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Thread: Writers Academy (Previously Demonia)

  1. #211
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    I'm pretty much going to just shut down the tournament. DH has been MIA for a long time now, and I don't think she'll post in time. And also because it caused a lot of drama due to lack of details and responsibility on my part. (Though don't get me wrong. If you still want to duke it out, you can. It just won't count for anything anymore.)

    I think we'll just have profiles made for the Inner RP and get that going as soon as possible.
    Though I kind of want to re-make the thread for a clean slate yet again and confirm who is still active and interested in participating in this club.

    We have a big list, and out of that list, not that many members.

    If the thread is remade, I will transfer people's profiles, or at least link to them in the new thread.
    Last edited by Victoria; 02-17-2008 at 05:11 PM.

  2. #212
    Lone Wolf Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Darkwolf's Avatar
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    Damn, that kinda sucks that the tournament had to get shut down. If more people would take that 5 minutes(that's how long I usually take) write a post then we would've been just fine. Seriously, it doesnt take much time to write something. Even if you don't have a lot of internet time, write it by hand and just find a few minutes to post it. The inactivity is just amazing. It's like rpb is dying, if you look at the fourm there's just so little threads going on, and some people who start something just disappear. It really sickens me.

    I guess that's my rant about that, now on to the inner RP

    well, even though it feels weird going to school again xD I look forward to it. Even though I regretably had troubles writing my profile, which I am sorry for anyone who had to put up with me. I hope more profiles come in and we start something fun around here. I've been pretty bored with a lot of stuff lately and I look forward for SOMETHING fun to start happening. I guess right now it's a waiting game. So I'll shut the hell up now and wait.

  3. #213
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Actually, depending on the content of the post, it takes me about half an hour to an hour.
    Here's an experiment. Time yourself on a normal post you would make, and include self-editing/revising, and see how much time you take. I thought I took 5-10 minutes too, but it only felt like it, but actually took an hour or so.

  4. #214
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Thats bull. Im sorry but I really am not happy with the tournament being shut down, if thats the case I may have to decline the new club. It was the only thing I actually happy to see happening. Screw the drop-outs and screw the inactivity. I post every time my opponent does, on the same day. I dont see how its fair taking that away from people. Whatever... Its not like DH isnt into it. I bet she has a good reason. PM said he was posting soon. Xeim posts... I dont see whats the big deal if it ends on the 1st. Maybe thats just me, set backs are set backs but I'm not willing to put my time into any more shut down or lost causes.

    EDIT: If theres a reason to stay I will but I dont see it. Enlighten me.

    Thanks, Aimee.
    Cogito, ergo sum.
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  5. #215
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    ...Aimee.. I said you could still fight, didn't I? What, you want to win some tournament by default, is that it? I didn't say you couldn't fight. You still can fight with PM if you want to, which you want to. So feel free. I'm not stopping you.

    All I'm saying is that the drama should indeed stop, and I kind of want a fresh start to get rid of the drama and confirm who is still interested in this club. Is that so hard to understand?

    Please read every word in my posts, please, before you jump to conclusions. Thanks.

    See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I want this drama to stop. Period. If you're going to whine and bitch, do it in PM, please.
    Last edited by Victoria; 02-18-2008 at 06:38 PM.

  6. #216
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    I read every word and all I saw was "this is what I want" written in every word. ASK PEOPLE!
    I'm saying winning a pointless tournaments is nothing compared to having it with a group of people you can relate to. Its pointless me battling somebody I dont get on with if its for no cause, you disbanding the entire thing without a discussion is stupid.

    Its happening over again. We will NEVER get on in here, all of us will never see eye to eye. We are different people from different backgrounds.
    I dont see why the whole thing should be dropped at a whim because people have argued about it. It doesnt make sense. Not all projects are going to work.

    What was it exactly that you think I didnt read, baring in mind its only 10 lines? I dont see, is that just a way for you to say "shut up" without actually saying it?

    I bet you didnt take this up with the other leaders? Am I right?

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
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  7. #217
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    *Sigh* No, it's not a kind way to say shut up. But seriously. Stop the drama.
    No, I didn't ask anyone else. DH is MIA, and Aerif is the only other one here.

    And I know that Aerif doesn't like Drama. All I'm asking to do is to just get rid of all the drama.

