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Thread: Nature's judgment (Private battle)

  1. #1

    Nature's judgment (Private battle)

    The disquieting patter of the rain was the sole echo that disrupted the night. Leaves struck heavy by heavens tears weakened, whaled and wept, joining the orchestra of gentle sorrow that played its eternal melody throughout the endless expanse of that forest. The entirety of the wood seemed in melancholy as the burning embers of the sky were blocked from blessing the serene place with their illuminating gaze. All that lit the grieving earth was that pale watcher of the night whose light broke through the thickening darkness and observed all below its mighty form.

    Those below, those lesser beings who called the wood their home, cried a long with the low tune that played among them. A harsh wind that ripped and tore through the aged oaks, the ancient evergreens, and broke their bodies. Dozens of green children were stolen from their parents. Bare branches like withering fingers remained outstretched hoping to catch their young from the cruel storm that mercilessly took many a life.

    Yet in the grand brutality that was natures will, beauty was found. Looking down from a mountain side, Solstafir saw what was a rare sight. Amidst the sadness of the forest that was clear from the height, he saw what also blessed the wood, healed the damage caused. Even as the wind tore into his side and brought the ruins of life to beat against him like shattered glass, the sight remained. The wind changed direction, altered the angle and what he thought was perfection was further amplified in his eyes. Each droplet as it fell from the dark body of the sky carried with it a light given to it from the midnight eye.

    Liquid silver. Nature’s richest gift that nourished all below. In all his years alive, it was still a rare and awe-inspiring sight to see. The contrast of nature’s divinity and cruelty painted across a portion of a world. And yet, here it was. His eyes were fixed on it all, taking in ever detail. Each reflection of light, how it moved across the body of the forest as clouds gathered and dispersed and danced in the midnight sky. ‘Perfect’ he thought to himself. Seconds soon became dozens of minutes as Solstafir remained motionless, even to the winds dominating will, entranced by the view.

    Then, as if no time at all had passed, he snapped out of the daze. Shaking his head, his thoughts returned to him once more. The dampness of his cape, the drenched mop of hair on his head and the ceaseless, heavy downpour that beat against him sent a chill running through his body. With a heavy sigh he carried on his descent into the forest. With great speed, he soon reached the looming entrance to the forest. Its towering presence didn’t seem as terrifying as when he stood upon the mountain yet he had to enter it. He had faced far worse environments and he knew this would be no different.

    Under the canopy, Solstafir shook himself violently in an attempt to rid himself of some of the moisture that had gathered around him. As he started to walk deeper into the maze of light and shadow, a soft sneeze left him as he muttered to himself, “Every time they send to a place like this, I make the same discovery. Rain is wet and I don’t like it.

  2. #2
    Monster Addict Nature's judgment (Private battle) DeathWolfXX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    on the edge of insanity?
    Ryu was walking a path through the forest. The night sky was lit well with the moonlight, the rain falling and cleansing him. This cleansing, not of dirt or grime, as Ryu kept himself well, was instead a cleansing of worry, pain, and thought. One who closes his mind to new things will never know this cleansing. The rain is a natural beauty. The falling droplets of rain that seem endless fall from the sky as if it comes from absolutely nothing at all and hits your body. They break your barriers that you puts up against every pained memory, against every experience that hurt you. You put up walls against your flaws, and everything negative. That kind of living, however, means you put up walls against the good things. The rain is kind, the rain is never judging. Nature can be brutal and unforgiving, yes, but the beauty in it is that you will always find peace. Everything can be explained, but the explanation is never full. One can say the rain falls from condensed clouds, but they can never explain the magical experience one can feel by letting themselves go. They can't explain the experience when you let all those walls fall apart, if only for a moment.

    Ryu had a lot to think about in this lonely night. Even Shinu seemed to glisten as if in satisfaction of this. The winds changed, and Ryu felt his hair be blown in his face, calling his mind back to the real world. He walked along, forgetting the beauty of the rain and the wonderful experience that he shared with it. He was getting close to the edge of the woods, and he decided that he didn't want to leave. The night was not over and there was no danger to be had in reaching his destination a few hours late. He walked closer to the edge of the woods. His mind was at a calm ease as he focused on the somewhat difficult task at hand.

