img src=""></center>

  7. #7
    Bright Eyes
    I would say LOTR, I love Star Wars so much and A New Hope (Original Part One) and Empire Strikes Back (Especially) are downright awesome -- they kinda did so much for our culture. It was more than just a movie and hell it's years old yet there are lots of fan clubs and conventions still based on it. Sadly, Star Wars got weakened right around the time Return of the Jedi came out; and don't get me started with Phantom Menance and Attack of the Clones ... absolutely horrible.

    As for LOTR; all three movies were great in their own rights -- Fellowship did an admirable job building up the plot while Two Towers gave us a darker, grimmer look. And Return of the King goes into far detail at the end explaining what happens to the hobbits. And well the battle scenes are downright incredible as is the soundtrack.

  8. #8
    This is weird 4 people have posted, and I am the only one who chose Star Wars, yet the poll is even???

    I know what I'm talking about! Even if I saw the Lotr movies, I'd still pick Star Wars. It's just classic, I can't even believe these two are being put against each other. Yet the fact that the poll is tied shows that my comments are correct. That a trilogy that old, can still hold up to movies made with all kinds of computer special effects that are used today.

    I know the whole story of Lotr, and I've seen the old animated movie. I'll watch it ok, but that isn't going to change my opinion.

  9. #9
    No, Cobain, you';re wrong. Pancakes agrees with you, but for the same reasons. But he hasn't seen any of the LotR movies either. If you see the LotR movies and still say the roiginal SW trilogy is better, I'm fine with that. But until you do, your opinion is invalid, because you have no experience to base an opinion for or against the LotR movies. And no, the animated movies do not count.
    Last edited by OmegaGear; 12-19-2003 at 11:45 AM.
    <center><font face="arial" size=1>"Hajimari no aizu wa, shinigami ga doa wo tataiten da yo"<BR>~ I-No - Guilty Gear XX: The Midnight Carnival</font><BR><BR><img src=""></center>

  10. #10
    LotR all the way.

    I never really had much liking for Star Wars.

  11. #11
    Lord Have Mercy Choose a Trilogy? Bunny's Avatar
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    Anybody else notice the pattern?

    People who have seen both movie sets(I won't call them Trilogies because Star Wars has 6 movies, which isn't a trilogy) tend to favour Lord of the Rings. While people who have only seen Star Wars favour, uh, Star Wars. But whatever.

    Are we comparing the old movies or the new ones, or just both franchises?

    I'll just compare both movie series'. I've seen both Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, all of them. I enjoyed Lord of the Rings more. Mostly because I love fantasy, not science fiction. Aside from genres, I found Star Wars to be the same story told in a different view with different people. While Lord of the Rings is unique.

    Episode One and Two(Star Wars) put me to sleep, while Lord of the Rings kept me wide-eyed and interested throughout the entire movie. The older Star Wars interested me, but I still felt tired afterwards or in the middle. Plus.. Lord of the Rings is just amazing.

    Originally posted by Cobain

    Also why have I not seen any of the Lotr movies. I mean I have HBO and Cinemax, and if the first 2 movies have been out, then why aren't they on ever. They are out on DVD so when are they coming to HBO?
    Look harder, I see them playing all the time. I've noticed that they are usually on during the day(4pm-7) or in the morning(2am-3am). But yes, they are there.
    Last edited by Bunny; 12-20-2003 at 01:22 PM.

  12. #12
    Technically Star wars doesnt count as a trilogy anymore.... but never mind

    As much as I like Star Wars, I like Lord of the Rings a whole whole lot more. Infact, I'm in love with that trilogy. Peter Jackson works emotion a lot better, and Lord of the Rings has a stronger sense of comradeship. BEsides, Lord of the Rings is fantasy genre... my favourite genre, so it get's my vote

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  13. #13
    Where HBO 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, because I have HBO and it's never on.

    You know alot of people complain about Star Wars episode I and II, yet get real! I mean it's like anything that is huge, the Final Fantasy series, the band Nirvana after the release of there breakthrough album Nevermind. After something that huge comes out, people are either going to love or hate what comes next, there is no in between. That is why everyone flips out about the first 2 episodes because it's not as dark or mysterious as the older ones were. They are telling the story the way George Lucas wrote it, and that is good enough for me. I'll admit I hate Jar-Jar Binks, and I didn't like I because I thought Anakin flying a jet at like age 10 was dumb. But I loved II, I mean that was Yoda out there fighting with a light sabre people, that is classic.

    Don't get me wrong I like fantasy better than science fiction too. However I didn't really like the Lotr story, I thought it was kind of lame. I only really liked the last part where the multiple armies are killing each other and that one dude shoots that special arrow to kill the dragon. Otherwise Star Wars has lasted the test of time, and I'm shocked that anyone would vote against it.

