Well, I don't mean the sport, I mean "Boxing" as in the martial art. It can be hand to hand combat, but have its own skills and techniques and such, like other martial arts.
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Well, I don't mean the sport, I mean "Boxing" as in the martial art. It can be hand to hand combat, but have its own skills and techniques and such, like other martial arts.
Boxing has been around for freaking ever... The term "boxing" usually refers to a sport, not a specific form of martial arts, because all it is is punching. Western boxing is rather generalistic compared to typical fighting styles. That is unless you refer to more complex forms of fighting such as Muay Thai, which is similar to boxing but is a lot more diversified and was actually used for combat situations in early Thailand history. Many early cultures were not able to create weapons and relied on hand-to-hand combat, such as Muay Thai, Shaolin kung fu and others... so yeah, you can use it. You just might want to be more specific than "boxing". XD
Ah, I get you now. Yeah. It's just punching. Perhaps Muay Thai would be the best one to use. I think I'll go with that.
Name: Makunouchi Matsuri
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: Born and raised in Kithur; Currently in Lothua.
Magic Element: Wind and Fire
Occupation: Martial Artist
Social Status: Middle-High Class
Weapons: Fists & Feet/High-Speed
Appearance: Always has bandages wrapped around her feet up to her knees. She wears no shoes. Red eyes, white hair. She wears a custom made martial arts gi. White with red outlining. Her white hair is tied in a pony tail. The tip of the tail meets her mid back.
Background: Born in Kithur and they discovered her hidden abilities. She had learned the art of Muay Thai ever since she was old enough to stand. She could be considered a master at her young age of 19. In her country, she had been deemed the strongest and most magically talented person with three abilities. However one of those abilities was very hard to discover with her martial art history. Her high-speed was thought to only be impeccable reflexes and rhythm. While that was true, she had actual speed talent within her. Her kicks are literally as fast as the wind, hence her ability to use wind, and her punches burn anything they touch. She was the perfect warrior. However, once she was tired of the military life, she fled. She happened to meet someone who was in charge of the underground refugees in Lothua. She currently street fights anyone who is willing to challenge her.
Well I finally got my profile finished as I promised. I really enjoyed writing it but I have a few questions. Do you plan to make any of us meet up? I hope you don't find this stupid but I have been in roleplays where the characters never met up together. Also what is the basic plot, what do you really want to happen? Or are you gonna let us roam free and do as we please?
Name: Aubrey Andain
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nationality: Born and raised in the hills of Cormenyr
Magic Element: Fire
Occupation: Seamsmaster, dressmaking, ect
Social Status: Lower Class
Weapons: Recurve Bow
Appearance: Though he makes his living by sewing and creating beautiful clothing Aubrey himself dresses very humble. Usually wearing only a simple white open necked shirt with dark brown pants neatly cut above the knee.
With plain, well-sewn leather shoes; Aubrey’s well kept garments match his appearance. His raven black hair that reached past his shoulders was pulled back into a ponytail. Though he has enough money for food, Aubrey remains rather thin and slender for a young boy of his age. Though he is a boy, he could almost pass as a young blushing girl with his brilliant emerald eyes and pure, harmless face and soft whispering voice.
Background: At the young age of 10 Aubrey remembered getting his mother taken away from him. And the deep scent of fire and burning flesh that coated the air around the small mountain town of Cormenyr.
His mothers death never left his head, he forever felt guilty for murder that was so unjustified and cruel.
She had thought she would be safe in Cormenyr, but her skills in magic terrified them to use unnecessary procedures.
The curse of magic had been put upon her and she couldn’t help but want to use if for her own gain. To try to have a better life for her and her only son; but instead of looking at her with compassionate eyes the people screamed, “Betrayer!” or “Unholy Monster!” and with that they burned her alive.
Leaving him alone in the world of war and destitute divisions. His father had died long ago from famine, and now his mother was taken from him as well. He had nothing, except the small hut that was their home, now it was just his home. It had been there that his mother had been the town’s only seamstress, sewing beautifully elaborate clothing for those who had demanded it. But she could do more than that, her skills went farther than just simple sewing of clothes, she could also mend leather and create the strongest material for the string used in archery.
And in her spare time she learned a way of defense by studying up on the many ways of archery and fighting with such a graceful weapon.
Now he had nothing but this, the way of a Seamsmaster and the ability of experienced and very skilled archer. That’s was all he had left, all that remained of his mother and all that remained of his childhood.
