You know, as I read the preview, I heard the Yugioh Abriged voice of Yami Yugi. XD
And yes, it's been a while since Cesar has posted here, and I will keep an eye out for those books.
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You know, as I read the preview, I heard the Yugioh Abriged voice of Yami Yugi. XD
And yes, it's been a while since Cesar has posted here, and I will keep an eye out for those books.
Oops... I seemed to have neglected TFF Royalty for reasons unknown to me or anybody else for that matter. I haven't partook in Magically Appeared because I have a slight case of writer's block due to the awaital of exam results that kind of determine the rest of my life... Stress much?
When the results come in I may be able to take part in the RP, however I'm not getting many character ideas at the moment... I wish I lived in a country with a less-stressful education system...
Its good to see that you posted Loco, now how about seeing you post a character profile for the RP. ^^; I know you're a busy man, so if you can't that's fine. It would be nice to have a few more people in the RP. And try not to be gone as long the next time and also tell us that you are leaving on a haitus as well so you we don't think something horrible happened.
And I'm glad to see you Aerif as well. With all of the recent members that I accepted into the club seeing so few of them still around becomes disconcerting indeed. Well hopefully you'll be able to get through the writer's block of yours at point and join us. The RP will still be there, I don't plan on letting them both die out. Fantasy seems to be where we are at anyway.
I look forward to your posts Merlin. A false preview is amusing, you always have something interesting going on in your posts.
And I will working out a reply post for the RP currently. Given what Shadow had happen I have to make a lot of adaptations on the spot. But hey, that's what its all about going with the flow. Anyway, Mondays are never a good day for me to do creative works because I'm usually running on empty from lack of sleep on Sunday. So I should be better shape to do something on Tuesday. My mind has been working on some ideas, so I will see what I end up doing.
Cetra_Aeris absence has been quite long. And Zell popped in and disappeared as I expected. As I said I think a week ago, you probably don't want to rely on Zell Merlin. Though you seem to have things in mind already, so I don't think I have worry about that.
Yeah the review is false... kindof. I've had it ready to write for days, but I can't type it up with one hand. Well I could, but it'd take a longass time... ^_^ I can't get to the doctor with my schedule and Motrin/Tylenol isn't doing shit.
Yeah yeah.. excuses, but when you can't even operate a mouse... there's a problem. At least its not carpal tunnel... I know that much.
Anywho, its pissing me off. I have so many ideas crammed in my head and I can't get them typed up. I'm going to start writing it all on paper before I forget(or the most likely I change it 5X).
Well I got my post up finally, Tuesday was my sleepy day. Oh well, at least I was able to post. It felt a little weak to me near the end, but I'm not really sure why. I felt like it ran out of steam, though I wanted to end at that point to make clear where Eris was at the moment. This should provide Shadow and myself with enough entertainment I think until Lady Rika is finished with her character and ready to join up with us.
I hope your hand is better soon. I can only imagine the pain both physically and the thought of not being able to get your thoughts and ideas down when you want. Good luck, Merlin.
I've been neglecting to finish up on the second character I made. I will have to finish that since I'm going to start using him in the next post. As there are events that are going to began happening in Eris' village. So I'll have that up soon and fleshed out more than what it is. Though its going to be difficult to follow the trail of a teleporting party.
I thought it was turning into [loud booming voice]"Rape Victim: Part II!"[/loud booming voice] da da dum!
They got some wierd fetishes in that country if they pay for sex with pregnant women. I figured she'd get disqualified for that, but I guess they could offer it as a discount.... And before some random nosy-ass onlooker starts calling me out... DISCLAIMER: I hate rape and prostitution, but its a fact of life. Women were sold(and still are) as objects for money, goods, etc... so don't go crying over it. There was no joke in my statement... because frankly the subject is not funny. :lick:
Where was I? My hand's still being a bitch-ass but I'm typing slowly but surely. O.o
Her pregnancy is not apparent at this point, she is only two months pregnant. Its going to be another month or two before she starts showing the signs physically. Before then she is going to look pretty much normal, with maybe morning sickness or something like that. So until she tells someone they won't know. I doubt that she will be staying there for that long. Maybe a week, but it depends on how long Shadow wants to take to rescue me.
