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Thread: The TFF Language Guide

  1. #31
    The TFF Language Guide Wookie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Far beyond the Sun
    Seems that my last post went largely unnoticed, being the last on a page, so I'll try again:

    What does the symbols in Odin's FFVIII summoning sequence mean, and what does Zanetsuken mean???

  2. #32
    If any one needs help with spanish i'm thier man as i am half spanish and am fluent in it, plus 1-10 in japanese is:


    but one thing, could someone give me a list of striking points on the human body in japanese as i study karate and am currently at 6th kyu and a Sempai (Assistant instructor).

    Many thanks

  3. #33
    Eh? Ronin, I find that those japanese words, 1-10 that you wrote in Japanese translation is somewhat wrong. Though it's pronounciations from yours were quite similar... just not close enough.


    Ichi: One
    Ni: Two
    San: Three
    Shi, yon: Four
    Go: Five
    Roku: Six
    Shichi, nana: Seven
    Hachi: Eight
    Kyuu, ku: Nine
    Juu: Ten

    These are the proper Japanese words translated from 1-10. Why? Because seeing how I've been taught these words, and have been studying Nippon{Japanese}, for quite a long time{about over 5 years}. So yeah..^^0

    If anyone here has any difficulties, or whatsoever about Japanese, just post here and ask me, or anyone here who can speak in fluent Japanese.^_^0 Well, depending on which lanugage in Japanese you all are talking about.

    Like either on of these four:
    Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Romanji.

    Kanji: Most people use kanji. Which is usually most people use this language in Japanese. Even though the language itself is complicated. It still is more reasonable for other people to learn this.

    Hiragana/Katakana: These two languages are quite the same actually. Strange, yes? oO" lol But this is one language that is quite easy to learn, seeing how it is related to most kanji. Like saying the words from 1-10, as I pointed out before.

    Romanji: This language isn't really used much in everyday Japan life. Mostly whenever on the internet for some strange reason.^^0 lol I'm not sure what the reason is though, but I have yet to figure that one out sooner or later, ehehe. So uhm.. yeah.^^ Like those strange symbols, besides the ones that the write in Japanese characters... Uhm, preferably meaning to the "internet" foreign symbols that confuse you whenever you go to an asian/foreign site.^^0 They're mostly like romanji, or rather, part of the romaji language. Though, I'm not quite familiar much with this... -_-* Aye, gomen ka...

    But anyway, yeah... I guess that clears it all up.^_^;
    <center><img src="" border="0"><br><b>ASTROSEXY</b></center>

  4. #34
    Originally posted by Cyros of Skye
    EDIT: The numbers they are teaching you are for quantities, I just remembered. Elee, sam, sah, etc. But Otay is wrong.
    it's something like "oh tay"'s prenounced like that.

    Can you teach me some phrases? like "You is/are ____" (nuh....something)

    i think i know that the order is like "subject, subject, verb"

    i.e.-instead of "Bob is running", it goes "Bob running is" in Korean, right?

    thanks, kupo

  5. #35
    The TFF Language Guide Malevolence's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Jeez, I think I really AM living in Tolwyn right now...o_0
    Well, you said something about Russian, so here's some:

    Da: Yes

    Nyet: No

    Kak tebya zavut: What's your name?

    Kak yevo zavut: What's his name?

    Kak yeyo zavut: What's her name?

    Kto on: Who's he?

    Kto ona: Who's she?

    Kak diela: How are you?

    Privyet: Hi (informal)

    Ztracbvutye: Hello (Formal)

    Poka: Bye (informal)

    Dasvedanye: Goodbye (formal)

    Okno: Window

    Stul: Chair

    Stol: Desk/table

    There's more, I just con't feel like typing it

    Originally posted by Noble Leonhart

    Well, if you want to get back at them say this...


    > : )

    "Where is it, I've been looking for it all over!?!?!! I can't beleive you finally bastard"
    Last edited by Malevolence; 10-13-2002 at 12:01 PM.
    <img src="">


    sing me somethin' soft
    sad and delicate
    or loud and out of key
    sing me anything.

