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    Full Time Glompasaurus Unbeleivable Hate Raider's Avatar
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    Unbeleivable Hate

    **This is my first proper Intellectuall Discussion Thread so sorry if its not meant to be in here or i'm not very good at it.**


    Ok i considered putting this is General Chat but i thought i was more deserving of the Intellectual minds of TFF.

    A few days a go i came across a group called the Westboro Baptist Church while watching my daily Phillyde video. I was firstly shocked by what they do and how disgusting it is what they do.


    They basically go around on the streets with signs saying' God Hates F*gs' and 'Thank God For IEDs (car bombs)' but what's worse is they go to gay peoples funerals and protests they heckling their grieving parents, also to soldiers' funerals and do the same.

    This is exactly what they do:
    Westboro Baptist Church (The Song) |

    and Just to cheer some people up from this depressing subject: Michael Moore pwns them: YouTube - Michael Moore vs Westboro Baptist Church

    So what are your views on this? i personally was so shocked i thought i was going to be sick.
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Unbeleivable Hate Xanatos's Avatar
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    Man you are right, this is some sick shit. Obviously this group of people (well not a group more like some sort of sect) has nothing better to do than to protest at the funerals. I don't understand what are they trying to accomplish with this behavior.
    They say that god hates gay people, well obviously they met him and talked about it. Oh and I don't think they should thank God for IEDs. I mean to protest at the funeral is something that they should be ashamed of. If they hate soldiers that much then they should go in front an army base and protest there.
    It seems that this people are seriously sick at least in their minds, and if they have problems with gay people and soldiers they shouldn't try to solve it like this. As I said earlier this is some sick shit.

  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. Unbeleivable Hate Clint's Avatar
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    Those dicks are a bunch of homos. That's basically the best I can put it into words. If you look on their website, they have a list of celebrities and political figures who are "doomed to eternal damnation." They think literally everybody except themselves are going to hell. That right there explains their entire belief system. They created this "perfect" church that they claim follows the bible word for word, because anything else would be a sin, or so they claim. Whereas in reality, their church doesn't follow the bible word for word, because stoning people to death is illegal, and if they were to do that, they would be thrown in prison for a very, very long time. So they resort to petty protests that don't necessarily send a message other than "We are a bunch of dicks." Some people are just so bible crazy that they literally are mentally insane. I mean, it's good to believe in a religion, but to an extent. When you take it as far as these people, it becomes radical and uncalled for. It's because of people like this why I think there should be limitations on the first amendment. It's good to speak your mind, but not so much to the point to where it pisses the entire world off. That's just ricockulous.

  4. #4
    Full Time Glompasaurus Unbeleivable Hate Raider's Avatar
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    The thing that scares me is the fact that a lot of un-educated 'rednecks' as such are easily swayed by things like this so they don't actually have a chance to consider it properly.

    And yes there will always be zealous groups like this but this is teh first of its kind really where they are doing such harsh things. all of those protests on abortion i believe they had a right to do it (not that i agree with what they were saying) and they actually had an argument. But these people have stepped up top a new level of hate.
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

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  5. #5
    This ain't no place for no hero Unbeleivable Hate Tiffany's Avatar
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    There's always going to be some whackjob religious group that is going to hate on something or another. Today it's "gays" tomorrow it'll be abortion, blah blah blah.

    I don't agree with it, of course. I think people should be free to make their own educated decisions, and if there are penalties after this life is done then it's no one but themselves who have to deal with it. I hate when overly zealous people feel that they are entitled to stick their opinions down everyone else's throat.


  6. #6
    Banned Unbeleivable Hate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    There's always going to be some whackjob religious group that is going to hate on something or another. Today it's "gays" tomorrow it'll be abortion, blah blah blah.

    I don't agree with it, of course. I think people should be free to make their own educated decisions, and if there are penalties after this life is done then it's no one but themselves who have to deal with it. I hate when overly zealous people feel that they are entitled to stick their opinions down everyone else's throat.

