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Thread: Old Blades - Private Match

  1. #1

    Old Blades - Private Match

    OOC: As the title says, this is a private battle between me and Xeim. All other people should not post in here for there is no need. I will be using my latest RPB character Solstafir who’s profile can be found in the ToA section of the forum until after it were it will be moved to here.

    It was mid-spring. Flowers bloomed in there hundreds throughout the manor and a feeling of all encompassing peace could be felt. In total solitude Solstafir sat on the floor infront of a low table, a small pot of steaming green tea and two cups with him. As he sipped from his cup, he stared absently at the empty space opposite him where the over cup sat. Loneliness washed through him as his eyes wondered around him. With nothing to do except observe his surroundings, he began to appreciate them for their subtle beauty.

    The place he was in oriental style. The entire manor was based around that sole idea and so looked as if it was made in the east itself. Dark hard wood supported crimson tiles and decoration that dawned its imposing structure. In the open room he was in, a clear view to the Cheery Blossom gardens was un-missable. They were in the midst of being in full bloom and the sight, breathtaking.

    Reaching under the table Solstafir produced an odd piece of parchment. Its old material was tattered and dirty with dust. As he opened it, slight stains of blood were also apparent but its poor condition didn’t mask its contents. Reading it once more, he smirked at its wording concerning the meeting. It amused him greatly as if each sentence were a comedy in itself. But he was just overcome by it. The politeness of it and warmth it made him feel was indescribable. Such was that person to him.

    Sipping again from his cup, the midday sun gently warmed the atmosphere. A slight breeze kept the balance that, to Solstafir, felt right. But the breeze brought something else. From the path in the garden emerged a dark figure in the distance. They walked slowly, purposefully, as he knew all too well. With a sigh of relief, he turned back to his drink and poured more tea into his own cup. Murmuring to himself, composure held, he soft spoke.

    “It took them long enough.”
    Last edited by Itachi Uchiha; 06-17-2008 at 03:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Morning Always Comes Old Blades - Private Match Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    OOC: I'll be using my character Chloe Austin

    The day was gentle. The sun smiled down kindly from its place in the deep, uninterrupted, azure sky. The unpaved road that Chloe Austin was currently strolling upon was narrow, with tall weeds growing on either side. In the distance, a beautiful manor was outlined on the right side of the road. There was nothing else in sight for miles. Chloe smirked. He'd be there already, of course. Solstafir would never turn down such an invitation.

    As she got closer to the manor, she was easily able to see a grove of stunning sakura tress in full blossom. Their elegant petals danced about in a relaxed routine as a gentle breeze released them from their positions on the branches.

    Chloe soon found herself at the front of the manor. Before her lay a garden path lined by tall bamboo. The entrance was a straight shot from where she stood, but many small pathways branched off from the main one. They undoubtedly led into a labyrinth of sakura, lilies, mosses, stones, water and other such eastern style garden components. But they would have to wait.

    Chloe soon reached the entrance and pulled the elegant sliding door open. As she stepped out of the entryway, her feet were greeted by hardwood flooring that supported crimson tiles. A hallway of open doorways stretched in front of her. Just as she was beginning to wonder how she would ever find him, Chloe heard a grunt off to her left. She grabbed the edge of the entryway that was the portal to the room containing the sound, and swung herself around to fill it.

    Sitting at a low table, with steaming green tea set out in front of him, was Solstafir. Chloe grinned as she stalked into the room, and bent over to scoop up the full cup opposite the unusually tall man.

    " tea. My favorite. Almost as good as blood. Almost." And she chuckled.
    Last edited by Xeim; 06-20-2008 at 11:57 AM. Reason: Forgot that OOC note. Silly me.

  3. #3
    " tea. My favourite. Almost as good as blood. Almost."

    “Then it seems I am treating you then.” Solstafir laughed also expressing a smile, one of the few he meant. His eyes wondered up and down the woman not sat opposite him, observing her appearance with great intrigue. Memories that were centuries old flooding his mind as the familiarity of his friend came back. He’d missed Chloe as she meant something to him. He barely thought of her but their friendship was clear. In all the world he saw her as the only one to understand him. But such was the cruel and playful nature of fate.

    “It seems you’ve changed your choice of attire since last time” he mused, “It bares a more…modern look to what I’ve seen over these past few years. But as always you still have that same look about you. If I weren’t so old and tested by life, I’d honestly tremor with fear from your being.” Scratching his head, thoughts dwelling off else were, he looked out back into the garden. Drinking more of his tea, he re-entered thought, “Yes. Very terrifying. But I complement you too much and we have business to take care of.”

