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Thread: Beginer Battle (open to all)

  1. #1
    The joke is far too true Beginer Battle (open to all) loner-kid's Avatar
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    Beginer Battle (open to all)

    Ok.. this is my first go at RPB and i thought I'd try it out, I'll be using the character Erika and i'm willing to play anyone.

    The ground broke Erika's fall sharply knocking her unconscious. A moan rose from her lips as she opened her eyes, she was alive, the gods were not being merciful. She reached towards her back falteringly, blood bubbled through her fingers as she held the bony stump of what had once been a wing. She fell to her knees her whole body contorted by her grief. Through sore red eyes she scanned the scenery, she was on the outskirts of an idyllic forest, the soft warm glow of faeries flitting through the trees. She screamed, rage and grief circling the cry like carrion birds.

    "Wasn't it enough to deprive me of my home? My love? Why do you torment me with flawed beauty?"

    Using her lance as a walking stick she managed to stumble along the edge of the forest, looking for a place of shelter. She felt eyes on her neck and spun around.

    "I do not need this"

  2. #2
    A telepathic message is sent out to Erika from within the safety of the shadows.

    "Your necessity for this encounter hardly concerns me, for I am hungry, and you smell of blood."

    A demonic groan bursts forth from within the woods. Loud and powerful; it scares the faeries into a retreat, their lights blinking out almost simultaneously.
    The area is enveloped in almost complete darkness, save the dim glow of the full moon through the midnight clouds.
    The creature responsible for the groan creates no more noise as it closes in on it's target. For such an enormous, powerful, and incredibly fast creature, it was surprisingly light-footed. To the average ear, it would be assumed that they were completely alone.
    Finally, the hunter spots it's prey through the trees, walking along the forests perimeter. The beast waits; waits for the opportune moment.
    Erika was very close now, soon she would be directly in front of the monster.
    It quickly maps out a plan then closes its glowing orange eyes, so as not to alert Erika of its presence before it so desires. Intently it waits for the smell of blood to cross its path.
    There it is.
    With a single bound it leaps right overtop of Erika, landing in the clearing behind her. It was now evident in the descending moonlight that this creature was none other than the fabled Donkere.
    Reopening it's eyes, it begins to shake maniacally with desire.
    It's victim was an angel, was being a term greatly stressed. It is made clear that she had been dismissed from her heavenly abode due to the state she is in.
    The realm of light is the Donkeres, and all creatures of the netherworlds, most despised thing in existence. Finding one of it's inhabitants wounded, weak, and alone was a fantastic treat. It would enjoy this meal more than any mortal or undead creature it has ever sunk its teeth into.
    Beginning a slow pace towards Erika, the Donkere begins to foam at the mouth and swing it's head around wildly, like a rabid wolf, incessantly snapping it's jaws.
    It is preparing for an attack.
    It stands up on its hind legs and holds out it's arms, flexing. Long, sharp, skewer-like bones slide in and out of its palms. It returns to it's apelike stance and lets out a hysterical laugh.
    It is indeed taunting its opponent.
    It wants to play first.
    Last edited by Ghost; 02-24-2008 at 07:15 PM.

  3. #3
    The joke is far too true Beginer Battle (open to all) loner-kid's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    It was taunting her! The stupid thing was taunting her!

    What it was though was another question entirely, large fangs covered in rabid foam snapped and clattered in a sort of jerky dance as spine like appendages slid in and out of a blood encrusted holes in the things wrists. An oily darkness was also spreading in an ominous circle of corruption.

    Erika could tell it was a dark being of tremendous power, even without her angelic sight, the corrupting dark being a major give away. She raised lancier with both hands, shaking from the effort and drew a clumsy sigil. Defence. It was her only option. Her only chance. She was in no condition to fight the darkness.

    She focused power into the lancier, making it glow with holy power, and thrust it deep into the ground at her feet. A holy circle started to spiral away from her imbued weapon to combat her opponents corruption.

    Erika looked down at her jittering hands, I can't of used that much power she thought, but she knew she had her legs felt weak and she felt her aura tight against her skin. The creature was still watching her. Unreadable. She could not tell if it was amused or surprised. She focused a small amount of power in her palms and hurled it at the beast.

    The battle could only go one way. She was going to die.

  4. #4
    The Donkere looks at the barrier recently manifested before it's eyes.

    "Peculiar little girl..."