    ....Although, essentially...

    I could just delete the drama posts, I guess... is that okay?

  8. #218
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Yah. I could deal with you deleting the whole thread if you just asked people. I dont like it just being sprung on me, maybe I am being dramatic but it just doenst seem right.

    Though, tbh. The tourny... I'd jump on board if PM said one word. The last thing he said was that he is going to post. I get upset if my hard work if for crap all but the dustbin. Fighting with him isnt a big deal to me. Its just the sense of it being a tourny.

    Sorry for arguing... again. I just get red when things... Forget it.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  9. #219
    HRH Albha Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Aerif's Avatar
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    I kind of agree with Aimee on this one, it does seem a little silly to start another new thread.

    I don't like drama (well I like drama drama. Like Arthur Miller) but I can live with it, it's when it escalates it annoys me.

    I'm short on time but I just want to say that even though profiles are up for the inner RP I can see it being one that nobody could write for. I mean, who would make assignments etc. what would there be to write about?
    Last edited by Aerif; 02-19-2008 at 09:49 AM.

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  10. #220
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    I kind of have to agree with you on that point, Aerif. And the only reason I wanted to get rid of the drama, was because recently someone registered an RP/B club, and had stated they are not welcome/comfortable with this club because it is too argumentative and full of drama.

    That's when it hit me. We should make this club presentable to people. Isn't that what the aim of this club is? To help/teach people how to write better? All we've done since Demonia started is bicker with each other.

    I'm kind of tired of that. If you want to bicker, fine, but take it outside.

  11. #221
    Lone Wolf Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Darkwolf's Avatar
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    I'm going to have to stand behind Toph on this. The tourney was a complete disaster with inactivity in about every other battle. And the fighting really has to stop. No excuses. It seems to me that if people are going to act like children, than taking something away from then is how they are usually punished. What's the difference? It needs to stop. I bet half of our members aren't even posting because of it. Just don't hold me to it. If we really want to start fresh, then let's do it when we officially start the inner rp. About that, we really need a deadline for people to get in their profiles. It seems that we could wait forever for people go get 'em in. That even happens with me in school assignments. If they arent due soon enough, I forget. Basically, we all need a wake-up call. And, we might need to re-do the member list. It seems most of the people who were supposed to help co-lead are MIA for some reason. If we want democracy, it's going to mean more work for more of us. Even if we have democracy, we can't wait for months to make up our minds about something. Seriously, we can't drastically slow the club down by it.

    Basically, Shut up and help with now, forget about the tourney, and no more drama. I think Toph CLEARLY stated that no more fighting will be allowed. First of all, we need a mission plan.
    Last edited by Darkwolf; 02-19-2008 at 04:33 PM.

  12. #222
    That's the kind of thing I like to hear.


    Hello, all, I'm Ghost.
    It's a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances, and I hope that you all see it likewise with my presence.
    I can't wait to get started and I hope to be welcomed here with open arms.
    Someone just let me know what I must do to be deemed a part of this organization.
    I can't hardly wait to begin RPing!

  13. #223
    HRH Albha Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Aerif's Avatar
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    Darkwolf, I don't really think you've been able to keep up with the times here.

    It's when sorted matters get brought up again that real arguments start, I don't really want to multi-quote your post but really, the only thing correct in your post was that we need a mission plan.

    I believe the argument you where referring to has been resolved, and Hyz apologised for her anger at Toph's suggestion. Unless, there's some other argument that has started then it's hardly appropiate to tell us to stop arguing. Because, we have, for the time being.

    And there is only one person that is catergorised as a 'leader' that is currently inactive.

    The only reason I'm doing this is because I know someone will be offended with that post, you basically told everyone to shut up and stop arguing without their actually being an argument, henceforth, almost actually causing an argument. Not good.


    I'm a little irritated that my concerns for the inner-rp where ignored, I was a bit brief but it was fairly easy to understand my problems.

    The Tournament failed because of lack of foresight, that is a fact that has already been established, however, I can predict the same thing happening with our current main-focus.

    The premise of the rp seems simple enough, a school for those who wish to be in touch with their creative side. Fair enough.

