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Thread: Character Statistics.

  1. #181
    Dark Messenger
    Right. Here's my profile for my RPB character...

    Name: Kairi

    Age: Mid twenties

    Race: Human with demon blood.

    Appearance: Long silver hair, black armour beneath a long black trenchcoat, emerald green eyes, and muscular build, yet slim.

    Weapons: Minority=a long blade coloured a blood red colour through the many battles it has battled through and blood it has absorbed, each time a victim falls prey to it's tip, the blade becomes much stronger.

    Abilities: (physical)
    Piledriver: Impales opponent and leaps into the air before plunging them into the ground.

    Decimation: Multi sword slashes which span entire body, purposely not cutting opponent into pieces, just cutting them severely.

    Sweep: A low kick, knocking opponents from their feet to the ground.

    Camouflage: Kairi's dark armour enables him to blend into the darkness....
    Kairi has also mastered the martial arts, so if caught without a weapon, he is not defenseless in any way.

    Abilities: (magic)
    Black Magic: Mastery of the elements. (Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Tornado, Waterga) as well as Meteor spells.
    White magic: Basic protection. (protect, shell)

    Soul extreme: Using the darkness within his soul, Kairi transforms into a winged demon(from the bloodline) and gains new abilities.

    Lightning forks: sends lightning forks from his fingertips at the opponent.

    Twister: Creates strong winds at high speeds with his wings.

    Bio: Born from the demon world, Kairi has been foretold as the bringer of the apocalypse, but only if he can harness his true power. Thus Kairi has scoured the planet, meeting and battling any creature or human that strays across his path in the hope that they will push him far enough, so that his true powers will be revealed. He will not leave a battle until either himself or his opponent is no longer breathing, such is his way of 'no mercy'

  2. #182
    The New Coff9
    Name: Codeward (Cody) Belzap

    Age: unknown because of his near death experience

    Class: Psionic Mage

    Race: Ronin elf

    Appearence:Long brown hair.6'1'' Green eyes.(They glow when he uses spells,or when he transforms)Wears a cape that is purple on the back,and green on the front.His armor is purple.

    Weapon:Emerald Moonlight Blade,a sword made out of Magi Emerald. Magi means pure magical energy.

    Abilites:Sonic Teleport: He teleports through an opponet,causing damage.
    Living Sword: Brings his sword to life,and it can fly to attack the opponet,while Codeward powers up.
    Psionic Storm:He shoots Psionic Magi at the opponet,and sometimes it absorbs their energy and gives it back to Codeward,otherwise,it inflicts minor damage.
    Minor Nova: He must charge up to use this attack.When he uses it,he summons up a minor meteor,infused with Psionic Magi,to hit the opponet.
    Transformation: This is Codewards second form. He transform into his Magi Armor,which is forged of Materia,and becomes Magi itself,but for Codeward to transfrom,he must absorb lots of Spirt Energy.
    Major Nova: Only usable in 2nd form.Codeward summons a much larger meteor,and sends it to attack the opponet.
    True Essenace: A more potent version of Psionic Storm,with a higher chance of drainage.
    Limit Break (Psionic Apcolpsye):This attack resemble Valefore's 2nd limit break. Codeward jumps into the air,and a pentagram appears before him and 50 huge Psionic Blasts shoot out at the opponet.

    Bio: Codeward was on the Council of Mages before Lord Trylum destoryed his homeland of Ro.He then went through a near death experience which left him battling againt Death itself.He survived,and was sent to the land of Nephinite,where he then sought out people sensitive to Magi, he could rebuild the Council,and destory Lord Trylum.

  3. #183
    Name: Koja Sovereign of the Dark Realms
    Age: Unkown, Young looking but easly over 2000
    Class: Fighter Mainly but uses basic skills from someother Classes.
    Appearance: A tall man about 6'1" With Long black hair. In his true form he gets long black wings. And gets a few more powers as a demon.
    Weapons: 2 katanas at his side, and 2 guns. A Jackal and a 454. With enought ammo to well take out an army.
    Bio: Born of teh great Demon king of teh Dark realms he was brought up as a royal prince would be. Trained in the martial arts and given every luxury that could be imagined. At the time he was about 200. Still very very young his father was killed by the men he trusted the most. Koja imediatly took revenge on the armies that betrayed his father and took the throne. Since the day of his death Koja has been fighting to make sure that the same thing dosent happen to him.

  4. #184

    Post My RPB Character Profile

    Name: Paco

    Age :17

    Sex: Male

    Height: 6 ft

    Weight: 185 lbs

    Ethnicity: African-American

    Race: Human

    Status: squire (for hire)/mercenary/messenger

    Likes: Dragonmeat, his rabbit friend Jones, Adventure, Traveling, Chocobos, Sleeping In, Dreaming, Dandelions (yeah,yeah, shut up!), Making Friends, Humor, Living in his own fantasy world.

    Dislikes:Tapioca pudding, Mean Women, Confusion, Losing Battles, Sticky Situations, Being Swallowed Alive, Giant, Creepy eyeballs, Long Hours Delivering Messages, Boredom, Responsibility, Admitting He's Wrong, Pig's Hoof Gelatin

    Story: Paco was a young boy who lived in the quiet village of Poco Casas. At the age of 7, he and all of the males at his age of the village had to leave home and train in the Neoknight Kingdom Academy to become soldiers in cases of war and such. Paco did fairly well, showing the neccessary skills needed to become an honorable knight. However, this was not the lifestyle Paco had imagined of a knight--he never heard fairytales about knights attending boring military academies and what not. His lack of enthusiasm for the classes hinded his skills and disabled him from unlocking his potential. Seeing this, the superiors of the academy had no choice but to kick him out. Paco couldn't go home a failure--he didn't want to bring shame to his family and besides, his mom was very scary when angry... @_@

    10 years later, Paco is out on his own, doing fairly well--well, as well as one with his skills could. In the end, it was his relationships with people that helped him along the way. Working as a messenger around the world to gain a source of income, Paco wastes no opportunity to put his work aside and engage in many life experiences that will hopefully help him in becoming the warrior he could of been, despite the academy incident.While on one of his journeys, he met the enigmatic ninja Shinobi and lost in battle. He now has gained the hardcore determination to become the best that he can.

    Blue robe w/ tan mythril breastplate w/ bulit-in shoulder pads. Mythril elbow and knee pads, black boots, and a silver helmet w/ blue border and flaps on the sides and giant metal flap at the back to protect and red cross on the front. Little Shaggy-style goatee and glasses w/ black frames. (

    Fighting Technique:
    basic swordmanship/advanced squire skills with some of my own techniques. Some samurai style incorporated in his technique. With or without the Golem Spell, Paco also uses a little of Hakke Sho and Hika Ken-based Chinese martial arts.

    Golem Spell-a broadsword made out of an adamantine/silver medal/golem bone alloy w/ a white golem bone border along the blade and an ovalish design on the botton of the blade. Leather handle w/ secret switch and hidden magnet inside that allows Paco to control the sword when launched off of its handle as a projectile.