Well I was going to post like 2 days ago but the genius staff didn't bother to make a global announcement saying that the site was going to be down so I spent half the day mindlessly hitting Refresh. (actually I didn't, but I checked it every hour ^_^ )
EDIT: My post is up now. ^_^
Don't read the rest of this until after you read my post:
Spoiler: If you happen to know 80's music, the lyrics might sound familiar. Its a slightly edited version of George Michael's 'Kissing a Fool'. If anyone wants to hear the original I can post a link. I had already wrote the post up and I was listening to my Faith CD and when I heard the song I knew I had to blend it into the story.
As you can see, someone did in fact die... well in her mind anyway, but yeah. I threw in a couple curve-balls in there. You'll probably hate me when you read Part II of this... XD I'm having fun with cliffhangers at the moment.
Hopefully it was enjoyable to read... I had fun writing it. If not, feel free to tell me so I can improve on stuff. I don't know if nobody says anything.. haha!
EDIT: I'll have to change my char profiles, because some of the information is no longer accurate. I changed several key personality/historical features that I may or may not have put in the original profiles. I was originally going for one angle, but when I started writing I chunked all of it and started from scratch. I like it a lot better now.
I actually did like the post. And the cliffhanger was nice. If it were me I probably would have kept writing till I was done. >.>;
About the only thing that I had a problem with when reading it was that I think I got a little confused. Since as you said you changed the personalities of the characters and their histories seeing them changed, but still in the other light. It left me double checking myself to make sure I was reading things correctly. After reading on it set itself into place, but lacking the clarity of who was speaking at times in the beginning confused me. But as I said I think part of that was I was still thinking in a different light about the character, so it seemed contradictory to what I was reading. Thus had a little difficulty to seeing them as the same.
That minor thing aside it was very fun read. The changes you made to the character were definitely surprising and will be very interesting to see progress. You gave quite the dark twist to the priestess, I guess it makes her more human even though it is a little twisted what she did. But there is darkness even in the purest of lights. I'm not positive, but Tyrbane and her are old character names of yours if I remember right. I thought they were a couple or at least familiar with each, so seeing this division was quite the change in characters. I'm looking forward to see what more you have in mind.
I haven't changed the profiles yet, sillypants. I said I was going to.. lol.
Yeah it was probably confusing, since Gwinnyn is completely different from what she was when I originally created her long long ago. Gwinnyn in my main story is a Princess of a forest kingdom, who grew up with good parents and a wonderful life. I came up with that idea before I had any hard life lessons. Its a pretty picture, no doubt... but too damned perfect. Sure there's the father vs. son angle, but it reminded me too much of a fairy tale scenario.
Unfortunately, she was not so lucky in this RP. Actually none of them are. Originally it was going to be Tyrbane and Gwinnyn together and Alastora was simply an add-on character... but I kept coming up with all these ideas I wanted to mess with. I wanted something edgier. Its a bit more dark than what I was going for, but there's light at the end of the tunnel... maybe? ;!
If you ever read/watched anything from CLAMP, they often have cameo appearances that are main roles in other stories... but their personalities are completely different due to the situations. Take Syaoran for instance. In CardCaptor Sakura, he was an enemy of Sakura, but in Tsubasa Chronicle they are lovers. Basically, rather than simply stealing their names from my main story, or copy+pasting their identities here, I threw them into a situation where their lifestyles and behavior would become quite different from before. Its a lot more fun that way. At least I think so. O.o
As for my latest creation, Yuuna, she's there for my comic relief. I won't deny that I got the idea for her character from Akira Kogami on Lucky Star. You can see her right before the ending credits on every episode. She's freaking awesome. Of course, once again its not some cheezy copy+paste job. I took the base idea of the way she acts on the show and created a character that acts similar, but for different reasons, etc.