    But can you really imagine writing a post for that kind of rp, I mean, what would you write? This concept is troubling me, unless you where to write a post about yourself writing and perhaps showing the finished product of an assignment, I really don't see what benefits it could give.

    EDIT: Sorry, didn't notice your post Ghost (He he, that rhymes)

    Welcome to the club, assuming that you're allowed to join. Because I really have no idea what the criteria for joining is. I think I ended up here by accident...

    Toph makes mention of not having to take a test if you where a previous member, that may mean that new members have to take a test. But I'm really not sure, I'm all for new members though!
    Last edited by Aerif; 02-19-2008 at 05:19 PM.

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  14. #224
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    And like I had said earlier, Aerif, I do agree with you. You weren't ignored on that. It's just Xeim's project. I honestly have no idea how to run the thing. There are obviously things that need to be worked out in the RP. Although, why can't we ourselves just work on those topics in some types of exercise?

    I know Xeim told me that the InnerRP's goal was to have us work together. And hello, Ghost, good to see you here. You don't need to do anything to join, although perhaps just give us a clue on what you want to better yourself on?

    I'll clear up the list right now.

    Edit: Also, Aerif, I think Wolf meant the arguing/drama in general, not any specific argument. I don't think he was wrong with anything he said. And also...

    I have no idea what the test is either. There's supposed to be one, and I think Xeim came up with it.. but.. I didn't put it in the main post.. -_-;
    So for right now, there isn't one. Lucky you.
    Last edited by Victoria; 02-19-2008 at 05:35 PM.

  15. #225
    Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Prodigal Madness's Avatar
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    Sorry Hyz, but the tourny is fairly pointless now. =/ You and I can continue/have a new battle if you'd like, or you can accept my forfeit and fight for the last battle. Up to you.
    MadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessWhere Darkness ends,

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  16. #226
    I suppose I want to better not so much myself, but perhaps test the mettle of others on the field of battle.
    To be honest, there isn't much I can think of to improve on, I really just want to make some fantastic stories.
    Anyone willing to start me off is free to at any moment.
    After my first battle we can begin to seek out what I may in fact need to focus on.
    For now, though, I await a challenger.

  17. #227
    Morning Always Comes Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Xeim's Avatar
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    Something I find hilarious, is how complaints about the Inner Rp are emerging a month or so after I specifically asked for them. Since they amuse me ever-so-much I will deal with them in due time. But not in any direct form. If you wanted directness, ya should've bothered me earlier. The final bit of information should answer and settle all of them. If it doesn't, well, note all angry PMs directed at me will be ignored.

    For those interested in a bit of first hand info and are too lazy to look for it in the (extremely long >_<) 15 page thread, here's what I've already posted (or most of, as I'm too lazy myself to find it but happened to have it saved to my computer). If your character template doesn't follow this one- make it follow this one.


    Characters in the inner RP are loosely based on you. You dont have to use your real age or name, but please base your character’s personality on your own. You will not be fighting with these characters. They are merely the characters that attend our school, Writer’s Academy. These characters will attend classes and possibly other social events- if we want to take it that far.







    Classes are the most important aspect of this inner RP. They each help you to better a certain aspect of writing. All members must choose at least 3 classes from the list below. These classes will determine the types of training activities you are allowed to do. Training activities are detailed in the first post, and it is recommended that members participate in them from time to time. After signing up for your initial classes, additional classes can be chosen every other day of the week-except Sundays.

    -Grammar (sent structure, punctuation, etc.)


    -Tense Shifts

    -Detail (description)




    You do not have to post for this inner RP every time you post. Just throw in an occasional bit here and there. The goal of this is to create the atmosphere of an Academy and to help improve writing on a smaller scale.

    Another thing I'll add, is that this may be launched as my project, but will grow and expand with club suggestions- childish critisicm will be ignored. Mature criticism will be taken into consideration. In the end, I'll make most of the final decisions (think of me as the organizor), but don't expect me to do all the work. This is to get us to work together as a club, which includes us not getting our way all of the time.

    This is hardly a finished description...but in case any of you actually think to care...I have a packed schedule (i've made this rather clear. ^^; ). So patient. Aerif, escalated drama may annoy you, but impatience annoys me (or...rather really angers me).

