Whatever you have just list and I can go through and see what looks interesting to use. Since I really do not have any races in mind currently, there is not really a limit to what types. I would like to be able to get everything finished up sometime next week and get profiles going. But I will see about that, since I have other things on my plate that I mentioned. Here is hoping.
And Aerif, I shall be going through the RP and when I am finished with my decision I will let you know the verdict. Be patient until then. ^^
I'll go through and see what I still have notes on. It may take a couple days for me to compile it all though. I'm not exactly known for my organizational skills. ;) Unfortunately I will not be listing any of the species/races that are part of current projects due to people wishing to use them for their own purposes. Anything I have from RPs and abandoned novels I will be happy to list.
So I thought I would post, and check in. It seems that I've got myself stuck in an incrdible writer's block and can't get out, so I've got no idea when I can get a post up for DC. I can't promise anything at all. I don't know maybe I've just lost the incentive to write. If I do finish it, it'll be up if that rp is still going.
Well that's all for now.
That definitely explains why I had not seen your post in the RP then. So I guess it is just the four us then until you can get through your writer's block. Lai posted, though it is not completed from what I can tell. When you get a minute Lai come in here and let us know what are you planning in your post. I need to know if I should be waiting to post until later or just move on if you are planning to interact with my character.
Well tomorrow for me is episode writing day, so I will not be doing much in terms of creativity on the RP. I am going to be closing the sign ups for the Tournament soon as well, so if there was anyone here that wanted to join the Tournament now is the time to do it before it is closed. At which point I will be getting together things to start up it up. Once that is off the ground, it will be one less thing on my mind, until the second round.
Holy crap, theres like a sudden surge of activity in here. Its 4AM in the morning and I just worked 12 hrs straight so my mind is a bit on the overwhelmed side at the moment. I quickly read over this whole topic to catch myself up, so if I missed something... don't shoot me. ;)
Medival RP: Not to sound like a critic or anything, but give me a moment of your time: People start developing magic, which they don't understand and are shunned by the mass population who are afraid of these powers and wish to erradicate them off of 'their' planet. While most of those with newfangled powers want to peacefully co-exist with the rest of mankind, hell some would rather be 'normal', there are a select few who wish to exploit the powers and take revenge on those attempting to erradicate them. The epic struggle between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' can only lead to bloodshed on both sides, the innocent caught in the crossfire. Will they find a way to live together? Will magic cover the whole world and forever change the human race as we know it? Or will those with power take over the world? It can become very predictable rather quickly. If you haven't seen the pattern yet... it sounds very much like X-Men.
In any case, there are ways to avoid it becoming rather boorish and predictable, but alas my brain is half asleep so all I can't suggest anything substantive at this point in time. One thing to keep in mind, you can have foreign influence in another way: Celestial bodies in space. Why say its some alien or god? I'd think it would be interesting to have cults and the like pop up that believe its aliens, etc... but realistically it could be a celestial body that is harming the earth. Theoretically, an object on the right trajectory and speed could enter into an orbit around a planet. That object could be emitting toxins that affect the planet. Notice I said orbit rather than smashing into the planet. The old 'asteroid smashing into the earth and corrupting the planet' bit was old before the FF:SW movie. The toxins would be similar to radioactive particles in that they have a bizzare effect on the body and the affects are not always equal. Heck it would be awesome if the particles, at high enough concentration would distort you so bad you died. Or if you want to go a more Stephen King route, you either are slowly/quickly being transformed by the particles or they will kill you eventually. Give me magic or give me death!
Just some random thoughts from my tired brain. Now onto the other RP. I dont recall saying that I would not participate in it but frankly I don't remember. It sounds interesting nonetheless and I will look into it more when I am more awake. I have been interested in RPing for some time... my brain is always thinking of story ideas, even at the most inconvienient times. Why haven't I ever started the other? I've changed the intro about 20X literally. I keep coming up with new ways to make it cooler. I should just post it already, but with these two starting up and the Tourney... I suppose I'll hold off posting it. XD
X-Men, yeah I can see that. Though I was more thinking like E's Otherwise than X-Men in similiarities. I guess Celestial bodies would be an interesting angle to pursue. It is not so sci-fi that it kills the fantasy part. But since this is a fantasy world, I view the magic as an eventuality, while at least it feels in X-Men that it is certain people (maybe it would eventually be everyone). At least with magic I know for a fact that it will with enough time be everywhere to the point that it would be like any other fantasy world. The only difference is that unlike other fantasy worlds, you don't see how they learned to adapted to new powers, they either always had them or did not explain how they learned them.
