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Thread: Kiddie Pr0n 'Virus' Threat

  1. #1
    Registered User Kiddie Pr0n 'Virus' Threat
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    Kiddie Pr0n 'Virus' Threat

    Maybe you all have heard about this already, but anyway, I wake up this morning and my mother informs me that she got a call from our internet service provider. They warned her about this new virus going around that infects a computer with files of Kiddie Porn! She told me that this virus can automatically be downloaded into your computer through pop-ups adverts and emails. I have my pop-up blocker set to high, and I don't open any emails from people/places that I am not familiar with.

    Anyone else hear about this yet?

    I think that people that get this particular virus, it not only ruins thier computer, but it can also ruin thier life! It would also be difficult to prove your innocence if you are arrested for this type of thing. I'm sure a lot of actual kiddie porn collectors have used "Oh it must have been a virus!" as thier defense, so it would be difficult to find out if these people are indeed telling the truth.

    Well, I guess the point I'm trying to make is to be careful with what you open and what you download to your computer. You don't know what kind of things will happen or what your computer will be infected with. I'm sure a lot of you already know that.

    Here's a link to an article in the New York Post about this:
    New internet viruses infect computers with child pornography
    Click at your own risk.:
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  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Kiddie Pr0n 'Virus' Threat Victoria's Avatar
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    I've never heard of it. With enough common sense and a good AV, and say... Opera or FireFox... or some other alternative other than IE; you're good to go.

    I always hear about these viruses coming out that they make out to be a big deal, but I never get it, and people I know online never get it. (This includes TFFers.)

    I'm pretty sure this may be a hoax, or at least a very very slim chance of acquiring this. I remember during April 1st, there was this big news story about how this old virus was coming back into activity, but wouldn't you know it, it turned out to be a big april fool's hoax.

  3. #3
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Kiddie Pr0n 'Virus' Threat Joe's Avatar
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    If you're worried about viruses, there's a really, Really easy way to avoid most any threat. Firefox with the Adblock Plus and Noscript addons block pretty much anything from coming through, and that combined with an Anti-virus like Avast or Avira = awesomeness.

    I did know a few people who got that April Conflicker worm or whatever it was, myself included. One of the teachers at the school knew nothing about security, and the worm hit the school network. it ended up spreading to my Home pc's too, and took me a weekend of disk wiping to get rid of. Fun Stuff.
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  4. #4
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Kiddie Pr0n 'Virus' Threat The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Kiddie Pr0n 'Virus' Threat

    The funny thing is my moms best friends husband got this virus, and she was wanting to get a divorce because she thought he was looking at the porn.

    So I guess that makes a good point that it can ruin your life or relationship with someone you love dearly.

    Good thing he was good with computer though, he fixed it the next day, and he showed her exactly were the virus came from. (Which was through an email)
    Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 04-03-2010 at 06:31 AM.
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  5. #5

    Re: Kiddie Pr0n 'Virus' Threat

    Quote Originally Posted by Moogable View Post
    If you're worried about viruses, there's a really, Really easy way to avoid most any threat. Firefox with the Adblock Plus and Noscript addons block pretty much anything from coming through, and that combined with an Anti-virus like Avast or Avira = awesomeness.
    This is exactly why Firefox > Chrome.

  6. #6
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Kiddie Pr0n 'Virus' Threat

    I just check my emails through my iPhone.
    I find the best way to be secure online is to surf the net through a virtual machine. If it gets ****ed up, no problem!

    Most newer PCs can run a virtual machine with no real problems these days.
    victoria aut mors

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