Anywho, on to finish writing Part II. There might be 3 parts... I haven't decided. But I can guarantee that someone will die... :P I wasn't joking about that. ^_^
Yeah, I've recently learned that CLAMP likes to do the cameos. Considering that I had only really seen their main pieces, it was a fact that I had not realized. I also had not seen most of their works, X and Chobits have no cameos as I am aware of, the same goes for Rayearth. Though I realized that Tsubasa Chronicles did that, as well as Kobato.
But that aside, I understand the point that you are making. I figured that the originals were not going to be the same as the one in here, though I imagined that there were some similiarities. That you decided to change things up and go for a more darker story should be very daring with characters you already know so well.
I was surprised to see that you linked up all of the characters that you created making them related or know each other. It seemed at least from the initial post that they were going to be two different groups. But you may have had links in mind already. But it will certainly make things interesting. Though the deceased status on the priestess is well, not so deceased. Unless that is going to remain the same and some sibling fight makes that happen. Well either way, I look forward to seeing what you have planned.
I'm back from vacation, rawr! Well, I did get back yesterday but the plane got delayed twice and by time I actually got back to the house it was late and I was tired. So anyways, I'm going to be catching up on posts for the next couple of days or so. I haven't decided yet but I'm considering changing characters. We'll see how it goes, I need to read through all the new posts and such first.
Welcome back!
Since DH hasn't had time to catch up, my response to Andro will be blanked out:
Spoiler: Well it would be too predictable if Alastora was the one who died.. because it would be a-typical tragedy... they finally find each other only to lose everything again. It would be even more a-typical if both Alastora and Tyrbane died. And wow, it would be a-typical romance if they both managed to get back together with no hitches! Wow. The conundrum I backed myself into. Of course, seeing as how I already have a label saying that one character is dead and that character is actually not dead yet... it kinda blows things. Oh well. The way she dies will definitely be interesting nonetheless. When everything is said and done with this particular story arc, none of them will be left unscathed to some extent.
Then, I can go back to a not-so depressing story arc. Their past is tragic but their future shall not be. Tragedy helps make people stronger, if it doesn't kill them..(mentally or physically) :)
Well the forums are back, so it is glad to finally see that we can resume things now. I'm glad to see to you back DH, I hope that this forum breakdown does not make you absent. I'm afraid how many members we are going to lose if only for several days until they find that the forums are back. Hopefully, I'm just worrying for no reason, but I remember the .org days all too well.
That said, I will be curious to see what you plan to do DH. I didn't know that you had become hesitant about your character. The RP is obviously open to new or additional characters, as you can see that we have already done that to some extent. I hope to see a post from you soon.
And now that the forums are back Shadow should be able to begin to focus on writing again.
Spoiler: You know if you do the opposite only because the other is typical and say doing the opposite is typical too. Its like backing yourself into a corner. It does not really matter if it is typical or unexpected, but if it is enjoyable and done well. Which I have no doubt that it will be enjoyable. And yes, what doesn't kill you usually makes you stronger.
I remember the .org days too and I'm glad there's no repeat of that fiasco this time. To be honest it actually worked out well for me as I've been using the downtime to catch up on my reading - I'm on my third novel since returning from Florida with three left on the to-read list before I buy more.
Plus I've got one long short story and two novels to work on in addition to the RPs. I'll remind myself to put aside some time just for the club but I am trying to focus on my latest novel as much as possible so I may not be active every day. I'll aim for at least twice a week for the RP, depending on how well the novel goes.
I'm still not entirely sure about Kaida, though. There's nothing wrong with her per se, I'm just not feeling as enthusiastic as I did before about shapeshifters. I'll keep thinking on it for now.
Posting twice a week in the RP would be more than enough, seeing as we usually get in one post a week or so. It depends on how quick the others are. One is only as fast as the person they are waiting on. So if you aim for that I doubt there will be any problems.
As for your character, well you can always keep her around and just make a new one. You may feel her a little later and can pick her back up then. She is not attached to anyone at the moment so there is no worries there.