But Aubrey’s optimistic nature kept him in high spirits, he livid out every day of his life very slowly with only the small snips of scissors or the light flexing sound of thread being pulled threw cloth. Being soldiers came threw often, he would be in charge of repairing their clothes, shoes or weapons if they had bows. He had even been in charge of suturing wounds of injured soldiers or other villagers of his town.
Though this gave him things to do, he rarely got paid for his services. Just a gracious pat on the head and the occasional, “Good girl.” He got his gender confused often by people outside of his village and had even been hit on a few times but was never truly approached and wanted in such a desired way, so he was thankful for that.
It was only when he reached his fifteenth year that he had began to realize that he too had the ability to bend fire to his will. It was just another night in his meager home, he had tried many times to light his fireplace but the flames just wouldn’t rise. With a streak of annoyance he gave up, whipping his hand across the tiny log. It was when he looked back to it did he realize that the piece of wood had caught aflame. Ever since then, with a flick of his hand or with a simple thought, fire would pour out from anything he desired. But he didn’t see this as a gift, he rarely if ever used the magic that he figured had been handed down from his mother and all her wonder.
But hiding his powers weren’t as easy as he thought it would be, he knew one day he would be found out and maybe even murdered the same way as she.
Please tell me if their is anything that you think I should change or if their's anything that you really don't think would go well in the roleplay and i'll change it.^^
This RP is free form, like the RPs of old. There is no plot or story that I am following. All that I am thinking about is a direction of my character, but that is sure to change as my path crosses with others. I imagine that there is going to be a few people divided, but people should end grouping together through coincidences that happened to be nearby areas. Just remember that it is a large land, so if you are in the southern kingdoms, you won't be able to "magically" appear across the continent. Unless you can teleport, which is a different story and acceptable.
Everyone is going to have different reasons, and I imagine a lot of the common reasons will be exile or escape which will push people out of their safe homes and into the world where they will meet one another. I plan to make the attempt to run across everyone, especially those that maybe alone. It may take some doing, as traversing an entire continent does not happen in a day. But I imagine eventually, we will all be together.
I see Merlin and Shadow had a healthy discussion about boxing. But as I have said before, this is a fantasy world. So real world terms that are so specific do not exist. You can make up something that is exactly like something from the real world, just do not call it that. Because it is referencing a culture that does not exist in this world. You can simply say martial arts if you want, as it is a general term. You can also just making up a new name for it.
So.... I have my intro post almost done and.... yeah. *cough* ;!
Well we suddenly got the extra characters needed. So I am going to start working on my intro post for the RP. I expect to be seeing your post up shortly after mine from the sounds of it Merlin. You seem very eager to get started, seeing as you have already written up a post almost. It would be great if the RP keeps up a good pace. For me its been a while since I have had this many things to write on. This will be my third RP that I am doing here that is still current.
I don't have much else to add on, since I have not heard back or seen other posts. But Lady Rika you are welcome to join in the intraclub RP, though it sort of got buried a few pages back now I think. That did not seem to hit it off like I had hoped it would. But oh well, maybe with the right audience it will.
That aside, Aerif you are more than welcome to join as well. It would be great to have a fair number of people in the RP, so that it does not feel like we are waiting for a specific two or three people to post. But I will be just content having activity at the moment. So I have big hopes for this one.
I'm really glad to hear that character's don't all have to show up at the first because I won't be able to jump in for the summer, I'm back at camp for the last time. After that who knows, see it turns out that the school I planned on going to in the fall got shut down and now I've got to find somewhere to further my life.
Anyways all this has given me some ideas on a character so here he is.
Name: Ezhno Gyre
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Nationality: Cormenyr
Magic Element (If applicable): Not applicable at the moment.
Occupation: Currently is unemployed
Social Status: Lower Class
Weapons (If applicable): Quadraedge: A blade forged by smithing two broadsword blades together. One of the blades is split down the middle and then forged on opposite sides of the other broadsword. In Ezhno's case the broadsword blades do not all connect at the tip but instead were forged lower so that they may act as a guard for the hilt.
Appearance: Ezhno's attire consists of a ragged pair of pants with holes in them and a tunic with the sleeves torn off; both wrists are wrapped in cloth while the right hand is hidden in a worn gauntlet. His figure however is very intimidating; he stands taller than most men and is built for war. His blue eyes are cold and faded. He only carries his sword and carving tools on his person, except for the huge slab of stone he carries along with him, which is connected to a chain so that he can pull it along.