    He held out his arm upward, and focused his mana on that arm. He focused on the peaceful rain to guide his thoughts and uncloud his mind from anything that might get in the way of the task. He felt something brush against his hand, a small branch that he simply let slide. Finally he found his target, a larger branch. This time he clenched his hand around the branch, and, with a force of energy that consisted of his focus with his mana energy and his physical strength, flipped his entire body from the ground onto the top of this branch.

    Now the adrenaline kicked in. This excitement swelled as he allowed himself to be caught up in the enjoyment of jumping from branch to branch, climbing higher and higher. He would not stop until he found the last branch that could carry his weight. The rain fell on his face, and as it fell it revealed a small smile across it. This was the most fun Ryu had had in a while.

    Now, sitting on the top branch, Ryu was calm. It was later in the night and he was back in his content, almost melancholy mood. The moon was indeed very bright tonight as he confirmed now with much happiness as he could now see the full moon in full view. The trees had blocked his sight before. He leaned back and almost started to daze off when a something caught his attention. A caped figure from below him had, too, reached the end of the woods. Slowly, silently, he climbed down the tree. He just hit the bottom branch when he heard a small sentence muttered in a very low but seemingly peaceful voice.

    “Every time they send to a place like this, I make the same discovery. Rain is wet and I don’t like it.”

    Considering the figure to be friendly, he jumped down with intent to give his position away and said:

    "Indeed, I sometimes find myself in a similar discovery." He grunted as he let his weight fall. " Not tonight, however. Tonight the rain has given my heart the joy that has been long overdue"

    His shoes landed on the ground, and then his hair hit his neck as if to follow suit to a very lofty appearance. Ryu wondered what this figure would think of him, but he was too happy to consider anything hostile would come from the figure as a response.

  3. #3
    "Indeed, I sometimes find myself in a similar discovery."

    Amused by the unexpected response, Solstafir looked up from his aimless stare at the ever dampening earth. What was to be a smirk quickly became a darkened frown as his eyes fell upon the man before him. Instinctively, he placed a pallid mask upon his face; a false smile to return that being directed on him. Behind his dishonesty though, Solstafir’s mind burned. Thoughts welled up, instantly analysed and discarded for their uselessness. Faster and faster, the search through the pits of his soul continued until he remembered what itched within him to be known.

    As the memory of those twelve pillars of power standing before him returned, so did the vision they gave him. A face, a world and an expected location was all to be shown. The target, the place and the time. Yet still, their information was vague as the target could have been anywhere in the vast expanse of the forest and the time was no near as accurate either. But standing before him was that one.

    It mattered not what crimes or generous act he had committed or even if his mere existence offended the Gods. He wasn’t even given an account of how powerful the target may be. All that mattered to Solstafir was one thing: to curb his boredom. Having only ever known battle since his departure from his original village, good fights were few and far between, may having fallen before he warmed himself up.

    "Not tonight, however. Tonight the rain has given my heart the joy that has been long overdue"

    The continuation of the man’s dialogue woke Solstafir from his thoughts. Praying his false expression was not seen through, he upheld the smile and responded as kindly as he could.

    The rain truly is something magnificent tonight. It’s as if the earth itself is in harmony with everything upon and beyond it.

    Raising his head towards the sky, he felt the refreshing touch of the midnight rain. Beads of water that had breached the canopy ran like rivers down the ancient warriors face. Focus soon took over his brief enjoyment of nature’s gift and he lowered his glance back onto the man before him. Turning and walking behind a tree next to him, he could feel the falseness of his words as they parted from his lips.

    How rude of me not to introduce myself to you stranger. But I suppose when enjoying nature, we lose ourselves to its beauty,” Now out of sight behind the great body of the tree, Solstafir reached for the handle of Truth. Altering its angle, he pulled it out from its scabbard. A click from the lock rang loud in his ears. ‘Crap, he could have heard that’ Praying the sound of the rain had drowned out the sound, he continued, “I go by the name of Solstafir. May I have the honour of knowing my targets name before his demise?