And good luck on the novel writing.
I wish I had time to work on a novel... lol. I quit my old job but I'm still swamped. I leave at 7AM and get home around 6:30 PM (gotta love those 1hr drives...) so basically I have no day left. Just think what it was like when I turned around and went to a second job from that... LOL.
Anyways, Andro, my mind works kinda like a series of 24... I love plot twists that leave you wondering what's really going on. I myself don't even know how certain things will play out because I am constantly adjusting things, fine-tuning details, or completely scratching angles. Also, from the standpoint of a casual reader, they wouldn't have read my profiles and what we would perceive as 'obvious' would not be to them. The obvious choice to us is based off of the knowledge of what I have written on the side... which I still haven't edited. TFF is running sluggish so I'm not going to mess with it tonight.
In other news, I wonder if posts still have a character-limit... XD Anyone remember those days? We competed to see who could break the character-limit on RP posts. That was fun. I'm not saying I will, but I was thinking of posting up the whole conclusion to my current plot line so I can move forward with interaction. It would be rather lengthy. I would of course separate it into sections(chapters) but it would allow my characters to move forward from where they are.
Anywho, idc either way. Its basically all written up at this point... I'm just fine-tuning some stuff.
There is a still a character limit, but it is a much higher now than the small 20k that we had. Yeah, breaking 20k back in the old days was fun to do. Though these days it is pretty easy to crack 20k without trying too hard to do it. The current limit is 50k, which is roughly 18-20 pages, depending on the density of your writing. I wrote a 22 page episode and it was around 60k I think, I remember I had to pull back like 4 pages to fit it into the post. It is still possible to break 50k, but it requires a lot more effort and a lot more story to do so.
And yeah I know what you mean about leaving people guessing and wondering what is going to happen next. While my character does not have nearly as many mysteries or twists, another character in a different I am working has plenty. So it is fun to write things out and see what people think of the newest development and twist in the character and story. I look forward to what you have planned.
Anyone planning on posting soon, or is the Bleach RP that interesting? :sleepy:
Actually, both Shadow and I are working on posts. I would have had my up last night, but it was getting too late for me to finish it up. But it'll be up sometime tonight, if I manage to beat Shadow to the post. Otherwise, I'll have to add in the Eris part and increase its length more. But that should answer your question.
I probably would have had a post sooner, but I was finishing work on my new story that I was writing. And yes, I knock out a quickie for the Bleach RP. You'll have at least one new post tonight I can tell you that for certain. And maybe even two.
Yes, I'm posting. Keep your pants on. It's being worked on currently.
It's not like the RP is going anywhere. It's just us three currently anyway, so where's the fire?
I think you just proved my point, Jay. I might not have much free time, but my mind is always churning on ideas for different stories. It never stops. I end up re-writing an idea multiple times before it ever hits paper/computer. If my characters never interacted with anyone, I could summarize right now what would happen in the next 5+ posts.
Is it because I am only doing one RP? One could claim that I suppose, but it really is irrelevant. Its all in the matter of how one thinks, I believe. A lot of guys waste brain activity fantasizing about what they can't have... beautiful women, money, etc... I use that wasted processing power towards creativity.
The question isn't why am I pushing, but why aren't you pushing yourself? ^_^
Because I just said. There's no rush. It's not going anywhere.
There's no fire. There's no hurry. My post will be up when it's done. It's about half way done at this point anyhow, so it'll get up eventually.
Why push myself when there's no reason to? >_>
The only one waiting for me is you. Not 4 or 5 other people. There's a difference.
I don't think the way you do. My ideas don't come like that the way they do for you. Mine come on the go. They come as I write or as I read.
You have to remember that not everyone thinks the way you do.
If there were about 5-6 active people on here, then there'd be a reason to push myself like I have done in the recent past. But it's just us three. So what's the hurry? I mean honestly.
And the question is why you're pushing. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have asked it.
Honestly. What's the reason for your rush, aside from lack of plentiful free-time?