    If you're worried about how you're going to write for it- don't be. I'll explain in due time (but really can't right now). For now, just get your profiles in. It's a good idea to have a deadline, but knowing I won't even be able to have mine in for a while, it probably shouldn't be THAT soon. And remember, that you don't have to write massive posts for this. For those of you who are in Royalty, think of it as that sort of thing (you know..the Royal Court RP?). Except...unlike that one, this one isn't going to die before it starts.

    Or, if it does, I'll come after all of you with a paper fan. And we all know how scary that can be. o_O

    If any of you have suggestions (not complaints) for adding onto the inner RP before I come up with the final version, state them now. That would be now, and not after I post the final. Because that wouldn't make sense.

    Well then. I'm off to go find a paper fan, because I have oh-so-much faith in all of you (kidding, kidding...but no really. I will have that fan ready.)

    EDIT: I forgot about the entry tests! Toph, I gave this info to you a loooong time ago. I dunno what happened to it...but here it is.

    To Join:

    Firstly, post in the thread or PM (one of) the leader(s) expressing your interest.

    You will then be assigned a scenario. Your scenario can be anything from a short fight in an arena, to a situation in everyday life. You will be provided with characters and a setting, and then you must use creativity to form a one-post story that satisfies the given.

    If the leader(s) feel that you either are good enough to write for the club, or have the potential to become good writers, then you will be let into the club.

    Ghost should be exempt though, from the confusion.

    And also, Ghost, every writer has something to improve on. You may not think it, but you more than likely do. ^^; And uh, improvement is what this club is mostly about. But welcome to the club! Always good to see we don't scare people away....too easily. Hah.

    Last edited by Xeim; 02-19-2008 at 09:13 PM.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  18. #228
    Just a quick question.
    As I do not feel the need to take any classes, do you think it possible for me to take the place of a principal (or dean, rather) so I may participate in the Academy based RP. If I was forced to try and participate in in-class situations I would rarely (if ever) post, as I do not need the assistance, but have much assistance to offer.

    If there is a misunderstanding, or if I am simply not catching the idea of the RP let me know. I'd hate to impose.

    EDIT: I didn't read your entire post, Xeim; my apologies.
    Regardless, if there is in fact something for me to improve on, I do not know it. Therefore, I am consequently unable to pursue development in an area I am unaware needs said pursuit.
    I am open to constructive criticism, so all are free to let me know what they think I may need to focus on. However, I do not quite appreciate sarcastic or rude criticism, so I will not respect any of that matter, just so we're clear (I'm making a general statement, not referencing anything that has occurred as of yet).
    Last edited by Ghost; 02-19-2008 at 09:31 PM.

  19. #229
    Morning Always Comes Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Xeim's Avatar
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    Well, since you are unaware of what you need to improve on, I would suggest taking the entry test. You're in the club already, but just take it so the judges and leaders can see if there is in fact anything you can improve on. If THEY think there isn't...then well, we'll go from there. It definately isn't going to be solely classes, however. RPs are RPs because of character interactions. So we'll more than likely have social events. Your becoming a principal would keep your from such interaction and you'd find yourself bored.

    Does that make any sense? I've checked with Toph on this idea already, and he's approved it. Aerif, if you have problems, feel free to voice them, but I don't really see the big deal. If you really need me to I can help judge, though I don't claim to have any judging experience.

    So..uhm, tell me what you think of that, then, Ghost.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  20. #230
    Sounds excellent...
    I'll do the entry test ASAP just for the fun of it.
    To be quite honest, I am currently writing a string of novels so I am quite adept at the art of writing.
    It's a passion of mine.

  21. #231
    Morning Always Comes Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Xeim's Avatar
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    Okay. Here's the character you'll be using:

    Name: Anaranë Oronar
    Race: Elf
    Gender: Female
    Class: Gaea Templar (geomancer)
    Age: 23, Human Years

    I'm going to make the situation rather vague to allow you creative freedom.

    It's been years. You've been searching and searching, without knowing the comforts of a bed or a meal cooked by someone you love. All you truely know is the fierceness of battle and the frustration of never getting any closer to your goal- day after day.

    But finally, finally! Finally, you have found it. And you will soon return home, a hero.

    Your job is to give us a setting, a bit of background on the character, what she is searching for, why it's important etc. You have one post. The post can be as long or as short as you choose it to be.

