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Thread: OoC: Custom RPB rules idea

  1. #1
    OoC: Custom RPB rules idea You's Avatar
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    OoC: Custom RPB rules idea

    So I’m making this thread as I had an idea from a recent RPB I had as well as a thread seen on a different forum and was wondering if anyone else would be interested. Basically all RPB rules will still apply plus a few more.

    Unknown biographies:
    As most of you know RPB character biographies should be posted in the relevant thread to make sure no one is over powered and make sure no one pulls attacks or items out of their ass during a fight. In this fight however biographies would be sent to a ‘judge’ who would check them to make sure they are not over powered and will check the thread to make sure people follow their bios. Imagine fighting in a bio and disarming the opponent and finding out they are a much better fighter with their fists etc.

    Traps: To create more interaction with the environment within the battle participant’s characters will be REQUIRED to fall into/get hit/affected by some kind of hidden trap or something. One post must be made, before your character is killed off, where this happens. Any post after can deal with the trap. For example:

    1. fall into trap
    2. get out


    1.fall into trap
    2.still stuck
    3.get out

    Its up to the writer how to deal with it and how long they are affected for. They must, however, be largely affected which means take proper damage/knocked out temporarily and not just obtain a minor scratch.
    If enough people are interested I think an RPB could be arranged to test these ideas out. I’m thinking a 4 man battle royal could be good. A posting order may be necessary there I’m not sure.
    These are just a few ideas I have. Let me know if you would be interested in participating or have any ideas of your own that you think would work.

  2. #2
    "The False Hero" OoC: Custom RPB rules idea Cloudx7xstrife's Avatar
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    Do I have to create my own character are can I still stick with RPB as cloud strife?

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus OoC: Custom RPB rules idea Victoria's Avatar
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    You're always better off creating your own character.
    What fun is it being someone else? >_>;

  4. #4
    "The False Hero" OoC: Custom RPB rules idea Cloudx7xstrife's Avatar
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    I am annoyed by the fact the people come up with stupid "special attacks", moves, slogans, etc( no offence by the people that already have). i have fun in being the person i admire most. ill make a custom character as long as i can use the simple set ups, magic, weapons, and armor that the final fantasy games use. ill come up with my own back ground, limits, appearance, etc of course.

  5. #5
    Lady Succubus OoC: Custom RPB rules idea Victoria's Avatar
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    Then that's their problem for coming up with stupid attacks, not yours. >_>;
    Not all of them are stupid. Lol.
    Trust me when I say you'll be a lot better off with original characters. You can set them up however you like, however I wouldn't really copy off of anything pre-rendered.

    It's copyright infringement, and quite frankly, pretty uncreative. ^_^;

  6. #6
    The Old Skool Warrior OoC: Custom RPB rules idea LocoColt04's Avatar
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    ...I don't consider using magic spells and special abilities to be COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. If that's the case, Final Fantasy has been ripping off other forms of entertainment (movies, books, etc.) for DECADES.

    If he wants to rename one of Cloud's overdrives and tweak it to his flavor, there's no harm in that. This is a Final Fantasy forum; it's only natural that someone would want to roleplay as one of those characters. If doing so is ILLEGAL, then we need to shut down half of the RP forum, thanks to all of those roleplays going on based off of the games.

    ...see my point?

    Though I do agree that acting as an existing character rather than creating one of your own might be a little unoriginal, I don't see the "problem" with it at all.

  7. #7
    Lady Succubus OoC: Custom RPB rules idea Victoria's Avatar
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    I don't either. Like I said, it's fine if you take other pre-rendered things and change them up a bit to make them your own. That's cool.

    All I'm saying is that it's unoriginal. I know I said copyright infringement, but... that may have been a bit too harsh/not worded correctly.

    My bad.

  8. #8
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 OoC: Custom RPB rules idea T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Creating an original and completely unique character is more rewarding at the end than emulating a character from an established game. There are several reasons why:

    First and foremost, if you use a character from an established game, you automatically know everything they do. As you may see from the rules, metagaming (aka, knowing about someone else's character and how exactly to stop him, instead of roleplaying the outcome) isn't something encouraged, but with a pre-established character, you may eventually give your opponent the gift of reputation. Your character may know even your own weaknesses by calling on the reputation of the character ("Hey, isn't that Cloud Strife? The one that wields the legendary Buster Sword, uses magic by means of magic spheres on his weapons and armor, and has a set of legendary sword techniques? Awesome, let me disarm him and shatter his weapons until he's weaponless!!!)

    Second, making a pre-established character will shun people from playing against you. Believe me, most people (including myself) won't stand playing with a Cloud clone or worse, a Sephiroth clone. Making a character with a unique way of using magic, or an unusual form of combat is more rewarding at the end, since you know what to unleash your opponent, and your opponent will seek to find a way to respond to your attack.

    Third, "stupid" attacks. There's one important thing to say: what's your definition of "stupid attacks"? If they're overpowered attacks that are unblockable and pretty much unavoidable, then it's god-modding no matter if it's the character's desperation move. That amounts to insta-win on the victim's part, as god-modding is severely frowned upon. If "stupid" is that an attack has to be called before being used, or that it has a different shape than the usual, or something similar: that's "quirks". Quirks make a character shine more than the usual. Flaws, quirks and virtues make a better fleshed character, since you have to play restricted by those flaws, and you get those quirks you enjoy used every time. Restricting a character with flaws isn't something easy, but it's something rewarding at the end.

    Finally: it's alright you wish to play with the character concept you enjoy the most. I do, as well (I love to play with Paladins), but there's a greater reward in playing a character concept you aren't used to. It's much better at the very end, since playing with an unfamiliar concept may reinforce the abilities of your original character concept, refine them to cover possible flaws in execution, and refine your concept to show character development. While that last one isn't enforced in RPBing, refining your concept makes each battle with your character a new experience.

    Hopefully clearing that (and not making it more muddled), I return to original poster's theme: variant rules.

    I do believe that you and your opponent may agree to make the setting or the combat more exciting by adding variant rules, such as waiving basic RPB rules by notifying Cesar and by agreement within the parts. You can determine you're using rules outside of the normally established by clarifying in your first post. Some rules are better to be enforced (most specifically god-modding and writing parameters), but if you desire to waive some rulings, it could be worked with while at the same time becoming "legal" (of course, if the RPB area Mod, aka Cesar, approves of the idea). Placing traps or time limits per post or restricting some actions aren't limiting so as long as both parties agree, since you are effectively accepting the outcome for the sake of challenge.

    One final thing: considering the RPB thread doesn't have a section for suggestions and the thread isn't an actual battle...could it be moved to a place where it may be considered? Or perhaps place as sticky, dunno. It's an intriguing concept, but this thread seems to break the dynamic of the forum section; I wouldn't want to see it closed, but I feel that it doesn't "belong" to this forum.

  9. #9
    The Old Skool Warrior OoC: Custom RPB rules idea LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I actually told him to put the thread since we don't really have an OOC section for this forum.

  10. #10
    "The False Hero" OoC: Custom RPB rules idea Cloudx7xstrife's Avatar
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    If any of you have read the battle between You and me. I play completely orginal, just because i played as the character and used the characters weapon doesnt mean i do the same thing. I feel what i thought of in that battle was completely orginal and how you can say "not cloud-like".

    I feel the creativity is not in the character you are using. it is the creativity that you use in battle that is most rewarding to me.

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