But yes, at the time period it would be placed in, it will probably feel like X-Men. But I do like the Celestial body idea.
And it is good to have you around Merlin. Yes, we have been busier than the club normally is. I am hoping to keep it that way.
Since it's my introductory post, I don't plan on immediately interacting with anyone else. I'm mainly going to familiarize the other posters with Sethe's character and the way he plays in the game. I'll post another shortly after this intro, so if anyone wants, go ahead and include me in a next post.
Well I was going to be pushing the day along, or in the case of my character the night. It does not have to be night on which planet you are on. But my character was going to be going to sleep soon since Shadow was going to be investigating some crime. And I was a little uncertain what Cetra was going to be doing. So I was just going to pass things along. Which was why I was leaving it open if there was more someone wanted to do.
This was all just an introductory part anyway. We will be crossing paths again and again as things move along.
I'm brainstorming currently on how I want my char(s) for this. I should hopefully have something working tommorrow to post up. From what I've read so far, it seems like the Royalty disbanded and now its members are simply doing whatever? Also, is it like FFXI where you have a subjob or is it more like regular MMORPGs where its strictly one job? It sounds kindof more on the lines of WoW where you have one job but you can setup different builds depending on what you are doing.
Right now I'm thinking of a char that would be a max-level Spiritualist. Once a member of the Royalty, he now spends his days testing his strengths and being a pioneer in new solo strategies. His name is known by most that have been around any length of time, being the first person to solo Great Beast and Notorious Beasts thought to be impossible to do alone. The Spritualist job is considered the most complex job in the game, allowing one to make quite a powerful character with enough thought put into it. Unfortunately, the majority of Spiritualists are absolute garbage, making it the bane job that ends up being on the bottom of the invite list. (think of DRG from FFXI) He sometimes feels like he himself caused the mad rush of morons to become Spiritualists, all dreaming of being like him. He isn't full of himself, he just finds it rather annoying that so many people are making the job look like crap. To this day he proves that the job can be amazing, if placed in the hands of one who is willing to put the time in effort into crafting it.
That was a quick run-through of what is going on in my mind. It is by no means a finished work.
EDIT: Haha.. brainstorming while trying to fall asleep is annoying.. but alas it is what I do. Instead of being a Spiritualist the char would be a Battle Mage. Yeah I love me some FFXI RDM solo goodness... er, anywho, where was I?
Another thought: Someone should have an in-game relationship... that'd be interesting. Even when two people are far far away... they are connected by love. :love: I'm willing to do it, whether by making a separate char(if Im allowed) or someone taking on the role of the female in-game char. Of course I would prefer if the RL char is not a male.. that's just sick. ;)
Sounds like a good start to me. To answer your question about the sub job. Since there are only six jobs, I do not think it would be necessary to have a secondary job. I made the ability list for the exclusive reason that it would allow people to venture out of their job's normal abilities. Naturally the ability list is unique to every job, though there are plenty of constants between each list that would allow for overlap and give you that sub job feel. The ability list works for those that want to be a purist to their job or expand and be different. Like my character's old character the Apothicary, which was atypical for a healer type, high defense in combination with healing abilities. Its like a Paladin in some ways, though it does lack the shield and sword abilities that would make it a stereotypical Paladin.
Having someone that my character knows will be helpful as well. Hopefully she is not too rusty as a healer.
EDIT: Hehe, an online relationship. That should be interesting. I do not mind you have multiple characters. I do. If you want to have multiple real world character that is perfectly find if you want to play that out. More power to you. I have two game characters, a female and a male. Though that would pretty weird probably two women. And Sarah is not really the type to find a relationship through her male character. It would be possible through the female character though, it would be more natural for her. Othewise it would too uncomfortable and weird.
Ok, I read through about half of the RP Aerif and I decided that I am just going to test you instead. I will create a RP specifically for the two of us for me to see your abilities for myself. This will be your recruitment RP. The RP will continue until I decide that you are either good enough to join or need to come back after you have improved. I will PM you letting you know when the RP is up and ready for you.
Well the Tournament of Heroes is starting soon, so I'm in full swing to get that going at the moment. Once Sunday hits I will be through the worst of that for a while. I will continue my work on the RPs at that point since I will be pretty busy.
Can I join and can you tell me What must I do join here.