    PERSONAL STATS: (High=best,Average=in between,Low=worst)

    Magic: None

    Summons: None

    Strength: Average

    Defense: Average

    M. Strength: Low

    M. Defense: Average

    Evasion: Average

    Speed: Average

    Agility: Average

    Intelligence: Average


    *Fury Slashin'-charges the opponent and throws a series of advanced, quick strikes with his blade. (single)

    *Furious Slashin'- a more advanced version of Fury Slashin'(single)

    *Slingblade- holds up Golem Spell and swings, launching the blade from its handle towards the unsuspecting foe(single)

    *Ghost Sword- manuevers Golem Spell in midair while separated from its handle; useful against flying opponents(single)

    *Invisible Sword- used w/o Golem Spell blade on, a last resort tactic. Summons inner energy and slashes at opponent w/ an unblockable blade of white energy which vanishes after it hits its target(single)

    *Thousand Swords- Paco jumps up into the air and uses a continuous volley of Slingblades all at once at superhuman speed down at his opponent, giving off the illusion that there's a whole bunch of swords attacking all at once but still doing damage (single or group)

    *Willpower- Paco struggles with all his might, gathering energy within himself, increasing his inner energy (power up)

    *GolemSpell- named after the sword itself; Paco concentrates his energy into the broadsword, enabling him to use the blade to break through the toughest of rock or other hard materials. Can use this technique combined with the Ghost Sword as well. (power up)
    Last edited by chocobo_kid; 04-07-2003 at 09:09 AM.

  5. #185
    Quick Profile -_-

    Name: Chen/Dedia Livelore
    Race: Human
    Sex: Female
    Age: 17
    Black/blue hair, 1.65 metres, brown eyes

    Gloves: Reacts on extreme emotions:
    Anger: the gloves will burn and fireballs can be shot
    Pain: the gloves will freeze, the owner is able to do extreme ice-attacks
    Confused: the gloves will shine white and can blind the opponent

    Tribow:under construction

    Can use a little magic:
    Fire rain
    DemonWings (speed up + temporarely flying)

    Short story:
    Dedia has acquired her fighting skills of her former life. She never knew where she got that from, till the age of 15. Stranges memories in her head kept back coming. She found out that she is the reïncarnation of a person named Chen, nothing more.

  6. #186
    Lady Succubus Character Statistics. Victoria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Inland Empire
    Blog Entries
    Speech Key
    Bold+Italic = Cyrus
    Italic = Hinote

    Name: Hinote Genko/Cyrus

    Age: 21

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: He wears a black vest with red lining, and a zodiac Dragon on the back of the vest. It glows dark red whenever the moon is out. He's about 6'2" and weighing in about 200 pounds. His hair is dark brown with streaks of flame red, and his eyes are a mysterious gray.

    Weapons: All he uses are his fists and feet and legs, and so on.

    Attacks: Well, he uses a special martial art technique called "Hell's Fury" it consists of his fists, and them hitting the opponent so hard, that they receive burn marks on their bodies.

    Abilities: Well, he has a split personality that calls himself Cyrus. Cyrus is a ruthless killer and does not give any mercy, and is known to rape women from time to time. He keeps getting away with it by insanity. When Cyrus battles using "Devil's Fury" his attacks do much more damage and leave deeper burn marks on his opponents.

    Background: Hinote had been in the streets nearly all his life, his parents were killed in a car accident and he survived, but at a cost. His brain was damaged, so therefore it gave him the effect of a split personality. Whenever he was in that state of mind, he would wake up with blood on his hands, or with a gun in his pocket. He did not know why, but he assumed with being drugged or something. But as he grew older, he started to hear this coice within the depths of his mind.

    Who are you?
    I'm your other half. Call me....Cyrus.
    Ok, did you get in here?
    I was always here, just hidden in this place. I mean look, there is plenty of space in here. Hint hint.
    Hey! Don't be a smart ass!
    Oh? And what are you going to do? Hit me? Go ahead! You'll only be hitting yourself!
    .....Bah...forget it.
    Coward. But Listen, you can't fight, so if you ever get in one, I'll be handling it.
    Pssh. I can fight just fine.
    Hahaha, you're joking right? I've seen you. You always got your ass handed to you.
    Shut the hell up! I can fight, just you see.
    Yeah, yeah. We'll see. If you ever get your ass kicked, I'll take over so you won't die.

    So a new so called friendship began, or so did Hinote think. But what he didn't know was that Cyrus was a killer. But no ordinary killer. He was a smart cookie. One of the most intelligent beings on earth when it came to commiting crimes, and fighting.
    Last edited by Victoria; 04-02-2005 at 09:42 PM.

  7. #187
    Haters Gonna Hate Character Statistics. Omni's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    (( Y'all know I have Zet as a character, right? Well I also have a modern RP/RPBer. Just in case my RP/RPB prohibits magic/swords.))

    NAME: Omni

    AGE: 19

    SPECIES: Human

    GENDER: Male

    APPEARANCE: Blonde hair with bleached tips. Hair hangs down almost to eyes. Just below eyebrows. ((Have you ever seen Tom Delonge? Kinda like that.)) Wears baggy pants. Khakis, Jeans, etc. Has a T-shirt most of the time. If not, a light sweatshirt or a down jacket. Eyes are always changing colors. ((Contacts. Could be neon, red, etc.)) Is 5' 11". 130 pounds. Muscles but not bulging. No nasty "macho bulgy muscles".

    WEAPON(S): Usually uses fists. May carry (x2) Desert Eagles with Platinum slides and Black Titanium body. (as of July 5, 2003) or (x2) Uzis. If situation calls, carries an MP5 Navy w/ M203 GL, Optional Mounted Scope, Pull-Out Shoulder Stock.

    Double Jump-Shot: Jumps across a room using his gun(s) to fire at his opponents.

    Kick-jump Kicks off a wall to give him an advantage over his oponents.

    Flip-Shot Grabs end of opponent's gun(s) and flips them around to put them to good use.

    Back-Fire Runs up a wall and backflips off across the room shooting at opponents.

    Wall-Run Runs on a wall and kickflips off to fire at opponent(s)/ dodge bullets.

    Living in the city, he gets around on a skateboard and a Dodge Viper. Black with Red stripes. Hired by the CIA for his exceptional weapon handling skills. At 17 years of age he joined a Law Enforcment paintball team and was noted for exceptional speed and tactics of stealth and firefights. The CIA was skeptical for hiring someone of such a young age, but was not dissapointed when he was put into action. Being a first class member, he tries to carry on his normal teenage life. His history continues to unfold.
    Last edited by Omni; 07-05-2003 at 06:13 PM.

  8. #188
    Darken Rahl
    Character Name: Darken Rahl

    Age: 25

    Race: Something closely akin to humans, details Unknown

    Height/Weight: 6ft 2in, 115 kilos

    Weapons: Mriswith Cape (Sometimes used as camouflage, as it blends the user with his/her surroundings), Broadsword (Known as Life's End, or Nahakhra in his native tongue), The Agiel (A Small rod about 30cm long, it's touch causes extreme pain, injury or death depending upon where it touches) Numerous Daggers, Gold Armbands (These are forged by magic, they are seemingly indestructible, and provide his arms with shielding from the elbow down, they also amplify the effects of his magic), A Small Axe, strapped to his belt, and an Elvish Longbow.

    Appearance: Long cape, seemingly woven of silver, Black leather vest over mithril chainmail (The vest has various gold insignias and runes on it) Black belt lined with Silver and gold bands around the outside, and an ornate buckle, seemingly a mix of gold and silver, Gold Armbands (As described above) Black leggings, Armored boots,embedded with gold and silver insignias and runes.

  9. #189
    Raziel Ordrin
    Name: Raziel Ordrin
    Class: Psychic Warrior Mage
    Age: 15 Years Old
    Race: Human
    Height: 5' 9
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Primary Weapon: Halberd of the Serafan
    Secondary Weapon: Possessed Double Edged Broadsword
    Armour: Light Mythril Jacket
    Limit Break: Flurry of Pain

    A young teenage warrior trained in the white Arts of Telekinesis.
    A master with the Serafan Halberd and the only warrior strong enough of mind to wield the Possessed Broadsword.
    His Flurry of Pain Limit break is th ultimate attck for his level. With the power to destroy anything in his path but waits for someone worthy enough to fight him...
    Last edited by Raziel Ordrin; 04-10-2003 at 08:59 AM.