    <a href=""><img src=""></a>

  6. #36


    Im new at this forum stuff so umm HIYA!

  7. #37



  8. #38
    ::waves:: bye bye

  9. #39
    Sublime Wolfwood
    With that you have violated multiple rules AerithStrife.

    1. Posting in the wrong forum
    2. Multiple posts in succession
    3. Spam, or off topic

    May the mods have mercy on your soul...

  10. #40
    Ummm, Kay,

    Just thought I'd say that has a great language deptartment.

  11. #41

    this is German and i know a little bit or whateva and WEEEEEEE

    this is German that is taken from English and like they almost sound the same but the a,e,u,e,o's a kinda like stronger in these words ya know what i'm talking about but they r differ from english.....

    Adresse - Address
    Alkohol - Alcohol
    Bank - Bank
    Bad - Bath
    Bett - Bed
    Beir - Beer
    Butter - Butter
    Charakter - Character
    Direktor - Director
    Doktor - Doctor
    Drama - Drama
    Ende - End
    Export - Export
    Film - Film
    Garage - Garage
    Gas - Gas
    Heir - Here
    Hotel - Hotel
    Hunger - Hunger
    Lampe - Lamp
    Lang - Long
    Linie - Line
    Maschine - Machine

    The short A sound is similar to the english O in "hot"

    Kann - Can Was? - What?
    Mann - Man Pfanne - Pan

    the long ä sound is similar to the english ai in "Fair"

    spät - Late Währung - Currency
    Erklärung - Expanation Ernährung - Nutrition

    ok thats all i am going to say for now i'll put some more up later okie??? coz well yeah LMAO!!!!