    With a swift slash, Truth effortlessly parted the body of the tree. Branches snapped, leaves rained down and the mighty oak toppled forward, towards its unfortunate victim. The once false smile on Solstafir’s face was quick to change to an effortless sadistic grin.

  4. #4
    Monster Addict Nature's judgment (Private battle) DeathWolfXX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    on the edge of insanity?
    “The rain truly is something magnificent tonight. It’s as if the earth itself is in harmony with everything upon and beyond it.”

    Those were the first words the figure spoke to Ryu. He was curious that the figure was so strangely courteous to him. People these days seemed to be all stuck in their own ways, they put up so many walls to bury themselves in. In doing so, they become ignorant to things that didn't directly concern them and insolent to anyone they don't see as living their "model life". That's why Ryu was shunned, indirectly. He hated it. People would shun him in such an off-hand way as if to treat him as less significant than a common beggar. Ryu had a small love for everything around him. Even death, in the leaves that fell from the sky to the moon, which would now begin to die after its fullness tonight.

    The man spoke and broke Ryu from his train of thought.
    “How rude of me not to introduce myself to you stranger. But I suppose when enjoying nature, we lose ourselves to its beauty,”

    "Ah, well..." Ryu scratched his head, the droplets from his messy black hair glistening as they were freed from their place, falling to their final destination: the earth. "I can say the same for myself, actually. The world tonight seems to be so magnificent. Death and life seem to be working in true harmony only to the trained eye. This kind of experience is why I revel in being a wanderer."

    He noticed, though, that the figure was hiding from him. How strange. Was he hiding something? Ryu thought of drawing upon the force of his mana as an extra measure of defense, but that could risk the man noticing. That kind of thing could throw off such a perfect night. He heard a small click which made him decide to do such a thing anyway. He set up a large but very subtle perimeter around him and the man of his energy, focusing on any sudden changes in the environment without searching anything about the man that wouldn't be necessary.

    “I go by the name of Solstafir. May I have the honour of knowing my targets name before his demise?”

    "My name is Ry..." He felt a strong surge of energy. A sudden loss of life. The figure, Solstafir, had cut down an entire tree that was now headed toward Ryu. Quickly, he focused his power.

    First, he focused on the environment around him, he gave a bit of his energy into "pressuring" the area as he referred to it. This meant that he used his energy to slow down anything moving by applying subtle opposite forces that took up little of his energy while still giving a drastic enough effect. Next he focused his energy on his own muscles. He used a similar technique to add more acceleration, speed, and momentum to his own movements.He grasped the tree, and used a similar motion as he did climbing the first to swing over and on top of the trunk.

    He moved swiftly across the tree, drawing Shinu from his long, black hardened sheath that was slung across Ryu's back. He made one quick swipe at the man's chest with his hand facing the outside of Shinu's pommel, giving more room for the motion of the swing more speed and power as it built up momentum.

    After Ryu had taken his strike against the figure, the tree had hit the ground on its top end and now was about to rebound upward. He quickly kicked off of the tree in the opposite direction of the hostile figure, Solstafir, and slid his feet across the damp ground, nearly falling forward after his stop. This beautiful night had just taken a turn for the worse.
    Last edited by DeathWolfXX; 12-16-2009 at 07:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Anticipation coursed through Solstafir’s veins, heightening the experience of his surroundings, as he awaited what he thought to be the only enjoyable part his journey. His mind tried to imagine the scene. The force of the toppling tree accompanied by a loud crunch, a swift splatter of crimson and the drowning sound of the rain filling the place that should have been void of life. Such a quick yet painful death were hard to generate, learning that from his present experience of what now was turning into a battle.

    Barely catching the movements of the other man, he watched in awe at how nimble he was. That unnatural agility to swing round the tree truck, and so was he further impressed when his opponent, with precise and elegant movement, ran down the still descending tree as if it was stable earth. Solstafir’s eyes caught the man drawing his blade as he sped ever closer to him. The weapon was one he had experienced before, yet something was different about it. A tense air grew around him. He could tell the blade was for his target’s sole hand, and from the way he held it, it was clear he was more than proficient with it.