    Good luck! If you need any guidance or feel I've been a little TOO vague, don't be afraid to say so.

    "A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"

    Only the Greatest Stuffs:

    Honored to be 2008's Best Roleplayer alongside Dragonheart.

    Image of Tsubasa's Fay from the Infinity arc colored and cleaned by moi. Sig by moi, aussi.

    Lady Rika is my Sacrifice Echoless

    My TFF Family
    Froggie, Nick, Lady Rika, Darkwolf, Sinister,
    Flash, Craven, Ann, CLOUD, Kaos_Dragon,
    Mistress Sheena, Silver, Tiger Lily, Yuuki, Halie, Rocco
    Dark Rider, Fishie, Refieth

    A Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation
    Xeilie Peanut Butter, now featuring sitting ducks and deformed monkeys!

    Evenesca, Halie and my home planet.
    It is a wonderful world ruled by Reno, where rainbow skin is a common sight.
    Odd numbers are illegal, hence the even number of words in this paragraph.

    Member of FF Cult

  22. #232
    Quote Originally Posted by Xeim View Post
    Name: Anaranë Oronar
    Race: Elf
    Gender: Female
    Class: Gaea Templar (geomancer)
    Age: 23, Human Years

    I'm going to make the situation rather vague to allow you creative freedom.

    It's been years. You've been searching and searching, without knowing the comforts of a bed or a meal cooked by someone you love. All you truely know is the fierceness of battle and the frustration of never getting any closer to your goal- day after day.

    But finally, finally! Finally, you have found it. And you will soon return home, a hero.
    Screaming infants and their weeping mothers haunt me. Reaching for me with their clammy palms they beg me to return and save them from their torment, but I cannot. Not just yet. With every passing day I feel more and more responsible for all of the dying children. I must remember that without it I can do nothing for them. Without it, we are doomed to extinction...

    With a slight jerk I wake up panting, beads of sweat finding their way down my face. I sit up and calm myself, beginning to slowly slide out of my resting place.
    As my feet hit the ground for what felt like the millionth time, the vine hammock I had created to cradle me in my sleep retreated back into the ground and disappeared, leaving only small pockmarks in the dry soil as proof of it's brief existence.
    On cue, the sun began it's slow rise over the mountain range, the brilliant orange glow creeping up from the shadows and illuminating the entire valley.
    I reach into my satchel and pull out a flask full of water. I am sure to refill the flask every evening with the contents of one of the cacti native to the area. Taking a swig I wipe my lips with my battered sleeve and proceed to observe the sunrise.
    The sun was now almost three quarters over the horizon, in just a few moments I would know if my task had been completed.
    In just a few more moments...
    At last the sun hovered effortlessly in the morning sky, but another ball of red light began to rise just beneath it.
    Was it true? Was it really there, or was it simply a mirage?
    I kept my composure for a few more moments to ensure that I was truly witnessing what I thought I was.
    It WAS true! The red sun had indeed risen! This event only happened once every hundred years!
    The desert sang out in a beautiful chorus as all the creatures celebrated this beautiful event.
    Quickly, I ran to the nearest cactus and gasped at the incredible botanical discovery I had just witnessed.
    The Duneflower had bloomed!
    This flower had the medicinal capabilities to cure any illness!
    I hurriedly began plucking each and every flower from the heads of the surrounding cacti.
    Finally, with a full satchel of this miracle flower I began my journey home.
    My people would be saved.
    Whatever horrible disease it was that was killing all of our babies no longer mattered. It was simply a sad chapter to be lost in the recesses of the future's history.
    I feel a slight kick in my stomach and I smile, rubbing the inflated belly that hung out from beneath my shirt.
    I take another drink from my flask.
    "All is well, my sweet, all is well."
    Last edited by Ghost; 02-19-2008 at 10:54 PM.

  23. #233
    Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Prodigal Madness's Avatar
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    I know it's short and all, but two things.

    Should do the RP stuff in a thread in the RP forum, outside the guild so you don't spam it up.

    Also, I'm out of this club-thingy.
    MadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessMadnessWhere Darkness ends,

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  24. #234
    HRH Albha Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Aerif's Avatar
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    Constructive critique here!

    Again I only have a brief few minutes to post, however I would like to say that PM is right (but not about leaving ).

