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Thread: TFF Fighter's Guild

  1. #91
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Perfect. And it's awesome how quick you responded to my invite.
    I'll add you to the members list after this very post.
    I'm still a bit flat with incidents once more but it's due to some schoolwork I left off til the last minute and some.... private time I was taking off here and there. Rest and rejuvenation, y'know? (What, I might be into vigilantism but I'm far from a saint....)

    And Drake, to me any scars is bad. That's why I recommend an avocado oil application as well as a little heat to heal up things that little bit better and minimise scarring. Just hope that avocados aren't to costly where you are. I remember how expensive they were in Queensland when I went.... Grrr....
    victoria aut mors

  2. #92
    Thanks man. I got another good one for you guys. By the way Setzer can attest to most of these stories haha. There was this kid also at my bustop a few years back. we got into a few confrontations and then he moved away to military school lol. So i looked out the window one day while i was at setzers house and the kid...lets call him david. SO i ran outside and ran up on him grabed his cell phone and smashed it into the side of his head and on his way down i gave him a right uppercut i think i smashed his nose...dont worry he had it coming he was an a*s. After i dropped him i said, " Guess your training hasnt done anything hahaha" lol if you guys havent guessed it im sort of crazy ahhaha
    My corner: Josh aka Setzer( Manager) Dimmufan(Trainer) Dragoon_Nick ( Cutman, doctor)

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  3. #93
    TFF Fighter's Guild Raines's Avatar
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    In your blindspot, waiting with a book, ready to papercut you.
    Hmm, didn't see this before.
    As for scuffles I always used to get into them with friends alot, seen as me and a particularly close frind of mine both have unusually high pain tolerence levels.
    As for training for fighting, I'm a brown ii belt in Karate a purple in Ju-jitsu and regularly work out of my punch bag. I don't look like much but it's near impossible to wear me out and I have a damn fine kick if I do say so myself.

    As for full on need to fight scenarios I've been in a couple.
    The most memorable for me was when I was walking back at night through an estate near mine, it isn't really seen as rough. And three lads about 20ish I'd say demnded my phone off me. I carried on walking past them when one stood in front of me and another grabbed the shoulder of my rucksack from the side. Upon which I swung a right hander where I presumed his face would be, I used my whole body to power the punch, turning to face him. I heard quite a satisfying crunch and the remark 'that ****ing bitch'. One of them was backing off while the other was pulling up his mate from the floor, who was both screaming in pain and swearing at me.
    I legged it home, running fully on Adrenaline. That was about a year ago now. I've had a few encounters before, but none have ended with me having to hide a blood stained t-shirt like that did.

    Apart from when I have to I'm not a fighter, except wrestling someties with firends.

    'This generation
    With fire in our eyes
    Strong are the ties that bind us
    We don't need no alibis

    New Expectations
    Moments in the sun
    We've waited all our lives
    And now we know our time has come'

  4. #94
    TFF Fighter's Guild
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    The land with the light engraved on the stone.
    It's good to mave the club up & running with activity once again. Myself i haven't been into any tough situations, but i'm sorta working my way to it. There's this guy that i saw somw months ago & for some good reasons, if i find him again, there will be some wild action....yeah!

    Raines, that was good. What i have found out is that crooks like that are often startled if the "attaquee" becomes the attacker. You can catch them by surprise like that. If they carry any sort of a weapon's harder.

    And sorry about my absence; i have some Firefox, IE & so on probs. MSN is the only thing that works well.

  5. #95
    When i was 12 i sparred in boxing at the gym iwas going to. There was kid that was 11 fighting me. He was kind of short and fat and i really didnt like him. So when the bell rang i went right inot fight mode. Jabbing with my left loosining hiim up. them he got a good right in my face then i got really mad and saw all red. Then i unleashed a flurry of left and right hooks then i gave him a straight right hand to the nose annd broke his nose. He started to cry and i won. I had a few other good spares too.
    My corner: Josh aka Setzer( Manager) Dimmufan(Trainer) Dragoon_Nick ( Cutman, doctor)

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  6. #96
    AWWWWWW SHIT!!! How did I miss this club before?

    My Fight Stats:

    Height: 5-8

    Weight: 160

    Highschool wrestling record (senior year): 36-5-0

    MMA record: 0-0-0 ( first fight ammy coming up!!!)

    I have trained Mui Tae boxing and a wee bit of boxing for my striking, for my grappling I have four years of wrestling under my belt (I was ranked in the top 10 in the state of texas at 130 lb) and one year of BJJ (Brazilian Ju Jitsu).

    Last Friday I went to this kids house to fight some other people just for the hell of it. Just some kids who think they are badass and tough. I fought two people one kid who took painkillers before he fought so he was a joke of a fight I jabbed him once and he fell over lol. The other kid tried to wail on me with his fists (lol what a n00b) I double legged him (wrestling takedown) and slammed the shit out of him from there I just punched and elbowed him till he was half concsious.
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  7. #97
    Wait. It says in your profile that your only 11. and you were born in 1996. How could you have gone through senior year??? Are you using a friends profile or something, just curious.
    My corner: Josh aka Setzer( Manager) Dimmufan(Trainer) Dragoon_Nick ( Cutman, doctor)

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  8. #98
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    F*ckin' Australia!
    I'm guessing it's just a bit of misinformation.
    Paper Pro and Raines, both of you are welcome to join if you wish, but let me know if you want to join under a position like most members or just be a contributor like Rasler.
    If there's no reply to this post in a week I'll PM you about it. Thanks.

