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    The Quiet One TFF Royalty Andromeda's Avatar
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    TFF Royalty

    I have reformed the club thread, starting over from scratch the way it should have been done a while ago. The previous club has become a little bloated as well as chopped up due to some mistakes of the past. It is also under different leadership with the disappearance of ID_Xenogears more than year ago.

    The TFF Royalty
    This club is a Roleplaying club with a long history on the forums for having the best writers the forum has to offer. We continue to strive to maintain a high level of quality. The rules are pretty simple.
    1. TFF General Forum Rules must be followed.
    2. Only club members and people interested in joining the club are allowed to post in the club thread. If you do not have an interest in joining please refrain from posting here.
    3. The club has RP threads, they are only allowed to be posted in by club members or if, allowed, recruits looking to join. If you do not wish to join the club please refrain from posting in the RP, they are clearly marked.

    Royal Members:
    Marquise Andromeda - Leader
    Mistress Sheena; Baroness
    Noble Merlin
    Duchess Dragonheart

    Honored Members (Inactive)
    Noble Ryayukou
    Noble Climhazzard
    Noble Lady Rika
    Earless Xeim
    Noble Musicmuse
    Duke Zell Dincht
    Thane Atma-Noah
    Noble Inferno Mage
    Noble Cetra_Aeris
    Noble Lai
    Noble Psiko
    Noble Aerif
    Noble LocoColt04

    One aspect of the club that I wish to carry over is the Royalty status. However, since this is no longer a symbol within the RPs themselves I am adopting this as an in-club character. So you can create your club persona that you can roleplay as within the bounds of the club. This will much like the Bookend Club, where we roleplayed in a library. It is nothing too fancy, just something to entertain us and give us something else to write in our posts.

    Titles of Royalty:
    King - Ruler of a Kingdom
    Queen - Ruler of a Kingdom
    Princess - Daughter of the Ruler
    Prince - Son of the Ruler
    Duke - Lord over a duchy
    Duchess - Lady over a duchy
    Count - Lord over a region
    Countess - Lady over a region
    Marquis - Lord of land, maybe a region
    Marquise - Lady of land, maybe a region
    Earl - The English equavilate of a Marquis, probably runs a plot of land, has a fief maybe even a region of land
    Earless - The English equavilate of a Marquise
    Viscount - Slightly above Baron, probably runs a town, or city, maybe a province
    Viscountess - Slightly above Baroness
    Baron - Lowest level of Noblity probably runs a town, or city, not much ruling.
    Baroness - Lowest level of Noblity

    The Royal Court

    Marquise Andromeda of Artois

    Artois is a region in France during the 17th century and earlier. For the sake of the roleplaying in here, we will need to decide whether or not we are playing out in a completely fictional world within the club. Or instead going to have some basis of it from the real world. Either is fine with me. The marquise herself, personality wise, enjoys the status she holds and makes sure to keep her people, mostly content (usually). She is currently in the pursuits of a suitor, sometimes taking the matter a little more aggressively than most women of proper nobility should.

    Lord Fujiwara of Kyoto
    Kyoto remained Japan's capital until the transfer of the government to Edo in 1868 at the time of the Imperial Restoration. (Some believe it is still a legal capital.) After Edo was renamed Tokyo (meaning "Eastern Capital"), Kyoto was known for a short time as Saikyo (西京 Saikyō, meaning "Western Capital").

    Name: Fujiwara Taiki
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 160 lbs
    Appearance: Dark brown/black, slightly pale skin. (See signature/avatar.)

    Ever since he traveled to France on vacation, he went to the region of Artois. There he managed to bump into the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on. Ever since, he has wanted to see her and have her bear his children. He will not stop until he succeeds in capturing her heart.

    Duchess Corinna Thalberg of Württemberg

    Württemberg is a duchy in the southwestern region of Germany from 1495-1805. An agricultural state mainly, although the capital, Stuttgart, is a cultural center.

    Corinna is a typical German; punctual, by-the-book, and above all, efficient. She can be hard to get along with at times due to her tendency to be direct and her apparent lack of humor (which is untrue, but widely rumored). She is very formal and polite by nature but will not hesitate to do what she thinks is right by any means necessary.

    Although she holds the rank of Duchess, she prefers to let her younger sister Amalia do the majority of the work. Corinna herself spends much of her time traveling, both locally and internationally.

    Despite her constant comings and goings, she is well-respected and loved by her people. The Thalbergs in general are highly-regarded for their fair hand in governing and Corinna is no exception.

    Earless Yvonne of Norfolk

    Norfolk is a low-lying county in the east of southern England. It was 'ruled' by Earls from 1070-1644. Agriculture thrives.

    Yvonne is a laid-back, “happy go lucky” young woman. She is often found out in the fields laughing with the servants, or playfully helping them with their duties (though she doesn't accomplish much). She is married to the current Earl of Norfolk, though it is said that she is unfaithful to him, and calls him names like “pig” behind his back.

    Her actions are frowned upon by moist of the other nobles, but there is not a person in the house who thinks ill of her (save for her husband's parents). She treats all as equals and doesn't understand the concept of “superiority.” The people of the region look up to her and her outlook on life.

    She is only 19 years old, and was married to the earl at 14. It was an arranged marriage, and Yvonne wanted no part in it. When she met the Earl for the first time (him being 24, her 14) she wasn't exactly repulsed by him, but she did not like the prospect of sharing a bed with him.

    I will fill in for the others here as they are created.

    Current Roleplays
    Divided Connections
    Summary - Set in a highly advanced period of humankind's development, man has reached the stars. The galaxy is under their control, yet there is tensions building between the different races. The peoples cannot agree with each other and fight to take what they want, acting the same as they did on the mythical planet of their birth "Earth."

    The only link that connects all of the vast planets together is the uninet, the successor to the internet and solnet. This high speed connection brings people together closing the gap of the void. Many of the people are spending their hours playing online games, one popular game is Fantasy Hour Online.

    What is in store for the galaxy on the brink?

    Magically Appeared
    Summary - The land of Rumnir is home to many races and vast beautiful countrysides. However, Rumnir is in conflict with ceaseless wars and conflicts. Peace is something foreign and mistrust an all too common commodity.

    Now a new threat is growing across all of the people, a crisis that no one understands. For the land has no magic, until now. People are being born or developing abilities that are making them the target of their own flesh and blood.

    As the lights continue to go out across Rumnir, how will this "evolution" change the face of everything?

    The rest will be in the following post, since this will exceed the 50k character allotment.
    Last edited by Victoria; 04-11-2009 at 06:40 PM. Reason: Updating
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

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