This kid knows.
Arkansas Times
He's 10, but skipped a grade from third to fifth. One day, he decides not to stand for the pledge of allegiance, because there really is no "liberty and justice for all".
I wish more kids were more badass and smart like him, personally. My favorite moment was that near the end of the week of his refusal to stand for the pledge, is that the substitute teacher got frustrated and began to yell at him, and he got so flustered, that he didn't really pay attention to what she said.
But he simply said, "With all due respect, ma'am, please go jump off a bridge."
The kid's answer to the question is simply, "Freedom of speech; the freedom to disagree. That's what I think pretty much what it means to be American."
The point is, he is refusing to stand because gays/lesbians do not have liberty and justice. They do not have the right to marry or adopt as of yet; and he won't stand until they do.
So what do you guys think about this? What do you do during the national anthem?
Personally, I only stand. I don't put my hand to my heart. Which is basically just meeting halfway.
I believe in what my country represents, but I don't believe that it's up to the standards of what it represents.
I heard about this news article from a podcast I subscribe to, Geek Nights by Rym and Scott.
EDIT: ...Maybe I should have put this in Gen Chat instead...?