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Thread: Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice.

  1. #1
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice.

    I have a long commute everyday (2 hours in the train on top of the 40 min walk in total. The walk is fine it is a workout the 2 hours is what's bothering me lol). I thought I'd go get a tablet.

    So far I have my eyes on Lenovo Thinkpad because I can actually draw on it with their digitizer pen. (pressure sensitive). Ipad1/2 came to mind but I am not really into the whole 'exclusive' mentality of Apple. Plus I am a Java programmer and Android runs on Java technology from what I heard so..maybe I can even get to develop my own apps eventually...and the SD card slot of Lenovo will make it super convenient for me to transfer my drawings to/from PC.

    Anyhow, just needed your general thoughts on them or any recommendations (even if it is iPad or not lenovo). I mainly want to use it for drawing, games and surfing the net (generic stuff). All my heavy duty apps (e.g. photoshop, MMO/hardcore gaming, I also got a cintiq) I can do on my PC at home.

  2. #2

    Re: Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice.

    I still haven't heard of any Android tablets getting amazing reviews. I'd wait another year before picking one of those up.
    Especially since tegra 3 tablets are suppose to be coming out next fiscal year.

    The whole closed thing of Apple really isn't a big deal, almost everyone that has developed an app for Android most likely has the same app made for Apple.
    Apple also has some pretty useful apps for the iPad, i almost picked one up just because you can edit movies on your iPad. I'd give another look into it.

    And my personal favorite that has limited apps. The HP touchpad, i just love webOS operating system, its sad that they have had hardware failures in the past to give them such a low reputation. Oh well, they go on sale for 99$ refurbs on HP's ebay on the 11th.

    Not sure if it has anything to do with developing, but webOS uses a more standard version of Linux where has Android uses a heavily modified version.

  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice. Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice.

    Okay, straight up. I work in a school with lenovo everything. I can tell you that their products are unreliable and low-performance. I would recommend anything over lenovo. Hopefully you havnt already purchased one.

    I base my information on countless personal experience spanning over a years worth of exposure to lenovo desktops, laptops and electronics.

  4. #4
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Okay, straight up. I work in a school with lenovo everything. I can tell you that their products are unreliable and low-performance. I would recommend anything over lenovo. Hopefully you havnt already purchased one.

    I base my information on countless personal experience spanning over a years worth of exposure to lenovo desktops, laptops and electronics.
    lol shoot me now.

    Why did you have to login so late and tell me this =P

    I suppose we'll see.

  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice. Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice.

    There are more machines that work than fail (i work with around 80 desktop/laptops) Its just more fail than you would think. The majority function well. I've never used a pad from lenovo, so maybe its fine. As long as it performs well, I wouldnt worry too much as long as you have warranty.

    edit: I only posted 8 hours after you did, haha. Someone was in a rush =P

  6. #6
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    There are more machines that work than fail (i work with around 80 desktop/laptops) Its just more fail than you would think. The majority function well. I've never used a pad from lenovo, so maybe its fine. As long as it performs well, I wouldnt worry too much as long as you have warranty.
    I do have the 1 year warranty. Wonder if I should've gotten the 2 year one....But I had a dell 600m laptop that's pretty much a major fail and I still use it (for some reason I am pretty 'patient' with technology if it does what I intend it to do and I can ignore the other faults).

    I'll give it the benefit of the doubt then based from what you said. I'll let you know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    edit: I only posted 8 hours after you did, haha. Someone was in a rush =P
    lol I have been looking around/researching for the last 3 days. I just decided to post this thread in the hopes I get some more feedback to augment my research.

    I knew it could become laggy based from the reviews but I mainly wanted to use it to draw in the train/play games. As a drawing tool with Sketchbook pro, all I heard was positive feedback. As long as it does a decent job at that then I am happy lol

    I almost got an iPad 2 but it's more of a multimedia machine (and it's better than lenovo at that.), I need a bit more productivity with mine with the multimedia options as well so I opted for the lenovo.

    Almost decided to wait for Tegra 3 as well but I dont think I can handle a few more months of wasted 10 hours a week on the train (2 hours/5 days a week)

  7. #7

    Re: Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice.

    If it was me, i would have posted it and already bought something by the time someone posted back

    Oddly enough, it looks like lenovo is one of the businesses looking to use the power of the tegra3
    Along with Acer
    Linky link

  8. #8
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone got a tablet or knowledgeable on them? Need advice.

    I received the Lenovo Thinkpad. I don't have any complaints so far(probably because I can't compare it to anything else). It's pretty cool actually. May be a little on the slightly heavier side but with the connectivity features that it has (USB, SD card, HDMI port), it's a small price to pay. It's not like I intend to use it while standing/walking for long hours.

    Drawing app (Sketchbook Pro) works fine and the pressure sensitivity does help (i tried drawing without it at first because I didnt know i had to set the pressure sensitivity on). However,I find the surface to be too slick for drawing and might need some getting used to (I ordered a screen protector, we'll see if that helps at all). It can't, however, replace anything I can draw from my PC but this way I can get some rough concepts/sketches done on the train for my comic and keep myself busy with games/books and what not. Which I kinda expected. That, or I just need to get used to the tablet version of sketchbook pro.

    I like the app shortcut widget they provide at the front page and the stylus does help in trying to get to those teeny weeny browser links in some webpages. note taking app is interesting. dunno if I'll use it at work yet though lol

    Will keep you guys posted

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