I'm bored. Hypothetically of course. Let us just assume for a couple of minutes that World War Three has broken out. It would only be in it's very early stages, so technically may not be a world war. (Although the dictionary seems to define World War as: "war affecting the majority of the world's most powerful and populous nations", so it could still be world war between say America and Russia.)
Right, back on topic. Assuming this does happen who would be the main perpetrators and why? Think about this, realistically it probably isn't going to be the UK and America who start a world war.
Normally my immediate response would be "Germany, they've been too quiet for too long. It's about time we gave them another thrashing." Common sense however dictates that this probably isn't the right answer.
So if this were ever to happen I think the most likely candidate would be China. The fact that it has forced conscription certainly suggests that China will always be ready for war. Furthermore (and please don't take this personally) China has always been at odds with the capitalistic tendencies of the west, you know being communist and all. Jintao is also much more radical than his predecessor Jiang Zemin. China would most likely I think go to war with the USA and the UK, and would probably recieve help from Japan and possibly middle eastern countries such as Afghanistan, not for want of helping China but simply to quash what they believe to be the decadence of the West. I think it would end up being pretty close, China could give the earth a run for it's money.
Right that's my reasoning over, anyway else wana have a go?