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Thread: 01.08.08 "Cloverfield"

  1. #1
    01.08.08 "Cloverfield" Akira's Avatar
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    01.08.08 "Cloverfield"

    Alright, if any of you haven't seen this yet, you must go here now!

    Once you've gotten done watching it, I'll basically let you do the thinking for yourself...because, to be honest, I know just as much as you. I can tell you that this trailer is being shown as a teaser trailer at the beginning of the Transformers movie now in theaters.

    Now this is an example of promotional work at its fucking finest! When I contemplate how I would want to make the ultimate teaser trailer for a movie, this is basically what I have in mind. Not only was the trailer so geniusly done, arousing so much curiosity in me that I never even knew I had, but it was sure not to show too much of anything really. So in effect, I can't be too sure what the hell I'm even so excited over.

    All I know is, I'm going to be seeing this movie the day it fucking comes out, because movie-making like this is just hard to come by these days.

    Just some information I can tell you is that the movie is titleless, meaning there is no name for it yet...nothing, nada, nichts! The provisional "title" that currently adorns the movie trailer site is just the release date of the movie, so basically you'll have to somehow make it all the way up until January to have your curiosity stilled. One more bit of information that may be interesting to some is that J. J. Abrams, the creator of Alias and co-creator of Lost, is producing this movie.

    A major number of internet communities are in a craze after seeing this trailer. So much so in fact, that massive amounts of research is being poured into trying to put the pieces to the puzzle together. One of the most interesting info I've found can be found on YouTube under three videos posted by some guy called nightowl3090. Do NOT worry about these trailer analyses ruining the movie for you, as you can figure, they've only been able to come up with MASSIVELY hypothetical results. These are some really interesting finds actually...interesting not because they seem useful in any manner, but rather because they'll definitely make you question the sanity of these guys.

    Movie Analysis 1

    Movie Analysis 2

    Movie Analysis 3

    Other than those amusing videos, there's nothing at all to satsify your hunger for knowledge.

    Well there is this, but that may just make you even more curious. Just as a note, you can play around with those photos and move them around as well as turn them around.

    I hope they can keep this completely secret until release day, I would be so stoked for a completely mysterious film like this!

    So, let's here your guys' hypotheses as to what this could be...remember, no one really knows anything except that this is NOT a Godzilla movie, so get that out of your system.

    EDIT: This is a really big discovery, some guy was able to solve the monster riddle...well not really, but it is amusing nonetheless.
    Last edited by Akira; 07-27-2007 at 06:53 PM.

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  2. #2
    Monty P.
    Wow. I had heard about that movie from my dad and brother, but I hadn't seen the trailer. When they told me about it, I was like "eh", but now I can't wait for it to come out. I actually hope the whole movie is filmed like the trailer, because it just made the whole thing seem more tense.

  3. #3
    im so amazingly stoaked on this movie, jj abrahms is a god.
    i heard so many people being like..ohhh its godzilla..and im just sitting there thinking, this guy created lost, hes not gonna cop out on a godzilla film...
    theres several other working titles that the film is being made under, such as "Slusho"(the name of the slushie drink in alias, which is another show jj is a writer/creator for),and "The Parasite"

    the film has been slated as having a 30 million dollar budget. and is all being filmed with digital hand held far it has been spotted being filmed new york and apparently a film called "slusho" was being filmed in los angeles(according to wiki that is)

    the film is using viral promotion, meaning that sites are set up and its our job to find out what they are, so we can find out more abut the film...hmmm ARG anybody? *thinks lost expeirence, NIN's Year zero.

    this definately has alot going for it, if they can keep the hype up, this could possibly be one of the biggest blockbusters of all time.
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  4. #4
    anyways new news on it.
    this site popped up a while back

    it ties in with the movie and a little but of the backround for it.
    oh and several myspaces have popped up, and guess what there characters from the movies, more than likely set up by paramont, to help with the realness of the movie, theres some definate drama already unfolding among the characters....they've been messaging and commenting on peoples pages.
    but if you do come across the pages dont troll and ask queston about the upcoming events please...lets keep the fun going
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  5. #5
    01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Craig's Avatar
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    that was not a Godzilla roar! i want to see this! thanks Akira!
    Last edited by Craig; 08-10-2007 at 03:06 AM. Reason: im a dumb ass!

  6. #6
    Sir Prize 01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Sinister's Avatar
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    Wikipedia and IMDb both speculate it might have connections to H.P. Lovecraft fiction. But at this point everybody is speculating everything. I would love it to be connected with Lovecraft! That would be awesome beyond expression... Awesome like a hotdog!

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  7. #7
    01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Craig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    Wikipedia and IMDb both speculate it might have connections to H.P. Lovecraft fiction. But at this point everybody is speculating everything. I would love it to be connected with Lovecraft! That would be awesome beyond expression... Awesome like a hotdog!
    is that the cry of Cthulu one? if thats spelled right. ya if thats true a lot of things add up as much as I hate to admit it cthulu is a cool consept but an Alien
    is kinnda anoying to me

  8. #8
    Sir Prize 01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Sinister's Avatar
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    Well that's the rumour that It might possibly be Cthulhu. But really, who knows. Would be badass if it was Cthulhu though.