  12. #42
    I've got a big Japanese Dictionary, if anyone needs it. Here it is-
    Japanese Dictionary
    Anata mo: You too.
    Ano: know...
    Arigatou: Thank you
    Baka: Stupid!
    Baka mitai!: It must hurt to be that stupid!
    Bakamono: Stupid thing.
    Baka na!: That's stupid!
    Bakayarou: Stupid jerk idiot dumb illegitimate son of a dirty street whore.
    Bishounen: Pretty boy, hunk
    Chikusho!: Powerful expletive (lit. means "beast"). Not for polite company, which means Vegeta and Bulma use it all the time.
    Chotto matte!: Now wait just a minute!
    Dame da!: Don't do that! Cut that out! It's no use! Quit it!
    Damare!: Cut it out!
    Demo...: But...
    Doko ni?: Where is...?
    Doush'tano?: What's the matter?
    Doush'te?: Why?
    Gomen: Sorry, my bad! Also "Gomen nasai!"
    Hai: Yes
    Hanash'te: Tell me!
    Hayaku!: Hurry up! Quick! Get the lead out of it!
    Hontou ni?: Really? Do you mean it?
    Hontou: It's the truth. Honest.
    Iie: No
    Ikisho/Ikuzo: Let's go!
    Ima: Now (Ima yamero=Stop that this instant!)
    Inu: dog
    Ittai dare/nanda ka?: Who/what the hairy heck is THAT?
    Jinzouningen: artificial human, i.e. cyborg or android.
    Jinzouningyou: Artificial doll. Vegeta's "pet name" (HA!) for Juuhachi-gou.
    Juuhachi-gou: Number Eighteen. Similarly, Juunana-gou is "Number Seventeen", Juuroku-gou is "Number Sixteen", etc. The designation for the cyborgs (Jinzouningen).
    Kaa-san: Mom, Mommy (also "Okaa-san")
    Kaerimashou: Let's go home.
    Kono ama!: You dirty slut!
    Kono yarou: You dumb idiot!
    Kono yogore!: You worthless piece of--um, you dumb pile of--oh, well, you get the idea.
    Kuso!: Aw, crap!
    Kusottare!: Stinking son of a...
    Masaka!: That's impossible! I don't believe this!
    Matte yo!: Wait!
    Moshi-moshi: Hello? (On the phone)
    Murasakige: "Purple Hair". Juuhachi-gou's pet name for Trunks.
    Nanda?: What is it? What did you say?
    Nande-koto-wa?: What happened?
    Nande kuso?: What's this crap?
    Nande yo?: What the heck was THAT?
    Nani?: What? Huh?
    Nani: mo Never mind
    Oji-san: Uncle (also used as a term of respect for an older man)
    Ojii-san: Grandfather (also used as a term of respect for a MUCH older man)
    Omoidatta: I remember.
    Onegai: Aw, c'mon, please?
    Oniisan: Big brother
    Onore: Why, you dirty frassenrassen...!
    Ora/Ore: I, me (slang, usually used by guys)
    Osanai ningyou: worthless doll
    Ossu!: Hi, what's up?
    Sensei: teacher
    Shimatta: Oops, my bad!
    Shimasen: Don't do this!
    Shimpai janai: Don't worry about it.
    Shine!: pronounced "shee-nay", means "Die!"
    Shiribachi: Lame butt
    Shizuka na!: Be quiet! Shut your trap! When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you!
    Sou ka?: Really? Is that so?
    Sou ne?: Isn't that how it is?
    Sou na/Sou da: Yeah, basically.
    Sugoi!: Depending on the context, means either "Whoa, cool!" or "Man, that's weird!" Sometimes pronounced "Sugei".
    Sumimasen: Sorry about that!
    Tou-san: Dad, Daddy (also "Otou-san".)
    Uso yo!: That's a lie! No way!
    Wakatta: It's understood.
    Watashi na otetsudai: I'm trapped in here
    Watashi wa shinanai: I won't die!
    Yakusoku: Promise
    Yamero!: Stop that! Also "Yamete!" or "Yamenasai!"
    Yappari!: I knew it!
    Yatta!: I/we/he/she/they did it!! Yahoo!!!
    Yosh'!: All RIGHT! Cool! Dang skippy!
    Zakkenayo!: Get out of my face, why don't you? (Well, actually, it's a BIT stronger than that...)
    Zettai omoidatta: I remember everything.
    *Remember, these words are entirely from Juuhachi-gou's Place of Being and this dictionary was taken with permission.*
    The following list came from the Temple O' Trunks. *Sorry if there are some word repeats, these are the site's dictionaries in their entirety.*
    Lesson 1: Greetings/Salutations
    Ohayoo gozaimasu = Good morning
    Konnichi wa = Hello; good afternoon
    Konban wa = Good evening
    Sayoonara = Good bye
    Lesson 2: Common, Every-day Phrases
    Ee, soo desu = That is right
    Iie, chigaimasu = That is wrong; you are mistaken
    Kyoo wa ii tenki desu ne = Nice weather today, isn't it?
    Sumimasen = Excuse me
    Arigatoo (gozaimasu) = Thank you (polite form)
    Doo itashimashite = You're welcome
    Hajimemashite = Nice to meet you
    Chooto maate = wait for a moment
    Ii desu = it's ok
    Hai (ee) = yes
    Iie = no
    NAME-san = Mr./Ms./Mrs.
    NAME-senee = Teacher; Professor
    COUNTRY-jin = [Nationality]
    COUNTY-go = [Language]
    NOUN + desu = to be; am; is; are
    NOUN + wa = [Topic]
    SENTENCE + ka = [Question]
    Lesson 3: Numbers
    ichi = 1 ni = 2
    san = 3
    shi (yon) = 4
    go = 5
    roku = 6
    shichi (nana) = 7
    hachi = 8
    ku (kyuu) = 9
    juu = 10
    juu-ichi = 11
    juu-ni = 12
    juu-san = 13
    juu-yon = 14
    juu-go = 15
    juu-roku = 16
    juu-nana (juu-shichi) = 17
    juu-hachi = 18
    juu-kyu = 19
    ni-juu = 20
    san-juu = 30
    yon-juu = 40
    go-juu = 50
    roku-juu = 60
    nana-juu = 70
    hachi-juu = 80
    kyuu-juu = 90
    hyaku = 100
    sen = 1000
    Lesson 4: Time
    NUMBER + ji = __ o' clock
    NUMEBER + ji-han = half past....
    Gozen = A.M.
    Gogo = P.M.; afternoon
    Ima = Now
    Asa = Morning
    Hiru = Daytime; noon
    Yoru = Night; evening
    Lesson 5: Vocabulary - Part 1
