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Thread: weird happenings

  1. #1
    Vagabond Thief weird happenings Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    weird happenings

    The other day my laptop acted weird. All of a sudden my screen went black,i could kind of see the screen and i could deffinately still hear the music,so i had to shut it down manually with teh power button,after that its been fine,i did a virus scan and all that fun stuff and cleared out everything. wEll today it seems like the screen is flcikering,i cant tell if its the sunlight just hitting my screen a little or what. its not doing it while i type this,i just turned off my computer for a bit. But if its not my imagination what can I do to fix it?
    ~TFF Family~
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  2. #2
    Bass Player Extraordinaire weird happenings Joe's Avatar
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    Has the laptop been jostled around or shaken up at all? have you recently closed the lid really focefully?

    It sounds to me like it's an issue with your LCD panel, like the cable connecting it could be loose, or it could just be randomly buggy.

    My laptop screen flickers like that at random times, and one time it did go really really dark, so I couldn't see it. it doesn't happen often though, so I would just wait awhile and then reboot it, and see if that helps
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  3. #3
    Vagabond Thief weird happenings Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    yea its okay now after i restarted and stuff i dunno maybe the wire is loose or i'm just blah LOL. But it did go black but i restarted an dit was fine then it flickered now its fine after restarting im just gonna make sure i start shutting it down every night i figured that may be part of teh problem
    ~TFF Family~
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  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    It could also have been sleep mode or some other power saving feature. I've noticed a few computers (laptops especially) which have a Windows OS preinstalled have sleep mode or power saving options set to kick in after a certain period of time with no activity has passed.

    If that's the case, you'll just need to figure out how to disable it. It's not often too hard, but it sometimes takes a while to find, especially if it is a custom power saving program. For Acer laptops and a few others, it's generally accessible through a manufacturer start menu option as well as through an icon in the notification area on the right of the taskbar.
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5
    Vagabond Thief weird happenings Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    I did disable sleep mode,lol,and i thought it was teh battery at first but it was plugged in but the weirdest part is that when it went dark i could hera the music i was playing and i c ould kinda see an outline of msn so i hasnt flickered or anything again so hopefully its okay now i did a virus scan and cleaned it up so..
    ~TFF Family~
    Doc Rocco-My illegitimate and nefarious son
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  6. #6
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Yeah, power saving feature is likely then. The computer will still be on, but the LCD display will dim. Music WILL remain playing and documents will remain open. And there's usually a couple of things that could trigger it.
    Leaving it on too long unattended on a certain power scheme.
    And leaving it on past the battery losing a certain amount of power, but if it was plugged in at the wall with power on, I'd think it was the previous.
    victoria aut mors

  7. #7
    Vagabond Thief weird happenings Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Yeah, power saving feature is likely then. The computer will still be on, but the LCD display will dim. Music WILL remain playing and documents will remain open. And there's usually a couple of things that could trigger it.
    Leaving it on too long unattended on a certain power scheme.
    And leaving it on past the battery losing a certain amount of power, but if it was plugged in at the wall with power on, I'd think it was the previous.
    It wasnt unattended though i was using it...and it just went black,could barely see anything,it was jsut weird,my thought was it was teh battery but it was plugged in so i dunno lol its just weird..when it dims i can usually see stuff,this time i could barely see anything i had to squint to see the outline of msn
    Last edited by Rikkuffx; 11-14-2008 at 08:21 AM.
    ~TFF Family~
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  8. #8
    Born Again Atheist weird happenings Sarah's Avatar
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    I really think you should consider looking at this page. From what I have read about similar problems it may have something to do with any of these. (Or something else entirely.)

    -- May just need to be replaced (if it was running from battery at the time).
    *LCD Inverter
    -- 50 - $60 plus work
    -- ~$20 plus work
    -- Replace the video card. Prices will vary.

    A bit more information would help us diagnose it.

    *What's the exact model number? I know it's a DV6000. There is more info to that, though.
    *Was it plugged in or running from battery?
    *What operating system? (XP, Vista...)
    *Do you know if your drivers are up to date?
    *If you have another monitor, try using that next time it happens. Depending on whether it gives a display or not will help us determine what's going on with it a bit more.
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  9. #9
    Vagabond Thief weird happenings Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
    I really think you should consider looking at this page. From what I have read about similar problems it may have something to do with any of these. (Or something else entirely.)

    -- May just need to be replaced (if it was running from battery at the time).
    *LCD Inverter
    -- 50 - $60 plus work
    -- ~$20 plus work
    -- Replace the video card. Prices will vary.

    A bit more information would help us diagnose it.

    *What's the exact model number? I know it's a DV6000. There is more info to that, though.
    *Was it plugged in or running from battery?
    *What operating system? (XP, Vista...)
    *Do you know if your drivers are up to date?
    *If you have another monitor, try using that next time it happens. Depending on whether it gives a display or not will help us determine what's going on with it a bit more.
    Okay so i went to lay down left my laptop running but the lid closed and i opened it and it was black but all the buttons and whatnot lit up...sigh..i dont know the whole model number its plugged in not running on battery i use vista my drivers should be up to date i just did an update not too long ago,and as far as i know i dont have anothe rmonitor
    I am doing more updates as I post this. I restored my comp a month or so ago because one of my games wasnt working and when I do a restore it works for some weird reason.I have unplugged it when its on then replugged it back in seconds later,its usually when i move it to my room or to the kitchen,maybe it should be shut down when i move it?

    I'm also uninstalling the sims 2 and stuff i dont use someone lastnight mentioned memory but i should have enough but oh well this may help.
    Edit-it did install a bunch of updates and one of them was a video card one,i have a chipset video card and it said it installed display chipset family and whatever else LOL hmm maybe thatw ill help?
    it just did it went all black after i closed the lid...its starting to scare me cause the system light isnt on when its godmothers son builds computers so shes gonna ask him bout it for me and see...blahh

    Edit-It just happened again when i lifted the screen up,well i putit back down and waited a minute then lifted it up again and its fine now...perhaps its just te display turning off then getting tsuck when i lift it too fast?
    Last edited by Rikkuffx; 11-22-2008 at 07:41 AM.
    ~TFF Family~
    Doc Rocco-My illegitimate and nefarious son
    Fishie-My lusty neighbor who loves to egg old people!
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  10. #10
    Vagabond Thief weird happenings Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    sorry for the double post but my screen is doing it again,lots of flickering and irghtnow its not flickering but its darker than normal and it is deffinately plugged in...m godmother hasnt gotten back to me about asking her son what it could be...does anyone have any otehr ideas?

    edit-I just realized something! When this first started happening I was playing Lineage 2 alot and tabbing out of game. Like it would flicker when i'd tab out but when i quit the game it would still flicker. Well the last couple days on wow ive been tabbing out and now its starting to flicker. My screen seems to be fine right now so maybe it has to do with me tabbing out. That may sound weird but its a weird coincidence that its happening when I tab out.
    Last edited by Rikkuffx; 12-18-2008 at 07:00 AM.
    ~TFF Family~
    Doc Rocco-My illegitimate and nefarious son
    Fishie-My lusty neighbor who loves to egg old people!
    Martin-My awesome Tff lil bro who lets me cry on his shoulder!
    Unknown Entity-My wonderful banner making sis <3
    Halie-my slightly crazy but wondeful sis <3
    My geeky maple story loving bro-joesteel64


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