    I liked Willow better than the Hobbit story. But like I said once I watch it, I will report back.

  14. #14
    LotR has lasted the test of time too. There are many stories in games, movies, and books that steal from it.

    Yoda fighting with a lightsaber. The part that ruins the movie, yet saves it at the same time. A moment that has a lot of meaning in the story, but ultimately ended up being lauched at by most people, and most of the people I hear saying they love it loved it for the wrong reasons.

    I don't hate the new movies because they're not as dark or mysterious, I hate them because they suck. Episode 1 was alright, but episode II? That was the worst movie to come out of George Lucas's ass ever, and the fact that he admitted that he made it a certain way to make up for the complaints about E1 goes to show that he copped out and altered his original plan.
    <center><font face="arial" size=1>"Hajimari no aizu wa, shinigami ga doa wo tataiten da yo"<BR>~ I-No - Guilty Gear XX: The Midnight Carnival</font><BR><BR><img src=""></center>

  15. #15
    I hate the new Star Wars. When I watched Episode II, and Yoda goes crazy, I bursted into laughter. It was just confusing. I think the original trilogy was good, not the new ones. And yes, I agree the Lord of the Rings story has stood the test of time, and I think the movies will. All this without having seen them.

  16. #16
    I said Star Wars Trilogy becuase I thought there would be no competiton if we were comparing Star Wars I and II to LotR, though there is quite a bit more if we are comparing the old ones, 4-6, which are amazing movies. Though Cobain, I doubt LotR will have a TV release until after all three have been put out on dvd, which will happen most likely sometime next July.. september time? And then I don't think it will happen till a few months after that. I think if you aren;t going out to buy it, just rent both of them.. or soemthing.

    Star Wars epi. 1 was ok, Jar-Jar was odd, but it wasn't up to the horrors of epi. 2 , There was a few second of laughter after Yoda started flipping... heh.

    Though I have to hand it to them for not having as many laughs at a serious time as Matrix 3 had when Neo 'tried' to cry over Trinity's death...
    <img src="">

  17. #17
    Lotr...big time...I have seen both trilogies...but yeah..even before LotR was out I didn't fancy Star Wars at I would have given any trilogy the favor of Star Indiana Jones...Matrix etc.

    I just love the entire LotR thing...those movies are like one of the best movies ever made...they're amazing....big time and IN the future ^^

    Peace out

  18. #18
    Gingersnap Choose a Trilogy? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I saw Star Wars when I was reeeeeeaaaaaal little. I watched it with my dad and my brother, one movie a night, for three nights. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I couldn't get enough of that trilogy. That feeling that you get when you see a really good movie was what I got from Star Wars.

    I got that same feeling from LoTR. I saw the first one and was very impressed. I was in tears, TEARS I TELL YOU!I felt that I had already connected with the characters of the story. I could already feel the intense devotion within those friendships. When I saw the second one, I was even more enthralled into the stunning filmography and exciting battle scenes. By the end, I couldn't wait for the third one to come out. I saw the third one last week. Amazing. I agree Neo, LotR really tugged at your heart strings. Again with the tears. The movie was very faithful to the books and I was wowed.

    So, while I'm a huge Star Wars fan, the emotion in LotR won me over. I'm a big emotion person. That's why I'm gonna have to go with LotR.

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  19. #19
    morning glow
    Oh gosh...

    I'd have to say the LotR trilogy- with Star Wars and Indiana Jones following behind. Reasoning?

    LotR: I dunno... it's new... the actors are awesome ((and I'm not judging on looks- even though that's a plus)) and fresh. The story is semi-clique-ish in regards to Star Wars, but just the way it was all composed and put together made for a good epic

    Star Wars: It was awesome for it's time.

    Indiana Jones: It was cool, damn it. And Harrison Ford did such a good job... Indy was so witty...

  20. #20
    LotF, hands down. To me, these aren't even close to being comparable trilogies. Don't get me wrong, I loved watching Star Wars, I thought they were some great movies, but they falter in a few areas that LotR does not, and I think thats why it is a better trilogy. First of all, while LotR is a solid series throughout, Star Wars sort of has its highs and lows. A New Hope was a good movie, Empire Strikes Back was the best of the series, and then the ending, Return of the Jedi, just wasn't up to standards with the other movies, and a trilogy really loses its value if its finale doesn't live up to its predecessors. With the LotR there was a progression. Fellowship of the Ring was a great movie, The Two Towers was an amazing movie, and Return of the King was far and away the best movie of the series.