    With speed that would have seemed as a blur to mortal eyes, their swords met. The loud clash of metals sent a deafening echo throughout the wood. Birds once asleep in the surrounding area, fluttered in their masses to escape the nuisance. But what was most surprising to Solstafir was not the speed of his opponent, but his strength. As the blades crossed, the intense force of the blow sent the ancient warrior hurdling backwards through the thick boot. The large amount of earth his boots gathered didn’t slow down his travel at all as pain soon wracked his body. A rather unfortunate collision with a nearby tree stopped him at a cost.

    Solstafir winced slightly, barely able to stop his head from hitting the bark. As he looked up once more, he watched that same impressive agility of his opponent once more as all this had taken place before the original falling tree had hit the ground. With grace that rivalled even the most nimble animal, the target jumped off the tree onto the water-sodden earth and was to subject to its unforgiving surface.

    With the brief moment he had, Solstafir placed his left thumb onto the collar of his cape, pushing forward and breaking the lace. As the cloth fell, he reached over his shoulder for the grip of Deceit. Another click and the midnight blade was in his hand, its gentle hum ringing in his ear as if it were some divine voice. At the same time he took notice of Truth. Its clean silver edge hissed with each drop of rain that fell on it, causing the energies coursing through it to develop faster, more violently.

    So, before I attack, what is your name? I didn’t quite catch it over the ruckus.

    As he waited, he raised Truth over his shoulder and positioned Deceit across him, facing downwards in the same direction of Truth. Impatient to wait by the call of battle, he made his move. Leaping for the now settle tree that lay in the middle of their arena, surrounded by ruin, Solstafir mimicked the target’s movements and ran across it. With a second leap, he jumped in the direction of his opponent, bringing Deceit from under his side to attack and defend his landing at the same time. Following through with the initial swing, he brought Deceit up and over his left shoulder and slashed with Truth, ending with it under his left side and thus taking his previous stance on the opposite side. With the same motions, with the opposite blades, he proceeded to attack once more, a ceaseless barrage of swipes that provided a reasonable defence at the same time.

  6. #6
    Monster Addict Nature's judgment (Private battle) DeathWolfXX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    on the edge of insanity?
    "My name is Ryu. I don't understand why you decided to attack me but I am skilled in combat. I won't go down easily." As he said this, Solstafir had jumped on the now fallen tree, more wet with rain then before. The wind seemed to blow at a much faster speed and more frequently as Ryu watched the man intently, waiting for the perfect moment to execute his plan.

    Solstafir leaped at Ryu. At this instant, Ryu again released his energy and used it to speed his movements a little bit while attempting to slow the forces of gravity on his opponent. He ducked downward and moved forward so that as Solstafir landed Ryu would be behind him. As he moved quickly he drew Shinu with his right arm and with his left he placed his hand on the grips of Mizu, one of his three daggers.

    When Solstafir landed, Ryu released his focus on his opponent's movements and focused on the speed of his own. He strained a bit as he used double the energy as before to strike as quickly as he could against Solstafir's back. He noticed that his opponent had attempted a frontward strike as he landed and Ryu laughed.

    Just after Ryu had attempted his blow he said "I don't fight like you might find as respectable for a warrior, for I am not someone who will take a blow if I know my speed and wit can win over my opponent. I am obviously not as strong as you may be but I believe this shouldn't be too hard of a fight."

    It was obvious to Ryu that he was already wanting to bite his tongue. He was now sweating a bit from the stress his energy had put on him. Using his mana wasn't easy and doing so for any lengthened time period could leave Ryu in a very exhausted state.

    ((EDIT)) (This is purely to jest since there has been no reply by Itachi Uchiha)
    Ryu had noticed blood on his blade. The figure just stood there bleeding from the back. Is it over? Ryu asked himself. He took one large step forward and cleaved his motionless opponent with all his might right in half. Such wasted blood... he thought as he walked away, the blood seeping into the ground.
    Last edited by DeathWolfXX; 03-08-2010 at 03:54 PM.

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