    And I'm guessing that Paper Pro wasn't born in 1996. Paper Pro just seems a little too old for your average eleven year old.

    Good story Raines, haha I know too well the pains of getting blood stains out of shirts...
    As for martial arts I did a bit of Shaolin Kung-fu a few years back. We didn't have belts though. It was more we just got better training as we improved. There was a story behind the lack visible rank, but I've plain forgot it. And a bit of judo. That wasn't ranked neither, but I think the instructor was American.... Go figure. lol

    BenRampage.... Good story. Another. You're certainly already active here.

    Cloudy.... That sucks dude. Still I know you'll do your best. The internet can be a messy illogical beastie at times...
    victoria aut mors

  9. #99
    TFF Fighter's Guild Raines's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    In your blindspot, waiting with a book, ready to papercut you.
    Quote Originally Posted by CLOUD View Post

    Raines, that was good. What i have found out is that crooks like that are often startled if the "attaquee" becomes the attacker. You can catch them by surprise like that. If they carry any sort of a weapon's harder.
    Yeah, them thinking I'd just hand over my stuff did help, I wish there had been enough light for me to see their faces properly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Howl Furore View Post
    Paper Pro and Raines, both of you are welcome to join if you wish, but let me know if you want to join under a position like most members or just be a contributor like Rasler.
    If there's no reply to this post in a week I'll PM you about it. Thanks.
    Yep, I'd like to join. Looking at your list in the first post I'd liek to take Captain if possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Howl Furore View Post
    Good story Raines, haha I know too well the pains of getting blood stains out of shirts...
    As for martial arts I did a bit of Shaolin Kung-fu a few years back. We didn't have belts though. It was more we just got better training as we improved. There was a story behind the lack visible rank, but I've plain forgot it. And a bit of judo. That wasn't ranked neither, but I think the instructor was American.... Go figure. lol
    I've didn't chose those arts because they were ranked, I did Ju-Jitsu because the club was near where I did Netball and I really hated that. And Karate was ran by my school.
    As for usefulness apart from stances Karate was pretty much for fun, but Ju-Jitsu is really useful. As once you take an enemy to the ground using throws the balls is pretty much in your court.

    Raines out.
    'This generation
    With fire in our eyes
    Strong are the ties that bind us
    We don't need no alibis

    New Expectations
    Moments in the sun
    We've waited all our lives
    And now we know our time has come'

  10. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by BenRampage View Post
    Wait. It says in your profile that your only 11. and you were born in 1996. How could you have gone through senior year??? Are you using a friends profile or something, just curious.
    My younger sibling made this profile, and stopped using it. lol

    I was looking at some of the stories earlier in the club and wow some of them are obviously complete bullshit. Mainly Draken Benvolaids posts are complete and utter made-up bullhockey.

    "I got double teamed by two guys, each with sledge hammers. Hit me in the gut, and they were about to finish me, when I put my arms in a cross block. When it connected, it launched me several feet across the pavement, skidding. Thankfully someone almost hit them with their car, causing them to flee, otherwise, I'd most likely be quite dead right now.

    Coughed up a little blood, stomach pains, arms felt like a pile of crap, and my back was all scrapped to hell and back, . Unusually, no broken bones again. I thought I would after something like that."

    lol. I'm guessing we can make up fake stories as well.

    Here are some cool street fights. Basically its a pro mma fighter who street fights for the hell of it. Kinda cool check it out. Also the white dude he fights you dont get to see a close up of his face after the fight in the video its nasty.
    Last edited by LionheartVIII; 09-10-2007 at 02:39 PM.
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  11. #101
    Oh alright i was confused lol. I was like hes only 11 and some how hes a senior in highschool. Lol thats cool though. But yeah looking forward to hearing some good stories for you. Soon ill have a few good ones to post.
    My corner: Josh aka Setzer( Manager) Dimmufan(Trainer) Dragoon_Nick ( Cutman, doctor)

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  12. #102
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    F*ckin' Australia!
    Quote Originally Posted by Paper Pro View Post
    I was looking at some of the stories earlier in the club and wow some of them are obviously complete bullshit. Mainly Draken Benvolaids posts are complete and utter made-up bullhockey.

    "I got double teamed by two guys, each with sledge hammers. Hit me in the gut, and they were about to finish me, when I put my arms in a cross block. When it connected, it launched me several feet across the pavement, skidding. Thankfully someone almost hit them with their car, causing them to flee, otherwise, I'd most likely be quite dead right now.

    Coughed up a little blood, stomach pains, arms felt like a pile of crap, and my back was all scrapped to hell and back, . Unusually, no broken bones again. I thought I would after something like that."

    lol. I'm guessing we can make up fake stories as well.
    It was a good video dude, but I wouldn't say that stuff about Drake. I know from PMs and some longer absences that there is truth to what he says. Some people are tougher than others. Like half the guys from Dapto where I live. I got bugger all injuries coming out of the second window of the pub, my mate Adro can take a full crowbar to the head several times (Adro's a bigger nut than me ) and I've seen all kinds of similar shit. As for the sledgehammers, I don't doubt his story. It may have been a glancing blow or something.

    For future reference though, could I ask everyone to refrain from pointing out things that are not proven false or anything? I mean seriously, we're fighters, not lawyery types.... At least not most of us I reckon...