You realize that it is that sort of thinking that kills RPs. If someone thinks that they have all the time, then they are going to take it. If they think that there are people waiting and it is important to go, then it will be done quickly. It is important that we don't get into the mind set that fewer people means that we can stand around and waste time. If anything, it should mean that it is easier to push things through and there is fewer people that we are waiting on.
The only thing that usually holds me back is that I have queue. I have to prioritize things into importance and time. If typically gauge RPs off the priority when did I post last. If I posted two weeks ago, I want a post soon. if I posted 4 days ago, it can wait for that two week one. And then RPs all get back sitted when I am writing a story, since I try to keep on schedule with it.
But once someone post you should be thinking up the post and writing out a response. Unless there is another people holding you up.
Well, don't forget that TFF has been down practically the whole week, which didn't really help speed things along. If TFF was never down, my post would have been up a week ago. Honestly.
And yes, it's this kind of thinking that kills RPs...... when there's actually people waiting. >_>
But nobody is waiting except for you and Merlin. So why lie to myself? D:
I'm usually good about getting my posts done when they need to be done, so don't worry about it.
To me, Merlin is like this: Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry, Go Go Go Go Go Go Go!
I don't want my posts to look like crap just because Merlin wants to rush. >_>
Using the forums as an excuse is kinda sad anyway. That's an entire week you had to work on a post without anyone pushing you. A whole week with nobody waiting on you to post. Imagine how much you can write in that amount of time?
This whole site is that way. People don't post unless you force them to. Its retarded.
:yoursign: Excuse me for giving a shit about the place. I keep doing that for some reason. Its my weakness I suppose. I keep hoping that other people will step up and care about TFF but it never happens. My bad... maybe I'll just start working on my own story again and screw the idea of ever RPing. I mean, its like I'm wasting my time or something.
Yes. I had a whole week. But my posts don't take hours to complete. They take an hour at most, and then there's all that waiting. And waiting. And waiting for the forum to come back up.
And no, using the forums as an "excuse" isn't sad. Because it was a fact. TFF was down practically a whole week. I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't contact you or anything. Don't take it out on me.
And who said I can't come up with anything? My post is half-way done and I just started it last night.
And I wasn't bashing you. Don't mistake it for that. I'm just saying, if you don't want my posts to be crap, then don't rush me. >_>
And I can't write a post if I don't have anything to refer back to D:
Well I finished my post up, I managed to get it in before Shadow. ^^; So whenever he posts his thing I'll take the time to write up something for Eris. I decided that it was time to explore the second character that I created. He serves a couple purposes, the main one being that it fills you in on what is going on at the village in the aftermath. Which should provide for some interesting developments in the future.
Spoiler: Not much of a spoiler, but in either case. To be known as the one that re-ignited the war is not a pleasant thought for one. While the war is obviously going on in the north, the development here has sparked a new border dispute that will likely crumble into war.
The other purpose provides me with an additional character that also is a better of a villain. Though he is no more villainous than anyone else. But since he is hunting Eris, he will be an enemy to her. But not to others. Though I will have to sort out something for hunting someone that can teleport around.
And please don't say that Merlin in the heat of moment of an argument with Shadow. I don't want to lose you, since I know that you do care about what happens. It makes me glad to know that there is someone else besides myself that cares, enough so to get angry over it. You should know by now that I'm not going to let something die if I can help it. The RP is not going to die anytime soon. I have Shadow's ear, so I can bug him until he's blue in the face. And we have you. And I think Dragonheart is returning, but I don't have her ear to bug her. But I have PMs. ^^;
Well, my examination results came in and it has officially ended my writers block, so now that I've overcome the stress I'm considering joining 'Magically Appeareed'. From what I've seen it's been more active than any other Royalty RPs I've seen so far. But that's because it's practically the only one on the forum being posted in.
I'm character writing just now so expect something in a few days.... I've just got to read through the ever-such-a-large-amount of information, profiles and the RP before I can really start writing.
Don't expect me to be absent for too long!