Erm.. it would help greatly if you, you know...
Read the first post of the thread. That post answers all of your questions.
But just in case, you have to show us how good of an RPer you are. Provide an example of an existing RP you are in.
So until you do that, you cannot join yet.
Oh wow... inactive for a couple weeks. Bad thread. Bad!
More specifically, bad members, myself included. Gah, I'm never home any more. I really need to get back to writing, but without being at the computer, it's a little hard to actually DO that, you know? Bah x3. :(
In lighter news, I have the next four days off... and I'll have a houseguest.
As far as writing goes, that kind of defeats any possible time I'd have for it.
I've been bombarded with tests and other random bullshit. In any case, is anyone active in the RP? I know I got swamped and havent posted yet, but I just wanted to check before I start writing my ass off.. ;)
I'm currently working on mine. It's going to be a doosie. >.>
But as of right now? No, it's not too active. Just me, Andro, Lai, and cetra are about it.
Jey! Checking in since I really haven't been active her latly and for that I apologize. ^_^ I've been really busy but I plan on being more acitve for at least a little while, I might end up inactive for a little while since I've got some huge tests and stuff comming up in school! ^_^ But I'll try and manage.
As for my post in the divided connections RP it was an introductory post and I was basiclly going to have her walk around tryin to find a battle or something. Nothing to serious since i posted that my character had to get to school/work. ^_^
I was actually going to work on another post for the RP Merlin. I had left myself open and available for someone to jump in if they wanted, but it was not taken. Which was the reason I was holding off, but I figured that I should post again. I know that Shadow was working on a post, but I do not know what status of that other than he was working on it.
The RP quest with Aerif is currently on pause since Aerif has not posted yet, there was one post by her and that was it. I still need to RP with her some more to gauge her skills. So I won't know if we have a new member or not.
And Yunie Lover, ignoring Shadow's rude comments, I need to see any example of your RPing skills, preferably a RP itself, a link will be enough. And from there I will decide if you are good enough to move on to a RP quest. The RP quest is simply, you RP alone with me, just the two of us and I will judge your abilities from RPing you. At whatever point that I have decided I can answer if you are accepted or not I will tell you and the RP will be closed.
I was waiting on Dragonheart to post up some Race ideas for the new RP, but she seems to have been sick for a while and is catching up. It will still be a bit before I can get it going, since I am managing a few things right now. But depending on how the weekend is, I might be able to get the bulk of it written up. I shall see.
Divided Connections itself, well I do not know the state of Lai as she is the only unaccounted for member right now in the RP. I know it will be a while for Loco if he decides. Either way, since Merlin you are deciding to join I will drag the introductory stuff out a little longer. Once you join, we can start putting the wheels spinning for the plot. I think Shadow is already working with something for his post, so we might have a little of that. I expect the first posts to be more introduction and meetings that will change over eventually. We'll see where it goes.
And now for the RP Soap Opera, as I have nicknamed. The intra-club RP. Which is simply something you can do at your leisure and it is also a way you can post if you have nothing else to post about. This is an activity within the club to help try to promote activity (>< if that didn't sound strange). You just simply use your Royalty club profile, the one that I mention in the intro post of the club. It does not need make sense, it is just something fun to do on the side and keep you creative. I am seeing this more of a royal court where there are just simply royalty from around the world, in other words our club.
The winds blew through the cemetery that adjoined the court. The cemetery lay on the west side of the courtyard that surrounded the royal court inside. It was the final resting place for those of the court that had fallen whether ill or by other manners. Before Andromeda was the grave of ID. She sat down by his tombstone, her large dress making it a little difficult.
It had only been recently that they had found his body to be buried for a proper ceremony. She had not been officially seen as the head of the court until the completion of his burial, which she had been impatient in receiving. It had already been more than a year that she assumed control of the court by favors, her own position and rumors. It was her position that fueled those rumors, some of which she participated in furthering their reach. There were some of the older members of the court discontent by her status and fueled such stories as her sharing ID’s bed when he was still at the court. She did not always deny such hearsay; it provided some amusement for her to watch the reactions on others faces. Indecency, while not an admirable trait, she found to be useful at times to get what she wanted.
Andromeda finished her daily routine of visiting ID’s grave. The marquise did not understand why she continued to return to his grave so often. Most times it was out of respect and it was sincere, though she did not always feel so sincere. It was a strange feeling like an obligation that one grudgingly agreed to.