    I agree 100%. And About that first Part. Sooooooooo true. Sorry for the short post, just had to say that.

  7. #7
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Yay cultists! You have to love some of the simple minded mentality that comes along with being part of a weird religious sect. I find this to actually be very disturbing.

    You figure by this point in time racism and discrimination would be a thing of the past but it seems to be an ever growing trend that peaks and falls just to peak again. Honestly I do not see this kind of crap stopping any time soon. Even if the law was to start cracking down on these "religious sects" it would cause them to go into hiding and more then likely they would in turn retaliate against the government body and law enforcement agencies that tried to shut them down in the first place. End result could be something as simplistic (using the word loosly here people) as offing a few cops or ccould end up in something as tragic as the OKC bombings or worse 9/11, given it is doubtful that they could reproduce 9/11 but it is a possibility.

    The thing that scares me is the fact that a lot of un-educated 'rednecks' as such are easily swayed by things like this so they don't actually have a chance to consider it properly.
    I actually have to disagree with this one, just because someone is uneducated does not mean that they can not use common sence. People have been bred and raised on a moral standard of what is right and wrong. And really being a "redneck" has nothing to do with it.

    In order to pull of some of the crap these people have; there would have to be certain amount of enteligence used and they must have a decent amount of reconicince skills. I do beleive that some of the memebers of this are of lesser education then the others but I doubt that the entire orginization is made up of 6-shooter weilding, 5 gallon hat wearing, banjo carrying retards who sit around drinking and strumming dueling banjos(I take it that is the definition of redneck you where trying to define?).
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  8. #8
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Unbeleivable Hate RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Yeah, they're just frustrated, conservative, disfunctional human beings.

    There will always be nutjobs who can't cope with how the world is evolving and need an absurdly ridiculous reason to give meaning to their lifes.

    I was disgusted by the antisemite documentary on National Geographic a while back. Simple repulsive and inexplicable. Actually shooting and beating people to death for their roots or beliefs. Heck, bloody Jesus from Nazareth was a Jew.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 07-07-2009 at 05:27 PM.
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  9. #9
    #LOCKE4GOD Unbeleivable Hate Alpha's Avatar
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    Firstly: GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Why, TFF, do you close when I have almost finished a HUGE post!? I spent 20 minutes on that!

    Secondly: My student magazine published an article on Shilrley Phelps-Roger of the WBC, which I will post a link to here. In order to increase the chance of people reading it (and in order to post my own commentary), I will quote the most salient points here.

    Shirley’s words | Salient

    Written by Daniel J Miles, Mon, 25 May 2009.

    Shirley Phelps-Roper of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) certainly has a reputation on a scale that far exceeds the size of the church she represents. The WBC numbers only around sixty, something Shirley attributes partially to the people being expelled from the church for being “rebels”.

    That’s a word she’s quite fond of and she used it many a time in our conversation. You don’t follow God’s word? You’re a rebel, easy as that. For a lot of religious groups, those who do not follow the tenets of the religion might be apostates, or heretics, whatever. But Shirley likes “rebel”, and quite rightly so. For the WBC, religion and God’s word are everything, so there is no need to use a religiously charged word to signify someone who does not follow the religion. There simply is no barrier between the temporal and the spiritual, and so a word like rebel suddenly becomes completely appropriate to describe what many would consider solely a spiritual matter.

    Found on many of her picketing posters are phrases like “God hates fags”—and even her use of the word ‘faggot’ carries with it a lengthy rationale. She told the story of how one of her eleven children once used the word to her, and her immediate reaction was to tell the child off. He looked up at her and asked: “But why can’t I?” Shirley explained how she started to think of the etymology of the word—a bundle of kindling. To Shirley, this was perfect—they were bundles of kindling which God would use to stoke the fires of hell and, she admitted candidly, it also fits better on a sign. Alf's Insertion #1: That's disgusting.

