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Thread: Loss of Perfection

  1. #1

    Loss of Perfection

    This is a private battle between myself and Darkwolf so I doubt I need to say anything else concerning other people. Other than that though, to give it more of a feel, if your reading this please listen to this so I don't have to state the song mentioned in the opening: Here


    Moonlight billowed through the windows, the rays clear and bright, mixing with the many candles hanging from wall and ceiling. Fully illuminated in the chamber sat Katsu, his erhu in his hands, as he effortlessly played. The haunting sound of his instrument flowed with his servant’s piano behind him perfectly as both carried on with the ancient song. Moving his head as he played, Katsu stared out into the room around him. The scene was magnificent. Red silk tapestries laced with gold hung from smooth stone; a chandelier of crystal swayed gently, distorting and reflecting the light in all directions. From either end of the room where the wooden entrances stood firm was a line of red carpet enlaced with gold.

    As the song came to a close, Katsu placed the instrument carefully on the small table next to him. For a moment he admired its design, how the wood felt in his hands and how beautiful it sounded. Lost in thought, his servant left the piano seat and walked over to his master. Lifting a metallic casing from underneath the table, he turned the top and cold air frothed outwards. Producing a cold black bottle to his master, he asked,

    Will this do, master?

    Turning to inspect the bottle, Katsu replied, “Ah yes, it seems good enough. Please, have some as well if you want.

    I dare not master, this is your afterall.” Was the servant’s modest reply as he took out a crystal wine glass from the container. With a loud pop, the bottle opened and the servant began to pour the crimson liquid into the glass. The also invisible smell caught Katsu’s nostrils as his eyes widened and his lips felt dry. But he restrained himself from the urge that almost overcame him. He would wait and enjoy it while it lasted. Taking the glass in his hand, he took in the full aroma and smiled.

    Master, may I…

    Yes you may, you know you need not ask me.” Said Katsu, knowing what the other man wanted. Slowly he lifted the glass to his lips and sipped a small bit of its contents. The flavour of it, the textures that washed over his tongue was all so beautiful and perfect like the music before. Drinking some more from it, the sound of the piano started again as his servant past the time till his masters call.

    Turning his head to the window, his eyes fell on the half moon that hung in the starry heavens. Like jewels in the darkness they glistened as the moon shone as bright as the sun. His head turned back to the small table next to him. Katsu’s eyes moving from one item to the next: the wine bottle, the gauntlets, the container. As they carried on, his view moved lower to Ame-no-nuhoko, his weapon. The gems encrusted on its fine blade glittered like the stars. Like everything he wanted to see and hear in that moment, it was perfect. The light reflecting off both metal and jewel further enhanced his point.

    But with a loud sigh, he muttered to himself, “All good moments must come to an end.

  2. #2
    Lone Wolf Loss of Perfection Darkwolf's Avatar
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    "Aye, they must"

    Dragoth stood just outside the large building, just on the other side of a magificently decorated stained-glass window. The wind blew as the night sky was lit by a HALF moon. He calmly drew both of his blades, pitch black with the red markings of evil written upon them.

    He took one and struck the window, leaving the shards to shatter forth as he jumped from the upward part of the buiding clear to the floor. The carpeting was again, excellently decorated. Candles flickered vigorously as the windy night air whipped them around. Dragoth sheathed both his blades and bowed to his opponent. This man was what he was waiting for, an excellent opponent indeed. He whipped his black hair back and locked eyes with the man.

    For a moment, all was silent. The room's calmness itself led Dragoth to feel bad, such a calm and quiet place. Too bad it had to be the site for such an amazing fight. He sighed and said "Do we need to further tear apart such a magnificent building, or shall we go into the night?" For once, Dragoth seemed to respect one of his opponents. He would not attack the man, he wanted a good fight for once. All seemed still. He waited for his honored opponent's reply.
    Last edited by Darkwolf; 08-03-2008 at 09:08 AM.

  3. #3
    (OOC: It was a half moon not a full moon Darkwolf ^^;;;; )


    Shards of glass seemed to fall slowly to the floor as light danced around them. From the opening made fell the odd looking man whom Katsu assumed was the one the stars foretold of, the one to ruin this evening. With a loud sigh, he leaned his head back on his chair, baring his throat. His action how ever was not one of submission. As his sight fell back, he eyed the servant who got up from his piano seat and stood with his hand clutched to the handle of the concealed short-sword. With a gesture of his hand, Katsu wordlessly ordered the man to calm down. Hardly surprised by his master’s confidence, the servant took his seat once more and continued to play a darker tune as his eyes glanced between his hands and the intruder.

    "Do we need to further tear apart such a magnificent building, or shall we go into the night?" Asked the odd combatant. Lifting his head back up he took in the man’s appearance. There was an air of respect around him as if he honoured his opponent and the surroundings, or at least the question was linked to the latter. A smirk crossed Katsu’s face as he reached over for his gauntlets and fastened them to his hands and arm. With two clicks they locked in place as he picked up Ame-no-nuhoko, its decorated blade still gleaming in the moon light.