    From experiance, inner-thread RPs don't do well, at all, ever. TFF Royalty's died before it began as has already been mentioned, whilst the BoD's seemed to dissapear as well. Also this is mainly a conservatational (is that a word?) thread, it would be a little foolish to have some posts of RP and some of conversation (and inevitabley arguments ).

    Therefore I suggest that we allow it to take place within the RP forum. Which could use the activity.

    @Toph: Sorry, didn't realise you where agreeing about my concerns, for one foolish moment I thought you where saying that you liked Arthur Miller. And if you also do, go you!

    @Ghost, I'll be talking about your thread in a few hours when I get back from school. Probably in an edit of this post

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  25. #235
    Professional Klutz. Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Originally posted by PM
    Sorry Hyz, but the tourny is fairly pointless now. =/ You and I can continue/have a new battle if you'd like, or you can accept my forfeit and fight for the last battle. Up to you.
    Hmmm, forfeit. No no. Its pointless to accept. It's just over, I wouldn never come to face either Xeim or DH. Like everybody has said, it's dead. I'm finally realising lol.

    So, uhhhh. It was good fighting you. I'd shake your hand but you know... I'm in England on a laptop.

    Again, good fight to you Darkwolf.

    Originally posted by Aerif
    From experiance, inner-thread RPs don't do well, at all, ever. TFF Royalty's died before it began as has already been mentioned, whilst the BoD's seemed to dissapear as well. Also this is mainly a conservatational (is that a word?) thread, it would be a little foolish to have some posts of RP and some of conversation (and inevitabley arguments ).
    Yup. I supported this from the start as I wanted to create something that we are all a part of. I see what you mean though, I try to keep up with some of the bigger clubs. Take in their idea's (though, in the case of the BoD most of them, to me, are irrelevant. I'm not a member of the club, though.) and yeah. All the inner RP's have pretty much died out or been disregarded/forgotten.

    I think we need just a normal RP. Maybe less arguments would spring up if there were less to argue about. I mean, losing a match in RPB you can get angry about. There's not much that you can argue about in RP, aside from a crappy/ incoherant post or the use of soembody else's character.

    I dunno. It's going more an more downhill and at the moment we need a bit of a lift. Something to bring us all together, thats one thing I see the like of other clubs do have. Especially the BoD and Masters.

    Originally posted by PM
    Also, I'm out of this club-thingy.
    Ghost didnt know. It's okay that he did it, this time.

    By this do you mean the inner RP... Or the actual club? I'm a bit lost.

    Thanks, Aimee.
    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 02-20-2008 at 10:46 AM. Reason: Edits
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  26. #236
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Going by how literal he is in his writing, I think he means the club in the whole.
    And yeah, I think the Inner RP should be done in a thread. Though entrance exams are fine right here, since they're only one post.

  27. #237
    Sorry, but where was I supposed to write my entry test post?
    It was a test for the club, not by any means the RP.
    At least that's what I thought.

  28. #238
    Lady Succubus Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Victoria's Avatar
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    Yes, as I had just got through saying, you posted it in the right place. Do not worry about it. He is no longer a member here, from his words. So don't let him get to you.

    Once again, for clarification:
    Entrance exams are to be posted here.
    "Inner RP" is being discussed about having an RP thread instead.

  29. #239
    Ah, fantastic then.
    Just let me know where to look and I'll be glad to check out the RP.
    For now I guess I'll just sit waiting on my own club/RP to jump-start.

  30. #240
    Lone Wolf Writers Academy (Previously Demonia) Darkwolf's Avatar
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    wow, that's a lot of posting in one day. Yes I did mean arguing in general, not just one specific argument.

    Hola, Ghost. Welcome to the club. You seem like a great writer. Good to have new people in the club xD. Especially since it really doesnt seem that welcoming lately. Ah well.

    I think we can at least pull out one or two paragraphs to add to the inner rp in this thread, It doesnt seem like that big of deal, well posting it anyway. Seriously, if we DO make a new thread, that would just mean that most people can figure they can do without even participating, when we've agreed that we would. Otherwise nobody would've given Xeim the green light for organizing it. We're going to participate, so that means keeping it in this thread means we can just keep that in order and stop it from falling apart the minute it's put up.

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