    I see it like defamation of character or something, and I don't want to see it here...
    victoria aut mors

  13. #103
    TFF Fighter's Guild
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    Dec 2006
    The land with the light engraved on the stone.
    Quote Originally Posted by celtic_silver View Post
    It was a good video dude, but I wouldn't say that stuff about Drake. I know from PMs and some longer absences that there is truth to what he says. Some people are tougher than others. Like half the guys from Dapto where I live. I got bugger all injuries coming out of the second window of the pub, my mate Adro can take a full crowbar to the head several times (Adro's a bigger nut than me ) and I've seen all kinds of similar shit. As for the sledgehammers, I don't doubt his story. It may have been a glancing blow or something.

    For future reference though, could I ask everyone to refrain from pointing out things that are not proven false or anything? I mean seriously, we're fighters, not lawyery types.... At least not most of us I reckon...

    I see it like defamation of character or something, and I don't want to see it here...
    That's right. You cannot possibly know him, or any of us to say that those stories are made up. Celtic was too damn lenient with all this. There's no need to join if you're not a fighter & make up fake stories just to have more posts. You can as well make a journal & talk about random stuff if you want to make a high post count.

    "utter made-up bullhockey"____ seriously? Just try surviving one night at Omonoia & we'll see if that is crap. Some serious shit happens all around & just because you didn't witness any of that, it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

    For instance, a fight when you're 11 years're sure it's made up? Back then i had at least one fight a day, mostly at school.

    If you get attacked by thugs with sledgehammers, i don't think anyone will rush to say that it was a fake story. Or even about your profile. No one would say it's fake. If you say so, we believe you & don't critisize since we don't know you.

    Some people are luckier than others. Like me. I have only been cornered once since i moved to the capital & we managed to fend them off without any fighting.
    Last edited by CLOUD; 09-11-2007 at 04:47 AM.

  14. #104
    Damn IE, couldn't log on earlier.

    My stories are not made up. I have the scars to prove it, too. Most overlap, but they're all still visible. I even have a giant burn mark on my back from a molitov coctail when I was younger. I usually ware long close to hide most of my scars. I'm actually growing a small beard to hide some of them.

    And, Why would I write a fake story about myself getting my own ass handed to me at a gas station?
    "It takes a of guts to write about losing a fight, but it takes shear stupidity to write a false one."

    Anyway, my fighting style cycles through several ones I learned while fighting. Never took a class or anything. I learned a lot from getting beaten by others while I was in school.
    "You always learn more from defeat, then from victory"

    I remember Orlandu's quote in FF Tactics if you highlight his name and press X, I think: "I learned from several battles, Always watch your back and attack from behind."
    I think it means to always keep moving, trying to keep your enemy/opponent infront of yourself and try to move to their blind side. It is a very useful tip, I'd say.

    I found a wooden katana... at a movie store while in a local mall. Heavy and makes for a great practice tool. Good for an extensive workout. I still question why it was in a store like that...

    Do any of you guys use weighted equipment while training?
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

    "You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
    You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."

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    "Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
    grant to you what is truly wanted by
    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

    PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
    RANK: Deuce of Pwns
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  15. #105
    When i box, a lot of times we use weighted gloves when hitting the punching bag. Helps build arm strength and upper body. i find weighted equipment very beneficial to training, i know its helped me before. and it feels great once you take the weights of and you start punching without them. You fell a lot lighter lol.
    My corner: Josh aka Setzer( Manager) Dimmufan(Trainer) Dragoon_Nick ( Cutman, doctor)

    <a href=""><img src="" width="440" height="111" /></a>

  16. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by CLOUD View Post
    That's right. You cannot possibly know him, or any of us to say that those stories are made up. Celtic was too damn lenient with all this. There's no need to join if you're not a fighter & make up fake stories just to have more posts. You can as well make a journal & talk about random stuff if you want to make a high post count.

    "utter made-up bullhockey"____ seriously? Just try surviving one night at Omonoia & we'll see if that is crap. Some serious shit happens all around & just because you didn't witness any of that, it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

    For instance, a fight when you're 11 years're sure it's made up? Back then i had at least one fight a day, mostly at school.

    If you get attacked by thugs with sledgehammers, i don't think anyone will rush to say that it was a fake story. Or even about your profile. No one would say it's fake. If you say so, we believe you & don't critisize since we don't know you.

    Some people are luckier than others. Like me. I have only been cornered once since i moved to the capital & we managed to fend them off without any fighting.
    Im not ****ing 11 years old If you read my previous post you would have known that. A younger sibling of mine made this account and I use it, I am going to change that info soon so there isnt a misunderstanding like this again.

    Well its time to put up or shut up. Post pictures of your all your scars including the burn on your back then I will shut the **** up and believe everything you say. If you dont post pics for whatever reason I wont say anything more but know that I dont believe any of your "true" stories.

    Oh and CLOUD the reason for posting these stories are to make him look like a badass which has seemed to work on you. Even with that story about him getting beat up with sledge hammers was made for that effect believe it or not.

    I thought it was halarious when he said he hit two guys in the head and gave them concussions. How the hell did he know he gave them concussions?


    I was walking to my house when all of a sudden four Ninjas attacked ME.
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  17. #107
    TFF Fighter's Guild
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The land with the light engraved on the stone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paper Pro View Post
    Im not ****ing 11 years old If you read my previous post you would have known that. A younger sibling of mine made this account and I use it, I am going to change that info soon so there isnt a misunderstanding like this again.