  10. #190
    Cetra Cloud
    Age: 28
    Race: Human
    Class: Prince
    Height: 5.4 feet
    Weight:114 pounds
    Weapons: Bow and Arrows , Short sword

    Armor: brown shorts red shirt and a orange cape w/ cap thingy and grass hangin down

    Description: Has black hair , purple eyes,
    Usually wears brown shorts red shirt and a orange cape w/ cap thingy and grass hangin down. Has a demon curse on his right arm.

    Strengthes: Speed,Skill,Intellegence
    Weakness': Has a curse on his right arm which makes him act w/o wanting to

    Powers: He can communicate with the Forest Gods and Spirit

    Limit: Arrow Shockwave, PeaceMaker
    Last edited by Cetra Cloud; 06-29-2003 at 03:35 PM.

  11. #191
    Name: Kirei Hana (meaning: "pretty flower")
    Class: Angel, mage
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19 years old
    Hair: Wavy dark brown hair, shoulder length
    Eyes: Greenest of green, emerald coloured
    Height: 5'9"
    Element: Elemental, all elements, mostly water.
    Weapon: A long, thin sword rather like Masmune, but different. On the hilt of the sword there is three tiny gold coloured diamonds. The grip of the sword is black, with red stripes on it. The sword is called Destiny.

    Appearance: A thin emerald coloured robe that is made of material that is see-through. Underneath, Kirei Hana wears a loose emerald green dress and emerald green slip on shoes. She sometimes wears otherwise.

    Background: Kirei Hana is a young woman who once lived in a Japanese town called Tomoeda. At least she did, until one day... one day people attacked her town. They killed Kirei's best friend, Destiny Menchi, and Kirei still seeks revenge on the people who did it. For now, Kirei Hana names her sword after her best friend.

    She moved to the mountains where she got a lot of fresh air and healed quickly. Kirei sought out a martial arts teacher, who tought her a lot in fighting. She found her sword jammed in a stone, Kirei took it out with ease. Ever since then, she has dealt with swords.
    Last edited by 'Kairi'; 04-23-2003 at 07:49 PM.

  12. #192
    Name: TyKoN
    Attack: Sword Flames

  13. #193
    hyper will
    Name: Ietsu
    Age : 12
    metal ietsu
    silver ietsu

    weapons: Swords and fists

    Magic attacks:
    mind blaster : blasts a hole in the enemys mind confusing them for a short persiod of time

    Special silver strike : a strong strike dealing major danage

    Pray beam : a beam of prayer, holy and good

    speed up. fast action but kicking power
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:18 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  14. #194
    Character Statistics. Mitsui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Deep River


    Class:Element master

    Appearance:Long spiky blue hair.Blue Eyes,Black undershirt,White and gold overcoat. Black pants.(Also can be seen at my signature.The small sprite I edited,That's my character. )



    Weapon:Ten Commandments-Has Rarely been used by Sieg Because many of his enemies were killed by his strong elemental magic.It's a Gigantic steel sword normally but the Ten commandments can change forms.

    Forms of The Ten Commandments:
    1. Eisenmeteor - Basic Steel Broadsword
    2. Explosion - A Red Sword that has attributes of lava,Explodes at contact
    3. Silufarion - A Sky blue sword with clouds on it.It speeds up Sieg's movements
    4. Runesave -A Small Black and green sword,it cuts shapeless things, it reflects of magic attack but it can't hurt when at contact
    5. Blue Crismon- Twin swords one of fire and the other of ice.
    6. Melforce - Wind Sword,shockwave attack.
    7. Gravity-Core - Gravity Sword,A big black sword that when it makes contact with earth,demonic energy rises.
    8. Million Suns -A small sword with a replica of the sun-god,deals small damage to humans but deals enormous damage to darkness.
    9. Sacrifer -A Small demonic sword which can possess the enemy to become shocked and awed.Posseses the user to become emotionless
    10.OracionSeis-The Ultimate form of the ten commandments.It posseses a great power known only as Ethelion.(The Creation and Destruction)

    Elemental Attacks:
    Lightning-An arc of lightning that Shocks the enemy

    Gaia-Lightning-Sieg slams two fingers to the groung which makes electricity spires sprout out everywhere.

    Flame Sphere-A small sphere of fire which engulfs the enemy in flames

    Whirlwind-A small tornado comes out of the ground throwing enemies to a distance.

    God's Lightning-A gigantic Arc of Lightning comes down to an enemy.

    Alteiscore-Sieg's ultimate elemental attack.The whole world will be nothing for his enemy but actually it's just a small core of a warp dimension that surrounds the victim.A few moments in the Core will trigger an all elemental barrage of Lightning,Fire,Water,Wind,Darkness,Earth and light.

    Background:SiegHart is the keeper of time and a element master.He is also called "The Man of Thunder" because his main element is lightning.He posseses the Ten commandments,a sword that can turn into one of it's ten forms.SiegHart is a very silent type and sometimes a cold hearted person.He had killed countless people in his own continent.The Song Continent.In Summary.SiegHart is a power to be feared in the Omega ruins.

    Favorite Quotes:"A man who mastered the sword is called a legendary swords man,that's why he can't win over the elements"

    "Swords can't defeat sorcery"

    ++If you wanna fight me,dish me a private message ++
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:19 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  15. #195
    Name: Locke
    Age: 18
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Brown
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 130 lbs.
    Weapon: Daggers that change into any form of a PHYSICAL attack weapon, Capule

    Close Range Attacks: Spear(rams into enemy with tremendous force), Weapon Break(Breaks enemy weapon with giant axe formed by a dagger), Silky Smooth(Runs towards enemy, flips over him lands with giant sword formed by both of the daggers just toucing the enemy's back and get's ready to push the sword into enemy's back)

    Long Range Attacks: Shotgun(Beams of energy scatter towards the enemy), Cannon(Fireballs shot out of a cannon made by a dagger), 5-Star Frog Splash(while opponent is on floor I jump doing a frog looking jump thing onto the enemy-causing me pain as well)

    Specials: Vector Cannon(Large Cannon that takes 1 minute to charge, depleats half of my health, and causes anything in it's way to die in a flash), Gundam(when desperate I throw down my capsule and a large Gundam called God Gundam appears)

    Weakness: He's not very good at defense and he doesn't work well under pressure.

    Bio: He's a fun-loving guy that just loves to...well...have fun! But when he see's killing of innocent people the smile comes right off. He gets very serious at times. Just don't piss him off god damnit!
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:20 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  16. #196
    Michael Strife
    Eye colour: Green
    Sex: Male

    Weapons: Ebony & Ivory (Custom Twin-Made Handguns), Rapidus(Broad Sword)

    Bio: At a very young age, Raiden was acknowledged by his elder that he was very good at fighting, when he was 13, he protected the village along with his brother until he was shot and died. Raiden vowed he would revenge the death of his brother by travelling and finding his killer. Now 18, he carries his guns and broadsword still looking for the killer.