    Hon = Book
    Jisho = Dictionary
    Enpitsu = Pencil
    Tsukue = Desk
    Isu = Chair
    Kasa = Umbrella
    Tokee = Watch; clock
    Kaban = Bag
    Kutsu = Shoes
    Kustu-shita = Socks
    Mado = Window
    Tatemono = Building
    Gakkoo = School
    Toshokan = Library
    Byooin = Hospital
    Lesson 6: Colors
    Akai = Red
    Shiroi = White
    Aoi = Blue
    Kuroi = Black
    Lesson 7: Common Questions
    Ikura desu ka? = How much is it?
    Nan-ji desu ka? = What time is it?
    Wakarimasu ka? = Do you understand?
    Ii desu ka? = Is it ok?
    O-namae wa nan desu ka? = What is your name?
    Lesson 8: Places
    Daigaku = University; college
    Kyooshitsu = Classroom
    Yuubinkyoku = Post office
    Ginkoo = Bank
    Kissaten = Coffee shop
    Shokudo = Dining room
    Hoteru = Hotel
    Chikatetsu = Subway
    Lesson 9: People
    Watashi = I; me
    Hito = Person; people
    Kodomo = Child
    Otoko = male
    Otoko no hito = man
    Otoko no ko = boy
    Onna = female
    Onna no hito = woman
    Onna no ko = girl
    Go-shujin = Husband
    Okusan = Wife
    Gakusee = Student
    Sensee = Teacher
    Lesson 10 : Locations
    Ue = Top; on; above
    Shita = Bottom; underneath; below
    Naka = Middle; inside; in
    Mae = Front; before
    Ushiro = Back; behind; rear
    Tonari = Next to; adjacent
    Soba = Near; close by
    Yoko = Side; beside
    Koko = this place; here
    Soko = this place; there
    Asoko = that place; over there
    Doko = which place?
    Lesson 11: Vocabulary - Part 2
    Tenki = Weather
    GOHAN! (hehe, I couldn't resist) = meal; cooked rice
    Mizu = Water
    Ocha = Tea
    Terebi = Television
    Eega = Movie
    Shinbun = Newspaper
    Zaashi = Magazine
    Uchi = home; house
    Kaisha = Office; company
    Eki = (train) station
    Neko = Cat
    Inu = Dog
    imasu = there is; (for things that are alive)
    arimasu = there is; (for things that are not alive)
    Lesson 12: Days of the Week
    Nichiyoobi = Sunday
    Getsuyoobi = Monday
    Kayoobi = Tuesday
    Suiyoobi = Wednesday
    Mokuyoobi = Thursday
    Kinyoobi = Friday
    Doyoobi = Saturday
    Nan-yoobi = what day of the week
    Lesson 13: When Things Occur
    Kyoo = Today
    Ashita = Tomorrow
    Kinoo = Yesterday
    NOUN + no + ato = after...
    Taitei = Usually
    Tokidoki = Sometimes
    Sugu = Immediately
    Mada = Not yet
    Mou = Already; any more
    Hayai = Early; fast
    Osoi = Late
    TIME + goro = around...; about...
    Lesson 14: Verbs
    Wakaru = to understand
    Hajimaru = to begin; to start
    Owaru = to end
    Kaeru = to return
    Iku = to go
    Yomu = to read
    Nomu = to drink
    Taberu = to eat
    Miru = to see
    Okiru = to wake up
    Neru = to go to sleep
    Kuru = to come
    Benkyoo shimasu = to study
    Shigoto shimasu = to work
    Au = to see (a person); to meet
    Tariru = to be enough
    Hanasu = to talk; to chat; speak
    Korosu = to kill
    Kiku = to listen to; to hear
    Tsukau = to use
    Mitsu = to wait
    Yobu = to call; to invite
    Shinu = to die
    Isogo = to be in a hurry
    Tatsu = to stand up
    Yakutatatsu = to be helpful
    Ganbaru = to try one's best
    Tasukaru = to be saved; to help out
    Agaru = to enter a Japanese style house
    Lesson 15: Vocabulary- Part 3
    Yakyuu = Baseball
    Suiei = Swimming
    Supootsu = Sports
    Ame = Rain
    Yuki = Snow
    Kami = Paper
    Shosetsu = Novel
    Koukou = High school
    Bangumi = Progam (t.v, radio)
    Koto = Thing
    Tesuto = Test
    Suteeki = Steak
    Sarada = Salad
    Beeru = Beer
    Nooto = Notebook
    Rekuudo = Record
    Iroro = Various
    Takai = Expensive
    Demo = But; however
    Hanashi = Story
    Paatii = Party
    Kaijyoo = Place of meeting
    Tomodachi = Friend
    Niku = Meat
    Toriniku = Chicken
    Yasai = Vegetable
    Sakana = Fish
    Tamago = Egg
    Mise = Store
    Tokoro = Place
    Mono = Thing; object
    Doo = How
    Dooshite = How come?
    Lesson 16: Sentence Particles
    wa = [topic of sentence] example: watashi was genki = I am healthy (wa comes after the noun)
    mo = [showing similarity; also] example: sensee wa nihon-jin. gakusee mo nihon-jin = The teacher is Japanese. The student is also Japanese.
    e = [to go to a place] example: toshokan e ikimasu = go to the library
    de = [to show that something is taking place somewhere] example: kissaten de benkyoo shimasu = study in the coffee shop
    ga = [shows the noun as an object] example: neko ga imasu = there is a cat
    ni = [shows location] example: Tsukue no ue ni hon ga arimasu = there is a book on top of the desk
    no = [noun modification] example: watashi no hon = my book
    o = [to show that something is being done to something] example: Mary ga John o korosu = Mary killed John
    Lesson 17: Vocabulary - Part 4
    Ookii = Large; big
    Chiisai = Small
    Yasui = Cheap
    Atarashii = New
    Furui = Old (not someone's age)
    Oishii = Delicious
    Hiroi = Spacious; wide
    Isogashii = Busy
    Hima = To have free time
    Shizuka = Quiet
    Nigiyaka = Lively; bustling
    Kireina = Pretty; clean
    Riipa = Impressive
    Genki = Healthy; well; full of energy
    Taihen = Tough
    Zannen = Regrettable; too bad
    Kouen = Park
    Taihen = very; extremely
    Omoshiroi = Interesting
    Tsumaranai = Uninteresting; boring
    Kiipo = Ticket