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  9. #9
    its not cthulhu, according to jj himself this is an original monster. one we have never seen before...
    for some reason i'm leaning towards some a squid or whale like monster. possible a mixture of both, one of the titles the film has been in production under is "the parasite" so it very well could have binded itself to a large squid then maybe to a big ass whale or vice versa...who knows, whatever this thing may be it's large, apparently twice the size of the statue of liberty it has some kind of claws, it has a monstrous roar and its mean as hell and comes from the ocean.
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  10. #10
    01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Gary's Avatar
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    All I know is they need to make another trailer already. I'm tired of that ONE trailer. WE NEED TO KNOW MORE!!!!!!

  11. #11
    a new site has been discovered latley, giving more of a hint to whats going on. if you want to know more you have to look for it. it's a viral marketting campaign on the verge of a ARG.
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  12. #12
    01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Gary's Avatar
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    What about Does that have ANYTHING AT ALL to do with Cloverfield? If you've never been there, when you get there, click NO.

  13. #13
    no it hasnt anything to do with 1-18
    theres also
    password :jllovesth
    i pretty sure thats the pass.
    some videos from jamie whos a character in the movie with some videos for her boyfriend teddy, who we have yet to see yet. who's in some unknown part of the world. all we know is that he gave her a give that she can open on dec.9th
    maybe a new trailer? who knows
    Last edited by .EcKS.; 10-11-2007 at 08:47 PM.
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  14. #14
    hey kids. so the movie is officially called "cloverfield"

    the new trailer can be viewed here.

    of course this is a bootlegged copy. im sure the trailer will pop up
    here by monday evening.

    this movie is gonna be so amazing. jesus
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  15. #15
    HD trailer was released today. all i have to say is "exploding woman?" and ooo maybe a snippet of the monster.
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  16. #16
    Sir Prize 01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Sinister's Avatar
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    Damnit this is killing me. If it turns out to be Godzilla or a Dragon I'm going to be supremely disappointed. But seriously, I've run out of guesses.

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  17. #17
    01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    I really can't wait until this movie comes out- what is it, just one more week?

    I believe it has something to do with deep sea research or harvesting, naturally. The entire Slusho thing is focused on some kind of "sea nectar" or something of the such. Perhaps they disturb a creature of sorts?

    Anyway, I REALLY can't wait until this comes out!


    This is an add-on edit since I don't want to double post. I was on IMDB just now looking at the Cloverfield threads, and someone claims to have seen a secret screening of the movie and that person has multiple others backing him up saying that they saw it too and all of his info was correct.

    Whether or not this is true, I don't know. Anyway, these are the "spoilers" he posted on the IMDB forum, so if you don't want to know about the movie, don't read below.

    I'm just leaving it up to all of you to deduct from this what you will.

    "SPOILERS" [what the person had typed.]

    1. Yes, the entire movie is from a hand-held camera. And it was AWESOME, though I did honestly get a little motion sick at times. But you really do feel like you're in the movie which is sweet. Leaving the building I kept thinking I was still there (and kept looking over my shoulder!).

    2. As I said, the entire movie is from the camera- as in, there is no explanation for anything. It starts off with some small text on a black screen saying something like 'Camera found from formally Central Park' or whatever. And then it starts playing. And it just ends, too. Which is, in my opinion, a little frustrating.

    3. Ok, so, what does the monster look like? Well, it's really hard to explain. You never really get a clear shot of it... it's always surrounded by a dust cloud and pops out only for a second (plus it was a HUGE lecture hall and by the time I got in, I was sitting pretty far back ). But from what I saw:

    It walks on four legs. Has an alien like face (with red sacs on the side of the head that inflate as it breathes). Super long whip like tail. The arms/legs it walks on are very long and some what human like.. maybe ape like. Long fingers that grip on to buildings and such. Hairless. Grey. Some what long face but HUGE jaw (that snaps out like an alligator).

    4. Ok, big monsters aren't that scary. But what is? TINY HUMAN SIZED monsters!! (DUNDUNDUUUUN!) Parasites (or babies, who knows) drop off of the monster and turn into spider/crocodile things. They are FAST and MEAN.

    They're kind of hard to see in the movie since they move/attack so fast, but they have really long snouts and move with multiple arms like a spider. They can hang from the ceiling and their bite as poisionous. They are what made the movie scary for me.

    5. The beginning is a little slow. I mean, over all, it's kind of a love story. This guy is leaving for Japan and he broke it off with the girl he loves and they get in a fight at his going-away- party. Then the monster attacks-he gets a call on his phone from her saying she can't move... and he goes (towards the monster) into the city to try and find her.

    Last edited by Momo Mastermind; 01-11-2008 at 09:03 AM. Reason: adding more information
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  18. #18
    01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Craig's Avatar
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    its coming out tomorrow! Oh wow im all a twitter, this better be good! Well even if its not im willing to waist an hour and 24 minutes of my life just to see Americas retort to Godzilla.