  17. #197
    Character Statistics. Banned Testicle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Why did it say Metal Up your ass in here? How long has it said that? Whaaaaaaa?
    Name: Scale (Ahura Mazda/Ahriman)
    Age: 27
    Sex: Male

    Eye/Hair Color: White, Ahura Mazda / Black, Ahriman
    Height: 1m and 83 cm
    Weight: Unkown
    Looks: A normal built man, with good looks. He looks well trained though a simple glare makes people think he's mad, wich he almost is. When he's under the "possession"(atleast according to him) of Ahura Mazda (the good God), His clothes and hair- and eyecolor change color too white, as his abilities also change. Under the possession of Ahriman (of course the evil God) everything changes color to black, and his abilities change.
    When not under the influence of any of the gods, his clothes are gray, is hair- and eyecolor is grey and his sword has the color of a normal blank sword.

    When Scale was a child he and his parents were on a trip out at sea. There was a storm and Scale was lost at see, for months his parents thought that he had drowned, but after a year he suddenly came back, but now very stranger and his clothes and hair- and eye color changed colors form white to black, and he had humour swings.
    He rarely talked and he only once said about what happend to his parents. He told them that he was sucked into a underwater cave, a former shrine of the gods Ahura Mazda and Ahriman, and that they possesd him. His parents didnt belive him, and after that he disappeard, a few days later, his family mysteriously died and still there was no sign of him. He ventures alone and suffers from what he says is the possession of the two gods.
    He looks to be suffering from schizofrania, because he now talks to himself, sometimes calm, sometime mad and sometimes nervous, near a breakdown. And still no one belives him.

    Weapon: Grey Zone
    A sword that shines white when Scale is under the influence of Ahura Mazda and shines black when under the influence of Ahriman.

    Magic: Gravity magic (Ahriman) and Healing/Protective Magic(Ahura Mazda).

    Attributes: Agile and has small flying capabilites (like jumping high and hovering for like 5 m)

    Clothes: All Black/White Coat with a hood on it and a ripped grey tunic. Black/White normal shoes.

    Jewelery: A grey amulet, shaped as a scale, magical, the only thing keeping him from becoming fully insane.

    (OOC: This is my first profile so pm me if its to godly or so tell me and ill fix it, as i said im a newbie. lol
    Second note, i changed my story, coz i liked thsis one, but i have saved the old one so i might change back to taht if i want too. )
    Last edited by Banned Testicle; 05-06-2003 at 12:51 PM.

  18. #198
    Name: Night.
    Age: Appears to be in early 20's, true age unknown.
    Race: Hybrid of Demon/Unknown Race. (Rumored to be the single member of a race known as Godkillers)
    Class: Warrior/Mage
    Height: 6'2

    Weapons: While carrying many weapons, four of his most powerful are...
    Auraka: A semi-sentient chakrum-like throwing disk with four extending kris blades. Forged by Nights own hands out of a otherworldly metal known as "God-Metal" in its native tongue it has proven impossible to destroy or even harm. Including its original it has four different forms, each more powerful than the last, as well as being carved with enhancing runes and set with five black stones than generate enormous power. Auraka's namesake, a God among gods, a divine being of unwavering destruction vanished from one realities pantheon eons ago..what happened to him and how this weapon gained his name is a mystery.
    Quadra Blade: A sword forged of the same metal as Auraka, with four blades that form a + when looked at downwards to the hilt. Carved in the same runic tongue as Auraka, its hilt twists to flatten its four blades into a single-edged sword for vicious slices. Set in its claw pommel is a large black stone. The blade can discharge crescent like beams of energy capable of slicing through the hardest of materials, including such as adamantium, with ease.
    Chaos Gauntlet: A gauntlet worn on Nights right hand. Near its center is a wide ring of stones, each a different color and representing an element or an offshoot of an element. This gauntlet enables Night to harness the power of each element represented by a stone. It has been rumored that each stone contains a trapped elemental being, and thus it draws its powers from the source of elements themselves.
    Energy Pistols: Two pistols modeled after the earthian weapon known as a "handgun". Both are identical in appearance..forged of golden hued metal, each barrel is roughly 7" long with five black runes engraved along either side. Each grip is wrapped with black snakeskin. Their natural ammunition is the compressed and enhanced energy of their wielders, but can also vary between elements. The pistols not only can charge said energy for a more powerful shot, but also have multiple firearm-based forms. (I read that elemental guns are allowed..i hope these are acceptable)

    Armor: Chaos Plate. A full set of armor minus a helm. Black with silver accents, it changes form and strength along with Night (more on that later). Set in an inverse triangle on the chest and on either side of his mid-section are 5 red stones, their purpose rarely revealed. And set within the inverse is a triangle of three green stones, which can aid in healing both Night and the armor. The armor itself is tougher than adamantium, created from God-Metal as is all Nights equipment, and can reflect/deflect magical and physical attacks when its special field is activated.

    Appearance: Generally dark, Night always wears a long black cloak that conceals almost his entire body. With his hood usually down, his long silver hair falls past the small of his back. His eyes are solid black, save for their centers. The irises are deep grey, and the pupils are silver. When exited, these silver centers glow with brilliant blue light. His skin is pale grey, but his features a sharp, almost elven. Rising from his cheekbones are two rows of small grey spikes. Cocky and confidant almost to a fault, Night believes he cannot be defeated..and thus far as yet to be proven wrong. He has many forms and transformations, going from humanoid to chaos beast to chaos warrior and beyond. In each form, one thing remains constant: The chaosphere. A symbol of his power, a multi-pointed star set in its forehead. While changing color and shape, this symbol always remains.

    Abilities: Night can heal rapidly, to the point of regeneration. His body does not require air, nor does it cast a shadow. He has great natural strength and magical power, as well as speed. Both his blood and saliva are highly acidic, and he can generate bone spikes and blades from any part of his body, which he often uses as weapons. His senses are extremely heightened, and his eyes can see in even the darkest environment as well as being able to see, sense and track energy. In addition to his natural skills he had the retained knowledge of every being he has ever possessed or killed, their magics and fighting styles..he thus has mastered nearly every type of magic known and unknown. Due to his unique body he has a basic skeletal structure composed of almost unbreakable bones, but few sparse internal organs.

    Weakness: Night's single, glairing weakness is holy energy. He is weak againt it only in certain forms, and even then has created more than one way to negate its damaging effects.

    Story: Countless eternities ago, a universe spontaneously came into existence. From its birth, this universe started expanding. Soon, it had expanded to sizes previously unknown, and not seen since. And then, without reason, it began to shrink. Each of its solar systems suns went nova, each planet imploded in upon itself, and all the energy within its existence was drawn into one, single point. Within this combination of immeasurable energy a single spark of consciousness came into being. A entity that was not a god...not an element..but something else. A being of pure, uncorrupted power, formed entirely of energy. And consumed with a hunger for destruction, for power..for energy. Going into a kind of stasis, the being became dormant for several million years. And out of the ashes, like a phoenix, a new universe was born from the old. When it finally awoke, the being sensed a new power in its surrounding Hunting this power, it came to the most advanced planet in the system, a planet with intelligent humanoid life. Entering the most powerful warrior among its races like a ghost, the being laid waste to all living things it could find. When its body was finally slain, it simply took another. Finally, when it could sense no more life it left the ruined planet behind, retreating to the peace of space. However, it knew its work was not done. In the far distance, it sensed the presence of other life. And after recovering its strength, it moved on to the next world. And the next. And the next. Until not long ago. It happened upon a planet of powerful magic users. And killed them all. Amazed by its ability for destruction, a group of dark gods took the being into their council and gave him the chance to take part in their greatest work..a humanoid being of chaos, the ultimate champion for darkness. Readily accepting, the being took control of this form and fused with its core in a way it had never before. It became the warrior known as Night, and on its forehead burned a symbol that it would be known by forever more..the chaosphere. Imbued with a power stronger than anything he had ever known Night travels from world to world still, his motive now not only destruction..but the pleasures of chaos. Only the gods, and in time Night knew the true purpose of granting Night this body..a secret revealed to few. (Note: The above is the sole Intellectual Property of its creator, and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent.)