    Hope, you find this interesting.

  13. #43
    Tenshi Miwako
    Wow a lot of people seem to wnat to know Japanese...seems like just a learn Japanese thread to me...I'm just kidding but anyways...if anyone is in 1st year french or something, I can help with stuff like verbs and such. I won't even offer help with Japanese considering that the majority (if not all) of this thread is people helping with japanese. Heh heh.

  14. #44
    Well..first of all...I can speak Dutch fluently..doh..since it's my main language..
    Also I'm good enough with French and if anybody wants to know something just ask me through PM.

    Anthong:..Sulime was correct about the 1-10 in Korean..I take taekwondo lessons, so I remember those from them..Takewondo is well..hehe.

    here is some more korean (sorry..they're all stuff from taekwondo lessons):

    stop: gallyeo
    red: hong
    blue: chong
    continue: gye-sog
    greet!: gyeong-rye
    get ready!: junbi
    dojang: training room

    one: hana
    two: tul
    three: set
    four: net
    five: tasot
    six: yosot
    seven: ilgop
    eight: yodol
    nine: ahop
    ten: yul

    counting until ten in chinese:
    one: il
    two: i
    three: sam
    four: sa
    five: o
    six: yuk
    seven: chil
    eigth: pal
    nine: ku
    ten: sip

    i love you: wo ai ni a little moe japanese, ok I'm not good..I just anibody can teach me more..hehe:

    my name is ...: watachie-wa ... des
    I: watachie
    you: kiemie
    you (formal): anata
    he: kare
    she: kano-djo
    we: watachie-tatsjie
    you (more than one): kiemie-tatsjie
    you (more than one formal): anata-ngato
    they (male): kare-ra
    they (female): kano-djo-ra

    rabbit: usagi
    boiled rice: gohan
    weapon: buki
    holland: oranda

    well..I'm out of knowledge now..I know more, but I'm too sleepy to think..I hope somebody can learn something from this