  19. #19
    01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Everyone, I'm SO excited! I don't get excited over movies like this very often! [[Last time I was looking forward to a movie this much was for Lady in the Water]]

    ^_________^ I really CAN'T wait to see this- I've heard so much about it, and with the viral advertisement, it's insane!

    I just have to sit through 8 hours worth of work, and PRAY that since it's Friday, the theatre is not full of 14-16 year olds who think they're funny by screaming nonesense...
    The heart is nature's metronome, it counts seconds into miliseconds and even smaller. It beats with time, perpetually; how such a calculating organ became the symbol of love is a mystery to me.
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  20. #20
    Registered User 01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; DarkIrvine's Avatar
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    I saw it yesterday evening and I think it's a great movie! At the beginning it may seem "strange" and it may bother because of all that moving but then it's fine, I think.
    Anyway I expect a quite different ending:
    the happy scene that shows them on the wheel, having fun

    it's not what I expected. I thought
    we would be given an explanation of the monster at the end.

    However, great movie!

  21. #21
    I didn't like it. It started off slow and it got better as it went on. But the way it ended sucked. I don't like endings like that.

    I mean don't get me wrong. It looked good and the whole monster attack on New York couldn't look any more real. So it looked good minus the whole stupid sloppy camera thing.

    But besdies that just rent it. Don't waste your money. It's nothing special.
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  22. #22
    Air from my lungs. 01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Violet's Avatar
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    I disliked it. The camera angles made me nauseas and I couldn't help but feel like sleeping through some parts. The beginning was really slow, but it had to build up who the characters were. The monsters looked interesting, but the characters were boring and not very likable.
    I felt no remorse when they all died.

  23. #23
    01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Everyone is entitled to dislike what they wish, but because I think this movie was very well done and beautifully mastered, I choose to defend it.

    Really though, a former post of mine sums it all up, here, I will link it to y'all.
    The heart is nature's metronome, it counts seconds into miliseconds and even smaller. It beats with time, perpetually; how such a calculating organ became the symbol of love is a mystery to me.
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  24. #24
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    i saw it yesterday for my bro's b-day. i thought it was excellent! the way it was filmed was similar to the way the Blair Witch Project was filmed, but this was way better! i loved every second of it!

  25. #25
    01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Craig's Avatar
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    oh man i had to revisit this thread, i wint to see it the day it came out. the start of the movie i didn't care for slow as hell and when hud tryes to hit on marlene its so painful, when every one was freaked out and started saying its another terrorist attack it pissed me off.
    the rest of the movie is outstanding! I love it! i've watched it a bunch of times and can't wait to own it!

  26. #26
    Definitely not 6:10:50 01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    I saw this movie a few weeks ago when I had nothing better to do and I just have to say, my jaw was on floor, and not many movies affect me this way. I wasn't sure about anything in that movie, I wasn't about anything, but that was the beauty of it, you are the people running for their lives and you have absolutely no clue what is going on, or what to do. It was masterfully done, and the "choppy" camera was because it's supposed to be a freakin camcorder that someone was taping with, not some professional cameraperson, just an ordinary Joe-blow.

    Anyways, it is definitely worth seeing at LEAST once, this has my total seal of approval.

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  27. #27
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    I thought it was something new, which the film was successful at, but it wasn't anything amazing/standout by any means. I think the funniest part of the movie is I watched it 3 days ago, and on May 23rd is when the monster strikes, so I found that funny. Anyone see the very last scene though? It kind of tied in the whole thing timeframe-wise together if you noticed it, but I don't wanna say anything if you haven't.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  28. #28
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    I thought it was something new, which the film was successful at, but it wasn't anything amazing/standout by any means. I think the funniest part of the movie is I watched it 3 days ago, and on May 23rd is when the monster strikes, so I found that funny. Anyone see the very last scene though? It kind of tied in the whole thing timeframe-wise together if you noticed it, but I don't wanna say anything if you haven't.
    yeah i know what you mean.... but as for watching on the same day as when the attacks take place i did the same thing. it was my first time seeing it. and thought i was quite a funny coincidence. but looks like you beat me posting about it ahahaha. but over all i liked them movies and i am streching the word like. i cant say that i was wild and crazy about it. i thought the camera movement was kind of blair witchy and over used but i guess thats to be expected seeing that was what they where going for "live action" but the story was kind of weak and predictable but i do see a good chance at a sequal, hopefully their will be but who knows for certian. i do beleive alot of people will be turned away from it just because of how the first one was shot.
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  29. #29
    I didn't like the film. The moving was a bother and the ending was terrible. The middle part of the film was okay, but i did like that you were the camera, its a great idea

  30. #30
    Registered User 01.08.08 &quot;Cloverfield&quot; Halie's Avatar
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    It was bollocks. Literally. My Dad and I were looking forward to it for so long and it looked so good, but...Oh my God. The characters weren't the least bit exciting, and it all just went at a wrong pace. First it went too slow, and then it went too fast. And I don't think they delivered the camera idea very well either. It was interesting, but I've seen it done better in other movies. It was a real disappointment. Kind of like I am Legend. Plus, it was also very boring.

    I wouldn't recommend it at all.

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