Background: Ezhno was born into the warring kingdom of Cormenyr, and was raised to know the ways of war. The town he lived in was very close to the boarders of the kingdom. However by the time Ezhno was old enough to fight the war had been over for more than a few years. So Ezhno did what any young soldier would do, he waited for another war. Once the war began between Pilner and Jumin, Ezhno made his way past the weakened boarder and into the Pilner military and fought against Jumin. It was at this time he encountered his first Alter. After cutting down the Alter and other like it he became known by his comrades as the Purger.
It wasn't until the last few months of the war that an Alter wiped out Ezhno's comrades with ease, either intentionally or not. Somehow Ezhno survived the battle and managed to make his way into a town. There he bought his carving tools and the stone slab. Feeling guilty for the loss of his comrades he created a monument with their names on it. It was then that he started wandering aimlessly through Pilner.
As he traveled throughout Pilner his aimless wandering began to take on a purpose. As he entered villages he would hear of the Alters that lived nearby and would go and seek out revenge on his fallen comrades. His experience seemed to give him an upper hand to the Alters. His tales spread throughout Pilner and he once again became known as the Purger. However the blood spilt soon stained his soul and he plunged into a murderous darkness. He began inscribing the names of the Alters he killed that put up a challenge on the stone slab.
As the rumors spread throughout Pilner the Council decided that the Purger should be welcomed into the religion. When the news that the messengers sent to welcome Ezhno were now nothing more than names on a stone slab reached the ears of the Council. They branded him as a Heretic. Before things got out of hand Ezhno fled to Jumin.
It was in Jumin that Ezhno encountered a soothsayer. The only words that were spoken still remain in Ezhno's mind even now. "A light will come to pull you out of your darkness." It has been a year since those words were spoken and now Ezhno searches for that light.
Well I have the RP up now. It took longer than I was hoping, but I was having a little trouble getting started. I did not cover everything that I wanted to in the post, but I did not want have it carry on too long. I'm still trying to feel out my character a little so it feels a bit rough to me. But it'll improve I know.
I'll be curious to see what the rest of you do. I have been thinking about taking the cue from Merlin and creating another character. Since doing so would allow me to be in other places making it a little easier for those like Lady Rika who are on the other side of the continent. I have a feeling that might be what Merlin is doing as well.
Let's try to keep this one going and those in the Divided Connections RP, do not forget about it. I still want to keep it going as well.
I have several characters so that I always have something to write about. If one gets hung up waiting on someone to post, I can go with another angle and keep posting. Of course, if all of them get tied up waiting on people... then you all just need to hurry the hell up... haha!
Greetings Royalty,
I have returned from my study abroad session in Japan and am eager to have little responsibility in the real world for a few months. If you would be so kind as to accept my character biography for the newly formed RP there would be much gratitude involved.
Hope every one is welll ^_^
Duke Dincht
Name: Korin TaMayin
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Nationality: Jumin
Magic Element (If applicable): Protection and Terra manipulation magical expertise.
Occupation: Prior to his Military Career he was an apothecary
Social Status: Medicinal Class Citizen, Lower-High Class Family Background, Well known combatant in the Jumin Military.
Weapons (If applicable): Korin only keeps a medium blade as per the request of the Jumin Military. He is more than confident in his own magical abilities and feels like melee combat is a waste of talents and vital energies.
Appearance: Korin stands at just under two meters tall with very broad shoulders making his presence very noticeable. His typical garment of choice is a set of crude armor that was made for him when he joined the Jumin Military, it has of course been refitted over time. The caked on dirt that adorns his very presence has become a trademark of sorts.
Background: Korin is from the high part of the Jumin social hierarchy, or rather what is left of the hierarchy. When his magic was discovered nearly nineteen years ago he was quickly shuffled out of the Medicinal field and put to work in the Military. Now because he is able to manipulate earth they forced him to clear mountain passes, create roads, assist in construction of barracks. They also used him to develop new ways in attacking their enemies. It wasn't until a few years ago that the major conflict with Kithur began, then his true talents were forced out of him.
His earth manipulation skills were geared towards tearing rifts in the ground making bunkers for his country and creating pitfalls for the other country. When they could advance he would simply close them both and push it forward. It was an excellent strategy. He had impressed the military leaders of Jumin and instead of marking Korin a social outcast as many other Magic users he was counted as a privileged combatant and military strategist. It was a relationship of fragile proportions however; one small mistake and Korin knew that they would disband him or take away what few freedoms he enjoyed. He didn't wish to be treated as the fire users that were kept in steel crates until needed.