    The other reason I'd have to give it to LotR is that its just a much more emotional experience than SW. Sure, you were surprised when you found out Darth Vader was Lukes father, or when Leia finds out she is Lukes sister, but it just doesn't have the feel that LotR brings. You feel sad when you see how the ring is eating away at Frodo, you see Sam change from the most timid person you could ever meet to one of the bravest. You see friendships grow, you see them broken, there is betrayal, there is hope, there are just so many things that Star Wars doesn't have, and I think that this trilogy will be remembered much longer than Star Wars.

    It was already immortalized in the books, not it is immortalized on film as well.

    Oh, and Cobain? The LotR series is much more serious and aimed at an older audience than the Hobbit was. There is a huge difference between the stories. I also kinda thought the Hobbit was a little lame, but LotR is far better.
    Last edited by cloud711; 01-02-2004 at 09:39 AM.

  21. #21
    ShAdOw X
    Not that i dont like star wars, i love it...

    but the LOTR trilogy is really awsome... i have 2 of the 3 movies in dvd with all the extras, including cut off scenes... and the films are even better with that... i really enjoy seeing them once in a while... and star wars begins to suck after 2 or 3 times...

    but thats just my opinion

  22. #22
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    I'll lean more towards LOTR for this one... main reason being, im really into the whole Medieval war kinda stuff.. and i love the huge hardcore battles full of bloodshed and what have you.. on the other hand though, im an old Star Wars nut, i love the games and any kind of stuff like that on the PC (hell, i was hooked on X-Wing vs Tie Fighter for a looooong time) and i love it to no end. But the spiffy effects and all the good shit in the recent Star Wars eps and LOTR jus.. wasnt there in eps 4,5,6 so it kinda, let me down quite a bit there. Dont get me wrong though, it was great for its time.. but now when you see it, the only thing you really look forward to is seeing Vader do his Dark Side jazz and be a badass, heh.

    LOTR for the kickass medieval shit.
    SW for the cool evilness XD


  23. #23
    well i think lotr is the best.

  24. #24
    Originally posted by badtaste15
    well i think lotr is the best.
    and I think you just spammed. don't do it again honey.

    LOTR wins hands down. No doubt. Yeah SW was aight but come on lotr is the most epic creation of mankind. It's something that will never ever ever ever be forgotton. And Cloud I agree, The Hobbit was sorta lame.
    Last edited by Senna; 01-31-2004 at 08:11 PM.

  25. #25
    Very hard to say. But, I would have to go with Star Wars. It's just a great classic and would be forever the best of all time!

    I think that the LotR are great too, of course. However, it's just too hard to compare a movie of now to one that is old.

  26. #26
    I don't really consider either of them quite as trilogies... Well actually, no, now I think they both are since they're complete stories just they happen to be set in the same 'verse as other [epic] stories like the Star Wars prequels, and for LOTR there's all that other MiddleEarth stuff, whether The Hobbit or all those other basically seven volume expanded appendices.

    When considering the overall scope, I'd say LOTR is just much more of a professional product since it hasn't had to suffer a series of prequels long after the original project with a rusty director. The last movie Lucas had directed before the prequels was a New Hope anyways, and roughly 20 years later he's taking his hand at it again...

    However, the original Star Wars trilogy stands by itself with a little less suspension of belief imo. I mean there are ewoks and walking carpets, but with Lord of the Rings a lot of the people who haven't read the books (and I think people should have to suffer through the books before getting to watch the movie) have no idea what's going on or why despite the prologue and other cues. Star Wars on the other hand is sort of a family drama and a story about redemption over the object cathexis where there's this piece of jewlery which really represents nuclear war/ pure evil/ Nazis/ whatever.

    And personally, I kind of favor either the Indiana Jones trilogy, or the Red Curtain one.

  27. #27
    STAR WAR! i liked LOTR but it doesnt go as deep as star wars. ive been a fan of Star wars sence day one. im a neard for star wars. i collect comics,action figuers, ect. i know ever thing about star wars. hahahaha. probly not but i know alot. and in second place on my list is Indiana jones. why didnt you put that as a opition. oh well.


  28. #28
    Well Indy's no longer going to have a trilogy assuming they ever get started filming that new movie, and then I have to argue that actually Lord of the Rings goes deeper, and even too deep with too much background and allegory to really be enjoyed on it's own, like Star Wars.

    Like some aspects of LOTR makes sense more to those who have goen deeer whether reading the books and The Hobbit, or having see the animated versions, knowing some background info on the world the movie's set in. Star Wars sort of drops most of this baggage since most of the story and the settings it takes place in were created in, or just for the movies.

  29. #29
    LOTR had it all, action, romance, with a touch of humor every now and then.

  30. #30
    Choose a Trilogy? GEOTISTA's Avatar
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    Star Wars all the way. LOTR its good but Star Wars was the first movies I watch and I wasnt interested in lotr for a long time lol.

    I voted for SW bu both are great!

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