    A held wind blew calmly through the room carrying silk petals from the Sakura outside. They scattered throughout the room. An odd petal that danced longest on the air landed within Solstafir’s cup. To him it bared a strange omen as it settled on the tea’s surface. Looking back to his friend, he sighed. “I hope we will have more time to talk after this. I had to rid the place of its Lord with little objection but that is not what bothers me.” Taking his cloak off, he threw it to his side. It brushed a long the floor as its wearer stood. “Let us get on with this. The amount of bouts is insignificant to me. I’ll just appease you until your exhausted.”

    A more wicked smile now crossed his face as Solstafir took his leave of the room. Stepping down into the garden, he walked to the trees whilst drawing his swords from his back. Silently they slide from their sheaths and so sprung to life. Truth crackled with menace in its blade whilst Deceit hummed its quiet song of death. Turning to face Chloe with Truth raised, tip pointing down, and Deceit held horizontally across in front of him, he called out to her, “Well being the gentleman I am, it only seems fair that the Lady goes first.”

  4. #4
    Morning Always Comes Old Blades - Private Match Xeim's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    “Well being the gentleman I am, it only seems fair that the Lady goes first.”

    Chloe grinned as she drew Mokushi from its sheathe at her side. It had been too long since they had done this. Much too long.

    She was currently standing in the doorway that led into the gardens. Directly in front of her lay a deck that wrapped around most of the house, and beyond that was the gardens. Sakura trees stood proudly, fully aware of their unparalleled beauty. Solstafir stood next to one of the blossoming trees. Just beyond him, a small stream lined by meticulously polished rocks trickled along merrily without any notice to the unexpected intruders.

    Chloe stepped out on to the deck, drawing in a great breath as she did so. The air was incredibly fragrant. She wanted to pause for a moment, and close her eyes to fully appreciate this garden, but she didn't dare to actually attempt such a thing. She slowly descended the stairs that lay at the edge of the deck, and stepped onto the garden's dirt pathway.

    How to begin. There was the option of using one of her techniques to procure some of Solstafir's blood, but he would be ready for it. She could try to make use of her surroundings, but Chloe didn't see anything that she could do that wouldn't be easily dodged. Perhaps a simple assault with her katana would suffice. It was only the beginning of the fight, Chloe had no reason to go all out just yet.

    She moved in toward him, cautiously. His eyes searched her every movement, ready for anything and everything she would try to throw at him. She moved around him, and his body easily tracked her movements. After a few moments, Chloe stopped. She saw Solstafir tense up a little, but before he could contemplate what she was going to do, she made her move.

    With speed that could only be possessed only by an immortal, Chloe rushed in towards Solstafir, katana raised. She doubted that she would be able to land a hit on him, but at least the battle would finally begin.

  5. #5
    Eyes stalking Chloe’s movements with perfect precision, Solstafir stood calm ready for an attack. Having known her for so long, little surprised him in her style and vis versa. He had not changed his style over the centuries so she had hardly anything to expect from him. Still, the feel of battle and a chill of excitement coursed through his body. Muscles momentary tensed and relaxed on their own accord but it left him open in Chloe’s eyes.

    Confused by the initial shock his friends’ speed, his eyes blurred what soared at him. The shock was momentary as his eyes adjusted barely moments before Chloe’s katana struck. Raising Deceit the blades clashed against each other as the jagged black edge tore against the smooth cutting of the katana. As they stood, motionless for that small moment, Solstafir gave another gracious smile. Soft pink petals fell around them as a swift wind picked up. It danced around them and the warring swords.

    Ripping Deceit free of the battle, a large amount of sparks fell to the floor. There gentle warmth fell around them as he stepped back. A following sweep of Chloe’s katana struck and Solstafir moved Truth to defend. The blade dived down to intercept the blow as the sound of colliding metals disrupted the solace once more.

    Knowing that if he stepped back another slash from his friend was to be expected, he took a small jump back instead. As he thought another strike came but he was clear of the attack. Taking the opportunity to his advantage, he lunged forward with his swords at his sides. He came with the wind as his blades rose and their dance began. In a flurry of silver and black the weapons were swung with grace and technique. Even the petals that fell upon them were cut as they split and continued swirling downwards as if nothing had happened.