  19. #199
    Edgar Figaro
    Name: Edgar "Papa Azucar" Figaro
    Weapon of Choice: A deck of cards, pipe wrench
    Armor: Light garb, lots of charisma
    Gender: Male
    Hair and Eyes: Green, and Black
    Age: 28
    Cuisine: Northwestern Italian
    Underwear: Black
    Preferred Wine: White Zinfandel
    Flower: White Rose
    Temperament: Calm-->Pissy-->Calm in 5 seconds flat

    Edgar Figaro has been travelling the plains of Stantonia searching for challengers in his favorite pasttimes: drinking and gambling, never finding someone who could stand up to the challenge. Could that someone be you?

    PM me for a competition.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:20 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  20. #200
    The Unknown
    Character 1!

    Name: The Unknown (Good)
    Class: Swordsman
    Age: 23
    Race: Human
    Height: 6'3
    Weight: 190 lbs
    Weapon: Masmune (2 handed sword)
    Armour: Mythril (Body) Plate (Arms and Shins)
    Magic: Fire1,2,3. Ice1,2,3. Thunder1,2,3.
    Limit Break: Omnislash (Continuous slashes at the enemy)
    Description: Long Brown hair, blue eyes.
    Story: His mother was killed before his very eyes, when he was young. So when he grew older he learnt the skills of a Swordsman, an now he seeks revenge on his mothers killer!

    Character 2!

    Name: Hades (Evil)
    Class: Mage
    Age: 25
    Race: Silver Mage
    Height: 5'2
    Weight:150 lbs
    Weapon: High Mage Staff
    Armour: Robe
    Magic: Meteor, Ultima, Comet, Cure4
    Limit Break: Magic Burst (Shoots out Fire, Ice and lightning in all directions)
    Description: Long silver hair and red eyes.
    Story: As a child his father taught him the skills of a mage, until he mastered the ultimate magics, his father couldn't ever use these skills, he became almight, then slaughted his parents, for they were no use to him any more.... Then he went to villages, and burnt them down, he wanted a true challenge... so it begins....

  21. #201
    Name – Alexia Danae Romanova

    Age – 19

    Height – 5ft 6”

    Magic – NONE

    Physical Description – Extremely beautiful, carries Dæian blood in her which adds to it. Has been commented that she has more beauty than the Elvish Queen Daeinera. Grey eyes, rimmed in a thin red, which gets brighter when enraged. Black hair down to her midback which is down most of the time to hide the tattoo of a Scorpia on the back of her back. Dæians were sort of branded when were born. She also has a tribal tattoo on her arm, which she got while drunk with a friend. She likes it though. Her skin is really pale but has no blemishes apart from the white scar on her shoulder from a Scorpia Poisoned arrow shot at her by a Bounty Hunter.

    Weapons – Fiarion Bow – She received this as a gift while in a dream state on top of the Mountain of Khardos. The Blood Queen Akasha tested her with three tests. These Alexia have never told anyone. But what she did tell her companions was that she had been chosen by the Gods to carry the bow. It is made of an indestructible metal called Adamantium; the two red capsules at the top are filled with Akasha’s blood. The redness will not fade and the power will not be lost. The string is made of Akasha’s hair. A blood red colour, the strongest thing in existence. It will not stretch out of shape and it takes a lot of strength to pull back. Luckily, Alexia has that strength.

    Race – Dæian

    Race Characteristics – Dæians were at war with the Duergar for a long time. But when the Duergar were named outlaws an alliance was formed. They help each other when in need. Giving sanctuary fugitives. Dæians were outlawed due to an age-old hatred of the humans. When the world was born the Dæian Gods blessed them with immortality, the other Gods grew jealous and so did the humans. A war erupted and was only stopped when the Gods of the Dæian Gods took away the immortality. But jealousy over the years grew because humans remembered the special treatment. They outlawed the Dæians and banished them to the mountains. A high price is paid for a Dæian man or woman on the black markets. That’s where the Bounty Hunters came in.

    Family – Her younger sister was killed in the Prison of Deiwos, by a man called Sayfin. A few years later Alexia returned and slaughtered him. Her brother is still missing. Alexia’s parents were killed by Mages, therefore hating them for the rest of her life.

    Bio – Born as in the Dæian mountains, she lived her life happily until she was seven. Her parents were killed by Mages while they were travelling through the Cloaklands to reach home. They were found. From then on her Aunt Maharet looked after the three children, Jenna, Alexia and Marik. When the Bounty Hunters found their home they ransacked it and killed everyone. Maharet was a Dæian Moria, a seer. She saw what was to become of the people, but her loyalties to Time forbid her from telling the people. But she loved her family too much. So at sunrise on the day of the attack. She sent them away. Alexia was the middle child. The youngest being Jenna at four, and the oldest being Marik at fourteen. They stayed at the Duergar fortress for three weeks. In that time, Marik ran away taking Jenna with him. Alexia wept for days. She stayed there for five years, learning to fight like the Duergar, the fiercest warriors in the south. Then when she was twelve, she ran away leaving her keeper a note explaining. She trekked to the north, and learned different styles of fighting. She worked in bars for money, and finally met the man who changed her life. His name was Yek. An assassin too old for the job. Alexia took over under his guidance and she made more money than ever before. Once Yek died she mourned but then took her skills to other parts of the continent. Still searching for her brother and sister. She was now sixteen. And then she finally got a lead on where they might be. A prison on the outskirts of a town in the Cloaklands. She travelled there with the quickest speed and found her dead. In a fit of rage she killed nearly all the guards in the castle and escaped with a warrior called Taere and an axe bearing man called Mur.

  22. #202
    Dark Messenger
    Ugh..I'm gonna use my profiles from another forum I go to. *deletes first post* that's a disgrace to my name..

    Name: Kairi.

    Age: Believed to be in his early twenties.

    Race: Apparently human, although when his temper rises, doubt is cast upon the minds of many.

    Kairi stands at about five foot nine inches tall. His hair is of a silver colour, and flows halfway down his back. His eyes are a light shade of blue. It is said that before killing an enemy, "the icy fire can be seen dancing within Kairi's eyes".

    He wears red armour at certain places on his body. His wrists up to his elbows, his chest and back from the base of the neck down to his waist, including the shoulders. The armour also encases his legs completely, including his feet.

    The armour itself has peculiar golden emblums engraved upon its sides, where they are barely visible. The emblums scarcely resemble letters of the chinese language.
    Beneath his armour, and covering any other parts of his body without armoured protection. He wears a white robe which contains the spirit of his mother. The robe is powerful enough to deflect small attacks.

    Kairi's weapon is entitled 'The Widow'.
    It is said to have belonged to an Imperial leader whom had fallen in battle. Kairi stumbled across the sword by chance when he was fifteen years old.
    He discovered it in a cavern, located behind a dense waterfall. It was merely by chance that Kairi discovered the cavern, but within its hollow walls, Kairi had found this weapon upon the stony ground, inside it's very own sheath. The cave had been bare, apart from the sword alone. There was no clue as to who had held the sword previously, but villagers which Kairi revealed the weapon to did associate it with the Imperial Commander 'Lord Terron', of the Northern Continent.
    Kairi wielded the blade often, using it to train himself in the art of combat.

    The weapon was surprisingly light, and created no burden to Kairi. By the time Kairi left his village to travel the world, it was almost as though the weapon was Kairi's blood brother. He would never be seen with it.