  15. #45
    can anyone help me with Italian, im learning rite now in skool, an i seem to be a lil behind and dont get stuff, anybody can help?

  16. #46
    Not me. Is arrivederci Italian or not? Anyways, my friend Chibi contributed this other Japanese Dictionary:
    Abunai - Watch out!
    Aishiteru - I love you
    Aitusu - he/she
    Akai - Red
    Aki - Autumn/Fall
    Akuryou - Evil Spirit
    Ame - Rain
    Anime - Animation
    Anata - you
    Aoi - Blue
    Atarashii - New
    are - that
    Arigato - Thank you
    Arigato Gozaimasu - Thank you very much
    Ashita - Tomorrow
    Atarashii - New
    Atashi - I (female)

    Bakari - Only
    Bakemono - monster
    Boku - I (male)

    -Chan - Suffix for familiar young person
    Chi - Earth
    Chibi - Small, little
    Chikara - Force/Strength
    Chouwa - Harmony
    Chotto Matte Kudasai - Wait a minute

    Daijoubu - It's all right
    Dare - Who
    Dame Dusu - No Good
    Densetsu - Legend
    Do Itashimashite - You're Welcome
    Domo Arigato Gozaimasu - Thank You Very Much
    Digital - Dejitaru
    Doko - Where
    Dokyou - Bravery
    Doragon - Dragon
    Dosei - Saturn
    Doushite/Nande - Why

    Ea - Air
    Etowa-ru - Star

    Faia - Fire
    Faita - Fighter
    Foto - Photo
    Fuyu - winter

    Ga - In Comics and Such
    Ganmou - Wish
    Genki - Full of Engery/Well
    Genzai - Past
    Gahan - Rice/Cooked meal
    Gin - silver
    Go-guru - Goggles
    Goku - Quiet
    Gomenasai - I'm Sorry

    Hai, Sou - Yes/OK
    Haru - Spring
    Hate - End/Limits
    Hikari - Light
    Hi - Fire

    Iie - No
    Ima - Now
    Itte Marimasu - I'll be back
    inu - dog
    Ishi - Stone
    Itsu - When
    Itsudemo - Always
    Itsumademo - Forever
    Itte Rasshai - come back again

    Ja ne - Later!
    Jousho - Emotion/Feeling

    Kage - Shadow
    Kakkoii - Cool
    Kako - Present
    Kami - god
    Kaminoke - Hair
    Kane - Metal
    Kanjou - Emotion(s)
    Kawaii - Cute
    Kaze - Wind
    Ki - wood
    Kiiroi - Yellow
    Kimi - Feeling
    Kin - Gold
    Kitto OK - Surely OK
    Kodoku - Loneliness
    Kometto - Comet
    Konban wa - good evening
    Konnichiwa - Hello/Good after noon
    Kore - this
    Koori - ice
    Korosu - To Kill
    Koto - Thing
    Kouyuu - Friendship
    Kuroi - Black
    Kuruma - car

    Lie - That's wrong/no

    Mae - Before
    Matataki - To Wink
    Mata ne - see ya
    Me - Eyes
    Merodi - Melody
    Midori iro - Green
    Mikomi - Hope
    Mimi - Ears
    Mirai - Future
    Mizu - Water
    Mochidzuki - Full Moon
    Mono - Person
    Monoiro - pink
    Moshi Moshi - hello (used when answering the phone)
    Motto - More/Farther
    Murasaki iro - Purple

    Naito - Night
    Nani - What
    Natsu - Summer
    Neko - Cat
    Nihon - Japan
    Nihongo - Japanese
    No - (It's a possessive particle)