    Well its time to put up or shut up. Post pictures of your all your scars including the burn on your back then I will shut the **** up and believe everything you say. If you dont post pics for whatever reason I wont say anything more but know that I dont believe any of your "true" stories.

    Oh and CLOUD the reason for posting these stories are to make him look like a badass which has seemed to work on you. Even with that story about him getting beat up with sledge hammers was made for that effect believe it or not.

    I thought it was halarious when he said he hit two guys in the head and gave them concussions. How the hell did he know he gave them concussions?


    I was walking to my house when all of a sudden four Ninjas attacked ME.

    About the profile thing, i'm talking about the post you made when you joined the Club. It's obvious that you're not 11. That was a plain example.

    I would suggest that you watch your tone, from now on. BY making a such post, you're asking from members to flame you. Drake is the 2nd member of the Club. And a respected one. Moreover, he has problems & shit going on in his life & doesn't really need this crappy attitude.

    When he said he gave them concussions....i'd say the same thing.It's the most probable thing to happen when you smack someone hard. And since he smacked them, that must have been hard.

    I have 4-5 small scars & stitches on the back of my head. I could say that i got all those from fights, but i got only one that way. It's just a pink line on my shoulder.

    About giving me that negative-meant-to-be reputation, i should tell you that it was neutral. Cut that stuff with the godamn ignorance, would you? It doesn't matter if i believe him or not; or anyone & anything for that matter. I'm neither gonna meet any of the guys i know from the net, nor have those things i hear online affect my life. They mean nothing. You said it; it's the internet and no one needs to make the rest think he's badass. It doesn't fracking matter one tiny bit.

    As you saw, i put my name on it- i always do. It's a real shame that you didn't put yours as well. It's either a lack of balls, or TFF "ignorance". Ladies & gents, Mr Pro's reputation:

    "There is no possible way for you to know its true dumbass. Dont believe everything you see on the internet. Goddamn ignorance."

    I could call you dumbass as well, or a dozen of other things, but i don't mean to drop the level of the club to your petty level. I could also report that to the Mods-Admins & have you arse-kicked. But, no thanks, for the same reason. And you would want to put a comma before writting dumbass.

    Just know one thing. By trying to convince everyone that Drake is lying, most will think that you're jealous of his experiences & his scars. That's how a 7-year-old would act...seriously. If you do want scars, you can get them easily, jump off a cliff or try to kiss a Pitbull.

    EDIT: If Ninjas would ever attack you, you wouldn't live to tell the tale...
    Last edited by CLOUD; 09-11-2007 at 02:21 PM.

  18. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by CLOUD View Post
    About the profile thing, i'm talking about the post you made when you joined the Club. It's obvious that you're not 11. That was a plain example.

    I would suggest that you watch your tone, from now on. BY making a such post, you're asking from members to flame you. Drake is the 2nd member of the Club. And a respected one. Moreover, he has problems & shit going on in his life & doesn't really need this crappy attitude.
    Flame away.
    I don’t respect people based on the stories they tell on the internet or their post count. I need proof of these clearly outrageous stories.
    When he said he gave them concussions....i'd say the same thing.It's the most probable thing to happen when you smack someone hard. And since he smacked them, that must have been hard.
    People don’t always get concussions when they get whacked in the head, he said it like it was fact.
    I have 4-5 small scars & stitches on the back of my head. I could say that i got all those from fights but i got only one that way. It's just a pink line on my shoulder.
    What does that matter? Then he shouldn’t have any problem putting pics of his scars on here if they are real right even if they didn’t come from fights?
    About giving me that negative-meant-to-be reputation, i should tell you that it was neutral. Cut that stuff with the godamn ignorance, would you? It doesn't matter if i believe him or not; or anyone & anything for that matter. I'm neither gonna meet any of the guys i know from the net, nor have those things i hear online affect my life. They mean nothing. You said it; it's the internet and no one needs to make the rest think he's badass. It doesn't fracking matter one tiny bit.

    As you saw, i put my name on it- i always do. It's a real shame that you didn't put yours as well. It's either a lack of balls, or TFF "ignorance". Ladies & gents, Mr Pro's reputation:

    "There is no possible way for you to know its true dumbass. Dont believe everything you see on the internet. Goddamn ignorance."

    I could call you dumbass as well, or a dozen of other things, but i don't mean to drop the level of the club to your petty level. I could also report that to the Mods-Admins & have you arse-kicked. But, no thanks, for the same reason. And you would want to put a comma before writting dumbass.
    Lack of balls? It was clearly a response to your bad reputation that you gave me and I knew that you would know it was quite obviously me. I’m not ****ing denying it now, that bad rep you gave me was kind of like you saying, “**** you”, and I said “**** you” right back. I could care less about your rep points it was the words that I put next to it that I wanted you to see.
    If you want to start a grammar war than I will be happy to oblige. For starters you cannot start a sentence with and or but which you do quite a few times here. Also you don’t double space after your periods and you spell some words wrong such as “writing”. Not only that but you don’t capitalize your “I’s” when needed. So before you correct me, you need to correct your own grammar and spelling.
    Just know one thing. By trying to convince everyone that Drake is lying, most will think that you're jealous of his experiences & his scars. That's how a 7-year-old would act...seriously. If you do want scars, you can get them easily, jump off a cliff or try to kiss a Pitbull.