  6. #6
    Morning Always Comes Old Blades - Private Match Xeim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Chloe raised Mokushi to meet the oncoming assault. Truth and Deceit collided heavily with the elegant katana, and Chloe was forced backwards slightly by Solstafir’s strength. She knew that he had seen her move. The slight smirk that played upon his lips as his blades pressed against hers proved it. He wasn’t going to relent, now. Perhaps he thought that he could overpower her. His stamina was much greater than hers, sure, but she wasn’t going to back down easily.

    He’s focused on forcing me to give in...perhaps I could get some of his blood…

    Chloe kept her eyes firmly locked with Solstafir’s, and did not allow any hint as to what she was about to do seep into her gaze. As far as he knew, he was winning. Well, Chloe was sure he knew that she wouldn’t go down this easily, but at least he thought he could land a blow. The sakura trees continued to innocently release their pink blossoms. The pattern of their fall was, perhaps, the only thing that appeared to change over the next few moments.

    Chloe summoned up energy from the very core of her being and willed it to take physical form. It crawled up her arm, and oozed from her palm. Her palm, of course, was firmly pressed against Mokushi, so her little spell still had a ways to go before it could take its form. Of course, Solstafir saw none of this. It wouldn’t be a very effective attack if the energy could be seen before it took shape. Of course, he probably felt Mokushi vibrate as the energy traveled down it, but he didn’t notice as it dripped surely off of the blade to finally materialize.

    A furry bat, not exactly brown but not exactly black either, flapped its wings once, twice, and looked as real as the garden into which he had been born. With a squeak of joy that reflected its caster's excitement, Chloe’s spell rushed for Solstafir’s neck.

  7. #7
    Stood firm on the support of the earth, Solstafir pressed on with his chain of elaborate slashes and graceful sweeps. But all met the same cold metal of Chloe’s blade with the same resounding noise that gently faded into the solitude of the garden. Undeterred by it though, the ancient warrior kept up his offence until the sound stopped and a new gritting of blades was heard. The elegance of the katana held strong versus the two opposing swords as a deadlock between the combatants was reached. Seeming perfect offence meeting the same immaculate defence. Neither could gain an advantage over the other.

    Still trying to bear all his strength down upon his friend, Solstafir pushed ever forward but found the stubborn woman to be as unmoveable as a mountain. Evermore he tried as his eyes were locked with hers. There gazes were unflinching from the others. A blink, a stray thought, anything remotely distracting or small would have sent the battle to the others favour. Impassive as his eyes were though, Solstafir couldn’t help but hold the smirk on his face. He was enjoying himself too much not to.

    But he was too distracted. Even though it didn’t seem he was, the truth was quite the opposite. Completely unaware of what Chloe had planned, it seemed all too late as the high pitched squeaking came and the fangs pierced the skin of his neck. Losing control of himself, he pulled back from the lock and swatted at the beast on him. Again his move was unwise as Chloe’s katana came following through the lock and hitting true against his breastplate. With two thuds, the blade hit and Solstafir meet that once firm but now hard earth. A gasp escaped his breath as the bat flew back to its master to provide its dark gift to her.

    Sticking Deceit in the ground for a moment, he picked himself up and rubbed the mark that contrasted with his pale skin. “I remember that little pest now but I can never recall its name. Your summoning of that flying rat has improved and using the deadlock as a way to distract me was brilliant if I say so myself," Now back on his feet, Solstafir retook Deceit in his left hand and pointed Truth at her. “It would seem I need to look more carefully into things as your on top form, as ever."

    As if on its own accord the emerald within Truth started to pulse and glow lowly in the suns light. With the magicks waxing through the blade, it’s naturally occurring lightning began to strengthen and rage more against the confinement it was bound to. Muttering to himself, Solstafir’s voice became more monotone but louder as if possessed. He spoke with great clarity but at a increased pace, “Look upon the splendour of Heaven, its light shall guide you. Death shall not be feared, the illumination of the skies is the road to walk. But corruption is rife, not all pure. For this purpose it was made. Fury of the Gods. Herald of destruction. Strike and display your wrath. Heaven’s roar!

    The energy once bound now swelled and broke from its prison. The arcs of white lightning surged and soared through the air with a deafening roar. As they travelled to there target, Solstafir looked on with his empty eyes. No emotion flickered but to him he knew it was an act. To hide the excitement and a slight feeling of sadness. His lips moved but no sound came forth as he thought to say, “I’m sorry for using this so early. There is naught else I could do."

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