Currently he is a member of a special operations group thats primary purpose is to dismantle the Kithur government in whatever means possible. He was specifically chosen because of the rocky and mountainous terrain. His shield techniques would be necessary to the success of the mission.
Hey Zell, its been a while. I'm glad to see you again. I hope you stay around longer this time. It is good that you are back. I don't see anything wrong with your profile. Feel free to post when ever you can. And please post around here too.
Oh, its a subject that came up the last time. This a RP club, so all of the activity is RPing. But in spite of that fact, did you want to move the OoC into its own thread? I can work either way. I like having it in here so that we can have the discussions to keep up activity in here. But I can create one for it if you feel like it is going to be too much hassle.
Well I posted my intro up. I'm quite rusty, so it'll take me a few posts to get back into the swing of things. I really didn't grammar-check the shit out of it so I might have missed stuff I normally would see... ;! I was going to write more, but I figured that was a good stopping point for those two characters.
I've enjoyed what I've read so far merlin, I like the character dynamics that you put into those two.
Thanks Andromeda and I will stick around longer this time ;) I vote for keeping the OoC for all of the Royalty RP's in the club thread. Keeps everything much more active in these parts.
Darn you Merlin, you took my Uguu idea. =(
Now I have to use "ahaha~" or "gao~" or "fighto dayo~" XD
Sorry, its a phrase I've used it since the first episode of Kanon, so its basically second-nature to me... ^_^
First up, I can't post until Friday night since I work 2 jobs now and its 80 hrs a week. Whenever I am off of my old job and/or on the weekends I can post. This week that means Friday and Saturday.
Secondly, I kinda assumed I had another post or two to flesh things out and explain the agency in-story in greater detail before someone tried to meet up with my characters, but that didn't happen. No big deal, it just totally threw me off of what I was brainstorming on... lol. Zell I think you misunderstood my character profiles for Sizuru and Alastora. You kinda made a giant leap before I had fully explained how they operate... ;!
They aren't like the Navy Seals or Army Rangers, etc... The only thing they have in common with groups like that is that they do precision strikes, raids, etc. If you've ever watched shows like 24, or even certain movies, the U.S. has several military 'cells' that are so top-secret they technically don't exist on paper. Only a few key people in any given military or government agency are aware of them. Their job is typically to do things the government would never openly agree with or admit to, like the Pilner strike. The government isn't about to say "the Pilner Religion is out of hand and needs to be stopped", because they have trade deals, etc with that country and don't want to start a war. Covertly, they sent Sizuru and Alastora to do exactly what they said they did not agree with. The beauty of politics. You can think of them as government-funded terrorists mixed with Mi6 and Mission Impossible if that makes more sense.. haha.
You did touch on one thing that is true... if the agents or agency itself goes dark, there is no freaking way you can get into contact with them. Once they have a green light for a mission, there is no going back.
I suppose I should give the agency a name so I stop saying 'the agency'. Perhaps the M.C.T.U. While the MCTU is made up of both male and females, all mages are females, which is a distinction from other groups. Details on that later.
With that in mind, the regular military or even other special military groups wouldn't be giving Sizuru and Alastora missions, because they don't exist. Instead of having you rewrite your whole thing, I can come up with a way to go around it. Perhaps it was leaked to your unit that the MCTU was making a strike on Pilner, which is possible... shit happens, especially since its medieval times and all. Its impossible to be totally covert with no phones, etc available for communication. Anywho, your unit figured 'hey, great time to try to get them to help us'. Problem is, Sizuru and Alastora went dark and you have no freaking clue where they are. Something like that maybe.
If that didn't make any sense let me know. I hurriedly wrote that since I just got home from job#2 and have 5 hrs before I need to get up to go to job#1... bear with me. haha.
It totally makes sense to me, so I can help explain it if Merlin isn't able to.
And also, who would like to meet up with me? =P
Merlin's characters seem fun, but they're all the way over there.
Uguu~ vs Gao~
Well, I suppose Kaida could have a brief encounter with your character if you'd like. I don't have anything planned out for her so I'm sure I could come up with some sort of reason for her to visit the city and be in the general vicinity of the arena. (By the way, does the city have a name or is it simply called Lothua, same as the kingdom? )
Well I had to a write a post for another RP prior to this one, since it was a little longer coming. But I'll be putting my next post together tomorrow. So it will probably be up in the evening hours before I get to sleep. I do not plan on slowing things down or waiting on everyone to post. They can post when they have their time to do so. I will be keeping things moving along so that the momentum is not lost.