    EDIT: If Ninjas would ever attack you, you wouldn't live to tell the tale...
    Right now this comment was put there simply to make me mad. Someone with common ****ing sense would look at his posts and think, “hmm… this is the internet where nothing has face value and this dude is telling these outrageous stories of how he beats the hell out of a bunch of thugs.”
    You say what people think of you on the internet doesn’t matter but that’s not what everyone thinks. For example someone who is a loser in real life could go on a forum and say he sleeps with 3 hot chicks every night and it will make him feel better, this happens ALL THE TIME. You don’t know Draken, so how do you know he is not one of these people?
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  19. #109
    Banned TFF Fighter's Guild mr.moustache's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    Draken, I've been following your last few posts, trying and praying that it would make sense. Eureka! It does. You're a liar!

    Quote Originally Posted by CLOUD View Post
    This is a little something from back when i was a kid, that makes me laugh with myself every time. It's no act of vigilantism, but since the Greeks are up to no good brawls this period...

    Well, i was in the 5th or 6th grade; no older than 10 years old. It was the birthday of a good friend of mine & he had a party with some kids from school at his place. There were also some albanian kids there & without my willing to sound racist or stuff, they were a pain in the ass...

    I was playing PSOne with another kid, sitting down on the floor. Behind me, on the couch, there was one of those kids with a toy gun in his hands; the type that shoots small plastic balls (they hurt alot though). It was a phoney gun, golden colored, the type you can get with 3 euro; cheap stuff that break in an instant.

    My friend's father enters the room & tells him to be carefull with that thing; he doesn't listen & loads the gun. Then, when i'm done playing, i get up & when i turn around, he shoots at me in the chest from a close range. Needless to say that the pain was unbearable...Then, i start crying & screaming & i jump over the small table they had there, on that kid on the couch. And the fight begins.

    I start shouting & swearing while i punch him in the face with both hands alternatively. He's scared, but he tries to grab me from the neck, but with my being so angry, i scratch his arms & he lets my neck loose.

    Then, for the "fatality" i grab his head from behind the ears & start hitting him against the couch's wooden top. I did it more than ten times.

    It was my first fight against someone i didn't know & no one stopped me, not even my friend's father.
    The funny part is that one of my best friends always avoids pissing me because he remembers that day back then. It's hilarious when he sorta tells the tale: "& then Mitsos (me) grabs his head & *bap* *bap* *bap* *bap* knocks him down. Man, i'm not fighting you." Well, what can you do, he's no more than 50Kg anyway..
    Sorry, I have to get this out of the way first. My oh my oh my oh my! You sure seem to remember EXACTLY how you fought that kid. And the kid's dad did absolutely nothing. Right, OK. And your friend is now afraid to start something with you because he remembers that time way back in "5th or 6th grade." It seems to me that was a long time ago.

    Back to Drake. Now I'm just a little whimsical about your lying. It's getting out of hand young man. When I read your first post I thought you were just being an a**, but now you're just begging for attention behind your 99' Apple.

    Look here sir. No, don't look at me. I hate liars. You were fixing your car when some guys(I'm sure you say they are black) come with sledgehammers out of nowhere and attack you. While there are two ARMED men(they have weapons, not a gun.....again....RIGHT(sarcasm of woe)) you are able to smash one guys head into the window or something.

    You know what sir, you're tiring me with these stories. This trash is not even fit for a 1st grade English essay(if there were ever such a thing.)

    Not many times have I ever been so downtrodden and homily, but I understand this strange predicament you feel you've fallen into. So you've got a job as a game technician. Sounds like a job that not many people can get. Hmm, I smell a lie. It reeks.

    I've seen your kind. I've dealt with your kind. I loathe your kind. People like you make me spit out words I would rather my mother and father not hear. Mark my words young man, or girl, or gerbil. Final Fantasy Tactics is not the way to learn your fighting moves. Unfortunately, no one has ever witnessed Ifrit, or Shiva being summoned. No magic spells like in that game have ever been more than an illusion.

    Time to part. Play-time is over. If I had a dime, I would give it to you. You know why? Because I don't love you. I want you to better yourself without the expense of hearing your misery-strung rambling and mumbling about how a girl kidnapped every 3 hours where yuo live. If you were true, I would like to help, but you're a liar. A bad one.

    Wish upon a star or pray to a false governmental hierarchy. The bishop may have mercy on your soul, but I don't. He lies anyways. I part you with gifts of sweet remorse and may mankind never hear or "read" a post made my you about how you fight like a galliant knight on your trusty steed.

    ~mr.moustache~(The Great Santini)
    Last edited by mr.moustache; 09-11-2007 at 05:14 PM.

  20. #110
    Everybody needs to cool their jets here. You know what it doesnt matter if hes making it up or not. None of us can be sure if its real or not. Some people just have rough times and s*** like that happens. People get robbed all the time. Some of Draken stories are crazy but everybody has crazy stories that people dont believe. So lets not write anyone off here. And again if hes lying, who gives a sh**. I know i dont. But again dont start flamming a guy just cause you think hes a liar. You have to have concrete prove either way to talk like you guys are talking, so i say lets just let it die.
    Last edited by BenRampage; 09-12-2007 at 12:08 AM.
    My corner: Josh aka Setzer( Manager) Dimmufan(Trainer) Dragoon_Nick ( Cutman, doctor)

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  21. #111
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    mr.moustache, please refrain from posting in my club without either joining or becoming a contributor like the constructive and helpful man that is Rasler.
    To add insult to injury not only have you not observed club protocol, you're negatively dishing on my second here, Drake.