    Weapon description
    The widow possesses a thin blade built to a sharp point at the end. To be exact, it is a mere one and a half inches thick, but it spans out to around seven inches in width.

    The blade is of a shade of navy blue, and possesses a mysterious 'Fiery Orb' in the blade centre, carved into it to give it the gift of a fire element. The blade hilt is a black colour, but has fine intricate carvings which make it seem more than just a black piece of shaped metal.

    Kairi knows little magic, except that of which the fire orb had presented him.

    Fire- a weak fire spell. May give very light burnings.

    Fira- a slightly stronger fire spell. Gives burns of a higher degree.

    Firaga- the strongest basic fire spell. Depending on the concentration, burns can range from minor to scorching burn marks.

    Flare- a concentrated 'bomb' of fire. The heat pressure builds up in one spot, and creates a fiery explosion of highly damaging magnitude. The downside to this spell is how draining it is. Kairi needs a lot of recovery time after the attack (around one minute).

    Kairi's profession is physical skills, but he is still fairly new to battle and so only has a limited range of skills.

    Spirit Break- an emphasised strike that is intended to weaken the enemy's fighting spirit. Chance of success is minimal however.

    Pressure- Kairi uses his own spirit to boost his strength, if he is in what he considers to be a drastic situation.

    Parry to elbow- Kairi will parry a strike with The Widow, and follows by using his other elbow against his opponent's face.

    Cross slash- Kairi attacks from two different angles, in order to knock his foe off guard, and try to make a hit on the second strike.

    Kairi was born into a wealthy family, and so in his early life, enjoyed what was considered to be the best. He was never inspired or urged to fight in any way. Of course, as Kairi was, in fact a spoilt child, he often hit or injured less fortunate people in order to gain his own form of twisted amusement.

    At this time, the event about to occur was very much unexpected.
    A small rebel group had been building up into a large army, and one fateful night, one week after Kairi's sixth birthday, his town of wealth was attacked. The noble's put up very little resistance, and the town was destroyed. His parents killed, his home demolished, Kairi fled the ruins of his past. Miraculously managing to survive for weeks on end, Kairi eventually found himself in a small peasant village. He was raised there for the rest of his childhood years. As he was now a 'peasant' himself, Kairi had to do lots of work for next to no payment. As a result, he was poor, but physically poerful. One morning, in his fifteenth year of life, whilst Kairi was washing himself in a neary river, he was certain that he could see an opening behind the waterfall very near to him.
    So, he clambered through the dense waterfall, although with great difficulty, and within he discovered The Widow. [See History of The Widow]

    At the age of eighteen, Kairi left the village. He now had the skills to take vengeance on his family's destroyers.
    But another thought occured to him; <What if there are others like me? Warriors...I should very much like to battle them, to test my own skills>.
    So, rather rashly putting his vengeance on the back-burner, he began his journey of the world in order to meet and defeat the warriors of this age...

    Name: Thanos.

    Age: Timeless.

    Race: A creature with no racial background. It prefers to be known simply as 'The Apocalypse'. There is no trace of humanity within him.

    Appearance: Has a severely deformed face, with slits for a nose, flowing white hair. Glowing red pits where eyes would bem but a normal mouth. Wears dark red blood red armour which spans from his neck to his feet. He possesses a black cloak, which is connected to his body by golden chains.

    Weapons: Cataclysm A massive Scimitar blade which spans over a meter in width. The blade is itself constructed of a timeless unknown metal, which has slain millions of creatures in it's time of use.

    Decapitation: A long swift sword movement, which, if contact is made, takes off the part of the head it connects with.

    Sigh Of Death: A cold air exhaled by Thanos which causes the air to thin out, and become choked with Carbon Monoxide.

    Uprising: Thanos summons the ground itself to release his anger, as raptures and splits in the earth are created.

    Implant: Thanos produces a dark seed, which he spits onto the enemy. The seed quickly grows and consumes the body.

    Torture: Thanos grabs the opponent by his/her throat and lifts them into the air, pummeling their bodies whilst slowly intensifying the pressure on their throats.

    Vacuum: Opens up a portal in the ground which creates winds of up to 600MPH, which take the absorbed up into the sky before absorbing them underground.

    Dark Ball: Thanos calls the darkness within his soul into a dark energy ball, which tracks down the opponent, and proceeds to send 300 volts through their bodies.

    Capital Punishment: Thanos uses his mental power to raise rocks from the ground and mountains, and fires them at the opponent at high speeds of up to 150MPH.

    Stealth: Thanos' DNA mutates to change his form to whatever would blend in with his environment the best, making him completely invisible to any form of detection.

    High Energy Attacks
    Catastrophe: Thanos summons a giant energy sphere above him, whilst causing a meteor shower while he gathers the energy, before firing the energy ball into the ground. At worst, it can send a planet itself into it's destruction. Although this only occurs rarely.

    Spectre: Thanos releases the enslaved spirits of the dead from his blade upon the opponent, to either possess or damage their mentality, or merely provide a distraction.

    The Cataclysm: Thanos uses the majority of his energy to call forth a giant comet belt, which Thanos controls the target range to pursue his opponent across the face of the planet, this can result in the destruction of cities, and many craters on the planet surface.

    Bio: The Universe began, and darkness was born. As was the light. And from the darkness, Thanos was born. All the evil of the universe was merged into one darkened being whom has neither lived nor died in all the eons of the world. As the Earth was born, Thanos found himself upon the newly born planet, where he spent the majority of his earlier life. He grew up in a cold harsh environment, receiving no care from any other creature. His body was tortured by harsh environments and weather conditions. He continued to live on as conditions changed for better and for worse, until finally, mankind began to evolve. By this time, any normal creature's life would have been long over, but Thanos remained very much alive, his body simply wracked with scars.
    After joining a village of humans, he lived past all of them, and eventually as the intelligence of the humans increased, they began to see him for what he was. A creature. Not a human like them, but a creature. A demon, almost. Thanos himself did not know of his own dark destiny at this time, and knew little of evil, despite living for many centuries already. He was driven away by the humans and forced to live in hiding from everyone and everything.

    He felt the calling years later. Deep within him, a yearning to be free, a desire to cause inconceivable pain to those that had caused him misery. He willingly sold his soul to the devil, and was granted power, weaponry and armour. As soon as he had mastered his own skills and powers, he hunted down those that had caused him pain, and they became the first entrapped souls within his blade. For centuries longer, he lurked in the shadows, preying on the innocent and the guilty alike. Any and all that that came across him lived no longer, and became the next souls entrapped within his own blade. Thanos' power corrupted him, made him into something darker than the darkest shadow, the darkest corner. He received another beckoning within him, and mentally became seperated from his physical form. He spoke with the Lords of the Underworld. He became their 'Bringer Of Death', the one that seemed unstoppable, the one with destruction in his heart, soul and mind. He was given the steed of the Devil, upon which he could ride across the plains of the earth, slaying all those he was instructed to.

    As humanity advanced, Thanos remained vastly superior to them all, as his lust for pain and agony never faultered, neither did his steed's hoofs clapping loudly on the ground as it moved, always searching for new blood....the Apocalypse had arrived...

