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Thread: Favorite Linux Distro?

  1. #1

    Favorite Linux Distro?

    There is something I am interested in, which Linux distribution do you prefer to use?

    I also would like to know the differences, because I honestly don't know the background differences between the different distros.

    So far, I have only used Kubuntu, Debian, and Knoppix. I have a personal tendency to drift towards the KDE environment.

    I've spent most of my time using Kubuntu, only installing Debian on desktops that I use as data storage until recently when I got a new laptop. I haven't played with Debian too much on my laptop because I have sound issues on it. As for Knoppix, I've only used the Live CDs for it for issues in Windows or partitioning issues.

    Granted, I haven't even answered my own question...I guess the answer for now is Kubuntu. I think it'll probably change once I play with Debian a bit more.

  2. #2
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Favorite Linux Distro? Joe's Avatar
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    I'm really new to Linux, but I'm quite fond of the Xbuntu 7.10 distro. Lightweight, fast, neat. I love it.

    to try to answer your other question, about the differences:

    I'm reasonably sure that at the core, all of the various distros are mostly the same. this is so, because they are all based on the linux kernal. the main differences between distros, IMO, is the apps that come with them, and the GUI. For instance, while some distros use the KDE environment, and Ubuntu uses the GNOME environment, Xubuntu uses the Xfce environment, which is really lightwieght, and good for computer like mine that are lacking in the hardware department.
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  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'm currently switching between two distros at present. OpenSUSE and Fedora. That said, OpenSUSE is just one of the most beautiful distros I have ever used so long as it's on decent enough hardware.

    Fedora's just the son of Red Hat Linux.
    Good security features, not the best for beginners though.

    A while back I was more into Slackware and Debian. Both solid, both flexible, both can achieve much.
    victoria aut mors

  4. #4
    Born Again Atheist Favorite Linux Distro? Sarah's Avatar
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    I'd have to say I'm divided between Ubuntu and Gentoo with Blackbox and Gnome as the desktop environments.

    Ubuntu is used when I need a break from Gentoo (or I've broken it). Gentoo is used for the challenge and the ability to configure and compile everything to my systems specifications and my exact specifications.

    Blackbox is used when I want something simple and fast. Gnome is used when I want something pretty to look at and easy to use, without being too annoying.

    There are some major differences in the distributions that are available. The differences can be in the kernel, the installer, package management, hardware support, architecture it can run on, desktops available, system libraries, name rebranding of certain applications (like Firefox being called IceWeasel in Debian based distros), et cetera.

    It's mainly split into three group types: Red Hat, Debian, and BSD(Gentoo) based. These differences can be enough to make you stumped when switching distros is you don't do the research. Here are some examples of how you would do the same thing in Fedora, Gentoo, and Debian:

    1. Check for system update

    root@Fedora # yum check-update
    root@Gentoo # emerge --sync
    root@Debian # apt-get update

    2. System update

    root@Fedora # yum update (also uses RPM)
    root@Gentoo # emerge -DNu world
    root@Debian # apt-get upgrade

    3. Install a package

    root@Fedora # yum install packagename
    root@Gentoo # emerge packagename
    root@Debian # apt-get install packagename

    4. Update a single package

    root@Fedora # yum update packagename
    root@Gentoo # emerge --oneshot packagename
    root@Debian # apt-get install --reinstall packagename

    5. Find a package

    root@Fedora # yum search packagename
    root@Gentoo # emerge --searchdesc packagename
    root@Debian # apt-cache search packagename

    6. Remove a package

    root@Fedora # yum remove packagename
    root@Gentoo # emerge --unmerge packagename
    root@Debian # apt-get remove packagename

    There's also the issue of which desktop environment you use with each. That can make a huge difference, as you can use any of a myriad of desktops, like Enlightenment, Gnome, KDE, Blackbox, Xfce, xpde, Equinox, and IceWM. If you leave the average Linux user with something like Blackbox, when all they've used is Gnome, they are going to be lost. You have nothing but a command prompt and some short cuts if you right click. No GUI to do it all for you.

    Now, while there are all of these differences, you can usually figure out at least some things because all Linux distros are based on code that is very similar to Unix. So common commands, like cp, rm, cd, et cetera, will be there for you to use.

    I think that's enough from me. If I keep going I'll talk about everything. >.>
    Last edited by Sarah; 06-29-2008 at 08:29 AM.
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