    There is no real point to that last post I can see. You and Paper Pro ask for proof he's telling the truth. How about YOU prove he's lying?
    This matter ends now. mr.moustache please join as a member or contributor or just bugger off for good.
    Paper Pro, LAST WARNING! If you continue with this you are out.

    One last time to make this clear, THIS ISSUE IS CLOSED.
    Thank you.

    And FTR, I know Drake's telling the truth. Absences caused by injuries and similar things which match the required recovery times have led me to come to this conclusion.

    Thanks to BenRampage and CLOUD for doing the right thing by the club.
    victoria aut mors

  22. #112
    TFF Fighter's Guild
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    The land with the light engraved on the stone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasler View Post

    The lack of debilitating damage in Soul Calibur has somewhat bothered me too. In the interest of fairness and maintaining a T rating, there's no blood, dismemberment, and fighters are only "knocked out." Seigfried's and Nightmare's use of armor also has no effect on the amount of damage taken. Their giant zweihandler-type swords do not have the expected effect of killing the opponent.

    I own an old PS1 game called Bushido Blade in which the weapons cause bleeding, dismemberment, dibilitation, and even 1-hit-kills. Needless to say, blocking is very important in this game. Just because it's a videogame doesn't mean that a sword to the head won't kill you.
    This game has a first-person perspective gameplay mode, a feature not used in any fighting game since. It didn't work particularly well, but it was interesting.
    That is an interesting subject on Soul Calibur. I can't say that it doesn't bother me, but it seems logical, because they must have tried hard to make the game as balanced as they could.

    It's not easy to achieve that, mostly because of the pros & cons of each character & class. With a single rush, using a Knight equipped with a lance, the opponent would die, if impaled. It doesn't seem fair for some of the rest.

    For instance, Lances & Zweihandlers have many advantages over Kunai & Rapiers. The're all deadly if used properly, but, lances & giant swords still pwn. Their swinging speed is lower ( the lances are swung pretty damn fast), but their single-hit damage is greater. It's just that the number of hit varies. Moreover, if you're playing with weapons with special effects, those effects are vital for each battle. Some have reach & don't have that good damage, while some ( Soul Edge- Nightmare) can KO with less than 4 hits. That last fight at the Tales of Sould still seems unbeatable, no matter how much i guard- it's hard to attack.

    I wouldn't mind if a hit to the head would cause even greater damage, but that way some characters would be invincible. The machine itself would always aim for the head...In my opinion, guarding against attacks is pretty difficult as it is.

    There are characters superior to others as it is, but if they made the game more realistic ( mostly the "girls" are maintaining the T rating), there would be a huge gap between the potential & the strength between characters.

    Who do you think is/are the best character(s) and who is/are the worst one(s)???

  23. #113
    TFF Fighter's Guild Raines's Avatar
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    In your blindspot, waiting with a book, ready to papercut you.
    I haven't played Soul Caliber 3, only 2 and 1.
    Two's probably my favourite fighting game I've played (Super Smash Bros. doesn't really count).
    The GC suffered from a lack of good fighting games, and I tend to only buy the creme de la creme of games because of my tight budget.
    Apart from the tight as fighting the fact the series has a proper story makes all the difference to me. I like to get immersed in characters and places, character weapons, bios, demonstrations all add to that. And for once the GC didn't get the short end of the stick, with Link (from legend of Zelda) as it's exclusive character. He fitted perfectly in the game unlike Spawn in the X-box version. A fantastic comic book and charcater but not right for the game.
    It fits snuggly in my top 10 GC games lists, and proves that it could handle non-kiddy games as well the other consoles. And fighting games seen as the controls were spot on except throws were sometimes tricky.
    'This generation
    With fire in our eyes
    Strong are the ties that bind us
    We don't need no alibis

    New Expectations
    Moments in the sun
    We've waited all our lives
    And now we know our time has come'

  24. #114
    Actually Celt, he should be commended for his question, as he was the only person ever to ask any question about my stories. Yea I admit, they sound sort of far fetched, but they're all true.

    The only thing I'm wondering is why no one, especially those who gave Paper the reps for his question post, didn't ask first... They certainly had the time...

    If you click this link I only ask two things,

    First, please read all of my post completely with an attempt to understand it, instead of breaking it down. Things lose their meaning if torn apart. Afterwards, ask all the questions you want.

    and secondly,

    [I]"Don't turn away... This is what happens if you go against the forced wills of others... This is what happens if you fight hatred formed of sin, formed of things that not only bring death and despair to those around them, but themselves as well... This is what happens when you fight for, not what you want to believe is right, but what you know is right...

    To me, it's worth it... every last scar...[/I]

    One last thing, you, who are about to give a neg. rep. saying "you deserve it", you are nothing more then an expendable marionette to your master...

    "It is time to stop kidding yourselves and following others that command you not to hear the words of others. Fear is what controls them, do not let their fear control you as well..."
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

    "You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
    You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."

    <a href="">
    <img src="" border=0></a>

    "Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
    grant to you what is truly wanted by
    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

    PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
    RANK: Deuce of Pwns
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  25. #115
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Actually it wasn't really the questions themselves, it was the way they were asked. I don't like it when someone's called a liar even if there's no proof. This guild's strictly for the physical fighting and I think I do really need to stress it. We can judge each other's characters for ourselves and if someone here does have a problem believing someone I really couldn't care.

    My warnings stand.
    As for negative reps as a result of this issue....
    We're all apart of this club. For frack's sake get along.