    Of course, the word also commands a lot of controversy. You don’t start chucking round the word ‘fag’ in public unless you want some people paying you some attention. This though, is exactly what Shirley wants, and in a way you have to respect this. If someone truly believes they have the one and only path to God, what sort of person are they if they don’t shout it from the rooftops, try to let as many people as possible hear? She truly believes to the core of her being that everything she does is just to try to bring the word to us, the “rebels”. Possibly this is more noble than those who sit back in their religious belief, content to believe the rest of us will burn whilst they live out their lives concerned only with their own ticket through the pearly gates. Not Shirley, though. There is not an interview opportunity she wouldn’t take to get another chance to spread the word, she said.

    Which is not to say I agree with her message. Rather, I find much of it simply reprehensible. But she is always quick to back up what she says with a passage from the Bible. This fails to convince me, and likely many of you in our largely atheist state. But again, one must respect her conviction. She has made the decision—carries the fervour—to live her life by a near two-thousand-year-old book, a decision that is common to a little over two billion worldwide. They aren’t real Christians though, Shirley contends. You can’t just say, Oh, God didn’t really mean it when he said this. “NO” she exclaims, many times throughout our talk. “NO”, often in a mocking, affected accent. She uses the example of the sixth commandment (potentially the fifth, depending on what translation of the bible you use—they like to mix it up a bit), thou shalt not commit murder. “Is that literally true?” she asks me. And I’m loath to say no. It does, after all, seem pretty black and white. Why then, she asks, do people feel they can interpret the word of God when so much of it is written down in black and white? Alf's Insertion #2: I thought Jesus delivered a little message called the Sermon on the Mount, where he introduced two commandments to supersede the Ten Commandments. Namely, they are, to love God, and to love your neighbour. She seems to ignore the latter.

    At the core of what makes Shirley the way she is, for me, is her total inability to accept that some may truly believe differently to her. She firmly holds the belief that everyone else, deep inside, knows that she is right about God, and we are all lying to ourselves. So many times I asked, each time creating an ever more absurd hypothetical—culminating in a child brought up Muslim, who has never heard of Christianity in its life. But again, “NO. They know that their prophet is a paedophile,” she explained. “The word of God is written on the hearts of all men,” she insisted. It was this that was a step too far for me to truly understand. Alf's Insertion #3: Mohammad is a paedophile? You're an intolerant b*tch.

    To be fair, she did revel in the September Eleventh attacks, saying they were a message from God. Though when asked if any “real Christian” died in 9/11, she immediately dismissed the idea with “No, of course not. That would be to call God a liar.” Alf's Insertion #4: She cannot be serious.

    I guess when I reflect on that conversation now, I have to dissent from the most widely held view of Shirley Phelps-Roper. I won’t hate her and I refuse to. Throughout my hour on the phone with her she was consistently civil to me, and we even shared a few laughs at times; like when she complimented my accent, comparing me to someone on House, which, incidentally, I don’t watch.

    Allow me just a moment to get onto my soapbox and lecture. I respect Shirley Phelps-Roper. She skirts the arbitrariness of so many religions. She has a holy text, and that’s it. No more, no less. No interpretation. God says this. End of story. She doesn’t physically harm anyone. She doesn’t spit on people in the street, as she has been spat on in the past. And I guess there is that tiny, microscopic chance that she is right, that despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary, that Noah’s ark really occurred, that evolution is a lie. And if so, I guess I’ll be burning in hell.

    But the chances are so slim that it doesn’t worry me at all. I won’t be the cynic she is and say that she is just after attention, or that she knows herself to be wrong, or anything to that effect. Rather, I believe that she truly believes in everything she says—just that on the weight of evidence, she’s also wrong.

    Maybe when I die, this interview will be remembered by one of Shirley’s children or grandchildren who will find my funeral and picket it to tell the world of the damage I did with this article—where for a moment I had a podium and I didn’t use it to spread the word. But you know what? I would defend their right to do that. Shirley spoke of how she protested distant from the funerals, how all she brought was words. Frankly, she is right.

