**This is my first proper Intellectuall Discussion Thread so sorry if its not meant to be in here or i'm not very good at it.**


Ok i considered putting this is General Chat but i thought i was more deserving of the Intellectual minds of TFF.

A few days a go i came across a group called the Westboro Baptist Church while watching my daily Phillyde video. I was firstly shocked by what they do and how disgusting it is what they do.


They basically go around on the streets with signs saying' God Hates F*gs' and 'Thank God For IEDs (car bombs)' but what's worse is they go to gay peoples funerals and protests they heckling their grieving parents, also to soldiers' funerals and do the same.

This is exactly what they do:
Westboro Baptist Church (The Song) | PhillyD.tv

and Just to cheer some people up from this depressing subject: Michael Moore pwns them: YouTube - Michael Moore vs Westboro Baptist Church

So what are your views on this? i personally was so shocked i thought i was going to be sick.