  23. #203
    Name: Sir Catman (Beobern Anglor)

    Age: slightly over 47

    Hair colour: Dark brown

    Eye colour: Light brown

    History: Beobern was born i a little town in England.
    His parents both died when Beobern was verry young,
    now when he had no other relatives he searched for the big city,
    He started to work in a private shoefactory, until the age of 23 when he moved to the city of Sheffield.
    There he was going to hold a daycare for homeless cats.
    But one day two men broke into his daycare and stole all cats, they also gave him a black eye.
    Now Beobern understod that there was only one thing to do.
    He sold all his belongings and moved into a little cave there he could cry and mourn because of the great loss of his best friends, the cats.
    Now days he is a nice and well behaved man, living in a big house.
    Driving his beloved Aston (a car)

    Clothes: Black/Dark blue costume.
    White shirt under, and a black bow tie.
    Black shoes and sometimes wearing blackglasses.

    Weapons: MG1 (hand gun), black dagger, smoke bomb.

    Attitude: Verry gentle, calm, knows exactly what he is doing,
    and when in need, can be verry dangerous.

    Beobern changed his name when he decided to find all his stolen cats, Catman does not look a like a cat, he looks just like a normal looking man. This is important to know.

  24. #204
    Isn't this just special, all the profiles were deleted, and I had to make a whole new one -_-

    Name: Hobbes
    Sex: Male
    Age: 25
    Height: 6 feet, 5 inches
    Weight: 187
    Hair Color: Navy Blue
    Eye Color: Black

    Right Hand
    Glove- A simple black leather glove, with the thumb
    cut out.

    ~~Upper Body~~
    Vest- A very loose fitting, white vest.

    ~~Lower Body~~
    Pants- A very loose fitting, white pair of pants

    Left Ear
    Earring- A earring made of gold in the shape of a skull.
    Necklace- A dull gold chain hangs down from the neck. At the end is a dull, gold anarchy symbol.

    Soul Bane - A four-foot long, finely crafted katana made entirely out of titanium. It has slight blemishes and chips in it from many battles, but it can still cut practically anything in half, easily.
    Deadly with his fists. Most cannot see their lightning movements, and those that do, have a hard time defending against them.

    All spells are of the lightning and air element. Exact details are unknown.

    Hobbes was raised in a small, peaceful village in Asia. Many years before he was born, there was a war close to his village. Most of the swordsmen in his area were killed during the war, but a few, skilled, and lucky fighters survived. The small town lived on in peace for many years after that, and Hobbes was born.
    None of the swordsmanship skills were being passed down, as no one saw the need to, for such things didn’t happen anymore.

    But when Hobbes was of the age of 11, his peaceful village was attacked and his parents were murdered. The raiders were about to kill him, too, when they were stopped by one of the Old War’s (as it was now referred to) veterans, know as Master Black now, stopped them with little effort. The young boy was impressed buy this old man’s skills, and angry with himself for not being able to save his family.

    He requested for Master Black to teach him how to fight and use a sword. Black, feeling pity for him, over the lose of his parents, decided to teach him. He figured the boy only needed to let off some steam, and would soon quit. But, Master Black taught him swordsmanship up to the time that he was 16, and he was shocked by how skilled he had become.

    He told Hobbes that his training would only be complete when he could defeat his master. So, one day Hobbes decided that he was ready. He and Master Black fought each other in hand-to-hand combat and with sword. His master was defeated both times in less than five seconds.

    Master Black then admitted that Hobbes at grown far stronger than himself, and presented him with his own sword which he called Soul Bane. He then set off on a journey to find the leader of that group of people who had killed his family.

    A new fire was rekindled in his heart, and he knew that his parents would be proud of him. But with that fire came a dark hatred and promised himself that he would find the person responsible, and he would kill any who got his way, for he could not fail.
    Last edited by Shan'do Spike; 07-19-2004 at 11:21 AM. Reason: No sig, damnit!

  25. #205
    Lord Have Mercy Character Statistics. Bunny's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Name: Tihorledr Mindshadow
    Nicknames: The Spotted Elf, Psion of the Sea, Darkened Flame
    Age: Roughly 700
    Race: Half-Dark Elf/Half-Wood Elf
    Class: Psion/Illusionist/Flamekeeper
    Eye Color: Crimson Red
    Hair Color: Silver
    Height: Five foot, three inches
    Weight: 80 pounds


    Tihorledr Mindshadow, or The Spotted Elf to some. Both names he goes by, although preferring the former over the latter. At a meager height of five foot, three inches, he is rather small, but this does not mean he is not dangerous. Weighing something close to only eighty pounds, he is rather light, but not light even to blow away in the wind. His skin is bronzed, as if this one has spent too many hours in the sun, but something is strange. A head of flowing silver hair, falls to tiny shoulders, and rest there. Seemingly not effected by whatever weather there happens to be. Dark spots, ebony colored freckles, no. They are larger than freckles, the size of a gold coin, or larger perhaps. His eyes, dark golden, with a light red glow when covered by darkness, yet another strange feature of this strange creature. Ears pointed to further identify him as a member of the Elven Race. An Elven Race...but which? Perhaps a mix of two. Perhaps.
    A row of gold earrings ascends along the edge of his left ear, from the lowest point of the lobe, to the very end of the tip. The earring that hangs from his lobe is a simple golden ring, with a chain extending less than half an inch down. Carrying a small blue ball with, what appears to be, clouds trapped inside. The other six earrings are simple designed golden rings. His right ear lobe holds a small fragment of diamond. On his left cheek is a small tattoo, the insignia of his house, inside of a grayish brain. This one does not escape the terrors of battle, however, carrying a few scars from battles long forgotten, or at least, battles that aren't talked about all too often. A scar runs from the right side of his chin, to an inch above his eye. Not appearing to be deep, but when received it must have hurt. Even with the tattoo, piercings and the large scar, he is still an incredibly handsome male.

    Dressed in a robe which matches the spots, slightly, the fabric a touch darker. Two distinguishing marks seen on the robe; a brain, gray in color, with his initials on it: T.M., this one sitting on his left shoulder, seeming to be part of his robe. The second is a golden glyph, that of his once well-known house. That is, before being destroyed. The glyph of House Oblodra, on his right shoulder. And, as the other one is, it looks to be part of the robe itself, not sewn on. The robe hangs loose, as if something is under it, but just what that something is, can only be guessed. He wears a belt around his waist, of course, to hold the various pouches in which he carries. The contents of these most likely being some things to aid in the casting of his spells, or perhaps they are just gold. Again, it can only be guessed. The belt, appearing to be made of normal brown leather, glows a faint blue color at times. A very faint blue. The robe drops over his feet, covering them from prying eyes. Although, he probably isn't wearing any boots, as he seems to be under a permanent levitation spell, which allows him to glide in the air an inch or so above the ground. He wears a Piwafwi (1). just over the robe, the hood never in use. Just there for looks.


    Psionic Secrets(Staff):
    He carries a staff as his main weapon, although a sword also sits at his side, as does a whip. Each hanging from the belt around his waist. The staff is made of a beautiful polished bone, with hints of ebony stone here and there. Sitting at the top of the masterfully crafted staff is a crystal, or a Psion Crystal to be more accurate. The crystal glows a faint gold color at times, but those are not often, rarely happening. Twin threads of gold connect the crystal to the staff and run down to the base.

    The sword, although rarely used, is there when needed. The scabbard made of a polished black and silver metal, once more crafted by what would be a skilled craftsman. The sword inside the length of a long sword, only a bit smaller, and lighter...for him at least. The blade made of black, what appears to be, stone. With the hilt being a very dark blue, almost black

    Duel-Snake(Duel-Headed Whip)
    The whip that hangs opposite the sword is sleek and black leather, splitting into two heads somewhere near the middle, spikes seen on the end.