    O-Daijini - Take care
    O-Genki Desu Ka - Are you well?
    Okaeri Nasi - Welcome home
    Orenji - Orange
    ore - I (kinda rude)
    ohayou gozaimasu - good morning
    O-Namae Wa - What is your name?
    Omedeto Gozaimasu - Congratulations
    Ongaku- Music
    oyasumi nasi - good night

    Pan - Bread
    Pasu - pass
    Peeji - Page


    raiu - thunderstorm
    Rajio - radio
    Ranchi - Lunch

    Sayonara - Goodbye
    Sarabada - Farewell
    Seishinseii - Sincerity
    sekai - world
    Sunnen - Millennium
    Seta - Sweater
    Shinka - Evolution
    Shite - Hero/Protagonist
    Shiroi - White
    Shizuka - Quiet
    Sono - Garden
    Sora - Sky
    sou desu - that's right
    sou desu ka? - is that so? really?
    sou desu ne? - that's right, isn't it?
    Sore - it
    Soratobu - To fly in the sky
    Sotto - Softly
    Soyo - That's right

    Tachimukau - To fight against
    Tada - Free
    Tadaima - I'm back
    Taihen - Tough
    Taiyou - Sun
    Ta-getto - Target
    Takai - Death
    Te - Hand
    Tenshi - Angel
    Tesuto - Test
    Tsubasa - Wings
    Tsuchi - Earth
    Tsuki - Moon
    Tokoro - Place
    Tomodachi - Friend
    Tooi - Far

    Uraomote - Opposite
    Uzu - Swirl

    Vijon - Vision

    Wahei - Peace
    Waizu - Wise
    Wakari - Understanding
    Warai - Laugh/Smile
    Wasabi - Japanese Horseradish
    Watashi - I (polite)


    Yamato - Ancient Japan
    Yasashii - Gentle
    Yasashisa - Kindness
    Yoake - Dawn
    Your - Goshujin
    Yoku irasshaimahita - You're Welcome
    Yuki - Snow
    Yuku - To die
    Yume - Dream
    Yumemiru - To dream of Yuri - Lily
    Yuuki - Courage
    Yuumei - Dark & Light
    Yuusha - Hero

    Zoukan - Special Edition
    Zujou - High In Sky
    Zutto - directly to the point

    Hope it helps!

  17. #47
    PartTimeAngel The TFF Language Guide Rain Lil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Yo mom!

    K-Korean Words ^ ^

    Well, I've got a couple of them damn Korean words here.. not much.. but hey! lol Might be wrong spellings but.. yeah.. Is it me.. or is Korean getting more confusing by the minute? o.O

    ap - front
    anmakgi - inside block

    ban - half
    bachigi - holding
    busang - injury
    bora-saek - purple
    baldung - instep

    chething - chatting
    charyot - attention
    checking - momchugi
    chorok-saek - green
    ch'ong - blue

    da shi shi jak hae - let's start over
    dwitchook - back heel
    dae - against
    dando - dagger
    dasot - five



    gong gyok - attack
    gonbong - club
    gajang khun - hyper
    gomson - bear hand
    giokja jirugi - angle punch
    gasum - chest
    geomjeong-saek - black
    gal-saek - brown

    hae san - dismiss
    hayan-saek - white

    ima - forehead

    joomuk - fist
    juhwang-saek - orange

    kewo - it awakens.. or wake up.. lol
    k-Pop - Korean music =P
    kesok - continue
    kinung - function
    kyong gi - competition
    kyong ye - bow
    komun - black


    mit/wa - and
    mori - head
    mukoun - heavy
    makgi - block

    namjah/namjayo - male, boy, man
    nagagi - forward
    net - four
    noowo - ground
    nopi chagi - high kick
    naeryo - downward
    noran-saek - yellow
    nam-saek - indago


    paran-saek - blue
    papiyong - babylon
    palkup - elbow
    paran/nok - green
    ppalgan-saek - red



    shi jak - start
    Sambum - Instructor
    swiyo - at ease

    ti - belt



    weyo - why?
    wa/mit - and


    yuhjah: yoja - girl, female
    yodul - eight
    ye ui - courtesy


    It seems a lot bigger than I thought.. o.O

    Rain, The Fall

    "I put my memories into a little cart and keep on going.
    After glancing back upon everything I’ve lost,
    I gather what’s left and close my eyes..."
    - Tiger JK, Thumb