    All she does have to offer is words. Alf's Insertion #5: Thoughts, anyone?
    I know it's huge post, and I know it was sorta unnecessary when I gave the link, but hey, in terms of convienience, I was being nice

  10. #10
    The Westboro posse seems to be the go-to group for anger. Of course, they are worth the vitriol thrown at them, but they aren't the worst human beings on the planet.

    You have to love the approach that the United Kingdom takes. Just ban them and then it all goes away. Unfortunately, they are citizens of this country, and unless they have money, no one will take them.

  11. #11
    This is absoulutely rediculous.They should find somethng better to do with their time,not to metion they wrote a whole Opera....What exactly is the puropose of this?? or I should say what is their goal?? If i'ts to make their thoughts and ideals known or bad no one cares.They almost remind me of a 'Cult'.They have horrible issues...
    What they need to do is trun that little religous sect into an AA meeting and find out whats really wrong upstairs...Bleh!!
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 08-22-2009 at 02:12 AM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
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    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  12. #12
    I do what you can't. Unbeleivable Hate Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    There's always going to be some whackjob religious group that is going to hate on something or another. Today it's "gays" tomorrow it'll be abortion, blah blah blah.
    Oh, yes. How dare somebody protect the life of an unborn child. How evil and self-righteous of those "whackjob religious groups" to want millions upon millions of unborn children to not be slaughtered! What a bunch of jerks, to look out for defenseless human beings above the convenience of their mothers!

    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    The thing that scares me is the fact that a lot of un-educated 'rednecks' as such are easily swayed by things like this so they don't actually have a chance to consider it properly.
    Way to stereotype rednecks. It's easy to insult groups of people that you are ignorant of, isn't it?

    And yes there will always be zealous groups like this but this is teh first of its kind really where they are doing such harsh things.
    Well, there's been the KKK, Black Panthers, and other groups, but most are racially motivated. And there have, of course, been religious terrorists. But I respond to those groups with a sort of, "they should be punished for what they've done, and what they believe is wrong," whereas the WBC is more of a "are you f***ing kidding me?!?" type of reaction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha Weapon View Post
    Alf's Insertion #2: I thought Jesus delivered a little message called the Sermon on the Mount, where he introduced two commandments to supersede the Ten Commandments. Namely, they are, to love God, and to love your neighbour. She seems to ignore the latter.
    The Sermon on the Mount was the "blessed are the _____" sermon -- the two commandments were announced at a different time. And they didn't "supersede" the Ten Commandments at all, they were explained as a summary of them. The Ten Commandments are still in affect.

    So many times I asked, each time creating an ever more absurd hypothetical—culminating in a child brought up Muslim, who has never heard of Christianity in its life. But again, “NO. They know that their prophet is a paedophile,” ... Alf's Insertion #3: Mohammad is a paedophile? You're an intolerant b*tch.
    Mohammad had sex with a nine-year-old child. A boy. This isn't some sort of whacky accusation, it's historical fact. This is why the Age of Consent in many Muslim countries is 13 (he preferred the young ones), and in some it's as young as nine (hey, if it was good enough for their prophet, it's good enough for them).

    Denial of history and insults? What an ignorant schmuck.

    To be fair, she did revel in the September Eleventh attacks, saying they were a message from God. Though when asked if any “real Christian” died in 9/11, she immediately dismissed the idea with “No, of course not. That would be to call God a liar.” Alf's Insertion #4: She cannot be serious.
    Unfortunately, she is. Right along with the University of Colorado professor who referred to the people who died in the World Trade Center attacks as "little Eichmanns" (Adolf Eichmann is prettymuch the man who masterminded the Holocaust).

    Quote Originally Posted by TenseikenSlash View Post
    They almost remind me of a 'Cult'.They have horrible issues...
    It prettymuch is ... nearly the entire congregation is the Phelps extended family. It ain't like people just join the church because they like the crap they spread, it's mostly the family of the pastor.

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    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13

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