    I don’t believe there will be any need to leave this room. Afterall this is one for entertaining my guest so why mustn’t I use it to ‘entertain’ you?” The smirk grew in size as his fangs could now be seen. He licked his lips with anticipation as it had been too long since he last spilled fresh blood and now here in his own home was a piece of fresh meat to enjoy. Gripping his naginata in both hands he poised himself ready for both attack and defense. His stance was simple yet effective as he pointed the blade diagonally down whilst holding the shaft up going over his head.

    Excitement washed through him as Katsu could no longer wait for his opponent to come. With inhuman speed he ran towards the dark clothed man, set on spilling as much blood as he could. Raising the naginata’s blade once in range, he started his intricate dance of slashes and stabs, as the sweeping fall and rise of the weapon only caused its brilliance to radiate more.

  4. #4
    Lone Wolf Loss of Perfection Darkwolf's Avatar
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    "Intresting weapon" Dragoth said. The inhuman man rushing towards him, his speed was not too much unlike Dragoth's own. At the last moment Dragoth drew his blades, and joined in this dance with windmill parrys and blocks. The light that shined from the weapons were reflecting from the glass windows, the metal bases of the candles, and everything that could possibly reflect light.

    As the last spark flew of this show of speed, Dragoth took his offensive. He started by just continuing to slash at his opponent. Every strike he did, he let his control of heat grow and flow from his blades. Soon they grew flames, and soon even Dragoth was sweating. Once his "dance" was done Dragoth flicked his blades and shot the flames at the man for less than a second. A simple but effective offensive.

    Their speed were about matched. Dragoth thought of what would happen to him if he had not grown in power. He was so weak back then... it was only a matter of time before he was beat. Dragoth closed his black eyes, and now wanted to show this man what he was now. He opened them to show the crimson flames that burned inside him. This was what he wanted. One grand fight with an inhuman opponent. The light that was inside the room was magnificent. If this building could even stand up for an hour of this fight would be amazing, however.
    Last edited by Darkwolf; 08-03-2008 at 09:34 AM.

  5. #5
    Metal clashed violently, malevolently, against each other as the naginata met twin blades. Katsu pressed forward with offensive but could see that sheer force was futile. Ever so slowly he was losing his head-strong advantage. His attacks were blocked and being countered until he was forced to defend solely. As he swung his weapon to guard attacks, it felt as if the room was on fire. Heat was swelling as it became more apparent what was causing it. In the flashes before his eyes, he could see his opponent’s swords blazing like hell itself.

    Master’s of their weapons, each attack was met with an equal defensive. Although he had lost his advantage, he was not losing either. The intruder could not pass his guard as he had not been able to pass his. All seemed as if it was going to carry on futilely until his opponent did something unexpected. As the swords whirled around him, seeking to pass Katsu’s defence, his opponent took a step back and pointed the streams of flames at him. In an instant they shot forth, now wanting to sear his flesh bare.

    Taking his own step back, Katsu spun Ame-no-nuhoko in his right hand as the flames met him. The force of his weapon against the fire caused it to carry it round in its vortex until eventually extinguished. Smoke billowed from either end of his weapon as Katsu and the intruder’s eyes met. Clear burning rage met calm impassiveness but secretly his eyes hid excitement and joy behind their cold walls.

    Surprisingly though, the room was still untouched bar the broken window and all would have seemed peaceful in the calm of the battle. The soft notes of the piano still played distantly in the background as a new sound swung to life. It was rough and loud, like nails down a chalk-board. However, it was the blade of the naginata piercing the stone floor at just before Katsu’s feet. Solid earth quickly turned into a pool of still water as the blade drenched itself in the new creation by its hand.

    Lifting it from the puddle, that same sadistic grin dawned Katsu’s face as looked back at the raging eyes of his opponent. With a flick of his naginata, droplets of water were hurled at the intruder; the attack seemingly harmless. But as the water soared through he air, it solidified back into what it had been and at far greater a size of the droplets. Huge head sized stones now flew with the intent of colliding with whatever they met. Dipping his blade back into the water, he continued his motion of wetting and flicking it at his enemy, further sending more chunks of earth at him with unnatural speed.

  6. #6
    Lone Wolf Loss of Perfection Darkwolf's Avatar
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    Dragoth's eyes widened. The water was becoming earth and being flung at Dragoth with amazing speed. As the first few flew at him, he thought over the situation. Suddenly an idea emerged.

    Dragoth took one of his hooked blades and begun to do spinning windmil strikes at the earthen projectiles. As he did this, Dragoth used the speed of his blades to keep the projectiles inside his blades' hooks. Once the man's attack had stopped, Dragoth swung his body around and shot all of these projectiles at the man.

    As he was done, Dragoth sped foreward for a quick swipe at the man, and then backed off quickly.

    Once his deadly combination attack was done, Dragoth took his blades and held them in a defensive position. This was a hint that it was that man's chance to try another go at Dragoth.


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