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Thread: Writer's Academy - Red Vs Prodigal Madness

  1. #1
    Lady Succubus Writer's Academy - Red Vs Prodigal Madness Victoria's Avatar
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    Writer's Academy - Red Vs Prodigal Madness

    The tournament has finally gone under way in the Writer's Academy, so without further ado, you two will be portraying your combat skills in the Seasons of Change.

    This round will end in three weeks from now, January 21st.
    Last edited by Victoria; 12-31-2007 at 12:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Writer's Academy - Red Vs Prodigal Madness Red's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Kai walked into the battle Arena, an open field with an odd magical aura. to the left of him was a castle, and surrounding the castle was the open field and a bit of forests.

    Kai continued on until he noticed something far off in the distance, he could barely see the man because of the fog surrounding him. Kai had realized that when he got there the weather was warm and sunny, and now it was Dark slightly chilly and fog shrouded the area around the castle. The weather in this battleground seemed to change with certain ease., it was unsettling.

    Kai stepped forward until he could see the dark figure of a short stubby man that stood before him some yards away. he would like to size him down and figure out what this opponent was like but unfortunately the mist was in his way. Kai would just have to play the waiting game and be patient for his rivals little legs to carry him over to Kai.
    Last edited by Red; 01-04-2008 at 03:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Writer's Academy - Red Vs Prodigal Madness Prodigal Madness's Avatar
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    Following the Voices
    (Sorry for the lateness. Had a last minute move of housing and horrid net connection out in the middle of nowhere. Also, added a cliff side to one side of the castle since the surrounding lands weren't described, and I fancy cliff battles! Finally...don't know where the hell you got I was using a short, stubby man.)

    Malaeth immediately liked the place. It felt dark, and seemed enchantedly chaotic. The constant shifting of weather didn't much bother him. The extreme heat and cold barely registered to him, his spells kept him rooted from being flung around. The rain, snow, and sleet slid from him like water from steel, enchanted as he was. Regions inside the affected terrain would shift both suddenly, and at other times, slowly as well. With a shrug, Malaeth simply scaled the walls of the castle. Easily extending the shadows from the crevices of the stone out enough to wrap around him - they basically carried him to the top.

    Maelaeth sat upon the edge of a balcony, overlooking a sheer cliff face into forested land. He was truly impressed by the magic that had kept the castle up for so long. Time for my own impressive magic. Though, something lurks in these shadows... He sat down cross legged, and intertwined his fingers, keeping his palms separate. Very shortly, his own shadow had begun spiraling off of him and collecting int a volatile orb between his hands. From there, imperfect copies began to leap forth, distorted beings of Malaeth. After several dozen imitations had collected around him, he gave them directions with a thought.

    Some ran about inside the castle, while others explored the outer limits of the castle. As beings of shadow, not much, aside for even stronger magic, would hinder them in the slightest. As he suspected, he lost a couple inside the castle rather quickly. Of course, his mind was immediately brought over to the outside of the castle where one of his copies seemed to have found his opponent. While fog concealed the man, Malaeth figured he had a good enough rough estimate. Rushing to the edge of the rooftop he was on, he called his power back in from his spell of shadows and channeled it into a fairly large sphere of lightning. He chuckled, figuring his thin, elven frame likely blended into the battlements and unleashed the spell. The power arced from the orb down towards the ground, close to where the shadow clone had been - and was to cause more than a fair sized explosion when it hit the ground...

  4. #4
    Writer's Academy - Red Vs Prodigal Madness Red's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    (OOC: I don't mind the delay, to be honest I wasn't ready myself [as you can probably see], I like the idea of the edge and was hoping something interesting would be added. as for the short stubby man...I must've got "elf" confused with "dwarf" sorry.)

    Kai watched as the shadowy figure that stood before him, crawled across the wall of the castle. Kai kept as close of an eye on his opponent as he could. The man stood on top of the castle wall crouched and calm. Kai noticed a magical aura emitting from the man, he must have been using some sort of magic, next thing Kai saw was a multitude of Shadowy figures protrude from the Man atop the castle. he could see that they were Shadows and disregarded them, they had to have been harmless. A shadow was upon Kai, it fled from the castle's roof to Kai in a matter of seconds. Kai didn't keep his eye off the man above him. soon enough the mist around the battlefield disapeared and it was sunny and warm, Kai could now see the man...he was an elf, very Dark in appearance, he resided in what seemed to be mostly leather, but the man himself was not important right now. Kai noticed that the elf was holding an odd orb in his hand, it didn't take a genius to figure out that this orb would not help Kai out in any way.

    the Elf hurled the odd orb toward Kai, Kai figured a side step would be too little to avoid this move, so he began to run in the opposite direction, with Kai's speed he was able to avoid the impact of the massive explosion that the Elf's orb created. Kai turned swiftly to face his new enemy, they were looking each other in the eye from far off. Kai wanted to talk with this man but they were too far away. he decided he would just wait and defend until the powerful man before him made his move.

    Kai was not willing to just sit and wait for The elven man, instead he assumed a squat position with his arm bent outwards. the ground around Kai began to shake fiercely and a strange Red-Orange aura emitted from him. Kai grit his teeth and clenched his fists. he let out a long loud roar and continued in this position. the small tremors below Kai grew more powerful as the powering up continued. by now it seemed as though Kai was consumed by a flame, but the flame was the energy he was displaying. Kai began to sweat, although this did not bother him. Kai was used to heat and it made him pumped.

    Kai stood far off from the man on the roof, and waited with his power within him charged up and ready to be used. all that was left to do was wait and decide on a counter attack to use on this Elf. "well..." whispered Kai with a grin "come and get me"
    Last edited by Red; 01-12-2008 at 12:52 AM.

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