    An immensely bright light materializes in the girls palm.
    The Donkere looks inquisitively towards it, ceasing it's insane shaking and replacing it with a simple turn of the head.
    It escapes the hand and races through the air towards the beast. The light begins far off and looks small and pitiful; the Donkere stands confident. As it approaches the light begins to bend and the flash appears much more expansive. The Donkere cowers from the brightness, it's skin peeling and smoking as the light burns the beasts flesh.
    As the energy connects with the Donkere it sends it flying back into the forest, flattening the foliage into an enormous trench in the woods.
    He steadies himself back onto his feet and shakes his head. Clearly he had been caught completely off guard. This holy creature was apparently much more powerful than she looked; this would prove difficult.
    The Donkere does not, however, lose his will to play; he simply notes the raised stakes.
    Grinning it begins a stampede towards the angelic creature. Amidst its sprint it again unsheathes its spikes. Within mere moments it is within feet of Erika. Jumping forward it strikes the ground in front of her and vaults over Erika, landing directly behind her.
    Crossing its bone-spears in front of Erika it attempts to trap her from performing anymore of these horrid holy attacks.
    How would it do this?
    It planned on using its jagged jaws to rip off and devour Erikas hands; a snack as well as an efficient source of physical torment.
    At that, the Donkere opens wide its enormous amphibian mouth and thrusts its neck forward.

  5. #5
    The joke is far too true Beginer Battle (open to all) loner-kid's Avatar
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    Her barrier had done far better than she could have imagined, the creature rebounding like a rag doll. The thing had however shattered her defensive field leaving her completely open to another attack. She smiled to herself.

    "Maybe I'll live after all" she thought

    The creature was already up shaking off the setback with the ease of one who Knew they still had the advantage. Before she could blink it was upon her. Its ape like gait far slower than its actual movement. Its spine like appendages drawn out fully, she saw herself gored at the end of the creatures arms. She channelled power into her palms preparing to met the beasts charge. The beast however wasn't as stupid as she gave it credit for, slamming the spines into the floor it vaulted over her the arms twisting impossibly. She spun around hands held in front of her, the beasts mouth was held wide showing row upon row of vicious teeth and its blood red eyes were focused on her proffered hands.

    "Oh cra..." she flung her hands out the way as the creatures mouth slammed shut.

    Although missing her hands the creature had ripped through her armour as if it were water. Wicked teeth had scrapped across her stomach leaving a mass of bloody cuts. Her hands still glowed with holy light. Sending a wave of new power she flung her hands towards the beast attempting to smash the holy power into the things temples

    "Take that you bastard" She grunted through the pain

  6. #6
    The joke is far too true Beginer Battle (open to all) loner-kid's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    *sighs* okay you don't quite get how this works read the rules you fool this is role play battling not role play. Also this RPB is not for you, again read the bloody rules
    Last edited by loner-kid; 05-26-2008 at 08:37 AM.

  7. #7
    (Sorry for the wait, and I pray hope that your last comment was directed at a third party offender whose message has since been deleted; as I do not understand that I have made any code infractions)

    More light, this time a sufficiently large amount more intense than the last.
    Before the Donkere could even realize that what it chewed on was nothing more than torn armor, it's eyes began to burn from the energy radiating from this woman's palms.

    Last time the blow was terrible, although it caused no severe permanent damage, but this time... the Donkere blinked once; twice; it began incessantly blinking, but to no avail, it was blind. It's retina's had been seared away by an attack that had yet to connect with it's vulnerable body. An attack that still required preparation for, but with little opportunity to do so.

    The Donkere was left without even a moment to check for the smell of it's intended victim, but a sharp shift in the air about it certified a closing attack. The energy was collapsing in on it from either side! With nothing left to do but bear it's jagged jaws, it did just that; hoping to whatever greater being it was aware of that his mouth would prove victorious over it's attackers strike. Perhaps it still would make away with a tiny morsel while it readied itself for a counter. A meal never escapes the motive of an engaged Donkere.

    Although the stakes were set at a level of terror for most any other beast, the Donkere was only slightly deterred from his playful mindset to one of an infuriated nature. A battle made more dangerous meant a meal more satisfying.

  8. #8
    The joke is far too true Beginer Battle (open to all) loner-kid's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    OOC: Yeah sorry bout that I'll have to delete that post

    The donkere's mouth had opened, impossibly wide. Her hands passing through its gaping maw, missing the beast completely. Erika couldn't stop her hands, they plummeted onwards circling her body and clapping down heavily on her back. On the two bleeding stumps that used to be her wings. Pain erupted along her body, forcing her to arch over backwards. It was all that stopped her from losing her arms as the the vicious creatures mouth slammed shut.

    She landed on the floor, a grunt escaping from her lips. Her hands still glowed with holy power. She discharged it into the armour, hoping it would stop the Donkere's next attack. To give her a chance to recover


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