When Explorer.exe doesn't EVER run... trust me, that's where the shine comes from.
Visually, I'm all about the simplicity. I do change my wallpaper fairly regularly (on average, once a month), but I'm more into the customization of alternate shells. When I have 100% control over every possible design and feature of my visual operating system, I'm content. Sure, it's still Windows on the bottom, but I'm okay with that -- I have a lot of programs that wouldn't work very well via emulation on a Mac or Linux box.
Windows Explorer is where a lot of the unnecessary resource hogging comes from.
Remove the source, and the problem disappears.
On occasion, when I feel like having a screaming-fast system, I'll disable any shell altogether and use the Run command to pull up programs. It's amazing how much space your system has in its cache when there's no visual shell or interface to speak of.