She dusted off her dress with her thoughts and began to return to the court. It was almost a hide out at times for her with all of the suitors that approached her at her castle. Here she was able to pursue her desires more directly in the manner she desired. The system of the men coming to her seemed arcane and bothersome. This way she could ignore those that she did not have an interest, though she still had to turn them away when they were bold enough to approach her.
You don't have to wait on me... I can fit myself in rather easily. (That sounded dirty... ^_^ ) I plan on using the Chinese Fleet attack in my post, so if you have some angle with that let me know. I won't give timelines since I have a test to study for and a 10-page takehome quiz to do... among working on Calc IV problems. O.o
No, I don't really have anything planned with the Chinese fleet. I was simply making up a bunch of news articles that were depressing or having bad things happen. It was more to show how chaotic the state of the galaxy/universe is in at the moment. I'm more than happy that you are able to use some of those news bits.
I am planning on making more, I don't know if others will, but you are all more than welcome to do so. Some of them might end up connecting with things down the road, who knows what we will do. They make things interesting nonetheless.
Very sorry for the delay, I didn't expect to be flattened by the virus from hell. XD I'll try to compile what I can tomorrow, I don't know how many notes I still have. I'm fairly sure I still have my Tau/Cynocephali stuff from Travesty but I'm not sure what else I may still have. Most of my notes on all that were on my old computer and are long gone by now. I may be able to recover something from an old novel project, though.
**** SPOILERS for those who haven't read Jay's post****
Lmao Jay, you referenced CSI. I was kinda disapointed with the end of your post. I was looking forward to seeing Shino go '**** this shit' and open a can of whoop-ass on them after she died a few times. Either that or a more humorous end. After Shino suffers multiple grueling deaths, the Spiritualist starts walking away. Shino ran up behind her and one-shotted her straight to oblivion. Shino grinned and said, "I swear! Its the last time!" Before the Apothecary could react, Shino fades away, teleporting to a far-away town.
Oh well, it was still an interesting read.
In other news, I worked 24hrs straight this weekend... then slept 14 hours... then my car died and I almost missed a test at college because of it. Yay. This week is looking pretty damn good. Go me?
Actually I could have gone a bit farther in my post, but I figured it was a good stopping point. The action continues in my next post. The Apothecary's mostly there to watch over Shino, sure, but also to drive her insane at the same time. So he'll probably die a few times, who knows. I have far more interesting things in mind than your theory. =P
I can't wait to see it. ^_^ Of course I suppose I should finish mine up pretty soon. I'm going to work on it before class unless I have to stay late at work... in which case I will work on it when I get home at 10PM. My schedule sucks. I have the whole thing in my head I just have to write it.
Yeah I noticed that CSI, and the comment telling everyone what it stood for. Definitely an interesting post. I was hoping to get my post in last night, but once I read the two posts I need to I pretty much slept for 11 hours. So I should be well rested enough to not be wanting to sleep tonight. I'm working on Aerif recruitment as well. And I need to continue on the new RP.
Plenty to keep me busy.
Well as I figured, I got out of work late. Class starts in 10 minutes... so I'll be tied up for the next 4hrs. blarg. Calc IV sucks... worse than Calc III... but not as bad as Linear Algebra will. The moral? There is none! ;)
At least you are posting Merlin in here, which is more than I can say for most of the members. It is helpful to know these things. Helps me to know that people are keeping tabs on the club, even if their lives get busy. And I even added some new entertainment as well, disappointing that no one has done anything with it to have some fun.
Well, with that start, wasn't really a start. You just described what your character was doing. It didn't really seem to start anything.
And if all our royalty characters are in the same place, I suppose it makes things a little more interesting. I suppose I'll do something with my character as well.
Well there is no great plot or anything, so you can just simply drop down a post as an intro like I did and we just go from that. It is pretty open what you want to do. I guess I could have something like, "someone approached" or something cliche like that. I just figured that we are all skilled enough to make an opening in what manner we decided.
I swear if my life was a game... my Luck stat would be a negative number. I'm going to the doctor in the morning because my wrist is hurting so bad I can't bend my hand up or down. What scares me is that it doesn't feel anything like muscle pain... it feels like when I broke my wrist. Its kinda pathetic... I've been trying to type a story post one-handed. I can't even tie my own shoes.. LOL. I have no clue why the hell it hurts... but I'll find out in the morning. In the meantime Im going to stop typing. I'm not getting very far with one hand. I'll post tommorrow with an update.