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Thread: Wish House

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  1. #1
    Did you just say "cheesy jeans"? Wish House Bryan 2.0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Wish House

    Before reading the following, please note that this club is invite only!

    Welcome to Wish House, the Silent Hill club of TFF. Feel free to discuss anything affiliated with the twisted world of Silent Hill.

    Activities (can) include:

    Fan art

    "Cry of the Siren" - In the earlier half of each month, a certain Silent Hill will be chosen for the club to play. This is not mandatory, however, I urge members to join in. Various tasks will be set within the games for the club to complete. Sometimes there will be competitions where a prize will be awarded to the member who completes the task first (with screenshots or some other kind of proof). At the end of each month, the game and/or task will change. This will occur even if nobody completes the task.

    Have a collection of Silent Hill goods? Show them off and make the rest of us jealous.


    Obviously do not post here if you are not a member. If you make it clear around the forums that you are a fan of Silent Hill, one of us may contact you and ask if you'd like to join.

    The standard TFF rules apply along with those (both club and site) listed and those to be added in the future.

    SPAM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! I'm sure that this goes without saying with the members of this club, however, this is directed at anyone who posts here that isn't a member, also (minus the mods and admins, of course).

    Again, please note that any requests to join that are posted within the club will not be considered and will be removed as spaaaaaaaaam.


    The "Mental Stability" system

    Everyone starts out with -{Mental Stability: 100%}-. However, when rules (that simply do not need to be broken) are broken, your mental stability percentage will go down depending on the violation. Below is a small chart of how it will work upon breaking rules.

    (-5%) Spam. If you spam or one line, you lose a point. Sorry, but that's just how it goes!

    (-10%) Flaming or flame baiting.

    (-20%) Inviting someone into Wish House without either Chez or my consent. It's okay if you refer someone to us, but please don't take it upon yourself to invite them. Again, it's for the better!

    If your mental stability drops into the negatives (even -1%), you'll be removed from Wish House. I don't have any concerns that any of the current members will do this, but trust me guys (and girls), it's for the best. I know you don't want people in here posting nonsense just as much as we don't. That's another reason why it's invite only. To cut back on the spam and new guys (I refuse to use the term "noob") just coming in and cluttering things up.

    Pyramid Head

    As most of you may know, Pyramid Head is the most feared creature who lurks within Silent Hill. Well...he now lurks in Wish House! Every now and again, he will make himself known within Wish House. When a member's Mental Stability reaches 0, Pyramid Head will do away with all traces of your existence in a most gory way.

    In some cases, Chez or I will give you a heads up about any activity that is out of line. As I said, Pyramid Head will be the ultimate judge. Neither Chez nor I have any influence over his final decisions.

    By agreeing to accept the invitation to join Wish House, you also accept your possible termination via Pyramid Head (if your Mental Stability reaches 0).



    Wish House is currently under the care of Chez Daja and Bryan.

    It's current occupants are the following:

    darkViVi -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Lai -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Wintermetal -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Sevion -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Kalisto -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Guts -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Kiriyama -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Plastik Assassin -{Mental Stability 100%}-
    Daddy -{Mental Stability 100%}-

    With that said...

    Attached Images Attached Images Wish House-silenthill01_sm-jpg 
    Last edited by Bryan 2.0; 09-05-2007 at 02:49 AM.


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