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Thread: So yet another American Politician makes a fool of himself...

  1. #1
    So yet another American Politician makes a fool of himself... Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Riverhead, NY

    So yet another American Politician makes a fool of himself...

    I know the title might be a bit misleading, but hear me out. I trust most of the Americans have heard of the glorious Governer Spitzer sex scandal. Well it got me thinking about policy in general. So for a multi-question topic:

    1. Do you think, a politician has a right to have a personal life without the public information, and do you believe that domestic mortals affect the way a politician conducts his work?

    2. What of the American legalization of prosititution? Do you believe it could benefit the United States?

    3. Do you believe that his Lt. Governor is capable of running the State. Why or why not?

  2. #2
    So yet another American Politician makes a fool of himself... Jin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    1. Do you think, a politician has a right to have a personal life without the public information, and do you believe that domestic [morals?] affect the way a politician conducts his work?
    I believe they do, sure, but the people have the right to choose their reasons for not voting for a candidate, so it's going to matter regardless. In my opinion, in most cases, I don't think it affects their performance, but in this particular case, hypocrisey revealed.

    2. What of the American legalization of prosititution? Do you believe it could benefit the United States?
    I do, but I'm not going to get into a big discussion about it. Suffice it to say, even if it was legal, it wouldn't help this poor fool. It would still have a negative social stigma about it and cost him support.

    3. Do you believe that his Lt. Governor is capable of running the State. Why or why not?
    I don't know enough about him to make a statement on this.

    Until now!

  3. #3
    1. A politician has a right to live however they want, and the citizens have a right to vote on whatever they want. Mormons supported Mitt Romney, fascists supported Mike Huckabee, feminists support Clinton, etc. Hell, in my state, we elected a gay governor.

    2. It should be legalized. It won't be for some time, though.

    3. Paterson is legally blind. How crazy is that? Anyway, he should do fine. They have a Cabinet and a state legislature to help them along.

  4. #4
    I guarentee you there are many other politicians who are involved in things similar to Mr. Spitzer. Some politicians are probably doing even worse things than bangin a prostitute.

    1. I believe everyone has the right to privacy. I think all the CNN coverage was over the edge and completely uncalled for on Spitzer, and the chick (forgot her name). Leave em alone...

    2. There are places that have legal prostitution. It involves every prostitute to be "checked out" and all that. It seems to be working. I think it could work in America, and it'd be safer than people who are going to be prostitutes anyway, but since it's illegal they aren't being checked and doing it the safe way.

    3. I'm not too sure on him personally, but I don't think having a prostitute makes you worse at your job, unless of course the public finds out and you're all over the news.

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