I don't mind Merlin that you can only post on the weekends. Weekends are definitely good times to write for me as well. And if that is the case then I have and others can have time during the week to react to what you have posted and hopefully have something up for you by the time the weekend comes again. At least I hope things can go like that. But we shall see how things go.
And Merlin is right about the post Zell. If he is working for a secret organization that barely the government even knows, then you would not even come close to knowing about it. You can be in the same area doing some sort of mission or whatever, but knowing about Merlin's mission is not really very plausible. If you are against completely rewriting the post, then I guess taking Merlin's advice about it being leaked information would be the other alterative. Either way the post needs to be edited to account for it in which ever fashion you can manage.
I am enjoying the posts made thus far. I can tell that Merlin you are having a lot of fun with your character. I am looking forward to seeing more. With all of the depressing and angsty mood of the RP a lighthearted cheerful character will brighten things up a lot. Keep on posting everyone. ^^ And Lady Rika and Atma whenever you are can join us please do. And Aerif whenever you wish to create a character for it I look forward to seeing you in the RP.
Oh, DH I love the banner. ^^
Don't tell me you all went blank in the head already... I hate seeing RPs with a bunch of intro posts and thats it. I mean sure, I haven't posted again.. but I also work 80 hrs a week. I'm going to post again tomorrow night(most likely very late at night), but don't you all sit around waiting on it... keep going... ;!
Heh. I have absolutely no way to keep going. Besides, I'm the last one that posted, so don't tell me to keep going. >.>
I'm waiting on others. heh.
I would have had a post up yesterday Merling, but sadly I fell asleep against my will, so to speak. And tonight, well I was playing GrimGrimoire with Shadow. But I will be getting up a post tomorrow I hope. Its Friday, so I can burn the midnight oil if I must to get it done. Oh don't worry Merlin, I'm not playing on letting the RP die so long as I'm not the last poster.
Lol. I don't wait on anyone. I continue to brainstorm, outline, and write even if my char is interacting with someone else's char. I have multiple angles set up so that even if that person doesn't post, I still can. It might be harder for people who don't brainstorm as much as me, I suppose. My brain is always churning with new ideas.Quote:
Originally Posted by Great Writer Vicky
Yeah, that's all fine and good, but I don't write that way.
I can't brainstorm if I'm the last one that posted. =P
Cause, you know.. double posting isn't good and whatnot. =P
But yeah. I just came up with a few ideas a bit ago while I was in the restroom. xD
I think I'll probably create another character to be a 'rival' to my character. Not evil or anything, just a rival of sorts. And probably wander around or something.
Though if no one has posted yet, I can't really do anything. So.. I still have to wait regardless, ne? =P
I'll have a revised post up sometime this weekend along with another post in the workings. Perhaps we could talk about it a bit Merlin? Instead of saying that my character was sent to find you, he was 'hinted' at the fact that there could be help for him coming back from the lower country.
I'm up to ideas/suggestions from you if you wanted to somehow get a story line going for perhaps a misson/set of events.
You still have time to work on it, my next post will avoid yours all-together, since I have one more task in Pilner. Unfortunately, my next post will not be a humorous one. I'm jumping to the other side of the scale towards grief, despair, anger, and so forth. I have to knock out the 'painful past' stuff so certain characters of mine can move forth in his/her/their life. Could I be any more vague? Indeed. Thats all I'll say for now. It should be rather interesting.
As for when they come back, yes saying that you got a tip or something is fine. Just keep in mind that having a bunch of lookouts/spies trying to find them is more likely to make them go dark than anything. They wouldn't approach someone when they know they are being watched, ally or not. Actually that gives me an idea... anywho, whatever you decide won't affect me much in the end. I always have alternate routes devised ahead of time. I think dynamically.. ;!
Yeah, I'm starting to think of a lot of things for my character, too. So regardless if I interact with anyone or not, won't stop me from posting. It'll just.... make it my own story, pretty much.
Well I thought I was going to post tonight, but I haven't had any sleep all week and I'm going to bed... so :P
I bought a 2000-page programming book I need to read too... uguu... at least my job is paying for the book. O.o
Well I started writing the post, its taking longer than I was planning thanks to being high off of too much sugar at work. And my birthday is tomorrow, or today however you want to look at it. So too much sugar means hyper and pretty unreasonable, mentally. And a singular event in the year tomorrow. So it might be a little difficult to get it up even tomorrow like I was hoping. Sunday is all clear though, so I should be able to finish it then if Saturday proves too difficult. Sorry about that, it won't be like this every time. Just a serious of events lining up.