    Back onto the Soul Calibur games, I don't play them as much anymore as the third in the series corrupted a good memory card of mine. So I only play now when my mate comes over with HIS memory card with HIS saves on it. And we haven't played the PS2 at all of late due to the Wii and the multiplayer fun it promotes.
    victoria aut mors

  26. #116
    Thank you for showing me the pics thats all I ask. Also thanks for understanding my skeptisim.

    Quote Originally Posted by celtic_silver View Post
    Actually it wasn't really the questions themselves, it was the way they were asked. I don't like it when someone's called a liar even if there's no proof. This guild's strictly for the physical fighting and I think I do really need to stress it. We can judge each other's characters for ourselves and if someone here does have a problem believing someone I really couldn't care.

    My warnings stand.
    This post somewhat makes me angry. I questioned him, asked for pics of scars, its that simple. To believe something on the internet, I have to know, atleast, if one part of the story or statement is true and then I will give the person who made the statement more credibility. In this case those pics of his scare may have not proven his stories but its now more believeable.

    Draken didn't mind so you shouldn't give a shit right? He did what I asked, and earned respect from me. This club is dead anyways, I really couldn't care less about your "warnings".

    Draken said himself that he was suprised no one questioned him earlier. I find it funny how you say "Actually it wasn't really the questions themselves, it was the way they were asked," after you say I shouldn't question him period. You only said my questions were asked in a bad "way" as soon as Draken said he had no problem with me questioning him. My questions were perfectly fine, I just think your full of shit.

    Draken, thank you for cooperating. Celtic, take notes from Draken and learn how to understand the motives for what I did.


    )= Paper P.=)
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  27. #117
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paper Pro View Post
    Thank you for showing me the pics thats all I ask. Also thanks for understanding my skeptisim.

    This post somewhat makes me angry. I questioned him, asked for pics of scars, its that simple. To believe something on the internet, I have to know, atleast, if one part of the story or statement is true and then I will give the person who made the statement more credibility. In this case those pics of his scare may have not proven his stories but its now more believeable.

    Draken didn't mind so you shouldn't give a shit right? He did what I asked, and earned respect from me. This club is dead anyways, I really couldn't care less about your "warnings".

    Draken said himself that he was suprised no one questioned him earlier. I find it funny how you say "Actually it wasn't really the questions themselves, it was the way they were asked," after you say I shouldn't question him period. You only said my questions were asked in a bad "way" as soon as Draken said he had no problem with me questioning him. My questions were perfectly fine, I just think your full of shit.

    Draken, thank you for cooperating. Celtic, take notes from Draken and learn how to understand the motives for what I did.


    )= Paper P.=)
    Firstly Paper Pro last time I looked there were posts here which indicate this club wasn't dead. Secondly I am the creator of this club and it's leader. I have every right to say what can or cannot be done here. I have done this in the first post and I really do wish it would be read and somewhat followed. It's the way clubs on TFF work for the better part.

    Why didn't I like the way the questions were brought up? Because of the aggressiveness shown by yourself to some extent as well as that overly long and more aggressive post by mr.moustache. And you shouldn't question him period. At least not the way you were. Drake has nothing to prove here and the fact that he thought he had to post pictures of scarring somewhat annoyed me.

    My last warning wasn't directed solely at you, no it was directed at everyone. Let me just go over the one most important thing yet again, bearing in mind it was I who created this club for my own realisation.

    This guild's strictly for the physical fighting and I think I do really need to stress it.
    As for saying things like:
    My questions were perfectly fine, I just think your full of shit.
    I see that as just asking for trouble. And for the record, I see people like you who insinuate shit that doesn't need to be insinuated to be full of shit. I've noticed a few things like that around your posts at times and they really don't belong here. Play nice or don't play at all. Verbal arguments ain't my thing and understandably considering how I don't tend to get into them much due to my fighting preferences. This is the web so I can't do my usual thing....
    victoria aut mors

  28. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by celtic_silver View Post
    Firstly Paper Pro last time I looked there were posts here which indicate this club wasn't dead. Secondly I am the creator of this club and it's leader. I have every right to say what can or cannot be done here. I have done this in the first post and I really do wish it would be read and somewhat followed. It's the way clubs on TFF work for the better part.
    The most recent posts are about this arguement. This club isn't dead, I'll admit that, but it certainly isn't active. I read your rules and it is all a matter of interpretation. I feel I didn't attack Draken, but I merely questioned his credibility, which there is no rule against in your first post.

    Why didn't I like the way the questions were brought up? Because of the aggressiveness shown by yourself to some extent as well as that overly long and more aggressive post by mr.moustache. And you shouldn't question him period. At least not the way you were. Drake has nothing to prove here and the fact that he thought he had to post pictures of scarring somewhat annoyed me.
    Now I understand that I may have come off as rude, but agressive? That's somewhat farfetched. Don't bring up that dumbass mr. moustache post, he has nothing to do me or what I said. If you didn't want me to question him then you should have put in your first post,"No questioning of credibility toward any other members." You can not expect people to imply that especailly when we are on an internet forum.

    My last warning wasn't directed solely at you, no it was directed at everyone. Let me just go over the one most important thing yet again, bearing in mind it was I who created this club for my own realisation.
    Your warning was directed toward me remember what you said, "Paper Pro, LAST WARNING! If you continue with this you are out," and not only that but you told Cloud who constantly argued with me he was doing the right thing. I also like how you bold the "I" even though it really doesn't emphasize your point.