    Mind Barrier:
    A Wall that springs into exsistance infront, behind or to the side of he who casts it. Using the strength of ones mind, this wall keeps all outside forces from entering. Weapons and Magic seem to have no effect on it. The wall is of unknown height and width, two things that would depend on the skill of the casters mind.

    Force of Will:
    Using the force of ones will, and the power of ones mind, this attack knocks the opponant off balance with an invisible wind. In addition to knocking them off balance, it leaves the opponant dazed for a few moments, usually a minute or so.

    Brain Buster:
    This attack puts great pressure on both the caster and the opponant, strong enough to render both useless in combat. This attack is more of a last resort than anything else.


    Mirror Image:
    A defensive spell in order to gain more time, this spell multiples the caster's image ten-fold. Creating a great number of false copies while the real caster is invisible. The Images appear to be real, and move around the opponant, but are destroyed once they are hit.

    Creature of the Abyss:
    Using a combination of both Mind Power and skill as an Illusionist, the caster opens a gate to the very Abyss. Hell. Calling forth the image of a creature there, to fight along side him. Although an illusion, the creature does not disappear if hit. Instead, it must be inflicted with serious wounds.

    The caster creates an exact replica of himself, to fight along side him. Both of these images move on their own, casting, taking damage and thinking for themselves. Death is the only option in destroying the Twin Terror.


    A ball of flame spews forth from the casters hand, moving quickly towards the opponant. When hitting something solid, anything solid, the fireball erupts in a wide circle. Burning anything within range.

    The caster creates a large ball of flame above the intended targets body, soon after the appearance, the ball explodes. Leaving searing flames to damage the opponant.

    ::Inborn Abilities::

    Dark Elf:

    Globe of Darkness
    Most Dark Elves, and Tihorledr is not an exception, can drop Globes of Darkness over their enemies. The globe covers a great deal of the area around the enemy, resulting in them becoming basically blind. The darkness created is so thick, that one can not see his own hand when held infront of his face. Dark Elves, however, and other creatures of Darkness, are able to penetrate these Shadows.

    All Dark Elves have the Ability to levitate in the air. Tihorledr, again, is not an exception. With the ability to float a good distance over the ground, and his opponant, this is a perfect skill when used correctly.

    Dark Elves, having lived their lives in the dark, have a certain amount of sight within the dark. They can see thru it, like it was normal. Tihorledr, however, is only half-dark elf. And thus, can only see half as much as full Dark Elves.

    Wood Elf

    Superb Hearing:
    Wood Elves are Natural Hunters, and thus, have gained a certain ability to listen to all surrounds. They are often immune to ambush and backstabbing. Often. Not always.


    ~~~Coming Soon~~~


    1. The Dark Elf weave dark cloaks that at first glance look like ordinary cloaks. However when the hood is drawn they help a drow melt into the cold shadows - becoming almost invisible to both normal and dark sight. Called a Piwafwi

    Last edited by Bunny; 06-08-2003 at 01:06 PM.

  26. #206
    - Joe -
    Name: Czarkin
    Sex: Male
    Age: ~35
    Height: 7 feet, 5 inches
    Weight: 300 lb.
    Hair Color: Rusted Brown
    Eye Color: Fire Red
    Race: Barbarian

    Czarkin is a gigantic Barbarian whose tribe was killed for their land. He fought along with his father and watched him die. He longs for revenge and is on a War-Rampage, destroying all in his path.

    Forged out of the magical stone of Gheartin, he swings the 2oo pound Double-Sided Axe like a stick from the ground. His massive size allows for quick movements with the axe, and he usually startles his prey. Such a large man moving so quick cannot be stoped. His stealth skills are unsoundly proficent, and he is one with the earth....

    Cloaked in the skins of the animals he thrives off of, his clothes also allow him to be camoflauged, adding to his defenses...

    While traveling, a gypsie who he made love with planted a Anti-Effect, keeping him from being turned into anything else.... and for this, he made love with her again...LOL

  27. #207
    caped vampire
    Character name: Mateo eis ryuka

    Race: Human

    Class: assassin

    Age: 19

    Gender: male

    Eyes: hazel

    Hair: short ruffled blonde hair.

    Height: 6'4"

    Weight: 85kg

    Element: All

    Weapon: two extremely large battle axes with an uknown power.

    Appearance: sleeveless white shirt with a thick jacket over top, Long grey pants with steel capped boots, Two matching white wristbands and a thick black headband, Long dangling cross necklace.

    Background: Mateo was always light on his feet but during his early teens he discovered dueling and has loved it ever since. He wanted to start dueling immediately but he needed weapons. for the next few years he devoted himself entirely to forging two giant battle axes out of mythril and even though they look extremely heavy they are as light as twigs, Even with such lightness they are indestructable.
    Last edited by caped vampire; 05-19-2003 at 02:29 AM.

  28. #208
    Scar Face
    Name: Dragon Master,Drakion,Demotica,or Ultikri
    Race:Wind Ninja,Dragon,vampiric demon,or Angel.
    Age:15 or 1,000,000 or 1,000
    Weapon:Stormy blood:His most powerful sword.
    Hurricane blade:Has all the winds of earth in it.
    Weight:250 LBS.
    Armor:Who needs armor when your speedy!
    Clothes: Dragon Master:White ninja suit.Light blue gloves and boots.Ultikri: Drakonia's Armor.Demotica:Has all black on.
    Hair color:long and silver.
    Eye color:Blue and Hazel.
    Attacks: Physical:
    Fast slashes
    Drakions bite
    Drakonias Wings
    Drakonias energy
    Dragon energy ball
    Pheonix and thunder bird feathers
    Dark Past
    Vampiric blood
    Dark Desires
    Psychos mind
    Psychic powers:Can use any psychic powers he wants by using the jewels on his head.
    The Dark Blood
    Dark Aorea
    Storming howl
    Bloody Moon
    Drakions rage
    Blood flow

    Bio:A very good person but you don't want to get him in a rage or he'll use an attack not listed.he can transform when he wants but only when he needs to.he saw his mother die at the age of 6.he then went on a journey to kill the person who killed her.He has three jewels on his forehead which are shaped like Fire balls.They can't be broken or smashed to pieces.His power comes from them.He was said to be a Demonic force to be reconned with.

  29. #209
    Name: Roio Jeenico
    Sex: Male
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 160 Pounds
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Race: Human
    Description: Roio has been alone much of his life. He has travelled often, but he is not a strongly built man, although he is quick in a fight. He uses a light blade to add to his flexibility, and wears little armor. He had no friends, but he wanted to make allies soon.

    Weapon: Roio carried a light sword with him at all times. It weighed only twenty pounds or so, and was long and thin. Roio called his sword the Masamune, after legends he had heard in his life. This light weapon allowed for his quick movement. He also carried a small dagger.

    Clothes: Roio dressed in very little warrior clothing. He wore a vest under his shirt, which would protect little in the way of attacks, but was light. He wore a black buttoned shirt above it, which was ripped between the elbows and the hands on both sides. He wore black pants, these were very simple. He also wore light, small black shoes. He had his dagger tucked under his gold belt, and his sword in the holder that was around his body.

    Magic: None

  30. #210
    Cetra Cloud
    Name : Tyme Emerald
    weight:189lbHAir Color: Emerald Green
    Eye Color: Crimson Red
    Weapon: Tyme Blade(forged at the creation of the heavens)
    Armor: Saint Armor

    Bio: A man endowed withe the powers off time anmd space.

    he can creat a vortex large enough to destroy an entire city but rarly does do to his caring nature. He protects the inocent with all of his heart and will only attack if attacked first.

    He is the human form of the Legendary Demi-God Dart

    His sword can not kill others just seal their souls away.

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