  18. #48
    Ano. Ahaha, Usagy, I remember that from TKD lessons at JHU. *sweatdrop* Ah well. The teacher was hot so it was all cool. Lmao. Anyway. *cough* I was wondering if anyone knew any German. Im getting interested due to Weiß. Eh, heh ... heh. Also, if anyone wants me to teach them a bit of Chinese (of the Mandarin Dialect), feel free to ask. I take a Chinese class right now so Ill be able to more intelligibly teach through pinyin. Lmao. Despite that I still hate it. And get all my tone marks wrong ... ... ... >_>

  19. #49
    Tiff, I'm good enough with German to teach you some stuff. Say what you want to learn and I'll help you out with it. Since I live in Holland we get German at school...
    I got a 8/10 for my final I think it will do.

    Post, PM or IM what you wanna know.

    Peace out

  20. #50
    The TFF Language Guide Sierra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Here, in my head.
    Can anyone post some basic words and phrases in Italian for me?Thanks.

  21. #51
    Errr...well. Lol, I can teach anyone Cantonese . But i'm going to write the canto in the way how you say err...yeah, =P. And well...I might need a lil help from peepz who know French....err yeah =P.

  22. #52
    The TFF Language Guide FFsaiya-jin's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2001
    A place far away....
    If someone needs help with spanish I'll be happy to help, since my main language is spanish. You can post it in here, send me a PM, or e-mail me if you need any help.
    <img src=>

    <table style=filter:GLOW(color=cyan strength=1<center>"A soul divided in two...</center>
    Torn from both sides of the coin...
    <center>One evil...
    In the vertex of chaos he finds peace...</center>
    <center>...and the source of his power."</center></table>

    <center>~Proud Member of Tantalus~

  23. #53
    I know a bit french. If it's simple, I can answer it!

  24. #54
    Halley's Comet Dauragon's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Wow, I had no idea a thread like this existed. But anyway, I'm fluent in French, parce-que j'habite au Québec depuis onze années, alors je sais un petit peux de français. Why anyone would want to speak it is beyond me, but anyway.

  25. #55
    You people and your literal translation of Japanese. >.>

    Kane can also mean money,
    Zutto can also mean alwayse,
    Itsumo means forever.

    Anyway, I know Duetch. Erh that is probably spelled wrong.

    Halt Die Klapper=Shut-up
    Wie Hießt Du?=What are you called?
    Ich Hieße=I am called.

    ß=a long S sound.

  26. #56
    Ummm Usagy, some of your Chinese is wrong... I don't know what dialect your using but Mandaring is here (I'm writing it the way you're supposed to pronounce it...):

    One- Yi
    Two- Er
    Three- San
    Four- Si
    Six - Liu
    Seven- Chi
    Eight- Ba
    Nine- Joe
    Ten- (Ahh... this is hard to translate for English people to understand... It's written like "shi" but it's not pronounced that...)

  27. #57
    The TFF Language Guide sabin_66's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Crammed into a colonial APC like a sardine, preparing to jump out into LV426
    does anybody know how to say 'not nearly as beautiful as you' in french? (dont ask )

    hmmm, i dont have high hopes for a reply on this one, judging by the date someone last posted
    <img src="">

  28. #58
    lol. Have no fear, I have translated that odd phrase for you!

    pas presque aussi beau que vous

  29. #59
    The TFF Language Guide sabin_66's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Crammed into a colonial APC like a sardine, preparing to jump out into LV426
    aha! tres bien! merci beacoup
    <img src="">

  30. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Link3490
    lol. Have no fear, I have translated that odd phrase for you!

    pas presque aussi beau que vous
    For your sake I hope you didn't use that translation.

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