    Hungry for some hypocracy with a side of contradiction anyone? (lol don't take this comment seriously it was a joke)

    As for saying things like:

    I see that as just asking for trouble. And for the record, I see people like you who insinuate shit that doesn't need to be insinuated to be full of shit. I've noticed a few things like that around your posts at times and they really don't belong here. Play nice or don't play at all. Verbal arguments ain't my thing and understandably considering how I don't tend to get into them much due to my fighting preferences. This is the web so I can't do my usual thing....
    Half this paragraph is just redundant nonesense that you have reported somewhere along the line. This is one thing I can agree with you on, I much rather use my fists, elbows, and knees to talk for me...
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  29. #119
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaperPro
    The most recent posts are about this arguement. This club isn't dead, I'll admit that, but it certainly isn't active. I read your rules and it is all a matter of interpretation. I feel I didn't attack Draken, but I merely questioned his credibility, which there is no rule against in your first post.
    And also about the Soul Calibur games, injuries and whatever else. The posts may be infrequent, but that's due to fewer regular posters here.

    Quote Originally Posted by PaperPro
    Now I understand that I may have come off as rude, but agressive? That's somewhat farfetched. Don't bring up that dumbass mr. moustache post, he has nothing to do me or what I said. If you didn't want me to question him then you should have put in your first post,"No questioning of credibility toward any other members." You can not expect people to imply that especailly when we are on an internet forum.
    Let me think....
    That post of yours starting with: 'Flame away.'
    For starters that can somewhat be seen as flame baiting in a very non-transparent form. And that whole grammar war thing when you yourself have made countless errors. I can almost respect your desire for truth, but when you posted that very long post about grammar war, people not having common sense and all that other crap that is hardly a non aggressive way to ask for proof. Hell you could have PMed Drake instead.

    As for my rules:

    Quote Originally Posted by celtic_silver
    But I'd like it to be dedicated to recreational fighting or funny fighting stories only. None of that bullying crud.

    Cursing is acceptable (though don't just swear for the sake of it), attacking others is not acceptable for any reason.
    So yeah, this club is about fighting in it's recreational forms. And I don't want anyone attacking another person as the last bit of that quote said. Attacking a person's reputation or claims is a form of attacking another person last time I checked.

    Quote Originally Posted by PaperPro
    Your warning was directed toward me remember what you said, "Paper Pro, LAST WARNING! If you continue with this you are out," and not only that but you told Cloud who constantly argued with me he was doing the right thing. I also like how you bold the "I" even though it really doesn't emphasize your point.
    And I agree with Cloud. He was bloody right to argue with you. As for bolding the 'I', I was emphasising that I made this club, it was made to my ideals. Cloud has every right to pull rank here. He does his best to be constructive and also to keep the ideals of this club true.

    Quote Originally Posted by PaperPro
    Hungry for some hypocracy with a side of contradiction anyone? (lol don't take this comment seriously it was a joke)
    What's more of a joke is the hypocracy shown through your actions. The whole grammar war rebuttal when yours is far from perfect yourself. And that shit about no aggressiveness. I'm no ****ing saint myself, but saying shit like:

    Quote Originally Posted by PaperPro
    For example someone who is a loser in real life could go on a forum and say he sleeps with 3 hot chicks every night and it will make him feel better, this happens ALL THE TIME. You don’t know Draken, so how do you know he is not one of these people?
    is quite clearly aggressive. Your example there is clearly used to employ negative connotations towards your suspicions about Drake. And that's all they were, suspicions.

    Quote Originally Posted by PaperPro
    Half this paragraph is just redundant nonesense that you have reported somewhere along the line. This is one thing I can agree with you on, I much rather use my fists, elbows, and knees to talk for me...
    Yeah it is redundant. But then it's redundant so I can try to drill my message through. And it seems you've spelt nonsense in a rather nonsensical fashion yourself. See my message stays the same. Yours seems to change a little every time.

    And yes, I CAN see the hypocracy behind this aggressive post on my half, BUT I'm just trying to get my club back on track. I really couldn't care anymore if you have a problem with it. This is my club. You have a problem, just stop posting or make your own club dedicated solely to arguments or whatever you want. Why not a debating club or something, you seem very good at it.

    I'll close by saying I'd prefer you to remain here especially if you wish to say something about your fights, experiences or just something constructive but otherwise, please leave. This club is for physical fights and NOT for debates.
    victoria aut mors

  30. #120
    TFF Fighter's Guild
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    The land with the light engraved on the stone.
    Moving on to a more serious matter...

    I broke my old sword- don't ask how, the whole scene was really stupid- me & a couple of pals are to blame.

    Anyhow, I want to buy a new one, for quite a few reasons, but i don't know what to get this time. I used to have a katana, quite heavy & a bit old.

    So....what do you think? I also like the medieval type of swords, knightswords, but not the two-handed (very) heavy ones. However, the idea of a new, better katana is welcome as well.

    Living in a dangerous place, I could as well get a baseball club or something "custom made", but it's a bit harder to find those & you'll have to know exactly where to address to; dangerous stuff. Besides, I prefer swords. It's not as if i'm gonna go out with my mates & slice whoever we find, bus as i said, it would come in handy for a few reasons.

    One other thing. If i order something from abroad, do i need any special papers, or identification to receive it, or the progress will get stuck at customs? It's no use if I cannot lay my hands on it.
    Last edited by CLOUD; 09-24-2007 at 04:32 AM.

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