SH2 is based on a young man who has lost his wife Mary. It's not really a complicated situation, right? His wife is a dead, and he's feeling shitty, like every widow would. At some point, after she died, he has a pyschotic break, in which his mind begins to somewhat "lie" to him. He believes Mary died three years ago from a long suffered fatal illness (one which is never named in the game.) James is confused, but all along knows that he was the one who killed her... he smothered her with a pillow -- it was not in fact three years ago, but more like three weeks ago! James doesn't realise this until deeper into the mystery, and as he uncovers the truth of what his mind had seemingly blocked off, he suffers even moreso.
James enters Silent Hill after receiving a letter from Mary, telling him to meet her in their special place in Silent Hill. James, reluctant at first, wonders how the hell a dead person can send a letter. In any case, he hurries to Silent Hill, in hopes that his beloved wife is still alive.
This is all easy enough, yeah?
What you discover through the game, is all of these secrets to which slot into the puzzle of the game.
One of the most interesting parts of the game, is what things mean. I already spoke in a past post, of how Pyramid Head was James' guilt, and sexual wants from the assault he is seen taking out on "female" monsters.